blob: 34752b6b64a03e6b31d473646400eb4db357f447 [file] [log] [blame]
extern crate matrixmultiply;
use matrixmultiply::{sgemm, dgemm};
use std::fmt::{Display, Debug};
trait Float : Copy + Display + Debug + PartialEq {
fn zero() -> Self;
fn one() -> Self;
fn from(i64) -> Self;
fn nan() -> Self;
impl Float for f32 {
fn zero() -> Self { 0. }
fn one() -> Self { 1. }
fn from(x: i64) -> Self { x as Self }
fn nan() -> Self { 0./0. }
impl Float for f64 {
fn zero() -> Self { 0. }
fn one() -> Self { 1. }
fn from(x: i64) -> Self { x as Self }
fn nan() -> Self { 0./0. }
trait Gemm : Sized {
unsafe fn gemm(
m: usize, k: usize, n: usize,
alpha: Self,
a: *const Self, rsa: isize, csa: isize,
b: *const Self, rsb: isize, csb: isize,
beta: Self,
c: *mut Self, rsc: isize, csc: isize);
impl Gemm for f32 {
unsafe fn gemm(
m: usize, k: usize, n: usize,
alpha: Self,
a: *const Self, rsa: isize, csa: isize,
b: *const Self, rsb: isize, csb: isize,
beta: Self,
c: *mut Self, rsc: isize, csc: isize) {
m, k, n,
a, rsa, csa,
b, rsb, csb,
c, rsc, csc)
impl Gemm for f64 {
unsafe fn gemm(
m: usize, k: usize, n: usize,
alpha: Self,
a: *const Self, rsa: isize, csa: isize,
b: *const Self, rsb: isize, csb: isize,
beta: Self,
c: *mut Self, rsc: isize, csc: isize) {
m, k, n,
a, rsa, csa,
b, rsb, csb,
c, rsc, csc)
fn test_sgemm() {
fn test_dgemm() {
fn test_gemm<F>() where F: Gemm + Float {
test_mul_with_id::<F>(4, 4, true);
test_mul_with_id::<F>(8, 8, true);
test_mul_with_id::<F>(32, 32, false);
test_mul_with_id::<F>(128, 128, false);
test_mul_with_id::<F>(17, 128, false);
for i in 0..12 {
for j in 0..12 {
test_mul_with_id::<F>(i, j, true);
test_mul_with_id::<F>(17, 257, false);
test_mul_with_id::<F>(24, 512, false);
for i in 0..10 {
for j in 0..10 {
test_mul_with_id::<F>(i * 4, j * 4, true);
test_mul_with_id::<F>(266, 265, false);
test_mul_id_with::<F>(4, 4, true);
for i in 0..12 {
for j in 0..12 {
test_mul_id_with::<F>(i, j, true);
test_mul_id_with::<F>(266, 265, false);
test_scale::<F>(4, 4, 4, true);
test_scale::<F>(19, 20, 16, true);
test_scale::<F>(150, 140, 128, false);
/// multiply a M x N matrix with an N x N id matrix
fn test_mul_with_id<F>(m: usize, n: usize, small: bool)
where F: Gemm + Float
let (m, k, n) = (m, n, n);
let mut a = vec![F::zero(); m * k];
let mut b = vec![F::zero(); k * n];
let mut c = vec![F::zero(); m * n];
println!("test matrix with id input M={}, N={}", m, n);
for (i, elt) in a.iter_mut().enumerate() {
*elt = F::from(i as i64);
for i in 0..k {
b[i + i * k] = F::one();
unsafe {
m, k, n,
a.as_ptr(), k as isize, 1,
b.as_ptr(), n as isize, 1,
c.as_mut_ptr(), n as isize, 1,
for (i, (x, y)) in a.iter().zip(&c).enumerate() {
if x != y {
if k != 0 && n != 0 && small {
for row in a.chunks(k) {
println!("{:?}", row);
for row in b.chunks(n) {
println!("{:?}", row);
for row in c.chunks(n) {
println!("{:?}", row);
panic!("mismatch at index={}, x: {}, y: {} (matrix input M={}, N={})",
i, x, y, m, n);
println!("passed matrix with id input M={}, N={}", m, n);
/// multiply a K x K id matrix with an K x N matrix
fn test_mul_id_with<F>(k: usize, n: usize, small: bool)
where F: Gemm + Float
let (m, k, n) = (k, k, n);
let mut a = vec![F::zero(); m * k];
let mut b = vec![F::zero(); k * n];
let mut c = vec![F::zero(); m * n];
for i in 0..k {
a[i + i * k] = F::one();
for (i, elt) in b.iter_mut().enumerate() {
*elt = F::from(i as i64);
unsafe {
m, k, n,
a.as_ptr(), k as isize, 1,
b.as_ptr(), n as isize, 1,
c.as_mut_ptr(), n as isize, 1,
for (i, (x, y)) in b.iter().zip(&c).enumerate() {
if x != y {
if k != 0 && n != 0 && small {
for row in a.chunks(k) {
println!("{:?}", row);
for row in b.chunks(n) {
println!("{:?}", row);
for row in c.chunks(n) {
println!("{:?}", row);
panic!("mismatch at index={}, x: {}, y: {} (matrix input M={}, N={})",
i, x, y, m, n);
println!("passed id with matrix input K={}, N={}", k, n);
fn test_scale<F>(m: usize, k: usize, n: usize, small: bool)
where F: Gemm + Float
let (m, k, n) = (m, k, n);
let mut a = vec![F::zero(); m * k];
let mut b = vec![F::zero(); k * n];
let mut c1 = vec![F::one(); m * n];
let mut c2 = vec![F::nan(); m * n];
// init c2 with NaN to test the overwriting behavior when beta = 0.
for (i, elt) in a.iter_mut().enumerate() {
*elt = F::from(i as i64);
for (i, elt) in b.iter_mut().enumerate() {
*elt = F::from(i as i64);
unsafe {
// 4 A B
m, k, n,
a.as_ptr(), k as isize, 1,
b.as_ptr(), n as isize, 1,
c1.as_mut_ptr(), n as isize, 1,
// A B
m, k, n,
a.as_ptr(), k as isize, 1,
b.as_ptr(), n as isize, 1,
c2.as_mut_ptr(), n as isize, 1,
// (2 A B) + A B
m, k, n,
a.as_ptr(), k as isize, 1,
b.as_ptr(), n as isize, 1,
c2.as_mut_ptr(), n as isize, 1,
for (i, (x, y)) in c1.iter().zip(&c2).enumerate() {
if x != y {
if k != 0 && n != 0 && small {
for row in a.chunks(k) {
println!("{:?}", row);
for row in b.chunks(n) {
println!("{:?}", row);
for row in c1.chunks(n) {
println!("{:?}", row);
for row in c2.chunks(n) {
println!("{:?}", row);
panic!("mismatch at index={}, x: {}, y: {} (matrix input M={}, N={})",
i, x, y, m, n);
println!("passed matrix with id input M={}, N={}", m, n);