blob: b30ac53256ee2c3d0210b87b2bc9ca2764af5e30 [file] [log] [blame]
//! The encoder and decoder of the ZLIB format.
//! The ZLIB format is defined in [RFC-1950](
//! # Examples
//! ```
//! use std::io::{self, Read};
//! use libflate::zlib::{Encoder, Decoder};
//! // Encoding
//! let mut encoder = Encoder::new(Vec::new()).unwrap();
//! io::copy(&mut &b"Hello World!"[..], &mut encoder).unwrap();
//! let encoded_data = encoder.finish().into_result().unwrap();
//! // Decoding
//! let mut decoder = Decoder::new(&encoded_data[..]).unwrap();
//! let mut decoded_data = Vec::new();
//! decoder.read_to_end(&mut decoded_data).unwrap();
//! assert_eq!(decoded_data, b"Hello World!");
//! ```
use std::io;
use byteorder::BigEndian;
use byteorder::ReadBytesExt;
use byteorder::WriteBytesExt;
use lz77;
use deflate;
use checksum;
use finish::Finish;
/// Compression levels defined by the ZLIB format.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialOrd, Ord, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub enum CompressionLevel {
/// Compressor used fastest algorithm.
Fastest = 0,
/// Compressor used fast algorithm.
Fast = 1,
/// Compressor used default algorithm.
Default = 2,
/// Compressor used maximum compression, slowest algorithm.
Slowest = 3,
impl CompressionLevel {
fn from_u2(level: u8) -> Self {
match level {
0 => CompressionLevel::Fastest,
1 => CompressionLevel::Fast,
2 => CompressionLevel::Default,
3 => CompressionLevel::Slowest,
_ => unreachable!(),
fn as_u2(&self) -> u8 {
self.clone() as u8
impl From<lz77::CompressionLevel> for CompressionLevel {
fn from(f: lz77::CompressionLevel) -> Self {
match f {
lz77::CompressionLevel::None => CompressionLevel::Fastest,
lz77::CompressionLevel::Fast => CompressionLevel::Fast,
lz77::CompressionLevel::Balance => CompressionLevel::Default,
lz77::CompressionLevel::Best => CompressionLevel::Slowest,
/// LZ77 Window sizes defined by the ZLIB format.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialOrd, Ord, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub enum Lz77WindowSize {
/// 256 bytes
B256 = 0,
/// 512 btyes
B512 = 1,
/// 1 kilobyte
KB1 = 2,
/// 2 kilobytes
KB2 = 3,
/// 4 kitobytes
KB4 = 4,
/// 8 kitobytes
KB8 = 5,
/// 16 kitobytes
KB16 = 6,
/// 32 kitobytes
KB32 = 7,
impl Lz77WindowSize {
fn from_u4(compression_info: u8) -> Option<Self> {
match compression_info {
0 => Some(Lz77WindowSize::B256),
1 => Some(Lz77WindowSize::B512),
2 => Some(Lz77WindowSize::KB1),
3 => Some(Lz77WindowSize::KB2),
4 => Some(Lz77WindowSize::KB4),
5 => Some(Lz77WindowSize::KB8),
6 => Some(Lz77WindowSize::KB16),
7 => Some(Lz77WindowSize::KB32),
_ => None,
fn as_u4(&self) -> u8 {
self.clone() as u8
/// Converts from `u16` to Lz77WindowSize`.
/// Fractions are rounded to next upper window size.
/// If `size` exceeds maximum window size,
/// `lz77::MAX_WINDOW_SIZE` will be used instead.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use libflate::zlib::Lz77WindowSize;
/// assert_eq!(Lz77WindowSize::from_u16(15000), Lz77WindowSize::KB16);
/// assert_eq!(Lz77WindowSize::from_u16(16384), Lz77WindowSize::KB16);
/// assert_eq!(Lz77WindowSize::from_u16(16385), Lz77WindowSize::KB32);
/// assert_eq!(Lz77WindowSize::from_u16(40000), Lz77WindowSize::KB32);
/// ```
pub fn from_u16(size: u16) -> Self {
use self::Lz77WindowSize::*;
if 16384 < size {
} else if 8192 < size {
} else if 4096 < size {
} else if 2048 < size {
} else if 1024 < size {
} else if 512 < size {
} else if 256 < size {
} else {
/// Converts from `Lz77WindowSize` to `u16`.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use libflate::zlib::Lz77WindowSize;
/// assert_eq!(Lz77WindowSize::KB16.to_u16(), 16384u16);
/// ```
pub fn to_u16(&self) -> u16 {
use self::Lz77WindowSize::*;
match *self {
B256 => 256,
B512 => 512,
KB1 => 1024,
KB2 => 2048,
KB4 => 4096,
KB8 => 8192,
KB16 => 16384,
KB32 => 32768,
/// ZLIB header.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub struct Header {
window_size: Lz77WindowSize,
compression_level: CompressionLevel,
impl Header {
/// Returns the LZ77 window size stored in the header.
pub fn window_size(&self) -> Lz77WindowSize {
/// Returns the compression level stored in the header.
pub fn compression_level(&self) -> CompressionLevel {
fn from_lz77<E>(lz77: &E) -> Self
E: lz77::Lz77Encode,
Header {
compression_level: From::from(lz77.compression_level()),
window_size: Lz77WindowSize::from_u16(lz77.window_size()),
pub(crate) fn read_from<R>(mut reader: R) -> io::Result<Self>
R: io::Read,
let cmf = reader.read_u8()?;
let flg = reader.read_u8()?;
let check = ((cmf as u16) << 8) + flg as u16;
if check % 31 != 0 {
return Err(invalid_data_error!(
"Inconsistent ZLIB check bits: `CMF({}) * 256 + \
FLG({})` must be a multiple of 31",
let compression_method = cmf & 0b1111;
let compression_info = cmf >> 4;
if compression_method != COMPRESSION_METHOD_DEFLATE {
return Err(invalid_data_error!(
"Compression methods other than DEFLATE(8) are \
unsupported: method={}",
let window_size = Lz77WindowSize::from_u4(compression_info).ok_or_else(|| {
invalid_data_error!("CINFO above 7 are not allowed: value={}", compression_info)
let dict_flag = (flg & 0b100000) != 0;
if dict_flag {
let dictionary_id = reader.read_u32::<BigEndian>()?;
return Err(invalid_data_error!(
"Preset dictionaries are not supported: \
let compression_level = CompressionLevel::from_u2(flg >> 6);
Ok(Header {
window_size: window_size,
compression_level: compression_level,
fn write_to<W>(&self, mut writer: W) -> io::Result<()>
W: io::Write,
let cmf = (self.window_size.as_u4() << 4) | COMPRESSION_METHOD_DEFLATE;
let mut flg = self.compression_level.as_u2() << 6;
let check = ((cmf as u16) << 8) + flg as u16;
if check % 31 != 0 {
flg += (31 - check % 31) as u8;
/// ZLIB decoder.
pub struct Decoder<R> {
header: Header,
reader: deflate::Decoder<R>,
adler32: checksum::Adler32,
eos: bool,
impl<R> Decoder<R>
R: io::Read,
/// Makes a new decoder instance.
/// `inner` is to be decoded ZLIB stream.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use std::io::Read;
/// use libflate::zlib::Decoder;
/// let encoded_data = [120, 156, 243, 72, 205, 201, 201, 87, 8, 207, 47,
/// 202, 73, 81, 4, 0, 28, 73, 4, 62];
/// let mut decoder = Decoder::new(&encoded_data[..]).unwrap();
/// let mut buf = Vec::new();
/// decoder.read_to_end(&mut buf).unwrap();
/// assert_eq!(buf, b"Hello World!");
/// ```
pub fn new(mut inner: R) -> io::Result<Self> {
let header = Header::read_from(&mut inner)?;
Ok(Decoder {
header: header,
reader: deflate::Decoder::new(inner),
adler32: checksum::Adler32::new(),
eos: false,
/// Returns the header of the ZLIB stream.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use libflate::zlib::{Decoder, CompressionLevel};
/// let encoded_data = [120, 156, 243, 72, 205, 201, 201, 87, 8, 207, 47,
/// 202, 73, 81, 4, 0, 28, 73, 4, 62];
/// let decoder = Decoder::new(&encoded_data[..]).unwrap();
/// assert_eq!(decoder.header().compression_level(),
/// CompressionLevel::Default);
/// ```
pub fn header(&self) -> &Header {
/// Unwraps this `Decoder`, returning the underlying reader.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use std::io::Cursor;
/// use libflate::zlib::Decoder;
/// let encoded_data = [120, 156, 243, 72, 205, 201, 201, 87, 8, 207, 47,
/// 202, 73, 81, 4, 0, 28, 73, 4, 62];
/// let decoder = Decoder::new(Cursor::new(&encoded_data)).unwrap();
/// assert_eq!(decoder.into_inner().into_inner(), &encoded_data);
/// ```
pub fn into_inner(self) -> R {
impl<R> io::Read for Decoder<R>
R: io::Read,
fn read(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> io::Result<usize> {
if self.eos {
} else {
let read_size =;
if read_size == 0 {
self.eos = true;
let adler32 = self.reader.as_inner_mut().read_u32::<BigEndian>()?;
if adler32 != self.adler32.value() {
"Adler32 checksum mismatched: value={}, expected={}",
} else {
} else {
/// Options for a ZLIB encoder.
pub struct EncodeOptions<E>
E: lz77::Lz77Encode,
header: Header,
options: deflate::EncodeOptions<E>,
impl Default for EncodeOptions<lz77::DefaultLz77Encoder> {
fn default() -> Self {
EncodeOptions {
header: Header::from_lz77(&lz77::DefaultLz77Encoder::new()),
options: Default::default(),
impl EncodeOptions<lz77::DefaultLz77Encoder> {
/// Makes a default instance.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use libflate::zlib::{Encoder, EncodeOptions};
/// let options = EncodeOptions::new();
/// let encoder = Encoder::with_options(Vec::new(), options).unwrap();
/// ```
pub fn new() -> Self {
impl<E> EncodeOptions<E>
E: lz77::Lz77Encode,
/// Specifies the LZ77 encoder used to compress input data.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use libflate::lz77::DefaultLz77Encoder;
/// use libflate::zlib::{Encoder, EncodeOptions};
/// let options = EncodeOptions::with_lz77(DefaultLz77Encoder::new());
/// let encoder = Encoder::with_options(Vec::new(), options).unwrap();
/// ```
pub fn with_lz77(lz77: E) -> Self {
EncodeOptions {
header: Header::from_lz77(&lz77),
options: deflate::EncodeOptions::with_lz77(lz77),
/// Disables LZ77 compression.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use libflate::lz77::DefaultLz77Encoder;
/// use libflate::zlib::{Encoder, EncodeOptions};
/// let options = EncodeOptions::new().no_compression();
/// let encoder = Encoder::with_options(Vec::new(), options).unwrap();
/// ```
pub fn no_compression(mut self) -> Self {
self.options = self.options.no_compression();
self.header.compression_level = CompressionLevel::Fastest;
/// Specifies the hint of the size of a DEFLATE block.
/// The default value is `deflate::DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE`.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use libflate::zlib::{Encoder, EncodeOptions};
/// let options = EncodeOptions::new().block_size(512 * 1024);
/// let encoder = Encoder::with_options(Vec::new(), options).unwrap();
/// ```
pub fn block_size(mut self, size: usize) -> Self {
self.options = self.options.block_size(size);
/// Specifies to compress with fixed huffman codes.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use libflate::zlib::{Encoder, EncodeOptions};
/// let options = EncodeOptions::new().fixed_huffman_codes();
/// let encoder = Encoder::with_options(Vec::new(), options).unwrap();
/// ```
pub fn fixed_huffman_codes(mut self) -> Self {
self.options = self.options.fixed_huffman_codes();
/// ZLIB encoder.
pub struct Encoder<W, E = lz77::DefaultLz77Encoder> {
header: Header,
writer: deflate::Encoder<W, E>,
adler32: checksum::Adler32,
impl<W> Encoder<W, lz77::DefaultLz77Encoder>
W: io::Write,
/// Makes a new encoder instance.
/// Encoded ZLIB stream is written to `inner`.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use std::io::Write;
/// use libflate::zlib::Encoder;
/// let mut encoder = Encoder::new(Vec::new()).unwrap();
/// encoder.write_all(b"Hello World!").unwrap();
/// assert_eq!(encoder.finish().into_result().unwrap(),
/// [120, 156, 5, 128, 65, 9, 0, 0, 8, 3, 171, 104, 27, 27, 88, 64, 127,
/// 7, 131, 245, 127, 140, 121, 80, 173, 204, 117, 0, 28, 73, 4, 62]);
/// ```
pub fn new(inner: W) -> io::Result<Self> {
Self::with_options(inner, EncodeOptions::default())
impl<W, E> Encoder<W, E>
W: io::Write,
E: lz77::Lz77Encode,
/// Makes a new encoder instance with specified options.
/// Encoded ZLIB stream is written to `inner`.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use std::io::Write;
/// use libflate::zlib::{Encoder, EncodeOptions};
/// let options = EncodeOptions::new().no_compression();
/// let mut encoder = Encoder::with_options(Vec::new(), options).unwrap();
/// encoder.write_all(b"Hello World!").unwrap();
/// assert_eq!(encoder.finish().into_result().unwrap(),
/// [120, 1, 1, 12, 0, 243, 255, 72, 101, 108, 108, 111, 32, 87, 111,
/// 114, 108, 100, 33, 28, 73, 4, 62]);
/// ```
pub fn with_options(mut inner: W, options: EncodeOptions<E>) -> io::Result<Self> {
options.header.write_to(&mut inner)?;
Ok(Encoder {
header: options.header,
writer: deflate::Encoder::with_options(inner, options.options),
adler32: checksum::Adler32::new(),
/// Returns the header of the ZLIB stream.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use libflate::zlib::{Encoder, Lz77WindowSize};
/// let encoder = Encoder::new(Vec::new()).unwrap();
/// assert_eq!(encoder.header().window_size(), Lz77WindowSize::KB32);
/// ```
pub fn header(&self) -> &Header {
/// Writes the ZLIB trailer and returns the inner stream.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use std::io::Write;
/// use libflate::zlib::Encoder;
/// let mut encoder = Encoder::new(Vec::new()).unwrap();
/// encoder.write_all(b"Hello World!").unwrap();
/// assert_eq!(encoder.finish().into_result().unwrap(),
/// [120, 156, 5, 128, 65, 9, 0, 0, 8, 3, 171, 104, 27, 27, 88, 64, 127,
/// 7, 131, 245, 127, 140, 121, 80, 173, 204, 117, 0, 28, 73, 4, 62]);
/// ```
pub fn finish(self) -> Finish<W, io::Error> {
let mut inner = finish_try!(self.writer.finish());
match inner
.and_then(|_| inner.flush()) {
Ok(_) => Finish::new(inner, None),
Err(e) => Finish::new(inner, Some(e)),
impl<W> io::Write for Encoder<W>
W: io::Write,
fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> io::Result<usize> {
let written_size = self.writer.write(buf)?;
fn flush(&mut self) -> io::Result<()> {
mod test {
use std::io;
use super::*;
fn decode_all(buf: &[u8]) -> io::Result<Vec<u8>> {
let mut decoder = Decoder::new(buf).unwrap();
let mut buf = Vec::with_capacity(buf.len());
io::copy(&mut decoder, &mut buf)?;
fn default_encode(buf: &[u8]) -> io::Result<Vec<u8>> {
let mut encoder = Encoder::new(Vec::new()).unwrap();
io::copy(&mut &buf[..], &mut encoder).unwrap();
macro_rules! assert_encode_decode {
($input:expr) => {
let encoded = default_encode(&$input[..]).unwrap();
assert_eq!(decode_all(&encoded).unwrap(), &$input[..]);
#[cfg_attr(rustfmt, rustfmt_skip)]
const DECODE_WORKS_TESTDATA: [u8; 20] = [
120, 156, 243, 72, 205, 201, 201, 87, 8, 207, 47, 202, 73, 81, 4, 0, 28, 73, 4, 62
fn decode_works() {
let mut decoder = Decoder::new(&encoded[..]).unwrap();
Header {
window_size: Lz77WindowSize::KB32,
compression_level: CompressionLevel::Default,
let mut buf = Vec::new();
io::copy(&mut decoder, &mut buf).unwrap();
let expected = b"Hello World!";
assert_eq!(buf, expected);
fn default_encode_works() {
let plain = b"Hello World! Hello ZLIB!!";
let mut encoder = Encoder::new(Vec::new()).unwrap();
io::copy(&mut &plain[..], &mut encoder).unwrap();
let encoded = encoder.finish().into_result().unwrap();
assert_eq!(decode_all(&encoded).unwrap(), plain);
fn best_speed_encode_works() {
let plain = b"Hello World! Hello ZLIB!!";
let mut encoder =
Encoder::with_options(Vec::new(), EncodeOptions::default().fixed_huffman_codes())
io::copy(&mut &plain[..], &mut encoder).unwrap();
let encoded = encoder.finish().into_result().unwrap();
assert_eq!(decode_all(&encoded).unwrap(), plain);
#[cfg_attr(rustfmt, rustfmt_skip)]
const RAW_ENCODE_WORKS_EXPECTED: [u8; 23] = [
120, 1, 1, 12, 0, 243, 255, 72, 101, 108, 108, 111, 32, 87, 111, 114, 108, 100, 33, 28, 73, 4, 62
fn raw_encode_works() {
let plain = b"Hello World!";
let mut encoder = Encoder::with_options(Vec::new(), EncodeOptions::new().no_compression())
io::copy(&mut &plain[..], &mut encoder).unwrap();
let encoded = encoder.finish().into_result().unwrap();
assert_eq!(encoded, expected);
assert_eq!(decode_all(&encoded).unwrap(), plain);
#[cfg_attr(rustfmt, rustfmt_skip)]
fn test_issue_2() {
// See:
[163, 181, 167, 40, 62, 239, 41, 125, 189, 217, 61, 122, 20,
136, 160, 178, 119, 217, 217, 41, 125, 189, 97, 195, 101, 47, 170]
[162, 58, 99, 211, 7, 64, 96, 36, 57, 155, 53, 166, 76, 14, 238, 66, 66, 148, 154, 124,
162, 58, 99, 188, 138, 131, 171, 189, 54, 229, 192, 38, 29, 240, 122, 28]
[239, 238, 212, 42, 5, 46, 186, 67, 122, 247, 30, 61, 219, 62, 228, 202, 164, 205,
139, 109, 99, 181, 99, 181, 99, 122, 30, 12, 62, 46, 27, 145, 241, 183, 137]
[88, 202, 64, 12, 125, 108, 153, 49, 164, 250, 71, 19, 4, 108, 111, 108, 237, 205,
208, 77, 217, 100, 118, 49, 10, 64, 12, 125, 51, 202, 69, 67, 181, 146, 86]