blob: 12bbff7b4d3a32d0715f847c1f8148eaa7c3257b [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License..
#![crate_name = "helloworldsampleenclave"]
#![crate_type = "staticlib"]
#![cfg_attr(not(target_env = "sgx"), no_std)]
#![cfg_attr(target_env = "sgx", feature(rustc_private))]
extern crate sgx_types;
extern crate sgx_trts;
#[cfg(not(target_env = "sgx"))]
extern crate sgx_tstd as std;
use sgx_types::*;
use sgx_types::metadata::*;
use sgx_trts::enclave;
//use sgx_trts::{is_x86_feature_detected, is_cpu_feature_supported};
use std::string::String;
use std::vec::Vec;
use std::io::{self, Write};
use std::slice;
use std::backtrace::{self, PrintFormat};
type binmap_t = u32;
//type size_t = u64;
type flag_t = u32;
struct malloc_chunk {
prev_foot: size_t,
head: size_t,
fd: * mut malloc_chunk,
bk: * mut malloc_chunk,
const NSMALLBINS: size_t = 32;
const NTREEBINS: size_t = 32;
struct malloc_segment {
base: * mut i8,
size: * mut size_t,
next: * mut malloc_segment,
fsflags: flag_t,
struct malloc_state {
smallmap: binmap_t,
treemap: binmap_t,
dvsize: size_t,
topsize: size_t,
least_addr: * mut i8,
dv: * mut malloc_chunk,
top: * mut malloc_chunk,
trim_check: size_t,
release_checks: size_t,
magic: size_t,
smallbins: [* mut malloc_chunk;(NSMALLBINS+1)*2],
treebins: [* mut malloc_chunk;NTREEBINS],
footprint: size_t,
max_footprint: size_t,
footprint_limit: size_t,
mflags: flag_t,
seg: malloc_segment,
extp: * mut c_void,
mutex: u32, // MLOCK_T
exts: size_t,
#[link_name = "sgx_tstdc"]
extern "C" {
static _gm_: malloc_state;
pub extern "C" fn say_something(some_string: *const u8, some_len: usize) -> sgx_status_t {
let mut word_vec;
unsafe {
println!("global memory footprint = {}", _gm_.footprint);
println!("global memory max_footprint = {}", _gm_.max_footprint);
println!("global memory footprint_limit = {}", _gm_.footprint_limit);
// An vector
word_vec = vec![32, 115, 116, 114, 105, 110, 103, 33];
for i in 0..10000 {
word_vec.push((i as u8) % 0xff);
println!("global memory footprint = {}", _gm_.footprint);
println!("global memory max_footprint = {}", _gm_.max_footprint);
println!("global memory footprint_limit = {}", _gm_.footprint_limit);
word_vec = vec![32, 115, 116, 114, 105, 110, 103, 33];
let str_slice = unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts(some_string, some_len) };
let _ = io::stdout().write(str_slice);
// A sample &'static string
let rust_raw_string = "This is a in-Enclave ";
// An array
let word:[u8;4] = [82, 117, 115, 116];
// Construct a string from &'static string
let mut hello_string = String::from(rust_raw_string);
// Iterate on word array
for c in word.iter() {
hello_string.push(*c as char);
// Rust style convertion
hello_string += String::from_utf8(word_vec).expect("Invalid UTF-8")
// Ocall to normal world for output
println!("{}", &hello_string);
let _ = backtrace::enable_backtrace("", PrintFormat::Full);
let gd = enclave::SgxGlobalData::new();
println!("gd: {} {} {} {} ", gd.get_static_tcs_num(), gd.get_eremove_tcs_num(), gd.get_dyn_tcs_num(), gd.get_tcs_max_num());
let (static_num, eremove_num, dyn_num) = get_thread_num();
println!("static: {} eremove: {} dyn: {}", static_num, eremove_num, dyn_num);
unsafe {
println!("EDMM: {}, feature: {}", EDMM_supported, g_cpu_feature_indicator);
if is_x86_feature_detected!("sgx") {
println!("supported sgx");
#[link(name = "sgx_trts")]
extern {
static g_cpu_feature_indicator: uint64_t;
static EDMM_supported: c_int;
fn get_thread_num() -> (u32, u32, u32) {
let gd = unsafe {
let p = enclave::rsgx_get_global_data();
let mut static_thread_num: u32 = 0;
let mut eremove_thread_num: u32 = 0;
let mut dyn_thread_num: u32 = 0;
let layout_table = &gd.layout_table[ as usize];
unsafe { traversal_layout(&mut static_thread_num, &mut dyn_thread_num, &mut eremove_thread_num, layout_table); }
unsafe fn traversal_layout(static_num: &mut u32, dyn_num: &mut u32, eremove_num: &mut u32, layout_table: &[layout_t])
for (i, layout) in layout_table.iter().enumerate() {
if !is_group_id!( as u32) {
if (layout.entry.attributes & PAGE_ATTR_EADD) != 0 {
if (layout.entry.content_offset != 0) && (layout.entry.si_flags == SI_FLAGS_TCS) {
if (layout.entry.attributes & PAGE_ATTR_EREMOVE) == 0 {
*static_num += 1;
} else {
*eremove_num += 1;
if (layout.entry.attributes & PAGE_ATTR_POST_ADD) != 0 {
if == LAYOUT_ID_TCS_DYN as u16 {
*dyn_num += 1;
} else {
for _ in {
traversal_layout(static_num, dyn_num, eremove_num, &layout_table[i - as usize..i])
(static_thread_num, eremove_thread_num, dyn_thread_num)