blob: 0d9df23880d05582fa73699e0a418a6f6e4c9520 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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//! # Trusted Runtime System
//! The Intel(R) SGX trusted runtime system (tRTS) is a key component of the Intel(R) Software Guard Extensions SDK.
//! It provides the enclave entry point logic as well as other functions to be used by enclave developers.
//! **Intel(R) Software Guard Extensions Helper Functions**
//! **CustomExceptionHandling**
//! # Intel(R) Software Guard Extensions Helper Functions
//! The tRTS provides the helper functions for you to determine whether a given address is within or outside
//! enclave memory.
//! The tRTS provides a wrapper to the RDRAND instruction to generate a true random number from hardware.
//! enclave developers should use the rsgx_read_rand function to get true random numbers.
//! # CustomExceptionHandling
//! The Intel(R) Software Guard Extensions SDK provides an API to allow you to register functions, or exception handlers,
//! to handle a limited set of hardware exceptions. When one of the enclave supported hardware exceptions occurs within
//! the enclave, the registered exception handlers will be called in a specific order until an exception handler reports
//! that it has handled the exception. For example, issuing a CPUID instruction inside an Enclave will result in a #UD fault
//! (Invalid Opcode Exception). ISV enclave code can call rsgx_register_exception_handler to register a function of type
//! sgx_exception_handler_t to respond to this exception. To check a list of enclave supported exceptions, see Intel(R)
//! Software Guard Extensions Programming Reference.
//! **Note**
//! Custom exception handling is only supported in HW mode. Although the exception handlers can be registered in simulation mode,
//! the exceptions cannot be caught and handled within the enclave.
//! **Note**
//! OCALLs are not allowed in the exception handler.
//! **Note**
//! Custom exception handing only saves general purpose registers in sgx_ exception_info_t. You should be careful when touching
//! other registers in the exception handlers.
//! **Note**
//! If the exception handlers can not handle the exceptions, abort() is called.
//! abort() makes the enclave unusable and generates another exception.
#![cfg_attr(target_env = "sgx", feature(rustc_private))]
#[cfg(target_env = "sgx")]
extern crate sgx_types;
#[cfg(target_env = "sgx")]
extern crate sgx_libc;
extern crate alloc;
mod macros;
pub mod aex;
pub mod ascii;
pub mod c_str;
pub mod cpu_feature;
pub mod cpuid;
pub mod emm;
pub mod enclave;
pub mod memchr;
pub mod memeq;
pub mod oom;
pub mod trts;
pub mod veh;
#[cfg(not(target_env = "sgx"))]
pub use sgx_libc as libc;
#[cfg(target_env = "sgx")]
pub mod libc {
pub use sgx_libc::*;
pub mod error {
pub use sgx_libc::{errno, error_string, set_errno};