blob: 7d996e571555ee1e5928355019b1ca67adee361e [file] [log] [blame]
//! Implementation of panics via stack unwinding
//! This crate is an implementation of panics in Rust using "most native" stack
//! unwinding mechanism of the platform this is being compiled for. This
//! essentially gets categorized into three buckets currently:
//! 1. MSVC targets use SEH in the `` file.
//! 2. The 64-bit MinGW target half-uses SEH and half-use gcc-like information
//! in the `` module.
//! 3. All other targets use libunwind/libgcc in the `gcc/` module.
//! More documentation about each implementation can be found in the respective
//! module.
#![unstable(feature = "panic_unwind", issue = "32837")]
extern crate alloc;
extern crate sgx_libc;
extern crate sgx_unwind;
use alloc::boxed::Box;
use core::intrinsics;
use core::mem;
use core::raw;
use core::panic::BoxMeUp;
#[path = ""]
mod imp;
mod dwarf;
// Entry point for catching an exception, implemented using the `try` intrinsic
// in the compiler.
// The interaction between the `payload` function and the compiler is pretty
// hairy and tightly coupled, for more information see the compiler's
// implementation of this.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn __rust_maybe_catch_panic(f: fn(*mut u8),
data: *mut u8,
data_ptr: *mut usize,
vtable_ptr: *mut usize)
-> u32 {
let mut payload = imp::payload();
if intrinsics::r#try(f, data, &mut payload as *mut _ as *mut _) == 0 {
} else {
let obj = mem::transmute::<_, raw::TraitObject>(imp::cleanup(payload));
*data_ptr = as usize;
*vtable_ptr = obj.vtable as usize;
// Entry point for raising an exception, just delegates to the platform-specific
// implementation.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn __rust_start_panic(payload: usize) -> u32 {
let payload = payload as *mut &mut dyn BoxMeUp;