blob: 2862654d2035bae4b6774ee8dbd9f3f772e2c045 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License..
use super::*;
use crate::collections::hash_map::DefaultHasher;
use crate::collections::{BTreeSet, HashSet};
use crate::hash::Hasher;
use crate::rc::Rc;
use crate::sync::Arc;
use sgx_test_utils::{bench_case, black_box, test_case};
use sgx_test_utils::Bencher;
macro_rules! t (
($path:expr, iter: $iter:expr) => (
let path = Path::new($path);
// Forward iteration
let comps = path.iter()
.map(|p| p.to_string_lossy().into_owned())
let exp: &[&str] = &$iter;
let exps = exp.iter().map(|s| s.to_string()).collect::<Vec<String>>();
assert!(comps == exps, "iter: Expected {:?}, found {:?}",
exps, comps);
// Reverse iteration
let comps = Path::new($path).iter().rev()
.map(|p| p.to_string_lossy().into_owned())
let exps = exps.into_iter().rev().collect::<Vec<String>>();
assert!(comps == exps, "iter().rev(): Expected {:?}, found {:?}",
exps, comps);
($path:expr, has_root: $has_root:expr, is_absolute: $is_absolute:expr) => (
let path = Path::new($path);
let act_root = path.has_root();
assert!(act_root == $has_root, "has_root: Expected {:?}, found {:?}",
$has_root, act_root);
let act_abs = path.is_absolute();
assert!(act_abs == $is_absolute, "is_absolute: Expected {:?}, found {:?}",
$is_absolute, act_abs);
($path:expr, parent: $parent:expr, file_name: $file:expr) => (
let path = Path::new($path);
let parent = path.parent().map(|p| p.to_str().unwrap());
let exp_parent: Option<&str> = $parent;
assert!(parent == exp_parent, "parent: Expected {:?}, found {:?}",
exp_parent, parent);
let file = path.file_name().map(|p| p.to_str().unwrap());
let exp_file: Option<&str> = $file;
assert!(file == exp_file, "file_name: Expected {:?}, found {:?}",
exp_file, file);
($path:expr, file_stem: $file_stem:expr, extension: $extension:expr) => (
let path = Path::new($path);
let stem = path.file_stem().map(|p| p.to_str().unwrap());
let exp_stem: Option<&str> = $file_stem;
assert!(stem == exp_stem, "file_stem: Expected {:?}, found {:?}",
exp_stem, stem);
let ext = path.extension().map(|p| p.to_str().unwrap());
let exp_ext: Option<&str> = $extension;
assert!(ext == exp_ext, "extension: Expected {:?}, found {:?}",
exp_ext, ext);
($path:expr, file_prefix: $file_prefix:expr, extension: $extension:expr) => (
let path = Path::new($path);
let prefix = path.file_prefix().map(|p| p.to_str().unwrap());
let exp_prefix: Option<&str> = $file_prefix;
assert!(prefix == exp_prefix, "file_prefix: Expected {:?}, found {:?}",
exp_prefix, prefix);
let ext = path.extension().map(|p| p.to_str().unwrap());
let exp_ext: Option<&str> = $extension;
assert!(ext == exp_ext, "extension: Expected {:?}, found {:?}",
exp_ext, ext);
($path:expr, iter: $iter:expr,
has_root: $has_root:expr, is_absolute: $is_absolute:expr,
parent: $parent:expr, file_name: $file:expr,
file_stem: $file_stem:expr, extension: $extension:expr,
file_prefix: $file_prefix:expr) => (
t!($path, iter: $iter);
t!($path, has_root: $has_root, is_absolute: $is_absolute);
t!($path, parent: $parent, file_name: $file);
t!($path, file_stem: $file_stem, extension: $extension);
t!($path, file_prefix: $file_prefix, extension: $extension);
fn into() {
use crate::borrow::Cow;
let static_path = Path::new("/home/foo");
let static_cow_path: Cow<'static, Path> = static_path.into();
let pathbuf = PathBuf::from("/home/foo");
let path: &Path = &pathbuf;
let borrowed_cow_path: Cow<'_, Path> = path.into();
assert_eq!(static_cow_path, borrowed_cow_path);
let owned_cow_path: Cow<'static, Path> = pathbuf.into();
assert_eq!(static_cow_path, owned_cow_path);
pub fn test_decompositions_unix() {
iter: [],
has_root: false,
is_absolute: false,
parent: None,
file_name: None,
file_stem: None,
extension: None,
file_prefix: None
iter: ["foo"],
has_root: false,
is_absolute: false,
parent: Some(""),
file_name: Some("foo"),
file_stem: Some("foo"),
extension: None,
file_prefix: Some("foo")
iter: ["/"],
has_root: true,
is_absolute: true,
parent: None,
file_name: None,
file_stem: None,
extension: None,
file_prefix: None
iter: ["/", "foo"],
has_root: true,
is_absolute: true,
parent: Some("/"),
file_name: Some("foo"),
file_stem: Some("foo"),
extension: None,
file_prefix: Some("foo")
iter: ["foo"],
has_root: false,
is_absolute: false,
parent: Some(""),
file_name: Some("foo"),
file_stem: Some("foo"),
extension: None,
file_prefix: Some("foo")
iter: ["/", "foo"],
has_root: true,
is_absolute: true,
parent: Some("/"),
file_name: Some("foo"),
file_stem: Some("foo"),
extension: None,
file_prefix: Some("foo")
iter: ["foo", "bar"],
has_root: false,
is_absolute: false,
parent: Some("foo"),
file_name: Some("bar"),
file_stem: Some("bar"),
extension: None,
file_prefix: Some("bar")
iter: ["/", "foo", "bar"],
has_root: true,
is_absolute: true,
parent: Some("/foo"),
file_name: Some("bar"),
file_stem: Some("bar"),
extension: None,
file_prefix: Some("bar")
iter: ["/", "foo"],
has_root: true,
is_absolute: true,
parent: Some("/"),
file_name: Some("foo"),
file_stem: Some("foo"),
extension: None,
file_prefix: Some("foo")
iter: ["/", "foo", "bar"],
has_root: true,
is_absolute: true,
parent: Some("///foo"),
file_name: Some("bar"),
file_stem: Some("bar"),
extension: None,
file_prefix: Some("bar")
iter: ["."],
has_root: false,
is_absolute: false,
parent: Some(""),
file_name: None,
file_stem: None,
extension: None,
file_prefix: None
iter: ["/", ".."],
has_root: true,
is_absolute: true,
parent: Some("/"),
file_name: None,
file_stem: None,
extension: None,
file_prefix: None
iter: [".."],
has_root: false,
is_absolute: false,
parent: Some(""),
file_name: None,
file_stem: None,
extension: None,
file_prefix: None
iter: ["foo"],
has_root: false,
is_absolute: false,
parent: Some(""),
file_name: Some("foo"),
file_stem: Some("foo"),
extension: None,
file_prefix: Some("foo")
iter: ["foo", ".."],
has_root: false,
is_absolute: false,
parent: Some("foo"),
file_name: None,
file_stem: None,
extension: None,
file_prefix: None
iter: ["foo"],
has_root: false,
is_absolute: false,
parent: Some(""),
file_name: Some("foo"),
file_stem: Some("foo"),
extension: None,
file_prefix: Some("foo")
iter: ["foo", "bar"],
has_root: false,
is_absolute: false,
parent: Some("foo"),
file_name: Some("bar"),
file_stem: Some("bar"),
extension: None,
file_prefix: Some("bar")
iter: ["foo", ".."],
has_root: false,
is_absolute: false,
parent: Some("foo"),
file_name: None,
file_stem: None,
extension: None,
file_prefix: None
iter: ["foo", "..", "bar"],
has_root: false,
is_absolute: false,
parent: Some("foo/.."),
file_name: Some("bar"),
file_stem: Some("bar"),
extension: None,
file_prefix: Some("bar")
iter: [".", "a"],
has_root: false,
is_absolute: false,
parent: Some("."),
file_name: Some("a"),
file_stem: Some("a"),
extension: None,
file_prefix: Some("a")
iter: ["."],
has_root: false,
is_absolute: false,
parent: Some(""),
file_name: None,
file_stem: None,
extension: None,
file_prefix: None
iter: ["."],
has_root: false,
is_absolute: false,
parent: Some(""),
file_name: None,
file_stem: None,
extension: None,
file_prefix: None
iter: ["a", "b"],
has_root: false,
is_absolute: false,
parent: Some("a"),
file_name: Some("b"),
file_stem: Some("b"),
extension: None,
file_prefix: Some("b")
iter: ["a", "b"],
has_root: false,
is_absolute: false,
parent: Some("a"),
file_name: Some("b"),
file_stem: Some("b"),
extension: None,
file_prefix: Some("b")
iter: ["a", "b"],
has_root: false,
is_absolute: false,
parent: Some("a"),
file_name: Some("b"),
file_stem: Some("b"),
extension: None,
file_prefix: Some("b")
iter: ["a", "b", "c"],
has_root: false,
is_absolute: false,
parent: Some("a/b"),
file_name: Some("c"),
file_stem: Some("c"),
extension: None,
file_prefix: Some("c")
iter: [".foo"],
has_root: false,
is_absolute: false,
parent: Some(""),
file_name: Some(".foo"),
file_stem: Some(".foo"),
extension: None,
file_prefix: Some(".foo")
iter: ["a", ".foo"],
has_root: false,
is_absolute: false,
parent: Some("a"),
file_name: Some(".foo"),
file_stem: Some(".foo"),
extension: None,
file_prefix: Some(".foo")
iter: ["a", ".rustfmt.toml"],
has_root: false,
is_absolute: false,
parent: Some("a"),
file_name: Some(".rustfmt.toml"),
file_stem: Some(".rustfmt"),
extension: Some("toml"),
file_prefix: Some(".rustfmt")
iter: ["a", ".x.y.z"],
has_root: false,
is_absolute: false,
parent: Some("a"),
file_name: Some(".x.y.z"),
file_stem: Some(".x.y"),
extension: Some("z"),
file_prefix: Some(".x")
pub fn test_stem_ext() {
file_stem: Some("foo"),
extension: None
file_stem: Some("foo"),
extension: Some("")
file_stem: Some(".foo"),
extension: None
file_stem: Some("foo"),
extension: Some("txt")
file_stem: Some(""),
extension: Some("txt")
file_stem: Some(""),
extension: Some("")
t!(".", file_stem: None, extension: None);
t!("..", file_stem: None, extension: None);
t!(".x.y.z", file_stem: Some(".x.y"), extension: Some("z"));
t!("..x.y.z", file_stem: Some("..x.y"), extension: Some("z"));
t!("", file_stem: None, extension: None);
pub fn test_prefix_ext() {
file_prefix: Some("foo"),
extension: None
file_prefix: Some("foo"),
extension: Some("")
file_prefix: Some(".foo"),
extension: None
file_prefix: Some("foo"),
extension: Some("txt")
file_prefix: Some("foo"),
extension: Some("txt")
file_prefix: Some("foo"),
extension: Some("")
t!(".", file_prefix: None, extension: None);
t!("..", file_prefix: None, extension: None);
t!(".x.y.z", file_prefix: Some(".x"), extension: Some("z"));
t!("..x.y.z", file_prefix: Some("."), extension: Some("z"));
t!("", file_prefix: None, extension: None);
pub fn test_push() {
macro_rules! tp (
($path:expr, $push:expr, $expected:expr) => ( {
let mut actual = PathBuf::from($path);
assert!(actual.to_str() == Some($expected),
"pushing {:?} onto {:?}: Expected {:?}, got {:?}",
$push, $path, $expected, actual.to_str().unwrap());
tp!("", "foo", "foo");
tp!("foo", "bar", "foo/bar");
tp!("foo/", "bar", "foo/bar");
tp!("foo//", "bar", "foo//bar");
tp!("foo/.", "bar", "foo/./bar");
tp!("foo./.", "bar", "foo././bar");
tp!("foo", "", "foo/");
tp!("foo", ".", "foo/.");
tp!("foo", "..", "foo/..");
tp!("foo", "/", "/");
tp!("/foo/bar", "/", "/");
tp!("/foo/bar", "/baz", "/baz");
tp!("/foo/bar", "./baz", "/foo/bar/./baz");
pub fn test_pop() {
macro_rules! tp (
($path:expr, $expected:expr, $output:expr) => ( {
let mut actual = PathBuf::from($path);
let output = actual.pop();
assert!(actual.to_str() == Some($expected) && output == $output,
"popping from {:?}: Expected {:?}/{:?}, got {:?}/{:?}",
$path, $expected, $output,
actual.to_str().unwrap(), output);
tp!("", "", false);
tp!("/", "/", false);
tp!("foo", "", true);
tp!(".", "", true);
tp!("/foo", "/", true);
tp!("/foo/bar", "/foo", true);
tp!("foo/bar", "foo", true);
tp!("foo/.", "", true);
tp!("foo//bar", "foo", true);
pub fn test_set_file_name() {
macro_rules! tfn (
($path:expr, $file:expr, $expected:expr) => ( {
let mut p = PathBuf::from($path);
assert!(p.to_str() == Some($expected),
"setting file name of {:?} to {:?}: Expected {:?}, got {:?}",
$path, $file, $expected,
tfn!("foo", "foo", "foo");
tfn!("foo", "bar", "bar");
tfn!("foo", "", "");
tfn!("", "foo", "foo");
tfn!(".", "foo", "./foo");
tfn!("foo/", "bar", "bar");
tfn!("foo/.", "bar", "bar");
tfn!("..", "foo", "../foo");
tfn!("foo/..", "bar", "foo/../bar");
tfn!("/", "foo", "/foo");
pub fn test_set_extension() {
macro_rules! tfe (
($path:expr, $ext:expr, $expected:expr, $output:expr) => ( {
let mut p = PathBuf::from($path);
let output = p.set_extension($ext);
assert!(p.to_str() == Some($expected) && output == $output,
"setting extension of {:?} to {:?}: Expected {:?}/{:?}, got {:?}/{:?}",
$path, $ext, $expected, $output,
p.to_str().unwrap(), output);
tfe!("foo", "txt", "foo.txt", true);
tfe!("", "txt", "foo.txt", true);
tfe!("", "txt", "", true);
tfe!(".test", "txt", ".test.txt", true);
tfe!("foo.txt", "", "foo", true);
tfe!("foo", "", "foo", true);
tfe!("", "foo", "", false);
tfe!(".", "foo", ".", false);
tfe!("foo/", "bar", "", true);
tfe!("foo/.", "bar", "", true);
tfe!("..", "foo", "..", false);
tfe!("foo/..", "bar", "foo/..", false);
tfe!("/", "foo", "/", false);
fn test_eq_receivers() {
use crate::borrow::Cow;
let borrowed: &Path = Path::new("foo/bar");
let mut owned: PathBuf = PathBuf::new();
let borrowed_cow: Cow<'_, Path> = borrowed.into();
let owned_cow: Cow<'_, Path> = owned.clone().into();
macro_rules! t {
($($current:expr),+) => {
assert_eq!($current, borrowed);
assert_eq!($current, owned);
assert_eq!($current, borrowed_cow);
assert_eq!($current, owned_cow);
t!(borrowed, owned, borrowed_cow, owned_cow);
pub fn test_compare() {
use crate::collections::hash_map::DefaultHasher;
use crate::hash::{Hash, Hasher};
fn hash<T: Hash>(t: T) -> u64 {
let mut s = DefaultHasher::new();
t.hash(&mut s);
macro_rules! tc (
($path1:expr, $path2:expr, eq: $eq:expr,
starts_with: $starts_with:expr, ends_with: $ends_with:expr,
relative_from: $relative_from:expr) => ({
let path1 = Path::new($path1);
let path2 = Path::new($path2);
let eq = path1 == path2;
assert!(eq == $eq, "{:?} == {:?}, expected {:?}, got {:?}",
$path1, $path2, $eq, eq);
assert!($eq == (hash(path1) == hash(path2)),
"{:?} == {:?}, expected {:?}, got {} and {}",
$path1, $path2, $eq, hash(path1), hash(path2));
let starts_with = path1.starts_with(path2);
assert!(starts_with == $starts_with,
"{:?}.starts_with({:?}), expected {:?}, got {:?}", $path1, $path2,
$starts_with, starts_with);
let ends_with = path1.ends_with(path2);
assert!(ends_with == $ends_with,
"{:?}.ends_with({:?}), expected {:?}, got {:?}", $path1, $path2,
$ends_with, ends_with);
let relative_from = path1.strip_prefix(path2)
.map(|p| p.to_str().unwrap())
let exp: Option<&str> = $relative_from;
assert!(relative_from == exp,
"{:?}.strip_prefix({:?}), expected {:?}, got {:?}",
$path1, $path2, exp, relative_from);
tc!("", "",
eq: true,
starts_with: true,
ends_with: true,
relative_from: Some("")
tc!("foo", "",
eq: false,
starts_with: true,
ends_with: true,
relative_from: Some("foo")
tc!("", "foo",
eq: false,
starts_with: false,
ends_with: false,
relative_from: None
tc!("foo", "foo",
eq: true,
starts_with: true,
ends_with: true,
relative_from: Some("")
tc!("foo/", "foo",
eq: true,
starts_with: true,
ends_with: true,
relative_from: Some("")
tc!("foo/.", "foo",
eq: true,
starts_with: true,
ends_with: true,
relative_from: Some("")
tc!("foo/./bar", "foo/bar",
eq: true,
starts_with: true,
ends_with: true,
relative_from: Some("")
tc!("foo/bar", "foo",
eq: false,
starts_with: true,
ends_with: false,
relative_from: Some("bar")
tc!("foo/bar/baz", "foo/bar",
eq: false,
starts_with: true,
ends_with: false,
relative_from: Some("baz")
tc!("foo/bar", "foo/bar/baz",
eq: false,
starts_with: false,
ends_with: false,
relative_from: None
tc!("./foo/bar/", ".",
eq: false,
starts_with: true,
ends_with: false,
relative_from: Some("foo/bar")
fn test_components_debug() {
let path = Path::new("/tmp");
let mut components = path.components();
let expected = "Components([RootDir, Normal(\"tmp\")])";
let actual = format!("{:?}", components);
assert_eq!(expected, actual);
let _ =;
let expected = "Components([Normal(\"tmp\")])";
let actual = format!("{:?}", components);
assert_eq!(expected, actual);
let _ =;
let expected = "Components([])";
let actual = format!("{:?}", components);
assert_eq!(expected, actual);
fn test_iter_debug() {
let path = Path::new("/tmp");
let mut iter = path.iter();
let expected = "Iter([\"/\", \"tmp\"])";
let actual = format!("{:?}", iter);
assert_eq!(expected, actual);
let _ =;
let expected = "Iter([\"tmp\"])";
let actual = format!("{:?}", iter);
assert_eq!(expected, actual);
let _ =;
let expected = "Iter([])";
let actual = format!("{:?}", iter);
assert_eq!(expected, actual);
fn into_boxed() {
let orig: &str = "some/sort/of/path";
let path = Path::new(orig);
let boxed: Box<Path> = Box::from(path);
let path_buf = path.to_owned().into_boxed_path().into_path_buf();
assert_eq!(path, &*boxed);
assert_eq!(&*boxed, &*path_buf);
assert_eq!(&*path_buf, path);
fn test_clone_into() {
let mut path_buf = PathBuf::from("supercalifragilisticexpialidocious");
let path = Path::new("short");
path.clone_into(&mut path_buf);
assert_eq!(path, path_buf);
assert!(path_buf.into_os_string().capacity() >= 15);
fn display_format_flags() {
assert_eq!(format!("a{:#<5}b", Path::new("").display()), "a#####b");
assert_eq!(format!("a{:#<5}b", Path::new("a").display()), "aa####b");
fn into_rc() {
let orig = "hello/world";
let path = Path::new(orig);
let rc: Rc<Path> = Rc::from(path);
let arc: Arc<Path> = Arc::from(path);
assert_eq!(&*rc, path);
assert_eq!(&*arc, path);
let rc2: Rc<Path> = Rc::from(path.to_owned());
let arc2: Arc<Path> = Arc::from(path.to_owned());
assert_eq!(&*rc2, path);
assert_eq!(&*arc2, path);
fn test_ord() {
macro_rules! ord(
($ord:ident, $left:expr, $right:expr) => ( {
use core::cmp::Ordering;
let left = Path::new($left);
let right = Path::new($right);
assert_eq!(left.cmp(&right), Ordering::$ord);
if (core::cmp::Ordering::$ord == Ordering::Equal) {
assert_eq!(left, right);
let mut hasher = DefaultHasher::new();
left.hash(&mut hasher);
let left_hash = hasher.finish();
hasher = DefaultHasher::new();
right.hash(&mut hasher);
let right_hash = hasher.finish();
assert_eq!(left_hash, right_hash, "hashes for {:?} and {:?} must match", left, right);
} else {
assert_ne!(left, right);
ord!(Less, "1", "2");
ord!(Less, "/foo/bar", "/foo./bar");
ord!(Less, "foo/bar", "foo/bar.");
ord!(Equal, "foo/./bar", "foo/bar/");
ord!(Equal, "foo/bar", "foo/bar/");
ord!(Equal, "foo/bar", "foo/bar/.");
ord!(Equal, "foo/bar", "foo/bar//");
fn test_unix_absolute() {
use crate::path::absolute;
let relative = "a/b";
let mut expected = crate::env::current_dir().unwrap();
assert_eq!(absolute(relative).unwrap(), expected);
// Test how components are collected.
assert_eq!(absolute("/a/b/c").unwrap(), Path::new("/a/b/c"));
assert_eq!(absolute("/a//b/c").unwrap(), Path::new("/a/b/c"));
assert_eq!(absolute("//a/b/c").unwrap(), Path::new("//a/b/c"));
assert_eq!(absolute("///a/b/c").unwrap(), Path::new("/a/b/c"));
assert_eq!(absolute("/a/b/c/").unwrap(), Path::new("/a/b/c/"));
assert_eq!(absolute("/a/./b/../c/.././..").unwrap(), Path::new("/a/b/../c/../.."));
fn bench_path_cmp_fast_path_buf_sort(b: &mut Bencher) {
let prefix = "my/home";
let mut paths: Vec<_> =
(0..1000).map(|num| PathBuf::from(prefix).join(format!("file {}.rs", num))).collect();
b.iter(|| {
fn bench_path_cmp_fast_path_long(b: &mut Bencher) {
let prefix = "/my/home/is/my/castle/and/my/castle/has/a/rusty/workbench/";
let paths: Vec<_> =
(0..1000).map(|num| PathBuf::from(prefix).join(format!("file {}.rs", num))).collect();
let mut set = BTreeSet::new();
paths.iter().for_each(|p| {
b.iter(|| {
fn bench_path_cmp_fast_path_short(b: &mut Bencher) {
let prefix = "my/home";
let paths: Vec<_> =
(0..1000).map(|num| PathBuf::from(prefix).join(format!("file {}.rs", num))).collect();
let mut set = BTreeSet::new();
paths.iter().for_each(|p| {
b.iter(|| {
fn bench_path_hashset(b: &mut Bencher) {
let prefix = "/my/home/is/my/castle/and/my/castle/has/a/rusty/workbench/";
let paths: Vec<_> =
(0..1000).map(|num| PathBuf::from(prefix).join(format!("file {}.rs", num))).collect();
let mut set = HashSet::new();
paths.iter().for_each(|p| {
b.iter(|| {
fn bench_path_hashset_miss(b: &mut Bencher) {
let prefix = "/my/home/is/my/castle/and/my/castle/has/a/rusty/workbench/";
let paths: Vec<_> =
(0..1000).map(|num| PathBuf::from(prefix).join(format!("file {}.rs", num))).collect();
let mut set = HashSet::new();
paths.iter().for_each(|p| {
let probe = PathBuf::from(prefix).join("other");
b.iter(|| set.remove(black_box(probe.as_path())));
fn bench_hash_path_short(b: &mut Bencher) {
let mut hasher = DefaultHasher::new();
let path = Path::new("explorer.exe");
b.iter(|| black_box(path).hash(&mut hasher));
fn bench_hash_path_long(b: &mut Bencher) {
let mut hasher = DefaultHasher::new();
let path =
b.iter(|| black_box(path).hash(&mut hasher));