blob: ac5c3d8502d889fef070584daf55f85d04861ecc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
// Enable the benchmarking harness.
extern crate lazy_static;
#[cfg(not(any(feature = "re-rust", feature = "re-rust-bytes")))]
extern crate libc;
#[cfg(feature = "re-pcre1")]
extern crate libpcre_sys;
#[cfg(feature = "re-onig")]
extern crate onig;
feature = "re-rust",
feature = "re-rust-bytes",
extern crate regex;
#[cfg(feature = "re-rust")]
extern crate regex_syntax;
extern crate test;
#[cfg(feature = "re-onig")]
pub use ffi::onig::Regex;
#[cfg(feature = "re-pcre1")]
pub use ffi::pcre1::Regex;
#[cfg(feature = "re-pcre2")]
pub use ffi::pcre2::Regex;
feature = "re-stdcpp",
feature = "re-boost",
pub use ffi::stdcpp::Regex;
#[cfg(feature = "re-re2")]
pub use ffi::re2::Regex;
#[cfg(feature = "re-dphobos")]
pub use ffi::d_phobos::Regex;
#[cfg(feature = "re-rust")]
pub use regex::{Regex, RegexSet};
#[cfg(feature = "re-rust-bytes")]
pub use regex::bytes::{Regex, RegexSet};
#[cfg(feature = "re-tcl")]
pub use ffi::tcl::Regex;
// Usage: regex!(pattern)
// Builds a ::Regex from a borrowed string.
// Due to macro scoping rules, this definition only applies for the modules
// defined below. Effectively, it allows us to use the same tests for both
// native and dynamic regexes.
macro_rules! regex {
($re:expr) => { ::Regex::new(&$re.to_owned()).unwrap() }
// Usage: text!(haystack)
// Builds a ::Text from an owned string.
// This macro is called on every input searched in every benchmark. It is
// called exactly once per benchmark and its time is not included in the
// benchmark timing.
// The text given to the macro is always a String, which is guaranteed to be
// valid UTF-8.
// The return type should be an owned value that can deref to whatever the
// regex accepts in its `is_match` and `find_iter` methods.
#[cfg(feature = "re-tcl")]
macro_rules! text {
($text:expr) => {{
use ffi::tcl::Text;
#[cfg(feature = "re-rust-bytes")]
macro_rules! text {
($text:expr) => {{
let text: String = $text;
feature = "re-onig",
feature = "re-pcre1",
feature = "re-pcre2",
feature = "re-stdcpp",
feature = "re-boost",
feature = "re-re2",
feature = "re-dphobos",
feature = "re-rust",
macro_rules! text {
($text:expr) => { $text }
// The type of the value yielded by the `text!` macro defined above.
#[cfg(feature = "re-tcl")]
type Text = ffi::tcl::Text;
#[cfg(feature = "re-rust-bytes")]
type Text = Vec<u8>;
feature = "re-onig",
feature = "re-pcre1",
feature = "re-pcre2",
feature = "re-stdcpp",
feature = "re-boost",
feature = "re-re2",
feature = "re-dphobos",
feature = "re-rust",
type Text = String;
// Macros for writing benchmarks easily. We provide macros for benchmarking
// matches, non-matches and for finding all successive non-overlapping matches
// in a string (including a check that the count is correct).
// USAGE: bench_match!(name, pattern, haystack)
// This benchmarks how fast a regular expression can report whether it matches
// a particular haystack. If the regex doesn't match, then the benchmark fails.
// Regexes are compiled exactly once.
// name is an identifier for the benchmark.
// pattern should be a &'static str representing the regular expression.
// haystack should be a String.
macro_rules! bench_match {
($name:ident, $pattern:expr, $haystack:expr) => {
bench_is_match!($name, true, regex!($pattern), $haystack);
// USAGE: bench_not_match!(name, pattern, haystack)
// This benchmarks how fast a regular expression can report whether it matches
// a particular haystack. If the regex matches, then the benchmark fails.
// Regexes are compiled exactly once.
// name is an identifier for the benchmark.
// pattern should be a &'static str representing the regular expression.
// haystack should be a String.
macro_rules! bench_not_match {
($name:ident, $pattern:expr, $haystack:expr) => {
bench_is_match!($name, false, regex!($pattern), $haystack);
// USAGE: bench_is_match!(name, is_match, regex, haystack)
// This benchmarks how fast a regular expression can report whether it matches
// a particular haystack. If the regex match status doesn't match is_match,
// then the benchmark fails. Regexes are compiled exactly once.
// name is an identifier for the benchmark.
// is_match reports whether the regex is expected to match the haystack or not.
// regex should be a ::Regex.
// haystack should be a String.
macro_rules! bench_is_match {
($name:ident, $is_match:expr, $re:expr, $haystack:expr) => {
fn $name(b: &mut Bencher) {
use std::sync::Mutex;
// Why do we use lazy_static here? It seems sensible to just
// compile a regex outside of the b.iter() call and be done with
// it. However, it seems like Rust's benchmark harness actually
// calls the entire benchmark function multiple times. This doesn't
// factor into the timings reported in the benchmarks, but it does
// make the benchmarks take substantially longer to run because
// they're spending a lot of time recompiling regexes.
lazy_static! {
static ref RE: Mutex<Regex> = Mutex::new($re);
static ref TEXT: Mutex<Text> = Mutex::new(text!($haystack));
let re = RE.lock().unwrap();
let text = TEXT.lock().unwrap();
b.bytes = text.len() as u64;
b.iter(|| {
if re.is_match(&text) != $is_match {
if $is_match {
panic!("expected match, got not match");
} else {
panic!("expected no match, got match");
// USAGE: bench_find!(name, pattern, count, haystack)
// This benchmarks how fast a regular expression can count all successive
// non-overlapping matches in haystack. If the count reported does not match
// the count given, then the benchmark fails.
// name is an identifier for the benchmark.
// pattern should be a &'static str representing the regular expression.
// haystack should be a String.
macro_rules! bench_find {
($name:ident, $pattern:expr, $count:expr, $haystack:expr) => {
fn $name(b: &mut Bencher) {
use std::sync::Mutex;
lazy_static! {
static ref RE: Mutex<Regex> = Mutex::new(regex!($pattern));
static ref TEXT: Mutex<Text> = Mutex::new(text!($haystack));
let re = RE.lock().unwrap();
let text = TEXT.lock().unwrap();
b.bytes = text.len() as u64;
b.iter(|| {
let count = re.find_iter(&text).count();
assert_eq!($count, count)
// USAGE: bench_captures!(name, pattern, groups, haystack);
// Given:
// ident, the desired benchmarking function name
// pattern : ::Regex, the regular expression to be executed
// groups : usize, the number of capture groups
// haystack : String, the string to search
// bench_captures will benchmark how fast re.captures() produces
// the capture groups in question.
macro_rules! bench_captures {
($name:ident, $pattern:expr, $count:expr, $haystack:expr) => {
#[cfg(feature = "re-rust")]
fn $name(b: &mut Bencher) {
use std::sync::Mutex;
lazy_static! {
static ref RE: Mutex<Regex> = Mutex::new($pattern);
static ref TEXT: Mutex<Text> = Mutex::new(text!($haystack));
let re = RE.lock().unwrap();
let text = TEXT.lock().unwrap();
b.bytes = text.len() as u64;
b.iter(|| {
match re.captures(&text) {
None => assert!(false, "no captures"),
Some(caps) => assert_eq!($count + 1, caps.len()),
// USAGE: bench_is_match_set!(name, is_match, regex, haystack)
macro_rules! bench_is_match_set {
($name:ident, $is_match:expr, $re:expr, $haystack:expr) => {
fn $name(b: &mut Bencher) {
use std::sync::Mutex;
lazy_static! {
static ref RE: Mutex<RegexSet> = Mutex::new($re);
static ref TEXT: Mutex<Text> = Mutex::new(text!($haystack));
let re = RE.lock().unwrap();
let text = TEXT.lock().unwrap();
b.bytes = text.len() as u64;
b.iter(|| {
if re.is_match(&text) != $is_match {
if $is_match {
panic!("expected match, got not match");
} else {
panic!("expected no match, got match");
// USAGE: bench_matches_set!(name, is_match, regex, haystack)
macro_rules! bench_matches_set {
($name:ident, $is_match:expr, $re:expr, $haystack:expr) => {
fn $name(b: &mut Bencher) {
use std::sync::Mutex;
lazy_static! {
static ref RE: Mutex<RegexSet> = Mutex::new($re);
static ref TEXT: Mutex<Text> = Mutex::new(text!($haystack));
let re = RE.lock().unwrap();
let text = TEXT.lock().unwrap();
b.bytes = text.len() as u64;
b.iter(|| {
if re.matches(&text).matched_any() != $is_match {
if $is_match {
panic!("expected match, got not match");
} else {
panic!("expected no match, got match");
mod ffi;
mod misc;
mod regexdna;
mod sherlock;