blob: 6a14d9fa4ac7fa9e7ac79c486242620f7a689413 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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//! Symbolication strategy using the DWARF-parsing code in libbacktrace.
//! The libbacktrace C library, typically distributed with gcc, supports not
//! only generating a backtrace (which we don't actually use) but also
//! symbolicating the backtrace and handling dwarf debug information about
//! things like inlined frames and whatnot.
//! This is relatively complicated due to lots of various concerns here, but the
//! basic idea is:
//! * First we call `backtrace_syminfo`. This gets symbol information from the
//! dynamic symbol table if we can.
//! * Next we call `backtrace_pcinfo`. This will parse debuginfo tables if
//! they're available and allow us to recover information about inline frames,
//! filenames, line numbers, etc.
//! There's lots of trickery about getting the dwarf tables into libbacktrace,
//! but hopefully it's not the end of the world and is clear enough when reading
//! below.
//! This is the default symbolication strategy for non-MSVC and non-OSX
//! platforms. In libstd though this is the default strategy for OSX.
use crate::bt;
use core::{marker, ptr, slice};
use libc::{self, c_char, c_int, c_void, uintptr_t};
use sgx_trts::c_str::CString;
use crate::symbolize::{ResolveWhat, SymbolName};
use crate::types::BytesOrWideString;
pub enum Symbol<'a> {
Syminfo {
pc: uintptr_t,
symname: *const c_char,
_marker: marker::PhantomData<&'a ()>,
Pcinfo {
pc: uintptr_t,
filename: *const c_char,
lineno: c_int,
function: *const c_char,
symname: *const c_char,
impl Symbol<'_> {
pub fn name(&self) -> Option<SymbolName<'_>> {
let symbol = |ptr: *const c_char| unsafe {
if ptr.is_null() {
} else {
let len = libc::strlen(ptr);
ptr as *const u8,
match *self {
Symbol::Syminfo { symname, .. } => symbol(symname),
Symbol::Pcinfo {
function, symname, ..
} => {
// If possible prefer the `function` name which comes from
// debuginfo and can typically be more accurate for inline
// frames for example. If that's not present though fall back to
// the symbol table name specified in `symname`.
// Note that sometimes `function` can feel somewhat less
// accurate, for example being listed as `try<i32,closure>`
// isntead of `std::panicking::try::do_call`. It's not really
// clear why, but overall the `function` name seems more accurate.
if let Some(sym) = symbol(function) {
return Some(sym);
pub fn name_bytes(&self) -> Option<&[u8]> {
let symbol = |ptr: *const c_char| unsafe {
if ptr.is_null() {
} else {
let len = libc::strlen(ptr);
Some(slice::from_raw_parts(ptr as *const u8, len))
match *self {
Symbol::Syminfo { symname, .. } => symbol(symname),
Symbol::Pcinfo {
function, symname, ..
} => {
// If possible prefer the `function` name which comes from
// debuginfo and can typically be more accurate for inline
// frames for example. If that's not present though fall back to
// the symbol table name specified in `symname`.
// Note that sometimes `function` can feel somewhat less
// accurate, for example being listed as `try<i32,closure>`
// isntead of `std::panicking::try::do_call`. It's not really
// clear why, but overall the `function` name seems more accurate.
if let Some(sym) = symbol(function) {
return Some(sym);
pub fn addr(&self) -> Option<*mut c_void> {
let pc = match *self {
Symbol::Syminfo { pc, .. } => pc,
Symbol::Pcinfo { pc, .. } => pc,
if pc == 0 {
} else {
Some(pc as *mut _)
fn filename_bytes(&self) -> Option<&[u8]> {
match *self {
Symbol::Syminfo { .. } => None,
Symbol::Pcinfo { filename, .. } => {
let ptr = filename as *const u8;
if ptr.is_null() {
return None;
unsafe {
let len = libc::strlen(filename);
Some(slice::from_raw_parts(ptr, len))
pub fn filename_raw(&self) -> Option<BytesOrWideString<'_>> {
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
pub fn filename(&self) -> Option<&::std::path::Path> {
use std::path::Path;
fn bytes2path(bytes: &[u8]) -> Option<&Path> {
use std::ffi::OsStr;
use std::os::unix::prelude::*;
pub fn lineno(&self) -> Option<u32> {
match *self {
Symbol::Syminfo { .. } => None,
Symbol::Pcinfo { lineno, .. } => Some(lineno as u32),
pub fn colno(&self) -> Option<u32> {
extern "C" fn error_cb(_data: *mut c_void, _msg: *const c_char, _errnum: c_int) {
// do nothing for now
/// Type of the `data` pointer passed into `syminfo_cb`
struct SyminfoState<'a> {
cb: &'a mut (dyn FnMut(&super::Symbol) + 'a),
pc: usize,
extern "C" fn syminfo_cb(
data: *mut c_void,
pc: uintptr_t,
symname: *const c_char,
_symval: uintptr_t,
_symsize: uintptr_t,
) {
let state = unsafe { init_state() };
if state.is_null() {
let mut bomb = crate::Bomb { enabled: true };
// Once this callback is invoked from `backtrace_syminfo` when we start
// resolving we go further to call `backtrace_pcinfo`. The
// `backtrace_pcinfo` function will consult debug information and attemp tto
// do things like recover file/line information as well as inlined frames.
// Note though that `backtrace_pcinfo` can fail or not do much if there's
// not debug info, so if that happens we're sure to call the callback with
// at least one symbol from the `syminfo_cb`.
unsafe {
let syminfo_state = &mut *(data as *mut SyminfoState<'_>);
let mut pcinfo_state = PcinfoState {
called: false,
cb: syminfo_state.cb,
syminfo_state.pc as uintptr_t,
&mut pcinfo_state as *mut _ as *mut _,
if !pcinfo_state.called {
let inner = Symbol::Syminfo {
_marker: marker::PhantomData,
(pcinfo_state.cb)(&super::Symbol {
name: inner.name_bytes().map(|m| m.to_vec()),
addr: inner.addr(),
filename: inner.filename_bytes().map(|m| m.to_vec()),
lineno: inner.lineno(),
colno: inner.colno(),
bomb.enabled = false;
/// Type of the `data` pointer passed into `pcinfo_cb`
struct PcinfoState<'a> {
cb: &'a mut (dyn FnMut(&super::Symbol) + 'a),
symname: *const c_char,
called: bool,
extern "C" fn pcinfo_cb(
data: *mut c_void,
pc: uintptr_t,
filename: *const c_char,
lineno: c_int,
function: *const c_char,
) -> c_int {
if filename.is_null() || function.is_null() {
return -1;
let mut bomb = crate::Bomb { enabled: true };
unsafe {
let state = &mut *(data as *mut PcinfoState);
state.called = true;
let inner = Symbol::Pcinfo {
symname: state.symname,
(state.cb)(&super::Symbol {
name: inner.name_bytes().map(|m| m.to_vec()),
addr: inner.addr(),
filename: inner.filename_bytes().map(|m| m.to_vec()),
lineno: inner.lineno(),
colno: inner.colno(),
bomb.enabled = false;
// The libbacktrace API supports creating a state, but it does not
// support destroying a state. I personally take this to mean that a
// state is meant to be created and then live forever.
// I would love to register an at_exit() handler which cleans up this
// state, but libbacktrace provides no way to do so.
// With these constraints, this function has a statically cached state
// that is calculated the first time this is requested. Remember that
// backtracing all happens serially (one global lock).
// Note the lack of synchronization here is due to the requirement that
// `resolve` is externally synchronized.
unsafe fn init_state() -> *mut bt::backtrace_state {
static mut STATE: *mut bt::backtrace_state = 0 as *mut _;
if !STATE.is_null() {
return STATE;
let filename = load_filename();
if filename.is_null() {
return ptr::null_mut();
STATE = bt::backtrace_create_state(
// Don't exercise threadsafe capabilities of libbacktrace since
// we're always calling it in a synchronized fashion.
ptr::null_mut(), // no extra data
return STATE;
// Note that for libbacktrace to operate at all it needs to find the DWARF
// debug info for the current executable. It typically does that via a
// number of mechanisms including, but not limited to:
// * /proc/self/exe on supported platforms
// * The filename passed in explicitly when creating state
// The libbacktrace library is a big wad of C code. This naturally means
// it's got memory safety vulnerabilities, especially when handling
// malformed debuginfo. Libstd has run into plenty of these historically.
// If /proc/self/exe is used then we can typically ignore these as we
// assume that libbacktrace is "mostly correct" and otherwise doesn't do
// weird things with "attempted to be correct" dwarf debug info.
// If we pass in a filename, however, then it's possible on some platforms
// (like BSDs) where a malicious actor can cause an arbitrary file to be
// placed at that location. This means that if we tell libbacktrace about a
// filename it may be using an arbitrary file, possibly causing segfaults.
// If we don't tell libbacktrace anything though then it won't do anything
// on platforms that don't support paths like /proc/self/exe!
// Given all that we try as hard as possible to *not* pass in a filename,
// but we must on platforms that don't support /proc/self/exe at all.
unsafe fn load_filename() -> *const c_char {
if let Some(ref s) = ENCLAVE_PATH {
} else {
pub unsafe fn resolve(what: ResolveWhat<'_>, cb: &mut dyn FnMut(&super::Symbol)) {
let symaddr = what.address_or_ip() as usize;
// backtrace errors are currently swept under the rug
let state = init_state();
if state.is_null() {
// Call the `backtrace_syminfo` API which (from reading the code)
// should call `syminfo_cb` exactly once (or fail with an error
// presumably). We then handle more within the `syminfo_cb`.
// Note that we do this since `syminfo` will consult the symbol table,
// finding symbol names even if there's no debug information in the binary.
let mut syminfo_state = SyminfoState { pc: symaddr, cb };
symaddr as uintptr_t,
&mut syminfo_state as *mut _ as *mut _,
pub unsafe fn clear_symbol_cache() {}
static mut ENCLAVE_PATH: Option<CString> = None;
pub fn set_enclave_path(path: &str) -> bool {
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
use std::path::Path;
use std::untrusted::path::PathEx;
let p: &Path = path.as_ref();
if !PathEx::exists(p) {
return false;
unsafe {
if ENCLAVE_PATH.is_none() {
match CString::new(path) {
Ok(s) => ENCLAVE_PATH = Some(s),
Err(_) => return false,