blob: a7ea69beec18012ca589fb2ab07311f42abe3b88 [file] [log] [blame]
use libc::{size_t, c_int, c_void};
use libc::memset;
use sgx_types::sgx_status_t;
use rand_core::RngCore;
use rdrand;
use std::ptr::copy_nonoverlapping;
use std::slice;
type errno_t = c_int;
const SIZE_MAX: size_t = std::usize::MAX;
// memset_s was defined in ISO C11
// ISO/IEC 9899:2011 section K. The memset_s function
// It returns:
// [EINVAL] The s argument was a null pointer.
// [E2BIG] One or both of smax or n was larger than RSIZE_MAX.
// [EOVERFLOW] n was larger than smax.
// In Linux-SGX environment, RSIZE_MAX is chosen to be -1ULL.
// So the comparison is always false -- but I think keeping this code
// here as well as these comments is better.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn memset_s(
p: *mut c_void,
destsz: size_t,
ch: c_int,
count: size_t,
) -> errno_t {
if p.is_null() {
return EINVAL;
if destsz > SIZE_MAX || count > SIZE_MAX {
return E2BIG;
if count > destsz {
memset(p, ch, count);
pub unsafe extern "C" fn consttime_memequal(
b1: *const u8,
b2: *const u8,
l: usize,
) -> i32 {
let mut res: i32 = 0;
let mut len = l;
let p1 = slice::from_raw_parts(b1, l);
let p2 = slice::from_raw_parts(b2, l);
while len > 0 {
len -= 1;
res |= (p1[len] ^ p2[len]) as i32;
* Map 0 to 1 and [1, 256) to 0 using only constant-time
* arithmetic.
* This is not simply `!res' because although many CPUs support
* branchless conditional moves and many compilers will take
* advantage of them, certain compilers generate branches on
* certain CPUs for `!res'.
1 & ((res - 1) >> 8)
pub unsafe extern "C" fn sgx_read_rand(rand: *mut u8, len: size_t) -> sgx_status_t {
if rand.is_null() || len == 0 || len > std::u32::MAX as usize {
return sgx_status_t::SGX_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER;
let mut tmp = vec![0; len];
let mut rnd = rdrand::RdRand::new().unwrap();
rnd.fill_bytes(&mut tmp);
copy_nonoverlapping(tmp.as_ptr(), rand, len);
pub fn hex_to_bytes(hex_string: &str) -> Vec<u8> {
let input_chars: Vec<_> = hex_string.chars().collect();
input_chars.chunks(2).map(|chunk| {
let first_byte = chunk[0].to_digit(16).unwrap();
let second_byte = chunk[1].to_digit(16).unwrap();
((first_byte << 4) | second_byte) as u8