blob: 1736fdd1965a3834849ea364615c78ec291ec171 [file] [log] [blame]
name = "Machinelearningsampleenclave"
version = "1.0.0"
authors = ["The Teaclave Authors"]
name = "machinelearningsampleenclave"
crate-type = ["staticlib"]
default = []
lto = true
[target.'cfg(not(target_env = "sgx"))'.dependencies]
sgx_tstd = { git = "" }
sgx_types = { git = "" }
sgx_rand = { git = "" }
# Choose the instruction set by specifying "fallback", "sse", "avx", "fma"
# "fallback" is the fastest for the benchmark in this enclave on my 9900k
# default features are "mesalock_sgx" + "fallback" as
# rusty-machine = { git = "" }
rusty-machine = { git = "", default-features = false, features = ["mesalock_sgx", "fallback"] }
serde = { git = "" }
serde_json = { git = "" }
sgx_alloc = { path = "../../../sgx_alloc" }
sgx_backtrace = { path = "../../../sgx_backtrace" }
sgx_backtrace_sys = { path = "../../../sgx_backtrace_sys" }
sgx_build_helper = { path = "../../../sgx_build_helper" }
sgx_cov = { path = "../../../sgx_cov" }
sgx_crypto_helper = { path = "../../../sgx_crypto_helper" }
sgx_demangle = { path = "../../../sgx_demangle" }
sgx_libc = { path = "../../../sgx_libc" }
sgx_rand = { path = "../../../sgx_rand" }
sgx_rand_derive = { path = "../../../sgx_rand_derive" }
sgx_serialize = { path = "../../../sgx_serialize" }
sgx_serialize_derive = { path = "../../../sgx_serialize_derive" }
sgx_serialize_derive_internals = { path = "../../../sgx_serialize_derive_internals" }
sgx_tcrypto = { path = "../../../sgx_tcrypto" }
sgx_tcrypto_helper = { path = "../../../sgx_tcrypto_helper" }
sgx_tdh = { path = "../../../sgx_tdh" }
sgx_tkey_exchange = { path = "../../../sgx_tkey_exchange" }
sgx_tprotected_fs = { path = "../../../sgx_tprotected_fs" }
sgx_trts = { path = "../../../sgx_trts" }
sgx_tse = { path = "../../../sgx_tse" }
sgx_tseal = { path = "../../../sgx_tseal" }
sgx_tstd = { path = "../../../sgx_tstd" }
sgx_tunittest = { path = "../../../sgx_tunittest" }
sgx_types = { path = "../../../sgx_types" }
#sgx_ucrypto = { path = "../../../sgx_ucrypto" }
sgx_unwind = { path = "../../../sgx_unwind" }
#sgx_urts = { path = "../../../sgx_urts" }