blob: 847052cc60d84e860c124570159c6ec51d7547e9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License..
#![crate_name = "mra"]
#![crate_type = "staticlib"]
#![cfg_attr(not(target_env = "sgx"), no_std)]
#![cfg_attr(target_env = "sgx", feature(rustc_private))]
extern crate sgx_types;
extern crate sgx_tcrypto;
extern crate sgx_trts;
extern crate sgx_tse;
#[cfg(not(target_env = "sgx"))]
extern crate sgx_tstd as std;
extern crate sgx_rand;
extern crate rustls;
extern crate webpki;
extern crate itertools;
extern crate base64;
extern crate httparse;
extern crate yasna;
extern crate bit_vec;
extern crate num_bigint;
extern crate serde_json;
extern crate chrono;
extern crate webpki_roots;
use std::backtrace::{self, PrintFormat};
use sgx_types::*;
use sgx_tse::*;
//use sgx_trts::trts::{rsgx_raw_is_outside_enclave, rsgx_lfence};
use sgx_tcrypto::*;
use sgx_rand::*;
use std::prelude::v1::*;
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::net::TcpStream;
use std::string::String;
use std::io;
use std::ptr;
use std::str;
use std::io::{Write, Read};
use std::untrusted::fs;
use std::vec::Vec;
use itertools::Itertools;
mod cert;
mod hex;
pub const DEV_HOSTNAME:&'static str = "";
pub const SIGRL_SUFFIX:&'static str = "/sgx/dev/attestation/v3/sigrl/";
pub const REPORT_SUFFIX:&'static str = "/sgx/dev/attestation/v3/report";
pub const CERTEXPIRYDAYS: i64 = 90i64;
extern "C" {
pub fn ocall_sgx_init_quote ( ret_val : *mut sgx_status_t,
ret_ti : *mut sgx_target_info_t,
ret_gid : *mut sgx_epid_group_id_t) -> sgx_status_t;
pub fn ocall_get_ias_socket ( ret_val : *mut sgx_status_t,
ret_fd : *mut i32) -> sgx_status_t;
pub fn ocall_get_quote (ret_val : *mut sgx_status_t,
p_sigrl : *const u8,
sigrl_len : u32,
p_report : *const sgx_report_t,
quote_type : sgx_quote_sign_type_t,
p_spid : *const sgx_spid_t,
p_nonce : *const sgx_quote_nonce_t,
p_qe_report : *mut sgx_report_t,
p_quote : *mut u8,
maxlen : u32,
p_quote_len : *mut u32) -> sgx_status_t;
fn parse_response_attn_report(resp : &[u8]) -> (String, String, String){
let mut headers = [httparse::EMPTY_HEADER; 16];
let mut respp = httparse::Response::new(&mut headers);
let result = respp.parse(resp);
println!("parse result {:?}", result);
let msg : &'static str;
match respp.code {
Some(200) => msg = "OK Operation Successful",
Some(401) => msg = "Unauthorized Failed to authenticate or authorize request.",
Some(404) => msg = "Not Found GID does not refer to a valid EPID group ID.",
Some(500) => msg = "Internal error occurred",
Some(503) => msg = "Service is currently not able to process the request (due to
a temporary overloading or maintenance). This is a
temporary state the same request can be repeated after
some time. ",
_ => {println!("DBG:{}", respp.code.unwrap()); msg = "Unknown error occured"},
println!("{}", msg);
let mut len_num : u32 = 0;
let mut sig = String::new();
let mut cert = String::new();
let mut attn_report = String::new();
for i in 0..respp.headers.len() {
let h = respp.headers[i];
//println!("{} : {}",, str::from_utf8(h.value).unwrap());
"Content-Length" => {
let len_str = String::from_utf8(h.value.to_vec()).unwrap();
len_num = len_str.parse::<u32>().unwrap();
println!("content length = {}", len_num);
"X-IASReport-Signature" => sig = str::from_utf8(h.value).unwrap().to_string(),
"X-IASReport-Signing-Certificate" => cert = str::from_utf8(h.value).unwrap().to_string(),
_ => (),
// Remove %0A from cert, and only obtain the signing cert
cert = cert.replace("%0A", "");
cert = cert::percent_decode(cert);
let v: Vec<&str> = cert.split("-----").collect();
let sig_cert = v[2].to_string();
if len_num != 0 {
let header_len = result.unwrap().unwrap();
let resp_body = &resp[header_len..];
attn_report = str::from_utf8(resp_body).unwrap().to_string();
println!("Attestation report: {}", attn_report);
// len_num == 0
(attn_report, sig, sig_cert)
fn parse_response_sigrl(resp : &[u8]) -> Vec<u8> {
let mut headers = [httparse::EMPTY_HEADER; 16];
let mut respp = httparse::Response::new(&mut headers);
let result = respp.parse(resp);
println!("parse result {:?}", result);
println!("parse response{:?}", respp);
let msg : &'static str;
match respp.code {
Some(200) => msg = "OK Operation Successful",
Some(401) => msg = "Unauthorized Failed to authenticate or authorize request.",
Some(404) => msg = "Not Found GID does not refer to a valid EPID group ID.",
Some(500) => msg = "Internal error occurred",
Some(503) => msg = "Service is currently not able to process the request (due to
a temporary overloading or maintenance). This is a
temporary state the same request can be repeated after
some time. ",
_ => msg = "Unknown error occured",
println!("{}", msg);
let mut len_num : u32 = 0;
for i in 0..respp.headers.len() {
let h = respp.headers[i];
if == "content-length" {
let len_str = String::from_utf8(h.value.to_vec()).unwrap();
len_num = len_str.parse::<u32>().unwrap();
println!("content length = {}", len_num);
if len_num != 0 {
let header_len = result.unwrap().unwrap();
let resp_body = &resp[header_len..];
println!("Base64-encoded SigRL: {:?}", resp_body);
return base64::decode(str::from_utf8(resp_body).unwrap()).unwrap();
// len_num == 0
pub fn make_ias_client_config() -> rustls::ClientConfig {
let mut config = rustls::ClientConfig::new();
pub fn get_sigrl_from_intel(fd : c_int, gid : u32) -> Vec<u8> {
println!("get_sigrl_from_intel fd = {:?}", fd);
let config = make_ias_client_config();
//let sigrl_arg = SigRLArg { group_id : gid };
//let sigrl_req = sigrl_arg.to_httpreq();
let ias_key = get_ias_api_key();
let req = format!("GET {}{:08x} HTTP/1.1\r\nHOST: {}\r\nOcp-Apim-Subscription-Key: {}\r\nConnection: Close\r\n\r\n",
println!("{}", req);
let dns_name = webpki::DNSNameRef::try_from_ascii_str(DEV_HOSTNAME).unwrap();
let mut sess = rustls::ClientSession::new(&Arc::new(config), dns_name);
let mut sock = TcpStream::new(fd).unwrap();
let mut tls = rustls::Stream::new(&mut sess, &mut sock);
let _result = tls.write(req.as_bytes());
let mut plaintext = Vec::new();
println!("write complete");
match tls.read_to_end(&mut plaintext) {
Ok(_) => (),
Err(e) => {
println!("get_sigrl_from_intel tls.read_to_end: {:?}", e);
println!("read_to_end complete");
let resp_string = String::from_utf8(plaintext.clone()).unwrap();
println!("{}", resp_string);
// TODO: support pse
pub fn get_report_from_intel(fd : c_int, quote : Vec<u8>) -> (String, String, String) {
println!("get_report_from_intel fd = {:?}", fd);
let config = make_ias_client_config();
let encoded_quote = base64::encode(&quote[..]);
let encoded_json = format!("{{\"isvEnclaveQuote\":\"{}\"}}\r\n", encoded_quote);
let ias_key = get_ias_api_key();
let req = format!("POST {} HTTP/1.1\r\nHOST: {}\r\nOcp-Apim-Subscription-Key:{}\r\nContent-Length:{}\r\nContent-Type: application/json\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n{}",
println!("{}", req);
let dns_name = webpki::DNSNameRef::try_from_ascii_str(DEV_HOSTNAME).unwrap();
let mut sess = rustls::ClientSession::new(&Arc::new(config), dns_name);
let mut sock = TcpStream::new(fd).unwrap();
let mut tls = rustls::Stream::new(&mut sess, &mut sock);
let _result = tls.write(req.as_bytes());
let mut plaintext = Vec::new();
println!("write complete");
tls.read_to_end(&mut plaintext).unwrap();
println!("read_to_end complete");
let resp_string = String::from_utf8(plaintext.clone()).unwrap();
println!("resp_string = {}", resp_string);
let (attn_report, sig, cert) = parse_response_attn_report(&plaintext);
(attn_report, sig, cert)
fn as_u32_le(array: &[u8; 4]) -> u32 {
((array[0] as u32) << 0) +
((array[1] as u32) << 8) +
((array[2] as u32) << 16) +
((array[3] as u32) << 24)
pub fn create_attestation_report(pub_k: &sgx_ec256_public_t, sign_type: sgx_quote_sign_type_t) -> Result<(String, String, String), sgx_status_t> {
// Workflow:
// (1) ocall to get the target_info structure (ti) and epid group id (eg)
// (1.5) get sigrl
// (2) call sgx_create_report with ti+data, produce an sgx_report_t
// (3) ocall to sgx_get_quote to generate (*mut sgx-quote_t, uint32_t)
// (1) get ti + eg
let mut ti : sgx_target_info_t = sgx_target_info_t::default();
let mut eg : sgx_epid_group_id_t = sgx_epid_group_id_t::default();
let mut rt : sgx_status_t = sgx_status_t::SGX_ERROR_UNEXPECTED;
let res = unsafe {
ocall_sgx_init_quote(&mut rt as *mut sgx_status_t,
&mut ti as *mut sgx_target_info_t,
&mut eg as *mut sgx_epid_group_id_t)
println!("eg = {:?}", eg);
if res != sgx_status_t::SGX_SUCCESS {
return Err(res);
if rt != sgx_status_t::SGX_SUCCESS {
return Err(rt);
let eg_num = as_u32_le(&eg);
// (1.5) get sigrl
let mut ias_sock : i32 = 0;
let res = unsafe {
ocall_get_ias_socket(&mut rt as *mut sgx_status_t,
&mut ias_sock as *mut i32)
if res != sgx_status_t::SGX_SUCCESS {
return Err(res);
if rt != sgx_status_t::SGX_SUCCESS {
return Err(rt);
//println!("Got ias_sock = {}", ias_sock);
// Now sigrl_vec is the revocation list, a vec<u8>
let sigrl_vec : Vec<u8> = get_sigrl_from_intel(ias_sock, eg_num);
// (2) Generate the report
// Fill ecc256 public key into report_data
let mut report_data: sgx_report_data_t = sgx_report_data_t::default();
let mut pub_k_gx = pub_k.gx.clone();
let mut pub_k_gy =;
let rep = match rsgx_create_report(&ti, &report_data) {
Ok(r) =>{
println!("Report creation => success {:?}", r.body.mr_signer.m);
Err(e) =>{
println!("Report creation => failed {:?}", e);
let mut quote_nonce = sgx_quote_nonce_t { rand : [0;16] };
let mut os_rng = os::SgxRng::new().unwrap();
os_rng.fill_bytes(&mut quote_nonce.rand);
println!("rand finished");
let mut qe_report = sgx_report_t::default();
const RET_QUOTE_BUF_LEN : u32 = 2048;
let mut return_quote_buf : [u8; RET_QUOTE_BUF_LEN as usize] = [0;RET_QUOTE_BUF_LEN as usize];
let mut quote_len : u32 = 0;
// (3) Generate the quote
// Args:
// 1. sigrl: ptr + len
// 2. report: ptr 432bytes
// 3. linkable: u32, unlinkable=0, linkable=1
// 4. spid: sgx_spid_t ptr 16bytes
// 5. sgx_quote_nonce_t ptr 16bytes
// 6. p_sig_rl + sigrl size ( same to sigrl)
// 7. [out]p_qe_report need further check
// 8. [out]p_quote
// 9. quote_size
let (p_sigrl, sigrl_len) =
if sigrl_vec.len() == 0 {
(ptr::null(), 0)
} else {
(sigrl_vec.as_ptr(), sigrl_vec.len() as u32)
let p_report = (&rep.unwrap()) as * const sgx_report_t;
let quote_type = sign_type;
let spid : sgx_spid_t = load_spid("spid.txt");
let p_spid = &spid as *const sgx_spid_t;
let p_nonce = &quote_nonce as * const sgx_quote_nonce_t;
let p_qe_report = &mut qe_report as *mut sgx_report_t;
let p_quote = return_quote_buf.as_mut_ptr();
let maxlen = RET_QUOTE_BUF_LEN;
let p_quote_len = &mut quote_len as *mut u32;
let result = unsafe {
ocall_get_quote(&mut rt as *mut sgx_status_t,
if result != sgx_status_t::SGX_SUCCESS {
return Err(result);
if rt != sgx_status_t::SGX_SUCCESS {
println!("ocall_get_quote returned {}", rt);
return Err(rt);
// Added 09-28-2018
// Perform a check on qe_report to verify if the qe_report is valid
match rsgx_verify_report(&qe_report) {
Ok(()) => println!("rsgx_verify_report passed!"),
Err(x) => {
println!("rsgx_verify_report failed with {:?}", x);
return Err(x);
// Check if the qe_report is produced on the same platform
if ti.mr_enclave.m != qe_report.body.mr_enclave.m ||
ti.attributes.flags != qe_report.body.attributes.flags ||
ti.attributes.xfrm != qe_report.body.attributes.xfrm {
println!("qe_report does not match current target_info!");
return Err(sgx_status_t::SGX_ERROR_UNEXPECTED);
println!("qe_report check passed");
// Debug
// for i in 0..quote_len {
// print!("{:02X}", unsafe {*p_quote.offset(i as isize)});
// }
// println!("");
// Check qe_report to defend against replay attack
// The purpose of p_qe_report is for the ISV enclave to confirm the QUOTE
// it received is not modified by the untrusted SW stack, and not a replay.
// The implementation in QE is to generate a REPORT targeting the ISV
// enclave (target info from p_report) , with the lower 32Bytes in
// = SHA256(p_nonce||p_quote). The ISV enclave can verify the
// p_qe_report and to confirm the QUOTE has not be modified and
// is not a replay. It is optional.
let mut rhs_vec : Vec<u8> = quote_nonce.rand.to_vec();
rhs_vec.extend(&return_quote_buf[..quote_len as usize]);
let rhs_hash = rsgx_sha256_slice(&rhs_vec[..]).unwrap();
let lhs_hash = &qe_report.body.report_data.d[..32];
println!("rhs hash = {:02X}", rhs_hash.iter().format(""));
println!("report hs= {:02X}", lhs_hash.iter().format(""));
if rhs_hash != lhs_hash {
println!("Quote is tampered!");
return Err(sgx_status_t::SGX_ERROR_UNEXPECTED);
let quote_vec : Vec<u8> = return_quote_buf[..quote_len as usize].to_vec();
let res = unsafe {
ocall_get_ias_socket(&mut rt as *mut sgx_status_t,
&mut ias_sock as *mut i32)
if res != sgx_status_t::SGX_SUCCESS {
return Err(res);
if rt != sgx_status_t::SGX_SUCCESS {
return Err(rt);
let (attn_report, sig, cert) = get_report_from_intel(ias_sock, quote_vec);
Ok((attn_report, sig, cert))
fn load_spid(filename: &str) -> sgx_spid_t {
let mut spidfile = fs::File::open(filename).expect("cannot open spid file");
let mut contents = String::new();
spidfile.read_to_string(&mut contents).expect("cannot read the spid file");
fn get_ias_api_key() -> String {
let mut keyfile = fs::File::open("key.txt").expect("cannot open ias key file");
let mut key = String::new();
keyfile.read_to_string(&mut key).expect("cannot read the ias key file");
struct ClientAuth {
outdated_ok: bool,
impl ClientAuth {
fn new(outdated_ok: bool) -> ClientAuth {
ClientAuth{ outdated_ok : outdated_ok }
impl rustls::ClientCertVerifier for ClientAuth {
fn client_auth_root_subjects(&self, _sni: Option<&webpki::DNSName>) -> Option<rustls::DistinguishedNames> {
fn verify_client_cert(&self, _certs: &[rustls::Certificate], _sni: Option<&webpki::DNSName>)
-> Result<rustls::ClientCertVerified, rustls::TLSError> {
println!("client cert: {:?}", _certs);
// This call will automatically verify cert is properly signed
match cert::verify_mra_cert(&_certs[0].0) {
Ok(()) => {
return Ok(rustls::ClientCertVerified::assertion());
Err(sgx_status_t::SGX_ERROR_UPDATE_NEEDED) => {
if self.outdated_ok {
println!("outdated_ok is set, overriding outdated error");
return Ok(rustls::ClientCertVerified::assertion());
} else {
return Err(rustls::TLSError::WebPKIError(webpki::Error::ExtensionValueInvalid));
Err(_) => {
return Err(rustls::TLSError::WebPKIError(webpki::Error::ExtensionValueInvalid));
struct ServerAuth {
outdated_ok: bool
impl ServerAuth {
fn new(outdated_ok: bool) -> ServerAuth {
ServerAuth{ outdated_ok : outdated_ok }
impl rustls::ServerCertVerifier for ServerAuth {
fn verify_server_cert(&self,
_roots: &rustls::RootCertStore,
_certs: &[rustls::Certificate],
_hostname: webpki::DNSNameRef,
_ocsp: &[u8]) -> Result<rustls::ServerCertVerified, rustls::TLSError> {
println!("server cert: {:?}", _certs);
// This call will automatically verify cert is properly signed
match cert::verify_mra_cert(&_certs[0].0) {
Ok(()) => {
return Ok(rustls::ServerCertVerified::assertion());
Err(sgx_status_t::SGX_ERROR_UPDATE_NEEDED) => {
if self.outdated_ok {
println!("outdated_ok is set, overriding outdated error");
return Ok(rustls::ServerCertVerified::assertion());
} else {
return Err(rustls::TLSError::WebPKIError(webpki::Error::ExtensionValueInvalid));
Err(_) => {
return Err(rustls::TLSError::WebPKIError(webpki::Error::ExtensionValueInvalid));
pub extern "C" fn run_server(socket_fd : c_int, sign_type: sgx_quote_sign_type_t) -> sgx_status_t {
let _ = backtrace::enable_backtrace("", PrintFormat::Short);
// Generate Keypair
let ecc_handle = SgxEccHandle::new();
let _result =;
let (prv_k, pub_k) = ecc_handle.create_key_pair().unwrap();
let (attn_report, sig, cert) = match create_attestation_report(&pub_k, sign_type) {
Ok(r) => r,
Err(e) => {
println!("Error in create_attestation_report: {:?}", e);
return e;
let payload = attn_report + "|" + &sig + "|" + &cert;
let (key_der, cert_der) = match cert::gen_ecc_cert(payload, &prv_k, &pub_k, &ecc_handle) {
Ok(r) => r,
Err(e) => {
println!("Error in gen_ecc_cert: {:?}", e);
return e;
let _result = ecc_handle.close();
let mut cfg = rustls::ServerConfig::new(Arc::new(ClientAuth::new(true)));
let mut certs = Vec::new();
let privkey = rustls::PrivateKey(key_der);
cfg.set_single_cert_with_ocsp_and_sct(certs, privkey, vec![], vec![]).unwrap();
let mut sess = rustls::ServerSession::new(&Arc::new(cfg));
let mut conn = TcpStream::new(socket_fd).unwrap();
let mut tls = rustls::Stream::new(&mut sess, &mut conn);
let mut plaintext = [0u8;1024]; //Vec::new();
match plaintext) {
Ok(_) => println!("Client said: {}", str::from_utf8(&plaintext).unwrap()),
Err(e) => {
println!("Error in read_to_end: {:?}", e);
tls.write("hello back".as_bytes()).unwrap();
pub extern "C" fn run_client(socket_fd : c_int, sign_type: sgx_quote_sign_type_t) -> sgx_status_t {
let _ = backtrace::enable_backtrace("", PrintFormat::Short);
// Generate Keypair
let ecc_handle = SgxEccHandle::new();;
let (prv_k, pub_k) = ecc_handle.create_key_pair().unwrap();
let (attn_report, sig, cert) = match create_attestation_report(&pub_k, sign_type) {
Ok(r) => r,
Err(e) => {
println!("Error in create_attestation_report: {:?}", e);
return e;
let payload = attn_report + "|" + &sig + "|" + &cert;
let (key_der, cert_der) = match cert::gen_ecc_cert(payload, &prv_k, &pub_k, &ecc_handle) {
Ok(r) => r,
Err(e) => {
println!("Error in gen_ecc_cert: {:?}", e);
return e;
let mut cfg = rustls::ClientConfig::new();
let mut certs = Vec::new();
let privkey = rustls::PrivateKey(key_der);
cfg.set_single_client_cert(certs, privkey).unwrap();
let dns_name = webpki::DNSNameRef::try_from_ascii_str("localhost").unwrap();
let mut sess = rustls::ClientSession::new(&Arc::new(cfg), dns_name);
let mut conn = TcpStream::new(socket_fd).unwrap();
let mut tls = rustls::Stream::new(&mut sess, &mut conn);
let mut plaintext = Vec::new();
match tls.read_to_end(&mut plaintext) {
Ok(_) => {
println!("Server replied: {}", str::from_utf8(&plaintext).unwrap());
Err(ref err) if err.kind() == io::ErrorKind::ConnectionAborted => {
println!("EOF (tls)");
Err(e) => println!("Error in read_to_end: {:?}", e),