blob: 9660d711a60f64e9c11a7dee652410df58497464 [file] [log] [blame]
use crate::rand;
use crate::server::ProducesTickets;
use crate::Error;
use ring::aead;
use std::mem;
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex, MutexGuard};
use std::time;
/// The timebase for expiring and rolling tickets and ticketing
/// keys. This is UNIX wall time in seconds.
/// This is guaranteed to be on or after the UNIX epoch.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
pub struct TimeBase(time::Duration);
impl TimeBase {
pub fn now() -> Result<Self, time::SystemTimeError> {
pub fn as_secs(&self) -> u64 {
/// This is a `ProducesTickets` implementation which uses
/// any *ring* `aead::Algorithm` to encrypt and authentication
/// the ticket payload. It does not enforce any lifetime
/// constraint.
struct AeadTicketer {
alg: &'static aead::Algorithm,
key: aead::LessSafeKey,
lifetime: u32,
impl AeadTicketer {
/// Make a ticketer with recommended configuration and a random key.
fn new() -> Result<Self, rand::GetRandomFailed> {
let mut key = [0u8; 32];
rand::fill_random(&mut key)?;
let alg = &aead::CHACHA20_POLY1305;
let key = aead::UnboundKey::new(alg, &key).unwrap();
Ok(Self {
key: aead::LessSafeKey::new(key),
lifetime: 60 * 60 * 12,
impl ProducesTickets for AeadTicketer {
fn enabled(&self) -> bool {
fn lifetime(&self) -> u32 {
/// Encrypt `message` and return the ciphertext.
fn encrypt(&self, message: &[u8]) -> Option<Vec<u8>> {
// Random nonce, because a counter is a privacy leak.
let mut nonce_buf = [0u8; 12];
rand::fill_random(&mut nonce_buf).ok()?;
let nonce = ring::aead::Nonce::assume_unique_for_key(nonce_buf);
let aad = ring::aead::Aad::empty();
let mut ciphertext =
Vec::with_capacity(nonce_buf.len() + message.len() + self.key.algorithm().tag_len());
.seal_in_place_separate_tag(nonce, aad, &mut ciphertext[nonce_buf.len()..])
.map(|tag| {
/// Decrypt `ciphertext` and recover the original message.
fn decrypt(&self, ciphertext: &[u8]) -> Option<Vec<u8>> {
// Non-panicking `let (nonce, ciphertext) = ciphertext.split_at(...)`.
let nonce = ciphertext.get(..self.alg.nonce_len())?;
let ciphertext = ciphertext.get(nonce.len()..)?;
// This won't fail since `nonce` has the required length.
let nonce = ring::aead::Nonce::try_assume_unique_for_key(nonce).ok()?;
let mut out = Vec::from(ciphertext);
let plain_len = self
.open_in_place(nonce, aead::Aad::empty(), &mut out)
struct TicketSwitcherState {
next: Option<Box<dyn ProducesTickets>>,
current: Box<dyn ProducesTickets>,
previous: Option<Box<dyn ProducesTickets>>,
next_switch_time: u64,
/// A ticketer that has a 'current' sub-ticketer and a single
/// 'previous' ticketer. It creates a new ticketer every so
/// often, demoting the current ticketer.
struct TicketSwitcher {
generator: fn() -> Result<Box<dyn ProducesTickets>, rand::GetRandomFailed>,
lifetime: u32,
state: Mutex<TicketSwitcherState>,
impl TicketSwitcher {
/// `lifetime` is in seconds, and is how long the current ticketer
/// is used to generate new tickets. Tickets are accepted for no
/// longer than twice this duration. `generator` produces a new
/// `ProducesTickets` implementation.
fn new(
lifetime: u32,
generator: fn() -> Result<Box<dyn ProducesTickets>, rand::GetRandomFailed>,
) -> Result<Self, Error> {
let now = TimeBase::now()?;
Ok(Self {
state: Mutex::new(TicketSwitcherState {
next: Some(generator()?),
current: generator()?,
previous: None,
next_switch_time: now
/// If it's time, demote the `current` ticketer to `previous` (so it
/// does no new encryptions but can do decryption) and use next for a
/// new `current` ticketer.
/// Calling this regularly will ensure timely key erasure. Otherwise,
/// key erasure will be delayed until the next encrypt/decrypt call.
/// For efficiency, this is also responsible for locking the state mutex
/// and returning the mutexguard.
fn maybe_roll(&self, now: TimeBase) -> Option<MutexGuard<TicketSwitcherState>> {
// The code below aims to make switching as efficient as possible
// in the common case that the generator never fails. To achieve this
// we run the following steps:
// 1. If no switch is necessary, just return the mutexguard
// 2. Shift over all of the ticketers (so current becomes previous,
// and next becomes current). After this, other threads can
// start using the new current ticketer.
// 3. unlock mutex and generate new ticketer.
// 4. Place new ticketer in next and return current
// There are a few things to note here. First, we don't check whether
// a new switch might be needed in step 4, even though, due to locking
// and entropy collection, significant amounts of time may have passed.
// This is to guarantee that the thread doing the switch will eventually
// make progress.
// Second, because next may be None, step 2 can fail. In that case
// we enter a recovery mode where we generate 2 new ticketers, one for
// next and one for the current ticketer. We then take the mutex a
// second time and redo the time check to see if a switch is still
// necessary.
// This somewhat convoluted approach ensures good availability of the
// mutex, by ensuring that the state is usable and the mutex not held
// during generation. It also ensures that, so long as the inner
// ticketer never generates panics during encryption/decryption,
// we are guaranteed to never panic when holding the mutex.
let now = now.as_secs();
let mut are_recovering = false; // Are we recovering from previous failure?
// Scope the mutex so we only take it for as long as needed
let mut state = self.state.lock().ok()?;
// Fast path in case we do not need to switch to the next ticketer yet
if now <= state.next_switch_time {
return Some(state);
// Make the switch, or mark for recovery if not possible
if let Some(next) = {
state.previous = Some(mem::replace(&mut state.current, next));
state.next_switch_time = now.saturating_add(u64::from(self.lifetime));
} else {
are_recovering = true;
// We always need a next, so generate it now
let next = (self.generator)().ok()?;
if !are_recovering {
// Normal path, generate new next and place it in the state
let mut state = self.state.lock().ok()?; = Some(next);
} else {
// Recovering, generate also a new current ticketer, and modify state
// as needed. (we need to redo the time check, otherwise this might
// result in very rapid switching of ticketers)
let new_current = (self.generator)().ok()?;
let mut state = self.state.lock().ok()?; = Some(next);
if now > state.next_switch_time {
state.previous = Some(mem::replace(&mut state.current, new_current));
state.next_switch_time = now.saturating_add(u64::from(self.lifetime));
impl ProducesTickets for TicketSwitcher {
fn lifetime(&self) -> u32 {
self.lifetime * 2
fn enabled(&self) -> bool {
fn encrypt(&self, message: &[u8]) -> Option<Vec<u8>> {
let state = self.maybe_roll(TimeBase::now().ok()?)?;
fn decrypt(&self, ciphertext: &[u8]) -> Option<Vec<u8>> {
let state = self.maybe_roll(TimeBase::now().ok()?)?;
// Decrypt with the current key; if that fails, try with the previous.
.or_else(|| {
.and_then(|previous| previous.decrypt(ciphertext))
/// A concrete, safe ticket creation mechanism.
pub struct Ticketer {}
fn generate_inner() -> Result<Box<dyn ProducesTickets>, rand::GetRandomFailed> {
impl Ticketer {
/// Make the recommended Ticketer. This produces tickets
/// with a 12 hour life and randomly generated keys.
/// The encryption mechanism used in Chacha20Poly1305.
pub fn new() -> Result<Arc<dyn ProducesTickets>, Error> {
Ok(Arc::new(TicketSwitcher::new(6 * 60 * 60, generate_inner)?))
fn basic_pairwise_test() {
let t = Ticketer::new().unwrap();
let cipher = t.encrypt(b"hello world").unwrap();
let plain = t.decrypt(&cipher).unwrap();
assert_eq!(plain, b"hello world");
fn ticketswitcher_switching_test() {
let t = Arc::new(TicketSwitcher::new(1, generate_inner).unwrap());
let now = TimeBase::now().unwrap();
let cipher1 = t.encrypt(b"ticket 1").unwrap();
assert_eq!(t.decrypt(&cipher1).unwrap(), b"ticket 1");
// Trigger new ticketer
t.maybe_roll(TimeBase(now.0 + std::time::Duration::from_secs(10)));
let cipher2 = t.encrypt(b"ticket 2").unwrap();
assert_eq!(t.decrypt(&cipher1).unwrap(), b"ticket 1");
assert_eq!(t.decrypt(&cipher2).unwrap(), b"ticket 2");
// Trigger new ticketer
t.maybe_roll(TimeBase(now.0 + std::time::Duration::from_secs(20)));
let cipher3 = t.encrypt(b"ticket 3").unwrap();
assert_eq!(t.decrypt(&cipher2).unwrap(), b"ticket 2");
assert_eq!(t.decrypt(&cipher3).unwrap(), b"ticket 3");
fn fail_generator() -> Result<Box<dyn ProducesTickets>, rand::GetRandomFailed> {
fn ticketswitcher_recover_test() {
let mut t = TicketSwitcher::new(1, generate_inner).unwrap();
let now = TimeBase::now().unwrap();
let cipher1 = t.encrypt(b"ticket 1").unwrap();
assert_eq!(t.decrypt(&cipher1).unwrap(), b"ticket 1");
t.generator = fail_generator;
// Failed new ticketer
t.maybe_roll(TimeBase(now.0 + std::time::Duration::from_secs(10)));
t.generator = generate_inner;
let cipher2 = t.encrypt(b"ticket 2").unwrap();
assert_eq!(t.decrypt(&cipher1).unwrap(), b"ticket 1");
assert_eq!(t.decrypt(&cipher2).unwrap(), b"ticket 2");
// recover
t.maybe_roll(TimeBase(now.0 + std::time::Duration::from_secs(20)));
let cipher3 = t.encrypt(b"ticket 3").unwrap();
assert_eq!(t.decrypt(&cipher2).unwrap(), b"ticket 2");
assert_eq!(t.decrypt(&cipher3).unwrap(), b"ticket 3");