blob: 6397ea6b0b8fb49615190ee9e340f27186e4b1c9 [file] [log] [blame]
//! WORM (Write Once Read Many) directory abstraction.
#[cfg(feature = "mmap")]
mod mmap_directory;
mod directory;
mod directory_lock;
mod file_slice;
mod file_watcher;
mod footer;
mod managed_directory;
mod ram_directory;
mod watch_event_router;
/// Errors specific to the directory module.
pub mod error;
mod composite_file;
use std::io::BufWriter;
use std::path::PathBuf;
pub use common::{AntiCallToken, TerminatingWrite};
pub use ownedbytes::OwnedBytes;
pub(crate) use self::composite_file::{CompositeFile, CompositeWrite};
pub use self::directory::{Directory, DirectoryClone, DirectoryLock};
pub use self::directory_lock::{Lock, INDEX_WRITER_LOCK, META_LOCK};
pub use self::file_slice::{FileHandle, FileSlice};
pub use self::ram_directory::RamDirectory;
pub use self::watch_event_router::{WatchCallback, WatchCallbackList, WatchHandle};
/// Outcome of the Garbage collection
pub struct GarbageCollectionResult {
/// List of files that were deleted in this cycle
pub deleted_files: Vec<PathBuf>,
/// List of files that were schedule to be deleted in this cycle,
/// but deletion did not work. This typically happens on windows,
/// as deleting a memory mapped file is forbidden.
/// If a searcher is still held, a file cannot be deleted.
/// This is not considered a bug, the file will simply be deleted
/// in the next GC.
pub failed_to_delete_files: Vec<PathBuf>,
pub use self::managed_directory::ManagedDirectory;
#[cfg(feature = "mmap")]
pub use self::mmap_directory::MmapDirectory;
/// Write object for Directory.
/// `WritePtr` are required to implement both Write
/// and Seek.
pub type WritePtr = BufWriter<Box<dyn TerminatingWrite>>;
mod tests;