blob: 059921a993107c16770cd608b04857124f2c3b10 [file] [log] [blame]
#![cfg_attr(all(feature = "unstable", test), feature(test))]
//! # `fastfield_codecs`
//! - Columnar storage of data for tantivy [`Column`].
//! - Encode data in different codecs.
//! - Monotonically map values to u64/u128
extern crate more_asserts;
#[cfg(all(test, feature = "unstable"))]
extern crate test;
use std::io::Write;
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::{fmt, io};
use common::BinarySerializable;
use compact_space::CompactSpaceDecompressor;
use format_version::read_format_version;
use monotonic_mapping::{
StrictlyMonotonicMappingInverter, StrictlyMonotonicMappingToInternal,
StrictlyMonotonicMappingToInternalBaseval, StrictlyMonotonicMappingToInternalGCDBaseval,
use null_index_footer::read_null_index_footer;
use ownedbytes::OwnedBytes;
use serialize::{Header, U128Header};
mod bitpacked;
mod blockwise_linear;
mod compact_space;
mod format_version;
mod line;
mod linear;
mod monotonic_mapping;
mod monotonic_mapping_u128;
mod null_index_footer;
mod column;
mod gcd;
mod serialize;
use self::bitpacked::BitpackedCodec;
use self::blockwise_linear::BlockwiseLinearCodec;
pub use self::column::{monotonic_map_column, Column, IterColumn, VecColumn};
use self::linear::LinearCodec;
pub use self::monotonic_mapping::{MonotonicallyMappableToU64, StrictlyMonotonicFn};
pub use self::monotonic_mapping_u128::MonotonicallyMappableToU128;
pub use self::serialize::{
estimate, serialize, serialize_and_load, serialize_u128, NormalizedHeader,
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Debug, Clone, Copy)]
/// Available codecs to use to encode the u64 (via [`MonotonicallyMappableToU64`]) converted data.
pub enum FastFieldCodecType {
/// Bitpack all values in the value range. The number of bits is defined by the amplitude
/// `column.max_value() - column.min_value()`
Bitpacked = 1,
/// Linear interpolation puts a line between the first and last value and then bitpacks the
/// values by the offset from the line. The number of bits is defined by the max deviation from
/// the line.
Linear = 2,
/// Same as [`FastFieldCodecType::Linear`], but encodes in blocks of 512 elements.
BlockwiseLinear = 3,
impl BinarySerializable for FastFieldCodecType {
fn serialize<W: Write>(&self, wrt: &mut W) -> io::Result<()> {
fn deserialize<R: io::Read>(reader: &mut R) -> io::Result<Self> {
let code = u8::deserialize(reader)?;
let codec_type: Self = Self::from_code(code)
.ok_or_else(|| io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::InvalidData, "Unknown code `{code}.`"))?;
impl FastFieldCodecType {
pub(crate) fn to_code(self) -> u8 {
self as u8
pub(crate) fn from_code(code: u8) -> Option<Self> {
match code {
1 => Some(Self::Bitpacked),
2 => Some(Self::Linear),
3 => Some(Self::BlockwiseLinear),
_ => None,
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Debug, Clone, Copy)]
/// Available codecs to use to encode the u128 (via [`MonotonicallyMappableToU128`]) converted data.
pub enum U128FastFieldCodecType {
/// This codec takes a large number space (u128) and reduces it to a compact number space, by
/// removing the holes.
CompactSpace = 1,
impl BinarySerializable for U128FastFieldCodecType {
fn serialize<W: Write>(&self, wrt: &mut W) -> io::Result<()> {
fn deserialize<R: io::Read>(reader: &mut R) -> io::Result<Self> {
let code = u8::deserialize(reader)?;
let codec_type: Self = Self::from_code(code)
.ok_or_else(|| io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::InvalidData, "Unknown code `{code}.`"))?;
impl U128FastFieldCodecType {
pub(crate) fn to_code(self) -> u8 {
self as u8
pub(crate) fn from_code(code: u8) -> Option<Self> {
match code {
1 => Some(Self::CompactSpace),
_ => None,
/// Returns the correct codec reader wrapped in the `Arc` for the data.
pub fn open_u128<Item: MonotonicallyMappableToU128 + fmt::Debug>(
bytes: OwnedBytes,
) -> io::Result<Arc<dyn Column<Item>>> {
let (bytes, _format_version) = read_format_version(bytes)?;
let (mut bytes, _null_index_footer) = read_null_index_footer(bytes)?;
let header = U128Header::deserialize(&mut bytes)?;
assert_eq!(header.codec_type, U128FastFieldCodecType::CompactSpace);
let reader = CompactSpaceDecompressor::open(bytes)?;
let inverted: StrictlyMonotonicMappingInverter<StrictlyMonotonicMappingToInternal<Item>> =
Ok(Arc::new(monotonic_map_column(reader, inverted)))
/// Returns the correct codec reader wrapped in the `Arc` for the data.
pub fn open<T: MonotonicallyMappableToU64 + fmt::Debug>(
bytes: OwnedBytes,
) -> io::Result<Arc<dyn Column<T>>> {
let (bytes, _format_version) = read_format_version(bytes)?;
let (mut bytes, _null_index_footer) = read_null_index_footer(bytes)?;
let header = Header::deserialize(&mut bytes)?;
match header.codec_type {
FastFieldCodecType::Bitpacked => open_specific_codec::<BitpackedCodec, _>(bytes, &header),
FastFieldCodecType::Linear => open_specific_codec::<LinearCodec, _>(bytes, &header),
FastFieldCodecType::BlockwiseLinear => {
open_specific_codec::<BlockwiseLinearCodec, _>(bytes, &header)
fn open_specific_codec<C: FastFieldCodec, Item: MonotonicallyMappableToU64 + fmt::Debug>(
bytes: OwnedBytes,
header: &Header,
) -> io::Result<Arc<dyn Column<Item>>> {
let normalized_header = header.normalized();
let reader = C::open_from_bytes(bytes, normalized_header)?;
let min_value = header.min_value;
if let Some(gcd) = header.gcd {
let mapping = StrictlyMonotonicMappingInverter::from(
StrictlyMonotonicMappingToInternalGCDBaseval::new(gcd.get(), min_value),
Ok(Arc::new(monotonic_map_column(reader, mapping)))
} else {
let mapping = StrictlyMonotonicMappingInverter::from(
Ok(Arc::new(monotonic_map_column(reader, mapping)))
/// The FastFieldSerializerEstimate trait is required on all variants
/// of fast field compressions, to decide which one to choose.
trait FastFieldCodec: 'static {
/// A codex needs to provide a unique name and id, which is
/// used for debugging and de/serialization.
const CODEC_TYPE: FastFieldCodecType;
type Reader: Column<u64> + 'static;
/// Reads the metadata and returns the CodecReader
fn open_from_bytes(bytes: OwnedBytes, header: NormalizedHeader) -> io::Result<Self::Reader>;
/// Serializes the data using the serializer into write.
/// The column iterator should be preferred over using column `get_val` method for
/// performance reasons.
fn serialize(column: &dyn Column, write: &mut impl Write) -> io::Result<()>;
/// Returns an estimate of the compression ratio.
/// If the codec is not applicable, returns `None`.
/// The baseline is uncompressed 64bit data.
/// It could make sense to also return a value representing
/// computational complexity.
fn estimate(column: &dyn Column) -> Option<f32>;
/// The list of all available codecs for u64 convertible data.
pub const ALL_CODEC_TYPES: [FastFieldCodecType; 3] = [
mod tests {
use proptest::prelude::*;
use proptest::strategy::Strategy;
use proptest::{prop_oneof, proptest};
use crate::bitpacked::BitpackedCodec;
use crate::blockwise_linear::BlockwiseLinearCodec;
use crate::linear::LinearCodec;
use crate::serialize::Header;
pub(crate) fn create_and_validate<Codec: FastFieldCodec>(
data: &[u64],
name: &str,
) -> Option<(f32, f32)> {
let col = &VecColumn::from(data);
let header = Header::compute_header(col, &[Codec::CODEC_TYPE])?;
let normalized_col = header.normalize_column(col);
let estimation = Codec::estimate(&normalized_col)?;
let mut out = Vec::new();
let col = VecColumn::from(data);
serialize(col, &mut out, &[Codec::CODEC_TYPE]).unwrap();
let actual_compression = out.len() as f32 / (data.len() as f32 * 8.0);
let reader = crate::open::<u64>(OwnedBytes::new(out)).unwrap();
assert_eq!(reader.num_vals(), data.len() as u32);
for (doc, orig_val) in data.iter().copied().enumerate() {
let val = reader.get_val(doc as u32);
val, orig_val,
"val `{val}` does not match orig_val {orig_val:?}, in data set {name}, data \
if !data.is_empty() {
let test_rand_idx = rand::thread_rng().gen_range(0..=data.len() - 1);
let expected_positions: Vec<u32> = data
.filter(|(_, el)| **el == data[test_rand_idx])
.map(|(pos, _)| pos as u32)
let mut positions = Vec::new();
data[test_rand_idx]..=data[test_rand_idx], as u32,
&mut positions,
assert_eq!(expected_positions, positions);
Some((estimation, actual_compression))
proptest! {
fn test_proptest_small_bitpacked(data in proptest::collection::vec(num_strategy(), 1..10)) {
create_and_validate::<BitpackedCodec>(&data, "proptest bitpacked");
fn test_proptest_small_linear(data in proptest::collection::vec(num_strategy(), 1..10)) {
create_and_validate::<LinearCodec>(&data, "proptest linearinterpol");
fn test_proptest_small_blockwise_linear(data in proptest::collection::vec(num_strategy(), 1..10)) {
create_and_validate::<BlockwiseLinearCodec>(&data, "proptest multilinearinterpol");
proptest! {
fn test_proptest_large_bitpacked(data in proptest::collection::vec(num_strategy(), 1..6000)) {
create_and_validate::<BitpackedCodec>(&data, "proptest bitpacked");
fn test_proptest_large_linear(data in proptest::collection::vec(num_strategy(), 1..6000)) {
create_and_validate::<LinearCodec>(&data, "proptest linearinterpol");
fn test_proptest_large_blockwise_linear(data in proptest::collection::vec(num_strategy(), 1..6000)) {
create_and_validate::<BlockwiseLinearCodec>(&data, "proptest multilinearinterpol");
fn num_strategy() -> impl Strategy<Value = u64> {
1 => prop::num::u64::ANY.prop_map(|num| u64::MAX - (num % 10) ),
1 => prop::num::u64::ANY.prop_map(|num| num % 10 ),
20 => prop::num::u64::ANY,
pub fn get_codec_test_datasets() -> Vec<(Vec<u64>, &'static str)> {
let mut data_and_names = vec![];
let data = vec![10];
data_and_names.push((data, "minimal test"));
let data = (10..=10_000_u64).collect::<Vec<_>>();
data_and_names.push((data, "simple monotonically increasing"));
vec![5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 99, 100],
"offset in linear interpol",
data_and_names.push((vec![3, 18446744073709551613, 5], "docid range regression"));
data_and_names.push((vec![5, 50, 3, 13, 1, 1000, 35], "rand small"));
data_and_names.push((vec![10], "single value"));
vec![1572656989877777, 1170935903116329, 720575940379279, 0],
"overflow error",
fn test_codec<C: FastFieldCodec>() {
let codec_name = format!("{:?}", C::CODEC_TYPE);
for (data, dataset_name) in get_codec_test_datasets() {
let estimate_actual_opt: Option<(f32, f32)> =
crate::tests::create_and_validate::<C>(&data, dataset_name);
let result = if let Some((estimate, actual)) = estimate_actual_opt {
format!("Estimate `{estimate}` Actual `{actual}`")
} else {
println!("Codec {codec_name}, DataSet {dataset_name}, {result}");
fn test_codec_bitpacking() {
fn test_codec_interpolation() {
fn test_codec_multi_interpolation() {
use super::*;
fn estimation_good_interpolation_case() {
let data = (10..=20000_u64).collect::<Vec<_>>();
let data: VecColumn = data.as_slice().into();
let linear_interpol_estimation = LinearCodec::estimate(&data).unwrap();
assert_le!(linear_interpol_estimation, 0.01);
let multi_linear_interpol_estimation = BlockwiseLinearCodec::estimate(&data).unwrap();
assert_le!(multi_linear_interpol_estimation, 0.2);
assert_lt!(linear_interpol_estimation, multi_linear_interpol_estimation);
let bitpacked_estimation = BitpackedCodec::estimate(&data).unwrap();
assert_lt!(linear_interpol_estimation, bitpacked_estimation);
fn estimation_test_bad_interpolation_case() {
let data: &[u64] = &[200, 10, 10, 10, 10, 1000, 20];
let data: VecColumn = data.into();
let linear_interpol_estimation = LinearCodec::estimate(&data).unwrap();
assert_le!(linear_interpol_estimation, 0.34);
let bitpacked_estimation = BitpackedCodec::estimate(&data).unwrap();
assert_lt!(bitpacked_estimation, linear_interpol_estimation);
fn estimation_prefer_bitpacked() {
let data = VecColumn::from(&[10, 10, 10, 10]);
let linear_interpol_estimation = LinearCodec::estimate(&data).unwrap();
let bitpacked_estimation = BitpackedCodec::estimate(&data).unwrap();
assert_lt!(bitpacked_estimation, linear_interpol_estimation);
fn estimation_test_bad_interpolation_case_monotonically_increasing() {
let mut data: Vec<u64> = (201..=20000_u64).collect();
let data: VecColumn = data.as_slice().into();
// in this case the linear interpolation can't in fact not be worse than bitpacking,
// but the estimator adds some threshold, which leads to estimated worse behavior
let linear_interpol_estimation = LinearCodec::estimate(&data).unwrap();
assert_le!(linear_interpol_estimation, 0.35);
let bitpacked_estimation = BitpackedCodec::estimate(&data).unwrap();
assert_le!(bitpacked_estimation, 0.32);
assert_le!(bitpacked_estimation, linear_interpol_estimation);
fn test_fast_field_codec_type_to_code() {
let mut count_codec = 0;
for code in 0..=255 {
if let Some(codec_type) = FastFieldCodecType::from_code(code) {
assert_eq!(codec_type.to_code(), code);
count_codec += 1;
assert_eq!(count_codec, 3);
#[cfg(all(test, feature = "unstable"))]
mod bench {
use std::sync::Arc;
use ownedbytes::OwnedBytes;
use rand::rngs::StdRng;
use rand::{Rng, SeedableRng};
use test::{self, Bencher};
use super::*;
use crate::Column;
fn get_data() -> Vec<u64> {
let mut rng = StdRng::seed_from_u64(2u64);
let mut data: Vec<_> = (100..55000_u64)
.map(|num| num + rng.gen::<u8>() as u64)
data.insert(1000, 2000);
data.insert(2000, 100);
data.insert(3000, 4100);
data.insert(4000, 100);
data.insert(5000, 800);
fn value_iter() -> impl Iterator<Item = u64> {
fn get_reader_for_bench<Codec: FastFieldCodec>(data: &[u64]) -> Codec::Reader {
let mut bytes = Vec::new();
let min_value = *data.iter().min().unwrap();
let data = data.iter().map(|el| *el - min_value).collect::<Vec<_>>();
let col = VecColumn::from(&data);
let normalized_header = crate::NormalizedHeader {
num_vals: col.num_vals(),
max_value: col.max_value(),
Codec::serialize(&VecColumn::from(&data), &mut bytes).unwrap();
Codec::open_from_bytes(OwnedBytes::new(bytes), normalized_header).unwrap()
fn bench_get<Codec: FastFieldCodec>(b: &mut Bencher, data: &[u64]) {
let col = get_reader_for_bench::<Codec>(data);
b.iter(|| {
let mut sum = 0u64;
for pos in value_iter() {
let val = col.get_val(pos as u32);
sum = sum.wrapping_add(val);
fn bench_get_dynamic_helper(b: &mut Bencher, col: Arc<dyn Column>) {
b.iter(|| {
let mut sum = 0u64;
for pos in value_iter() {
let val = col.get_val(pos as u32);
sum = sum.wrapping_add(val);
fn bench_get_dynamic<Codec: FastFieldCodec>(b: &mut Bencher, data: &[u64]) {
let col = Arc::new(get_reader_for_bench::<Codec>(data));
bench_get_dynamic_helper(b, col);
fn bench_create<Codec: FastFieldCodec>(b: &mut Bencher, data: &[u64]) {
let min_value = *data.iter().min().unwrap();
let data = data.iter().map(|el| *el - min_value).collect::<Vec<_>>();
let mut bytes = Vec::new();
b.iter(|| {
Codec::serialize(&VecColumn::from(&data), &mut bytes).unwrap();
fn bench_fastfield_bitpack_create(b: &mut Bencher) {
let data: Vec<_> = get_data();
bench_create::<BitpackedCodec>(b, &data);
fn bench_fastfield_linearinterpol_create(b: &mut Bencher) {
let data: Vec<_> = get_data();
bench_create::<LinearCodec>(b, &data);
fn bench_fastfield_multilinearinterpol_create(b: &mut Bencher) {
let data: Vec<_> = get_data();
bench_create::<BlockwiseLinearCodec>(b, &data);
fn bench_fastfield_bitpack_get(b: &mut Bencher) {
let data: Vec<_> = get_data();
bench_get::<BitpackedCodec>(b, &data);
fn bench_fastfield_bitpack_get_dynamic(b: &mut Bencher) {
let data: Vec<_> = get_data();
bench_get_dynamic::<BitpackedCodec>(b, &data);
fn bench_fastfield_linearinterpol_get(b: &mut Bencher) {
let data: Vec<_> = get_data();
bench_get::<LinearCodec>(b, &data);
fn bench_fastfield_linearinterpol_get_dynamic(b: &mut Bencher) {
let data: Vec<_> = get_data();
bench_get_dynamic::<LinearCodec>(b, &data);
fn bench_fastfield_multilinearinterpol_get(b: &mut Bencher) {
let data: Vec<_> = get_data();
bench_get::<BlockwiseLinearCodec>(b, &data);
fn bench_fastfield_multilinearinterpol_get_dynamic(b: &mut Bencher) {
let data: Vec<_> = get_data();
bench_get_dynamic::<BlockwiseLinearCodec>(b, &data);