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// # Deleting and Updating (?) documents
// This example explains how to delete and update documents.
// In fact there is actually no such thing as an update in tantivy.
// To update a document, you need to delete a document and then reinsert
// its new version.
// ---
// Importing tantivy...
use tantivy::collector::TopDocs;
use tantivy::query::TermQuery;
use tantivy::schema::*;
use tantivy::{doc, Index, IndexReader};
// A simple helper function to fetch a single document
// given its id from our index.
// It will be helpful to check our work.
fn extract_doc_given_isbn(
reader: &IndexReader,
isbn_term: &Term,
) -> tantivy::Result<Option<Document>> {
let searcher = reader.searcher();
// This is the simplest query you can think of.
// It matches all of the documents containing a specific term.
// The second argument is here to tell we don't care about decoding positions,
// or term frequencies.
let term_query = TermQuery::new(isbn_term.clone(), IndexRecordOption::Basic);
let top_docs =, &TopDocs::with_limit(1))?;
if let Some((_score, doc_address)) = top_docs.first() {
let doc = searcher.doc(*doc_address)?;
} else {
// no doc matching this ID.
fn main() -> tantivy::Result<()> {
// # Defining the schema
// Check out the *basic_search* example if this makes
// small sense to you.
let mut schema_builder = Schema::builder();
// Tantivy does not really have a notion of primary id.
// This may change in the future.
// Still, we can create a `isbn` field and use it as an id. This
// field can be `u64` or a `text`, depending on your use case.
// It just needs to be indexed.
// If it is `text`, let's make sure to keep it `raw` and let's avoid
// running any text processing on it.
// This is done by associating this field to the tokenizer named `raw`.
// Rather than building our
// [`TextOptions`](// manually, We
// use the `STRING` shortcut. `STRING` stands for indexed (without term frequency or positions)
// and untokenized.
// Because we also want to be able to see this `id` in our returned documents,
// we also mark the field as stored.
let isbn = schema_builder.add_text_field("isbn", STRING | STORED);
let title = schema_builder.add_text_field("title", TEXT | STORED);
let schema =;
let index = Index::create_in_ram(schema.clone());
let mut index_writer = index.writer(50_000_000)?;
// Let's add a couple of documents, for the sake of the example.
let mut old_man_doc = Document::default();
old_man_doc.add_text(title, "The Old Man and the Sea");
isbn => "978-0099908401",
title => "The old Man and the see"
isbn => "978-0140177398",
title => "Of Mice and Men",
title => "Frankentein", //< Oops there is a typo here.
isbn => "978-9176370711",
let reader = index.reader()?;
let frankenstein_isbn = Term::from_field_text(isbn, "978-9176370711");
// Oops our frankenstein doc seems misspelled
let frankenstein_doc_misspelled = extract_doc_given_isbn(&reader, &frankenstein_isbn)?.unwrap();
// # Update = Delete + Insert
// Here we will want to update the typo in the `Frankenstein` book.
// Tantivy does not handle updates directly, we need to delete
// and reinsert the document.
// This can be complicated as it means you need to have access
// to the entire document. It is good practise to integrate tantivy
// with a key value store for this reason.
// To remove one of the document, we just call `delete_term`
// on its id.
// Note that `tantivy` does nothing to enforce the idea that
// there is only one document associated with this id.
// Also you might have noticed that we apply the delete before
// having committed. This does not matter really...
// We now need to reinsert our document without the typo.
title => "Frankenstein",
isbn => "978-9176370711",
// You are guaranteed that your clients will only observe your index in
// the state it was in after a commit.
// In this example, your search engine will at no point be missing the *Frankenstein* document.
// Everything happened as if the document was updated.
// We reload our searcher to make our change available to clients.
// No more typo!
let frankenstein_new_doc = extract_doc_given_isbn(&reader, &frankenstein_isbn)?.unwrap();