blob: c1121501daf6bb9fd17ee65fba56339011c9fa31 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.taverna.workbench.ui.workflowexplorer;
import javax.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode;
import javax.swing.tree.DefaultTreeModel;
import javax.swing.tree.TreePath;
import org.apache.taverna.scufl2.api.common.NamedSet;
import org.apache.taverna.scufl2.api.common.Scufl2Tools;
import org.apache.taverna.scufl2.api.core.ControlLink;
import org.apache.taverna.scufl2.api.core.DataLink;
import org.apache.taverna.scufl2.api.core.Processor;
import org.apache.taverna.scufl2.api.core.Workflow;
import org.apache.taverna.scufl2.api.port.InputProcessorPort;
import org.apache.taverna.scufl2.api.port.InputWorkflowPort;
import org.apache.taverna.scufl2.api.port.OutputProcessorPort;
import org.apache.taverna.scufl2.api.port.OutputWorkflowPort;
* Workflow Explorer tree model. The tree root has four children nodes,
* representing the workflow inputs, outputs, services (processors), dataLinks,
* controlLinks.
* <p>
* A service node can contain a nested workflow if it contains an activity of of
* type DataflowActivity. In this case, the service node will have 3 children:
* the input and output of the DataflowActivity and the workflow node itself
* (containing the nested workflow being wrapped inside the DataflowActivity).
* The structure of the workflow node sub-tree (the tree whose root is the
* workflow node) is the same as that of the main workflow and it gets named
* after the nested workflow. Alternatively, a service (processor) can be simple
* and have only the processor's input and output ports as children.
* <p>
* Input, output, data link and control link nodes are leaves.
* @author Alex Nenadic
* @author Stian Soiland-Reyes
* @author David Withers
public class WorkflowExplorerTreeModel extends DefaultTreeModel{
private static final long serialVersionUID = -2327461863858923772L;
public static final String INPUTS = "Workflow input ports";
public static final String OUTPUTS = "Workflow output ports";
public static final String PROCESSORS = "Services";
public static final String DATALINKS = "Data links";
public static final String CONTROLLINKS = "Control links";
public static final String MERGES = "Merges";
private Scufl2Tools scufl2Tools = new Scufl2Tools();
/* Root of the tree. */
private DefaultMutableTreeNode rootNode;
public WorkflowExplorerTreeModel(Workflow df) {
super(new DefaultMutableTreeNode(df)); // root node contains the whole workflow
rootNode = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) this.getRoot();
createTree(df, rootNode);
* Creates the tree model from a given workflow, for a given tree root.
private void createTree(Workflow df, DefaultMutableTreeNode root) {
// Create the four main node groups - inputs, outputs,
// services, data links, control links and merges.
DefaultMutableTreeNode inputs = new DefaultMutableTreeNode(INPUTS);
DefaultMutableTreeNode outputs = new DefaultMutableTreeNode(OUTPUTS);
DefaultMutableTreeNode services = new DefaultMutableTreeNode(PROCESSORS);
DefaultMutableTreeNode datalinks = new DefaultMutableTreeNode(DATALINKS);
DefaultMutableTreeNode controllinks = new DefaultMutableTreeNode(CONTROLLINKS);
// Attach them to the root of the tree
// Populate the workflow's inputs.
for (InputWorkflowPort dataflowInput : df.getInputPorts())
inputs.add(new DefaultMutableTreeNode(dataflowInput));
// Populate the workflow's outputs.
for (OutputWorkflowPort dataflowOutput : df.getOutputPorts())
outputs.add(new DefaultMutableTreeNode(dataflowOutput));
* Populate the workflow's processors (which in turn can contain a
* nested workflow).
NamedSet<Processor> processorsList = df.getProcessors();
for (Processor processor : processorsList) {
DefaultMutableTreeNode processorNode = new DefaultMutableTreeNode(
// A processor node can have children (input and output ports).
for (InputProcessorPort inputPort : processor.getInputPorts())
processorNode.add(new DefaultMutableTreeNode(inputPort));
for (OutputProcessorPort outputPort : processor.getOutputPorts())
processorNode.add(new DefaultMutableTreeNode(outputPort));
// Populate the workflow's data links.
for (DataLink datalink: df.getDataLinks())
datalinks.add(new DefaultMutableTreeNode(datalink));
// Populate the workflow's control links.
for (ControlLink controlLink : df.getControlLinks())
controllinks.add(new DefaultMutableTreeNode(controlLink));
private static final int INPUT_IDX = 0;
private static final int OUTPUT_IDX = 1;
private static final int PROCESSOR_IDX = 2;
private static final int DATA_IDX = 3;
private static final int CONTROL_IDX = 4;
* Returns a path from the root to the node containing the object. For a
* nested workflow, only a path for the DataflowActivity and its input and
* output ports is returned - for all other nested workflow objects we
* return null as we do not want them to be selection in the tree.
public static TreePath getPathForObject(Object userObject,
DefaultMutableTreeNode root) {
if (userObject instanceof Workflow) { // node contains a Dataflow object
if (root.getUserObject().equals(userObject)) // is it the root of the tree?
return new TreePath(root.getPath());
} else if (userObject instanceof InputWorkflowPort) {
// Get the root inputs node
DefaultMutableTreeNode inputs = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) root
for (int i = 0; i < inputs.getChildCount(); i++) {
DefaultMutableTreeNode node = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) inputs
if (node.getUserObject().equals(userObject))
return new TreePath(node.getPath());
* The node we are looking for must be under some nested workflow
* then - but we do not want to let the user select a node under a
* nested workflow so return here
return null;
/*DefaultMutableTreeNode processors = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) root.getChildAt(2);
for (int i = 0; i < processors.getChildCount(); i++){
DefaultMutableTreeNode processor = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) processors.getChildAt(i);
// If this is a nested workflow - descend into it
if (Tools.containsNestedWorkflow((Processor) processor.getUserObject())){
// Get the nested workflow node - it is always the last child of the
// wrapping processor's node
DefaultMutableTreeNode nestedWorkflowNode = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) processor.getLastChild();
TreePath tp = getPathForObject(userObject, nestedWorkflowNode);
if (tp != null)
return tp;
} else if (userObject instanceof OutputWorkflowPort) {
// Get the root outputs node
DefaultMutableTreeNode outputs = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) root
for (int i = 0; i< outputs.getChildCount(); i++) { // loop through the outputs
DefaultMutableTreeNode node = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) outputs
if (node.getUserObject().equals(userObject))
return new TreePath(node.getPath());
* The node we are looking for must be under some nested workflow
* then - but we do not want to let the user select a node under a
* nested workflow so return here
return null;
/*DefaultMutableTreeNode processors = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) root.getChildAt(2);
for (int i = 0; i < processors.getChildCount(); i++){
DefaultMutableTreeNode processor = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) processors.getChildAt(i);
// If this is a nested workflow - descend into it
if (Tools.containsNestedWorkflow((Processor) processor.getUserObject())){
// Get the nested workflow node - it is always the last child of the
// wrapping processor's node
DefaultMutableTreeNode nestedWorkflowNode = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) processor.getLastChild();
TreePath tp = getPathForObject(userObject, nestedWorkflowNode);
if (tp != null)
return tp;
} else if (userObject instanceof Processor) {
// Get the root services (processors) node
DefaultMutableTreeNode processors = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) root
for (int i = 0; i < processors.getChildCount(); i++) {
DefaultMutableTreeNode node = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) processors
if (node.getUserObject().equals(userObject))
return new TreePath(node.getPath());
* The node we are looking for must be under some nested workflow
* then - but we do not want to let the user select a node under a
* nested workflow so return here
return null;
/*for (int i = 0; i < processors.getChildCount(); i++){
DefaultMutableTreeNode processor = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) processors.getChildAt(i);
// If this is a nested workflow - descend into it
if (Tools.containsNestedWorkflow((Processor) processor.getUserObject())){
// Get the nested workflow node - it is always the last child of the
// wrapping processor's node
DefaultMutableTreeNode nestedWorkflowNode = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) processor.getLastChild();
TreePath tp = getPathForObject(userObject, nestedWorkflowNode);
if (tp != null)
return tp;
} else if (userObject instanceof InputProcessorPort) {
// This is an input port of a processor
// Get the root processors node
DefaultMutableTreeNode processors = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) root
for (int i = processors.getChildCount() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
// Looping backwards so that nested workflows are checked last
DefaultMutableTreeNode processor = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) processors
* We actually do not want to check nested workflows as we do
* not want the user to be able to select a component of a
* nested workflow
// If this is nested workflow - descend into it
if (Tools.containsNestedWorkflow((Processor) processor.getUserObject())){
// Check the associated DataflowActivity's input ports first
// Do not check the last child as it is the nested workflow node
for (int j = 0; j < processor.getChildCount()-1; j++){
DefaultMutableTreeNode port_node = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) processor.getChildAt(j);
if ((port_node.getUserObject() instanceof ActivityInputPort) &&
(((ActivityInputPort) port_node.getUserObject()).equals(userObject)))
return new TreePath(port_node.getPath());
// Get the nested workflow node - it is always the last child of the
// wrapping processor's node
DefaultMutableTreeNode nestedWorkflowNode = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) processor.getLastChild();
TreePath tp = getPathForObject(userObject, nestedWorkflowNode);
if (tp != null)
return tp;
} else */
* This is not a nested workflow, so loop thought the
* processor's input and output ports, and see if there is a
* matching input port
for (int j = 0; j < processor.getChildCount(); j++) {
DefaultMutableTreeNode port_node = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) processor
if ((port_node.getUserObject() instanceof InputProcessorPort)
&& (((InputProcessorPort) port_node
return new TreePath(port_node.getPath());
return null; // The node is inside a nested workflow so just return here
} else if (userObject instanceof OutputProcessorPort) {
// This is an output port of a processor (i.e. of its associated activity)
// Get the root processors node
DefaultMutableTreeNode processors = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) root
for (int i = processors.getChildCount() - 1; i >= 0 ; i--){
// Looping backwards so that nested workflows are checked last
DefaultMutableTreeNode processor = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) processors
* We actually do not want to check nested workflows as we do
* not want the user to be able to select a component of a
* nested workflow
// If this is nested workflow - descend into it
if (Tools.containsNestedWorkflow((Processor) processor.getUserObject())){
// Check the associated DataflowActivity's output ports first
// Do not check the last child as it is the nested workflow node
for (int j = 0; j < processor.getChildCount()-1; j++){
DefaultMutableTreeNode port_node = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) processor.getChildAt(j);
if ((port_node.getUserObject() instanceof ActivityOutputPortImpl) &&
(((ActivityOutputPortImpl) port_node.getUserObject()).equals(userObject)))
return new TreePath(port_node.getPath());
// Get the nested workflow node - it is always the last child of the
// wrapping processor's node
DefaultMutableTreeNode nestedWorkflowNode = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) processor.getLastChild();
TreePath tp = getPathForObject(userObject, nestedWorkflowNode);
if (tp != null)
return tp;
} else */
* This is not a nested workflow, so loop thought the
* processor's input and output ports, and see if there is a
* matching output port
for (int j = 0; j < processor.getChildCount(); j++) {
DefaultMutableTreeNode port_node = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) processor
if ((port_node.getUserObject() instanceof OutputProcessorPort)
&& (((OutputProcessorPort) port_node
return new TreePath(port_node.getPath());
return null; // The node is inside a nested workflow so just return here
} else if (userObject instanceof DataLink) {
// Get the root data links node
DefaultMutableTreeNode datalinks = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) root
for (int i = 0; i < datalinks.getChildCount(); i++) {
DefaultMutableTreeNode node = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) datalinks
if (node.getUserObject().equals(userObject))
return new TreePath(node.getPath());
* The node we are looking for must be under some nested workflow
* then - but we do not want to let the user select a node under a
* nested workflow so return here
return null;
/*DefaultMutableTreeNode processors = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) root.getChildAt(2);
for (int i = 0; i < processors.getChildCount(); i++){
DefaultMutableTreeNode processor = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) processors.getChildAt(i);
// If this is a nested workflow - descend into it
if (Tools.containsNestedWorkflow((Processor) processor.getUserObject())){
// Get the nested workflow node - it is always the last child of the
// wrapping processor's node
DefaultMutableTreeNode nestedWorkflowNode = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) processor.getLastChild();
TreePath tp = getPathForObject(userObject, nestedWorkflowNode);
if (tp != null)
return tp;
} else if (userObject instanceof ControlLink) {
// Get the root control links node
DefaultMutableTreeNode controllinks = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) root
for (int i = 0; i < controllinks.getChildCount(); i++) {
DefaultMutableTreeNode node = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) controllinks
if (node.getUserObject().equals(userObject))
return new TreePath(node.getPath());
* The node we are looking for must be under some nested workflow
* then - but we do not want to let the user select a node under a
* nested workflow so return here
return null;
/*DefaultMutableTreeNode processors = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) root.getChildAt(2);
for (int i = 0; i < processors.getChildCount(); i++){
DefaultMutableTreeNode processor = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) processors.getChildAt(i);
// If this is a nested workflow - descend into it
if (Tools.containsNestedWorkflow((Processor) processor.getUserObject())){
// Get the nested workflow node - it is always the last child of the
// wrapping processor's node
DefaultMutableTreeNode nestedWorkflowNode = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) processor.getLastChild();
TreePath tp = getPathForObject(userObject, nestedWorkflowNode);
if (tp != null)
return tp;
return null;