blob: f52d169ae90863503369da38ffa193edd6bc0949 [file] [log] [blame]
* *
* JBoss: The OpenSource J2EE WebOS *
* *
* Distributable under LGPL license. *
* See terms of license at *
* *
* Modified by Stian Soiland-Reyes *
* *
package org.apache.taverna.workbench.ui.impl;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.apache.log4j.Level;
* A subclass of PrintStream that redirects its output to a log4j Logger.
* <p>This class is used to map PrintStream/PrintWriter oriented logging onto
* the log4j Categories. Examples include capturing System.out/System.err
* @version <tt>$Revision: $</tt>
* @author <a href="">Scott Stark</a>.
* @author <a href="">Jason Dillon</a>
//FIXME Replace this class entirely
class LoggerStream extends PrintStream {
* Default flag to enable/disable tracing println calls. from the system
* property <tt>net.sf.taverna.t2.workbench.ui.impl.LoggerStream.trace</tt>
* or if not set defaults to <tt>false</tt>.
public static final boolean TRACE =
getBoolean(LoggerStream.class.getName() + ".trace", false);
* Helper to get boolean value from system property or use default if not
* set.
private static boolean getBoolean(String name, boolean defaultValue) {
String value = System.getProperty(name, null);
if (value == null)
return defaultValue;
return new Boolean(value).booleanValue();
private Logger logger;
private Level level;
private boolean issuedWarning;
* Redirect logging to the indicated logger using Level.INFO
public LoggerStream(Logger logger) {
this(logger, Level.INFO, System.out);
* Redirect logging to the indicated logger using the given level. The ps is
* simply passed to super but is not used.
public LoggerStream(Logger logger, Level level, PrintStream ps) {
this.logger = logger;
this.level = level;
public void println(String msg) {
if (msg == null)
msg = "null";
byte[] bytes = msg.getBytes();
write(bytes, 0, bytes.length);
public void println(Object msg) {
if (msg == null)
msg = "null";
byte[] bytes = msg.toString().getBytes();
write(bytes, 0, bytes.length);
public void write(byte b) {
byte[] bytes = { b };
write(bytes, 0, 1);
private ThreadLocal<Boolean> recursiveCheck = new ThreadLocal<>();
public void write(byte[] b, int off, int len) {
Boolean recursed = recursiveCheck.get();
if (recursed != null && recursed) {
* There is a configuration error that is causing looping. Most
* likely there are two console appenders so just return to prevent
* spinning.
if (issuedWarning == false) {
String msg = "ERROR: invalid log settings detected, console capturing is looping";
// out.write(msg.getBytes());
new Exception(msg).printStackTrace((PrintStream) out);
issuedWarning = true;
try {
out.write(b, off, len);
} catch (IOException e) {
// Remove the end of line chars
while (len > 0 && (b[len - 1] == '\n' || b[len - 1] == '\r')
&& len > off)
* HACK, something is logging exceptions line by line (including
* blanks), but I can't seem to find it, so for now just ignore empty
* lines... they aren't very useful.
if (len != 0) {
String msg = new String(b, off, len);
if (TRACE)
logger.log(level, msg, new Throwable());
logger.log(level, msg);