blob: 81ee9479722c95f590e3b50489fa025065ef9299 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.apache.taverna.biocatalogue.ui.search_results;
import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import java.awt.Component;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.GridLayout;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;
import javax.swing.BorderFactory;
import javax.swing.JButton;
import javax.swing.JComponent;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import javax.swing.JSplitPane;
import javax.swing.JTabbedPane;
import javax.swing.JToggleButton;
import org.apache.taverna.biocatalogue.model.ResourceManager;
import org.apache.taverna.biocatalogue.model.Resource.TYPE;
import org.apache.taverna.biocatalogue.ui.filtertree.FilterTreePane;
import org.apache.taverna.ui.perspectives.biocatalogue.MainComponentFactory;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
* This class represents the main panel that deals with the status
* and results of the current search.
* It has a status label, spinner to depict search in progress,
* actual search results split into tabs by their type, a toolbar
* with search history, favourite searches settings, favourite filters,
* ability to restart last search, etc.
* @author Sergejs Aleksejevs
public class SearchResultsMainPanel extends JPanel implements ActionListener, SearchInstanceTracker
private final SearchResultsMainPanel instanceOfSelf;
private Logger logger;
private LinkedHashMap<TYPE, JComponent> searchResultTabs;
private Map<TYPE, SearchResultsListingPanel> searchResultListings;
// holds a reference to the instance of the search instances in the current context
// that should be active at the moment (will aid early termination of older searches
// when new ones are started)
private Map<TYPE, SearchInstance> currentSearchInstances;
// holds a map of references to the current instances of filter trees per resource type
private Map<TYPE, FilterTreePane> currentFilterPanes;
private JTabbedPane tabbedSearchResultPanel;
protected JToggleButton bToggleSearchHistory;
protected JButton bRefreshLastSearch;
protected JButton bClearSearchResults;
public SearchResultsMainPanel()
this.instanceOfSelf = this;
this.logger = Logger.getLogger(SearchResultsMainPanel.class);
this.currentSearchInstances = new HashMap<TYPE,SearchInstance>();
this.searchResultListings = new HashMap<TYPE, SearchResultsListingPanel>();
this.currentFilterPanes = new HashMap<TYPE,FilterTreePane>();
this.searchResultTabs = new LinkedHashMap<TYPE, JComponent>(); // crucial to preserve the order -- so that these tabs always appear in the UI in the same order!
private void initialiseUI()
// create a panel for tabbed listings of search results
this.tabbedSearchResultPanel = new JTabbedPane();
// pack all main components together
JPanel jpMainResultsPanel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
jpMainResultsPanel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(5, 5, 5, 3));
jpMainResultsPanel.add(tabbedSearchResultPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER);
// --- Put together all parts ---
// main components in the middle, toolbar on the right
this.setMinimumSize(new Dimension(450, 50));
this.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
this.add(jpMainResultsPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER);
// FIXME - add toolbar to the main window!
// this.add(tbSearchActions, BorderLayout.EAST);
// ----- Hiding / Showing tabs for various search result types -----
* Dynamically populates the map of resource types and components that represent these types
* in the tabbed pane -- this is only to be done once during the initialisation.
private void initialiseResultTabsMap()
for (TYPE t : TYPE.values()) {
toggleResultTabsInMap(t, t.isDefaultSearchType());
* Adds or removes a tab for a specified type of resource.
* @param type Resource type for which the tab is to be added / removed.
* @param doShowTab Defines whether to add or remove tab for this resource type.
public void toggleResultTabsInMap(TYPE type, boolean doShowTab)
JPanel jpResultTabContent = null;
if (doShowTab)
jpResultTabContent = new JPanel(new GridLayout());
// decide if this resource type supports filtering
if (type.isSuitableForFiltering()) {
FilterTreePane filterTreePane = new FilterTreePane(type);
this.currentFilterPanes.put(type, filterTreePane);
else {
// not suitable for filtering - record this in a map
this.currentFilterPanes.put(type, null);
SearchResultsListingPanel resultsListingPanel = new SearchResultsListingPanel(type, this);
this.searchResultListings.put(type, resultsListingPanel);
if (this.currentFilterPanes.get(type) == null) {
else {
JSplitPane spFiltersAndResultListing = new JSplitPane(JSplitPane.HORIZONTAL_SPLIT);
else {
// tab for this type is being hidden - just remove the references
// to the search result listing and to filter pane
this.searchResultListings.put(type, null);
this.currentFilterPanes.put(type, null);
this.searchResultTabs.put(type, jpResultTabContent);
* (Re-)loads the user interface from the internal map.
public void reloadResultTabsFromMap()
Component selectedTabsComponent = tabbedSearchResultPanel.getSelectedComponent();
for (TYPE type : this.searchResultTabs.keySet()) {
JComponent c = this.searchResultTabs.get(type);
if (c != null) {
tabbedSearchResultPanel.addTab(type.getCollectionName(), type.getIcon(), c, type.getCollectionTabTooltip());
// attempt to re-select the same tab that was open before reloading
try {
catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
// failed - probably previously selected tab got removed - select the first one
* @param resourceType Resource type to look for.
* @return Current index of the tab in the results tabbed pane view
* that holds a component showing search results for this type.
* Returns <code>-1</code> if requested type is not currently displayed.
protected int getTabIndexForResourceType(TYPE resourceType) {
return (tabbedSearchResultPanel.indexOfComponent(searchResultTabs.get(resourceType)));
// ----- ------
* This method is intended to be called when filter options in one of the tabs change.
* It starts the new filtering operation.
* Effectively it sets the filtering parameters for the SearchInstance
* and then starts a new search with that {@link SearchInstance} wrapped into {@link SearchOptions}.
* @param resourceType Resource type for which the new filtering operation is started
* @param filteringSettings Filtering settings for the current filtering operation
* obtained from the filter tree (or favourite filters).
public void startNewFiltering(TYPE resourceType, ServiceFilteringSettings filteringSettings)
SearchInstance siPreviousSearchForThisType = getCurrentSearchInstance(resourceType);
// pass on the filtering parameters to the relevant search instance (this will overwrite the old ones if any were present!)
if (siPreviousSearchForThisType == null) {
// no filterings have been done earlier for this resource type;
// we'll need a new (blank) query search SearchInstance and
// wrap it into a service filtering SearchInstance
siPreviousSearchForThisType = new SearchInstance(new SearchInstance("", resourceType), filteringSettings);
else {
if (!siPreviousSearchForThisType.isServiceFilteringSearch()) {
// just wrap existing search instance that was (probably) transferred from the Search tab
// into another SearchInstance that explicitly deals with service filtering
siPreviousSearchForThisType = new SearchInstance(siPreviousSearchForThisType, filteringSettings);
else {
// previous search instance dealt with filtering -
// simply update the filtering settings (but before that
// run a 'deep copy' of the original search instance, so
// that the new one gets a new reference; this will aid
// in early termination of older filterings)
siPreviousSearchForThisType = siPreviousSearchForThisType.deepCopy();
// proceed with "search" as usual - it will treat this search instance differently
// from "ordinary" search
startNewSearch(new SearchOptions(siPreviousSearchForThisType));
* Worker method responsible for starting a new search via the API.
* This method is to be used when a *new* search is started. It will
* mainly make updates to the UI and store the new search in the history.
public void startNewSearch(final SearchOptions searchOptions)
for (final TYPE resourceType : searchOptions.getResourceTypesToSearchFor())
SearchInstance si = null;
switch (searchOptions.getSearchType()) {
case QuerySearch: si = new SearchInstance(searchOptions.getSearchString(), resourceType);
case TagSearch: if (resourceType.isSuitableForTagSearch()) {
si = new SearchInstance(searchOptions.getSearchTags(), resourceType);
else {
// FIXME implement this... - show "no results" in the appropriate tab
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "'" + resourceType.getTypeName() + "' resource type is not suitable for tag search");
case Filtering: if (resourceType.isSuitableForFiltering()) {
si = searchOptions.getPreconfiguredSearchInstance();
else {
// FIXME implement this... - show "no results" in the appropriate tab
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "'" + resourceType.getTypeName() + "' resource type is not suitable for filtering");
if (si.isEmptySearch()) {
// Record 'this' search instance and set it as the new "primary" one for
// this resource type;
// (this way it if a new search thread starts afterwards, it is possible to
// detect this and stop the 'older' search, because it is no longer relevant)
registerSearchInstance(resourceType, si);
// start spinner icon for this tab to indicate search in progress - also show status message
searchResultListings.get(resourceType).setSearchStatusText("Searching for " + si.getDescriptionStringForSearchStatus() + "...", true);
// start the actual search
final SearchInstance siToStart = si;
new Thread(searchOptions.getSearchType() + " of " + resourceType.getCollectionName() + " via the API") {
public void run() {
siToStart.startNewSearch(instanceOfSelf, new CountDownLatch(1), searchResultListings.get(resourceType)); // FIXME - the new countdown latch is never used...
catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Error while searching via the Service Catalogue API. Error details attached.", e);
* Clears selection of filtering criteria and collapses any expanded nodes
* in all filter tree panes.<br/><br/>
* To be used for resetting all filter panes when the new query / tag
* search starts.
* @param queryString
private void resetAllFilterPanes(String queryString) {
for (FilterTreePane filterTreePane : this.currentFilterPanes.values()) {
if (filterTreePane != null) {
if ((queryString != null) && !queryString.isEmpty()) {
protected void setSpinnerIconForTab(TYPE resourceType) {
tabbedSearchResultPanel.setIconAt(getTabIndexForResourceType(resourceType), ResourceManager.getImageIcon(ResourceManager.SPINNER));
protected void setDefaultIconForTab(TYPE resourceType) {
this.tabbedSearchResultPanel.setIconAt(getTabIndexForResourceType(resourceType), resourceType.getIcon());
* Same as {@link SearchResultsMainPanel#setDefaultTitleForTab(TYPE)},
* but allows to append a specified string at the end of the default title.
* @param resourceType
* @param suffix
protected void setDefaultTitleForTabWithSuffix(TYPE resourceType, String suffix) {
resourceType.getCollectionName() + (suffix == null ? "" : suffix) );
* Sets default title for a tab that contains panel representing
* search results of the specified resource type. Default title
* is just a name of the collections of resources in that tab.
* @param resourceType
protected void setDefaultTitleForTab(TYPE resourceType) {
setDefaultTitleForTabWithSuffix(resourceType, null);
* @param resourceType Resource type for which the search result listing panel is requested.
* @return Reference to the requested panel or <code>null</code> if a tab for the specified
* <code>resourceType</code> does not exist.
protected SearchResultsListingPanel getResultsListingFor(TYPE resourceType) {
return (this.searchResultListings.get(resourceType));
* @param resourceType Resource type for which filter tree pane is to be returned.
* @return Reference to the requested filter tree pane or <code>null</code> if
* there is no search result tab for the specified <code>resourceType</code>
* (or if that <code>resourceType</code> does not support filtering).
protected FilterTreePane getFilterTreePaneFor(TYPE resourceType) {
return (this.currentFilterPanes.get(resourceType));
// *** Callback for ActionListener interface ***
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
// FIXME -- remove this...
// if (e.getSource().equals(bRefreshLastSearch))
// {
// // restore state of the search options panel
// pluginPerspectiveMainComponent.getSearchTab().restoreSearchOptions(siPreviousSearch);
// // completely re-run the previous search
// startNewSearch(siPreviousSearch);
// }
// else if (e.getSource().equals(bClearSearchResults))
// {
// // manual request to clear results of previous search
// // if any search thread was running, deactivate it as well
// if (isSearchThreadRunning()) {
// vCurrentSearchThreadID.set(0, null);
// }
// // changing both - spinner image and the status text simultaneously
// setSearchStatusText("No searches were made yet", false);
// // removed the previous search, hence makes no sense to allow to clear "previous" results again
// bClearSearchResults.setEnabled(false);
// // only remove data about previous search and disable refresh button
// // if no search thread is currently running - otherwise keep the button
// // enabled in case there is a need to re-start the search if it's frozen
// if (!isSearchThreadRunning()) {
// siPreviousSearch = null;
// bRefreshLastSearch.setEnabled(false);
// }
// // also notify tabbed results panel, so that it removes the actual search results
// searchResultsPanel.clearPreviousSearchResults();
// }
// else if (e.getSource().equals(this.jclPreviewCurrentFilteringCriteria))
// {
// // open a preview window showing current filtering settings
// SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable()
// {
// public void run() {
// ServiceFilteringSettingsPreview p = new ServiceFilteringSettingsPreview(siPreviousSearch.getFilteringSettings());
// p.setVisible(true);
// }
// });
// }
// *** Callbacks for SearchInstanceTracker interface ***
public synchronized void clearPreviousSearchInstances() {
public synchronized boolean isCurrentSearchInstance(TYPE searchType, SearchInstance searchInstance) {
// NB! it is crucial to perform test by reference here (hence the use of "==", not equals()!)
return (this.currentSearchInstances.get(searchType) == searchInstance);
public synchronized void registerSearchInstance(TYPE searchType, SearchInstance searchInstance) {
this.currentSearchInstances.put(searchType, searchInstance);
public synchronized SearchInstance getCurrentSearchInstance(TYPE searchType) {
return this.currentSearchInstances.get(searchType);
public void clearListingPanels() {
for (SearchResultsListingPanel listingPanel : searchResultListings.values()) {
for (TYPE t : searchResultListings.keySet()) {
public void clearSearch() {
for (FilterTreePane treePanel : currentFilterPanes.values()) {