blob: d51f703821efecbf08e131f4a6a52301e719c159 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.apache.taverna.biocatalogue.model;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Component;
import java.awt.Font;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.swing.BorderFactory;
import javax.swing.JLabel;
import net.sf.taverna.raven.appconfig.ApplicationRuntime;
import org.apache.taverna.ui.perspectives.biocatalogue.BioCataloguePerspective;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
* Class containing various reusable helper methods.
* @author Sergejs Aleksejevs
public class Util
private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(Util.class);
* Makes sure that one component (for example, a window) is centered horizontally and vertically
* relatively to the other component. This is achieved by aligning centers of the two components.
* This method can be used even if the 'dependentComponent' is larger than the 'mainComponent'. In
* this case it is probably only useful for centering windows against each other rather than
* components inside a container.
* Method also makes sure that the dependent component will not be placed above the screen's upper
* edge and to the left of the left edge.
public static void centerComponentWithinAnother(Component mainComponent, Component dependentComponent)
int iMainComponentCenterX = (int)Math.round(mainComponent.getLocationOnScreen().getX() + (mainComponent.getWidth() / 2));
int iPosX = iMainComponentCenterX - (dependentComponent.getWidth() / 2);
if (iPosX < 0) iPosX = 0;
int iMainComponentCenterY = (int)Math.round(mainComponent.getLocationOnScreen().getY() + (mainComponent.getHeight() / 2));
int iPosY = iMainComponentCenterY - (dependentComponent.getHeight() / 2);
if (iPosY < 0) iPosY = 0;
dependentComponent.setLocation(iPosX, iPosY);
* The parameter is the class name to be processed; class name is likely to be in
* the form <class_name>$<integer_value>, where the trailing part starting with
* the $ sign indicates the anonymous inner class within the base class. This will
* strip out that part of the class name to get the base class name.
public static String getBaseClassName(String strClassName)
// strip out the class name part after the $ sign; return
// the original value if the dollar sign wasn't found
String strResult = strClassName;
int iDollarIdx = strResult.indexOf("$");
if (iDollarIdx != -1) strResult = strResult.substring(0, iDollarIdx);
return (strResult);
* Makes sure that the supplied string is no longer than provided length.
public static String ensureStringLength(String str, int iLength) {
if (str.length() > iLength) str = str.substring(0, iLength) + " (...)";
return (str);
* Makes sure that the supplied string doesn't have any lines (separated by HTML line break tag) longer
* than specified; assumes that there are no line breaks in the source line.
* @param str The string to work with.
* @param iLineLength Desired length of each line.
* @param bIgnoreBrokenWords True if line breaks are to be inserted exactly each <code>iLineLength</code>
* symbols (which will most likely cause broken words); false to insert line breaks
* at the first space after <code>iLineLength</code> symbols since last line break.
* @return New string with inserted HTML line breaks.
public static String ensureLineLengthWithinString(String str, int iLineLength, boolean bIgnoreBrokenWords)
StringBuilder out = new StringBuilder(str);
// keep inserting line breaks from end of the line till the beginning until all done
int iLineBreakPosition = 0;
while (iLineBreakPosition >= 0 && iLineBreakPosition < out.length())
// insert line break either exactly at calculated position or
iLineBreakPosition += iLineLength;
iLineBreakPosition = (bIgnoreBrokenWords ?
iLineBreakPosition :
out.indexOf(" ", iLineBreakPosition));
if (iLineBreakPosition > 0 && iLineBreakPosition < out.length()) {
out.insert(iLineBreakPosition, "<br>");
iLineBreakPosition += 4; // -- four is the length of "<br>"
return (out.toString());
* This is a convenience method for calling
* {@link Util#pluraliseNoun(String, long, boolean)}
* with <code>false</code> as a value for third parameter.
public static String pluraliseNoun(String noun, long count) {
return (pluraliseNoun(noun, count, false));
* Performs naive pluralisation of the supplied noun.
* @param noun Noun in a singular form.
* @param count Number of occurrences of the item, for which the noun is provided.
* @param forceAppendingSByDefault <code>true</code> to make sure that "y" -> "ies"
* substitution is <b>not made</b>, but instead "s" is appended
* to unmodified root of the noun.
* @return Pluralised <code>noun</code>: with appended -s or -y replaced with -ies.
public static String pluraliseNoun(String noun, long count, boolean forceAppendingSByDefault)
if (count % 10 != 1 || count == 11) {
if (!forceAppendingSByDefault && noun.endsWith("y")) {
return (noun.substring(0, noun.length() - 1) + "ies"); // e.g. ENTRY -> ENTRIES
else {
return (noun + "s"); // e.g. SHIP -> SHIPS
else {
// no need to pluralise - count is of the type 21, 31, etc..
return noun;
* Calculates time difference between two {@link Calendar} instances.
* @param earlier The "earlier" date.
* @param later The "later" date.
* @param maxDifferenceMillis The maximum allowed time difference between the two
* {@link Calendar} instances, in milliseconds. If the calculated
* difference will exceed <code>maxDifferenceMillis</code>,
* <code>null</code> will be returned. If this parameter has
* a value <code>less or equal to zero</code>, any time difference
* between the {@link Calendar} instances will be permitted.
* @return String in the form "XX seconds|minutes|hours|days ago". Proper pluralisation will
* be performed on the name of the time unit. <code>null</code> will be returned in
* cases where one of the {@link Calendar} instances is <code>null</code>, time
* difference between the provided instances is greater than <code>maxDifferenceMillis</code>
* or <code>earlier</code> date is not really earlier than <code>later</code> one.
public static String getAgoString(Calendar earlier, Calendar later, long maxDifferenceMillis)
// one of the dates is missing
if (earlier == null || later == null) {
return null;
if (earlier.before(later)) {
long differenceMillis = later.getTimeInMillis() - earlier.getTimeInMillis();
if (maxDifferenceMillis <= 0 || (maxDifferenceMillis > 0 && differenceMillis <= maxDifferenceMillis))
long result = 0;
String unitName = "";
if (differenceMillis < 60 * 1000) {
result = differenceMillis / 1000;
unitName = "second";
else if (differenceMillis < 60 * 60 * 1000) {
result = differenceMillis / (60 * 1000);
unitName = "minute";
else if (differenceMillis < 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000) {
result = differenceMillis / (60 * 60 * 1000);
unitName = "hour";
else {
result = differenceMillis / (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
unitName = "day";
return (result + " " + Util.pluraliseNoun(unitName, result, true) + " ago");
else {
// the difference is too large - larger than the supplied threshold
return null;
else {
// the "later" date is not really later than the "earlier" one
return null;
* Joins the set of tokens in the provided list into a single string.
* This method is a shorthand for {@link Util#join(List, String, String, String)}.
* @param tokens List of strings to join.
* @param separator Separator to insert between individual strings.
* @return String of the form <code>[token1][separator][token2][separator]...[tokenN]</code>
public static String join(List<String> tokens, String separator) {
return (join(tokens, null, null, separator));
* Joins the set of tokens in the provided list into a single string.
* Any empty strings or <code>null</code> entries in the <code>tokens</code> list
* will be removed to achieve a better resulting joined string.
* @param tokens List of strings to join.
* @param prefix String to prepend to each token.
* @param suffix String to append to each token.
* @param separator Separator to insert between individual strings.
* @return String of the form <code>[prefix][token1][suffix][separator][prefix][token2][suffix][separator]...[prefix][tokenN][suffix]</code>
* <br/><br/>
* Example: call <code>join(["cat","sat","on","the","mat"], "[", "]", ", ")</code> results in the following output:
* <code>"[cat], [sat], [on], [the], [mat]"</code>
public static String join(List<String> tokens, String prefix, String suffix, String separator)
if (tokens == null) {
// nothing to join
return (null);
// list of strings is not empty, but some pre-processing is necessary
// to remove any empty strings that may be there
for (int i = tokens.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (tokens.get(i) == null || tokens.get(i).length() == 0) {
// now start the actual processing, but it may be the case that all strings
// were empty and we now have an empty list
if (tokens.isEmpty()) {
// nothing to join - just return an empty string
return ("");
else {
// there are some tokens -- perform the joining
String effectivePrefix = (prefix == null ? "" : prefix);
String effectiveSuffix = (suffix == null ? "" : suffix);
String effectiveSeparator = (separator == null ? "" : separator);
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < tokens.size(); i++) {
result.append(effectivePrefix + tokens.get(i) + effectiveSuffix);
result.append(i == tokens.size() - 1 ? "" : effectiveSeparator);
return (result.toString());
* Determines whether the plugin is running as a standalone JFrame or inside Taverna Workbench.
* This is a naive test, based only on the fact that Taverna uses Raven ApplicationRuntime.
public static boolean isRunningInTaverna()
try {
// ApplicationRuntime class is defined within Taverna API. If this is available,
// it should mean that the plugin runs within Taverna.
return true;
catch (NoClassDefFoundError e) {
return false;
public static String prepareStringForComponent(String source) {
return "<html>" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(source) + "</html>";
* === The following section is providing URL handling methods. ===
* See: {@link Util#appendStringBeforeParametersOfURL(String, String, boolean)}
* Assumes the last parameter as false, so that the URL encoding will be done.
public static String appendStringBeforeParametersOfURL(String url, String strToAppend) {
return (appendStringBeforeParametersOfURL(url, strToAppend, false));
* Tiny helper to strip out all HTML tags. This will not leave any HTML tags
* at all (so that the content can be displayed in DialogTextArea - and the
* like - components. This helps to present HTML content inside JAVA easier.
public static String stripAllHTML(String source) {
// don't do anything if not string is provided
if (source == null)
return ("");
// need to preserve at least all line breaks
// (ending and starting paragraph also make a line break)
source = source.replaceAll("</p>[\r\n]*<p>", "<br/>");
source = source.replaceAll("[\\s]+", " ");
source = source.replaceAll("\\<br/?\\>", "\n");
source = source.replaceAll("\n ", "\n");
// strip all HTML
source = source.replaceAll("\\<.*?\\>", ""); // any HTML tags
source = source.replaceAll("&\\w{1,4};", ""); // this is for things like "&nbsp;", "&gt;", etc
return (source);
* Appends given string at the end of the provided URL just before the list of parameters in the url.
* For example, appending ".xml" to URL "" will
* yield "".
* No duplication checking is made - if the URL is already ending (before parameters) with the value of
* the string to append, that string will still be appended.
* @param url URL to append the string to.
* @param strToAppend The string to append. The value will be url-encode before appending.
* @return New string containing modified <code>url</code> with the <code>strToAppend</code> appended
* before the "query string" of the URL.
public static String appendStringBeforeParametersOfURL(String url, String strToAppend, boolean ignoreURLEncoding)
StringBuilder modifiedURL = new StringBuilder(url);
int iPositionToInsertProvidedString = modifiedURL.indexOf("?");
if (iPositionToInsertProvidedString == -1) iPositionToInsertProvidedString = modifiedURL.length();
String stringToInsert = (ignoreURLEncoding ? strToAppend : Util.urlEncodeQuery(strToAppend));
modifiedURL.insert(iPositionToInsertProvidedString, stringToInsert);
return (modifiedURL.toString());
* This method takes a collection of name-value pairs in the form of a map.
* It then adds all parameters from this map to the provided URL.
* If any parameter has the same name as was already present in the URL, the new value
* will replace the existing one.
* The implementation of this method is not particularly efficient - it makes a
* lot of overhead, but it's fine for non-intensive usage.
* @param url The URL to add a new parameter to.
* @param Map of parameters to add to the URL. Keys and values of the map are the names and values for URL parameters.
* @return New string which is the original <code>url</code> with all provided
* parameters (in the form <code>name</code>=<code>value</code> pair) added to it.
public static String appendAllURLParameters(String url, Map<String,String> parameterMap)
if (parameterMap == null || parameterMap.size() == 0) {
// nothing to add, return the same URL
return (url);
else {
// just call an overloaded method which has the main logic
// to do this action for each name-value pair in the map
String out = url;
for (Map.Entry<String,String> anotherParameter : parameterMap.entrySet()) {
out = appendURLParameter(out, anotherParameter);
return (out);
* This method takes a string representation of a URL and a name-value pair
* of strings - in the form of Map.Entry instance to add to the URL as a new parameter.
* If parameter with the same name was already present in the URL, the new value
* will replace the existing one.
* @param url The URL to add a new parameter to.
* @param Map.Entry instance containing the name & the value for the parameter to add.
* @return New string which is the original <code>url</code> with the desired
* parameter (<code>name</code>=<code>value</code> pair) added to it.
public static String appendURLParameter(String url, Map.Entry<String,String> parameter)
if (parameter == null) {
// nothing to add, return the same URL
return (url);
else {
// just call an overloaded method which has the main logic to do this action
return (appendURLParameter(url, parameter.getKey(), parameter.getValue()));
* This method takes a string representation of a URL and a name-value pair
* of strings to add to the URL as a new parameter.
* If parameter with the same name was already present in the URL, the new value
* will replace the existing one.
* @param url The URL to add a new parameter to.
* @param parameter String array with 2 elements - first element is the name
* of the parameter to add, second - the value of the parameter.
* @return New string which is the original <code>url</code> with the desired
* parameter (<code>name</code>=<code>value</code> pair) added to it.
public static String appendURLParameter(String url, String[] parameter)
if (parameter == null || parameter.length != 2) {
// nothing to add, return the same URL
return (url);
else {
// just call an overloaded method which has the main logic to do this action
return (appendURLParameter(url, parameter[0], parameter[1]));
* This method takes a string representation of a URL and a name-value pair
* of strings to add to the URL as a new parameter.
* If parameter with the same name was already present in the URL, the new value
* will replace the existing one.
* @param url The URL to add a new parameter to.
* @param name Name of the parameter to add.
* @param value Value of the parameter to add.
* @return New string which is the original <code>url</code> with the desired
* parameter (<code>name</code>=<code>value</code> pair) added to it.
public static String appendURLParameter(String url, String name, String value)
// if name of the parameter is not given, ignore this request
// (makes sense to return the same URL as the input in this case -
// as appending "nothing" wouldn't make it any different)
if (name == null || name.length() == 0) {
return (url);
// do everything in the protected block
// parse the parameters of the given URL
Map<String,String> urlParameters = extractURLParameters(url);
if (urlParameters == null) {
// there were no parameters in the original URL, create new map
urlParameters = new HashMap<String,String>();
// add the new parameter (this will replace a parameter with identical
// name if it was already present in the map)
urlParameters.put(name, value);
// parse the URL string into the URL object to extract original query string
URL theURL = new URL(url);
String originalQueryString = theURL.getQuery();
// prepare the basis for the new URL to return
String newUrl = null;
if (originalQueryString != null) {
// replace the original query string with empty space to
// give way for appending the new query string
newUrl = url.replace(originalQueryString, "");
else {
// there were no parameters in the original URL
newUrl = url + "?";
// append the new query string
newUrl += constructURLQueryString(urlParameters);
return (newUrl);
catch (Exception e)
logger.error("\nCouldn't append parameter ('" + name + "', '" + value + "') to the URL: " + url, e);
return (null);
* Extracts a value of a specific parameter from the supplied URL.
* @param url The URL to extract the parameter from.
* @param parameterName Name of the URL parameter to extract the value for.
* @return Value of the parameter with <code>parameterName</code> in the given <code>url</code>.
* If the parameter with specified name is not found in the given <code>url</code>,
* <code>null</code> is returned instead.
public static String extractURLParameter(String url, String parameterName)
// both URL and the name of the required parameter must be supplied
if (url == null || url.length() == 0 || parameterName == null || parameterName.length() == 0) return null;
Map<String,String> urlParameters = extractURLParameters(url);
if (urlParameters != null) {
// the URL has some parameters; check what's the value of the desired parameter
return (urlParameters.get(parameterName));
else {
// the URL doesn't contain any parameters
return (null);
* Extracts the query string from the provided URL. Parses this query string into
* a map of parameters.
* All parameters (both names and values) will have special characters unescaped
* (i.e. decoded from the standard url-encoding) and can be used directly.
* @param url The string representation of the URL to parse.
public static Map<String,String> extractURLParameters(String url)
try {
// extract the query part of the supplied URL
URL theURL = new URL(url);
String queryString = theURL.getQuery();
// prepare storage for output
Map<String,String> parameterMap = null;
// extract each name-value pair from query string (if any are specified in the URL)
if (queryString != null && queryString.length() > 0)
// only initialise if there are some parameters
parameterMap = new HashMap<String,String>();
for (String parameter : queryString.split("&")) {
String[] nameValueArr = parameter.split("=");
String name = nameValueArr[0]; // parameter name must always be present
String value = (nameValueArr.length == 2 ? nameValueArr[1] : null); // could be that parameter value is not set (e.g. "q=") - insert null then
// decode possible special characters
name = urlDecodeQuery(name);
if (value != null) value = urlDecodeQuery(value);
parameterMap.put(name, value);
return (parameterMap);
catch (MalformedURLException e)
// some problem occurred - report it; can't return any data in this case
logger.error("Couldn't parse parameters of a URL: " + url + "; details below:", e);
return null;
* This method is the opposite for <code>extractURLParameters(String url)</code>.
* It takes a map of parameters, performs URL-encoding of each and assembles them
* into a query string.
* The query string then can be added to the <code>URL</code> object by using standard
* Java API.
* @param urlParameters Map of parameters to use in query string construction.
* @return URL-encoded query string.
public static String constructURLQueryString(Map<String,String> urlParameters)
if (urlParameters != null) {
StringBuilder queryString = new StringBuilder();
// iterate through all parameters and reconstruct the query string
for (Map.Entry<String,String> parameter : urlParameters.entrySet())
if (queryString.length() > 0) queryString.append("&"); // parameter separator
queryString.append(urlEncodeQuery(parameter.getKey()) + "=" + urlEncodeQuery(parameter.getValue()));
return (queryString.toString());
else {
return (null);
* Prepares the string to serve as a part of url query to the server.
* @param query The string that needs URL encoding.
* @return URL encoded string that can be inserted into the request URL.
public static String urlEncodeQuery(String query)
// "fast exit" - if null supplied, just return an empty string;
// this is because in the URLs we have "q=", rather than "q=null" - this will cater for such cases
if (query == null) return ("");
// encode the query
String strRes = "";
try {
strRes = URLEncoder.encode(query, "UTF-8");
catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
// do nothing
return (strRes);
* Decodes a string which came as a part of of URL (e.g. a URL parameter). This converts
* codes of escaped special characters back into those special characters.
* @param query The string that needs URL decoded.
* @return Decoded string that will contain all the special characters.
public static String urlDecodeQuery(String query)
String strRes = "";
try {
strRes = URLDecoder.decode(query, "UTF-8");
catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
// do nothing
return (strRes);
* This method is "clones" an object supplied as an argument. It uses
* serialisation to achieve this (as opposed to manually implementing deep
* copying of all referenced objects in the graph of the provided object).
* This technique is used to make sure that the new object will be exact
* replica, but totally independent of the original one.
* Note that this code works ~100 times slower than it would do if deep copying
* was implemented. However, this will not be used in tight loops (and in loops
* at all), so for one-off tasks it is fine.
* @author Dave Miller<br/>
* Original version of the code in this method is taken from
* <a href="">
* </a> [accessed on 25/Feb/2010].
* <br/><br/>
* @author Subhajit Dasgupta<br/>
* Example of using an alternative class loader during object de-serialisation
* was taken from
* <a href="">
* </a> [accessed on 29/Mar/2010].
* @return Deep copy of the provided object. If deep copying doesn't succeed,
* <code>null</code> is returned.
public static Object deepCopy(Object objectToCopy)
// a "safety net" - a class loader of BioCatalogue perspective may be used in
// de-serialisation process to make sure that all classes are recognised
// (system class loader may not be able to "see" all BioCatalogue plugin's files,
// but just those in Taverna's /lib folder)
final ClassLoader[] customClassLoaders = new ClassLoader[] { BioCataloguePerspective.class.getClassLoader() };
ObjectOutputStream oos = null;
ObjectInputStream ois = null;
ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
oos = new ObjectOutputStream(bos);
// serialise and pass the object
// read and return the new object
ByteArrayInputStream bin = new ByteArrayInputStream(bos.toByteArray());
ois = new ObjectInputStream(bin) {
* <code>resolveClass()</code> method is overridden to make use of
* custom ClassLoader in the de-serialisation process.
* <br/>
* This is needed to make sure that the ClassLoader of the BioCatalogue
* perspective is used as opposed to the system ClassLoader which will
* only be able to see classes from Taverna's /lib folder.
protected Class<?> resolveClass(ObjectStreamClass desc) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
String className = desc.getName();
try {
// attempt to use default class loader
return Class.forName(className);
catch (ClassNotFoundException exc)
// default class loader was unable to locate a required class -
// attempt to use one of the provided class loaders
for (ClassLoader cl : customClassLoaders) {
try {
return cl.loadClass(className);
catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
/* do nothing here - there may be other class loaders to try */
// none of the class loaders was able to recognise the currently
// de-serialised class, so it's indeed an exception
throw new ClassNotFoundException(className +
" -- neither system, nor alternative class loaders were able to load this class");
return ois.readObject();
catch(Exception e)
logger.error("Could not perform deep copy of " + objectToCopy.getClass() + " instance", e);
catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Could not close object streams during deep copy of " + objectToCopy.getClass() + " instance");
// Error occurred - couldn't produce the deep copy...
return null;