blob: 1f5ccd64c9bc6462ea976975c13fbcdd4e787ca5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package org.apache.taverna.workbench.ui.impl.configuration.colour;
import static java.awt.Color.WHITE;
import static java.awt.Color.decode;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.taverna.workbench.configuration.colour.ColourManager;
* A factory class that determines the colour that a Colourable UI component
* should be displayed as, according to a schema configured by the user.
* @author Stuart Owen
* @author Ian Dunlop
* @see Colourable
public class ColourManagerImpl extends AbstractConfigurable implements
ColourManager {
// Names of things that may be coloured
private static final String WORKFLOW_PORT_OBJECT = "org.apache.taverna.scufl2.api.port.WorkflowPort";
private static final String PROCESSOR_PORT_OBJECT = "org.apache.taverna.scufl2.api.port.ProcessorPort";
private static final String PROCESSOR_OBJECT = "org.apache.taverna.scufl2.api.core.Processor";
private static final String MERGE_OBJECT = "org.apache.taverna.workflowmodel.Merge";
private static final String NONEXECUTABLE_ACTIVITY = "";
private static final String XML_SPLITTER_OUT_ACTIVITY = "";
private static final String XML_SPLITTER_IN_ACTIVITY = "";
private static final String LOCALWORKER_ACTIVITY = "";
private static final String WSDL_ACTIVITY = "";
private static final String CONSTANT_ACTIVITY = "";
private static final String SOAPLAB_ACTIVITY = "";
private static final String RSHELL_ACTIVITY = "";
private static final String NESTED_WORKFLOW = "";
private static final String MOBY_PARSER_ACTIVITY = "";
private static final String MOBY_OBJECT_ACTIVITY = "";
private static final String MOBY_SERVICE_ACTIVITY = "";
private static final String BIOMART_ACTIVITY = "";
private static final String BEANSHELL_ACTIVITY = "";
private static final String APICONSUMER_ACTIVITY = "";
// Names of colours used
private static final String burlywood2 = "#deb887";
private static final String darkgoldenrod1 = "#ffb90f";
private static final String darkolivegreen3 = "#a2cd5a";
private static final String gold = "#ffd700";
private static final String grey = "#777777";
private static final String lightcyan2 = "#d1eeee";
private static final String lightgoldenrodyellow = "#fafad2";
// light purple non standard
private static final String lightpurple = "#ab92ea";
private static final String lightsteelblue = "#b0c4de";
private static final String mediumorchid2 = "#d15fee";
private static final String palegreen = "#98fb98";
private static final String pink = "#ffc0cb";
private static final String purplish = "#8070ff";
// ShadedLabel.Orange
private static final String shadedorange = "#eece8f";
// ShadedLabel.Green
private static final String shadedgreen = "#a1c69d";
// slightly lighter than the real steelblue4
private static final String steelblue4 = "#648faa";
private static final String turquoise = "#77aadd";
private static final String white = "#ffffff";
private Map<String, String> defaultPropertyMap;
private Map<Object, Color> cachedColours;
public ColourManagerImpl(ConfigurationManager configurationManager) {
public String getCategory() {
return "colour";
public Map<String, String> getDefaultPropertyMap() {
if (defaultPropertyMap == null)
return defaultPropertyMap;
public String getDisplayName() {
return "Colour Management";
public String getFilePrefix() {
return "ColourManagement";
* Unique identifier for this ColourManager
public String getUUID() {
return "a2148420-5967-11dd-ae16-0800200c9a66";
private void initialiseDefaults() {
defaultPropertyMap = new HashMap<>();
cachedColours = new HashMap<>();
defaultPropertyMap.put(APICONSUMER_ACTIVITY, palegreen);
defaultPropertyMap.put(BEANSHELL_ACTIVITY, burlywood2);
defaultPropertyMap.put(BIOMART_ACTIVITY, lightcyan2);
defaultPropertyMap.put(CONSTANT_ACTIVITY, lightsteelblue);
defaultPropertyMap.put(LOCALWORKER_ACTIVITY, mediumorchid2);
defaultPropertyMap.put(MOBY_SERVICE_ACTIVITY, darkgoldenrod1);
defaultPropertyMap.put(MOBY_OBJECT_ACTIVITY, gold);
defaultPropertyMap.put(MOBY_PARSER_ACTIVITY, white);
defaultPropertyMap.put(NESTED_WORKFLOW, pink);
defaultPropertyMap.put(RSHELL_ACTIVITY, steelblue4);
defaultPropertyMap.put(SOAPLAB_ACTIVITY, lightgoldenrodyellow);
defaultPropertyMap.put(WSDL_ACTIVITY, darkolivegreen3);
defaultPropertyMap.put(XML_SPLITTER_IN_ACTIVITY, lightpurple);
defaultPropertyMap.put(XML_SPLITTER_OUT_ACTIVITY, lightpurple);
defaultPropertyMap.put(NONEXECUTABLE_ACTIVITY, grey);
defaultPropertyMap.put(MERGE_OBJECT, turquoise);
defaultPropertyMap.put(PROCESSOR_OBJECT, shadedgreen);
defaultPropertyMap.put(PROCESSOR_PORT_OBJECT, purplish);
defaultPropertyMap.put(WORKFLOW_PORT_OBJECT, shadedorange);
public Color getPreferredColour(String itemKey) {
Color colour = cachedColours.get(itemKey);
if (colour == null) {
String colourString = (String) getProperty(itemKey);
colour = colourString == null ? WHITE : decode(colourString);
cachedColours.put(itemKey, colour);
return colour;
public void setPreferredColour(String itemKey, Color colour) {
cachedColours.put(itemKey, colour);
public void restoreDefaults() {
if (cachedColours == null)
cachedColours = new HashMap<>();