blob: f86e0e01c49b35d0b1526b3553747a3481255e69 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2007 The University of Manchester
* Modifications to the initial code base are copyright of their
* respective authors, or their employers as appropriate.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
import java.awt.Component;
import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
import java.util.List;
import javax.swing.JLabel;
import javax.swing.JMenu;
import javax.swing.JMenuBar;
import javax.swing.JMenuItem;
import javax.swing.JPopupMenu;
import javax.swing.JToolBar;
import org.apache.taverna.scufl2.api.core.Workflow;
* Create {@link JMenuBar}s and {@link JToolBar}s based on SPI instances of
* {@link MenuComponent}.
* <p>
* Elements of menus are discovered automatically using an {@link SPIRegistry}.
* The elements specify their internal relationship through
* {@link MenuComponent#getParentId()} and
* {@link MenuComponent#getPositionHint()}. {@link MenuComponent#getType()}
* specifies how the component is to be rendered or grouped.
* <p>
* The menu manager is {@link Observable}, you can
* {@linkplain #addObserver(Observer) add an observer} to be notified when the
* menus have changed, i.e. when {@link #update()} has been called, for instance
* when the {@link SPIRegistry} (which the menu manager observes) has been
* updated due to a plugin installation.
* <p>
* {@link #createMenuBar()} creates the default menu bar, ie. the menu bar
* containing all the items with {@link DefaultMenuBar#DEFAULT_MENU_BAR} as
* their parent. Alternate menu bars can be created using
* {@link #createMenuBar(URI)}.
* <p>
* Similary {@link #createToolBar()} creates the default tool bar, containing
* the items that has {@link DefaultToolBar#DEFAULT_TOOL_BAR} as their parent.
* Alternate toolbars can be created using {@link #createToolBar(URI)}.
* <p>
* The menu manager keeps weak references to the created (published) menu bars
* and tool bars, and will attempt to update them when {@link #update()} is
* called.
* <p>
* See the package level documentation for more information about how to specify
* menu elements.
* @author Stian Soiland-Reyes
public interface MenuManager extends Observable<MenuManagerEvent> {
* Add the items from the list of menu items to the parent menu with
* expansion sub-menus if needed.
* <p>
* If the list contains more than <tt>maxItemsInMenu</tt> items, a series of
* sub-menus will be created and added to the parentMenu instead, each
* containing a maximum of <tt>maxItemsInMenu</tt> items. (Note that if
* menuItems contains more than <tt>maxItemsInMenu*maxItemsInMenu</tt>
* items, there might be more than <tt>maxItemsInMenu</tt> sub-menus added
* to the parent).
* <p>
* The sub-menus are titled according to the {@link JMenuItem#getText()} of
* the first and last menu item it contains - assuming that they are already
* sorted.
* <p>
* The optional {@link ComponentFactory} headerItemFactory, if not
* <code>null</code>, will be invoked to create a header item that will be
* inserted on top of the sub-menus. This item does not count towards
* <tt>maxItemsInMenu</tt>.
* <p>
* Note that this is a utility method that does not mandate the use of the
* {@link MenuManager} structure for the menu.
* @param menuItems
* {@link JMenuItem}s to be inserted
* @param parentMenu
* Menu to insert items to
* @param maxItemsInMenu
* Maximum number of items in parent menu or created sub-menus
* @param headerItemFactory
* If not <code>null</code>, a {@link ComponentFactory} to create
* a header item to insert at top of created sub-menus
abstract void addMenuItemsWithExpansion(List<JMenuItem> menuItems,
JMenu parentMenu, int maxItemsInMenu,
ComponentFactory headerItemFactory);
* Create a contextual menu for a selected object.
* <p>
* Items for the contextual menues are discovered in a similar to fashion as
* with {@link #createMenuBar()}, but using {@link DefaultContextualMenu} as
* the root.
* <p>
* Additionally, items implementing {@link ContextualMenuComponent} will be
* {@linkplain ContextualMenuComponent#setContextualSelection(Object, Object, Component)
* informed} about what is the current selection, as passed to this method.
* <p>
* Thus, the items can choose if they want to be
* {@link MenuComponent#isEnabled() visible} or not for a given selection,
* and return an action that is bound it to the selection.
* @param parent
* The parent object of the selected object, for instance a
* {@link Workflow}.
* @param selection
* The selected object which actions in the contextual menu
* relate to, for instance a {@link Processor}
* @param relativeToComponent
* A UI component which the returned {@link JPopupMenu} (and it's
* actions) is to be relative to, for instance as a parent of
* pop-up dialogues.
* @return An empty or populated {@link JPopupMenu} depending on the
* selected objects.
abstract JPopupMenu createContextMenu(Object parent, Object selection,
Component relativeToComponent);
* Create the {@link JMenuBar} containing menu elements defining
* {@link DefaultMenuBar#DEFAULT_MENU_BAR} as their
* {@linkplain MenuComponent#getParentId() parent}.
* <p>
* A {@linkplain WeakReference weak reference} is kept in the menu manager
* to update the menubar if {@link #update()} is called (manually or
* automatically when the SPI is updated).
* @return A {@link JMenuBar} populated with the items belonging to the
* default menu bar
abstract JMenuBar createMenuBar();
* Create the {@link JMenuBar} containing menu elements defining the given
* <code>id</code> as their {@linkplain MenuComponent#getParentId() parent}.
* <p>
* Note that the parent itself also needs to exist as a registered SPI
* instance og {@link MenuComponent#getType()} equal to
* {@link MenuType#menu}, for instance by subclassing {@link AbstractMenu}.
* <p>
* A {@linkplain WeakReference weak reference} is kept in the menu manager
* to update the menubar if {@link #update()} is called (manually or
* automatically when the SPI is updated).
* @param id
* The {@link URI} identifying the menu bar
* @return A {@link JMenuBar} populated with the items belonging to the
* given parent id.
abstract JMenuBar createMenuBar(URI id);
* Create the {@link JToolBar} containing elements defining
* {@link DefaultToolBar#DEFAULT_TOOL_BAR} as their
* {@linkplain MenuComponent#getParentId() parent}.
* <p>
* A {@linkplain WeakReference weak reference} is kept in the menu manager
* to update the toolbar if {@link #update()} is called (manually or
* automatically when the SPI is updated).
* @return A {@link JToolBar} populated with the items belonging to the
* default tool bar
abstract JToolBar createToolBar();
* Create the {@link JToolBar} containing menu elements defining the given
* <code>id</code> as their {@linkplain MenuComponent#getParentId() parent}.
* <p>
* Note that the parent itself also needs to exist as a registered SPI
* instance of {@link MenuComponent#getType()} equal to
* {@link MenuType#toolBar}, for instance by subclassing
* {@link AbstractToolBar}.
* <p>
* A {@linkplain WeakReference weak reference} is kept in the menu manager
* to update the toolbar if {@link #update()} is called (manually or
* automatically when the SPI is updated).
* @param id
* The {@link URI} identifying the tool bar
* @return A {@link JToolBar} populated with the items belonging to the
* given parent id.
abstract JToolBar createToolBar(URI id);
* Get a menu item identified by the given URI.
* <p>
* Return the UI {@link Component} last created for a {@link MenuComponent},
* through {@link #createMenuBar()}, {@link #createMenuBar(URI)},
* {@link #createToolBar()} or {@link #createToolBar(URI)}.
* <p>
* For instance, if {@link #createMenuBar()} created a menu bar containing a
* "File" menu with {@link MenuComponent#getId() getId()} ==
* <code></code>, calling:
* <pre>
* Component fileMenu = getComponentByURI(URI
* .create(&quot;;));
* </pre>
* would return the {@link JMenu} last created for "File". Note that "last
* created" could mean both the last call to {@link #createMenuBar()} and
* last call to {@link #update()} - which could have happened because the
* SPI registry was updated. To be notified when
* {@link #getComponentByURI(URI)} might return a new Component because the
* menues have been reconstructed, {@linkplain #addObserver(Observer) add an
* observer} to the MenuManager.
* <p>
* If the URI is unknown, has not yet been rendered as a {@link Component},
* or the Component is no longer in use outside the menu manager's
* {@linkplain WeakReference weak references}, <code>null</code> is returned
* instead.
* @see #getURIByComponent(Component)
* @param id
* {@link URI} of menu item as returned by
* {@link MenuComponent#getId()}
* @return {@link Component} as previously generated by
* {@link #createMenuBar()}/{@link #createToolBar()}, or
* <code>null</code> if the URI is unknown, or if the
* {@link Component} no longer exists.
public abstract Component getComponentByURI(URI id);
* Get the URI of the {@link MenuComponent} this menu/toolbar
* {@link Component} was created from.
* <p>
* If the component was created by the MenuManager, through
* {@link #createMenuBar()}, {@link #createMenuBar(URI)},
* {@link #createToolBar()} or {@link #createToolBar(URI)}, the URI
* identifying the defining {@link MenuComponent} is returned. This will be
* the same URI as returned by {@link MenuComponent#getId()}.
* <p>
* Note that if {@link #update()} has been invoked, the {@link MenuManager}
* might have rebuilt the menu structure and replaced the components since
* the given <code>component</code> was created. The newest
* {@link Component} for the given URI can be retrieved using
* {@link #getComponentByURI(URI)}.
* <p>
* If the component is unknown, <code>null</code> is returned instead.
* @see #getComponentByURI(URI)
* @param component
* {@link Component} that was previously created by the
* {@link MenuManager}
* @return {@link URI} identifying the menu component, as returned by
* {@link MenuComponent#getId()}, or <code>null</code> if the
* component is unknown.
abstract URI getURIByComponent(Component component);
* Update and rebuild the menu structure.
* <p>
* Rebuild menu structure as defined by the {@link MenuComponent}s retrieved
* from the MenuComponent {@link SPIRegistry}.
* <p>
* Rebuilds previously published menubars and toolbars created with
* {@link #createMenuBar()}, {@link #createMenuBar(URI)},
* {@link #createToolBar()} and {@link #createToolBar(URI)}. Note that the
* rebuild will do a removeAll() on the menubar/toolbar, so all components
* will be reconstructed. You can use {@link #getComponentByURI(URI)} to
* look up individual components within the menu and toolbars.
* <p>
* Note that the menu manager is observing the {@link SPIRegistry}, so if a
* plugin gets installed and the SPI registry is updated, this update method
* will be called by the SPI registry observer.
* <p>
* If there are several concurrent calls to {@link #update()}, the calls
* from the other thread will return immediately, while the first thread to
* get the synchronization lock on the menu manager will do the actual
* update. If you want to ensure that {@link #update()} does not return
* before the update has been performed fully, synchronize on the menu
* manager:
* <pre>
* MenuManager menuManager = MenuManager.getInstance();
* synchronized (menuManager) {
* menuManager.update();
* }
* doSomethingAfterUpdateFinished();
* </pre>
abstract void update();
* Abstract class for events sent to {@linkplain Observer observers} of the
* menu manager.
* @see UpdatedMenuManagerEvent
* @author Stian Soiland-Reyes
static abstract class MenuManagerEvent {
* Event sent to observers registered by
* {@link MenuManager#addObserver(Observer)} when the menus have been
* updated, i.e. when {@link MenuManager#update()} has been called.
static class UpdatedMenuManagerEvent extends MenuManagerEvent {
* A factory for making {@link Component}s, in particular for making headers
* (like {@link JLabel}s) for
* {@link MenuManager#addMenuItemsWithExpansion(List, JMenu, int, ComponentFactory)}
interface ComponentFactory {
public Component makeComponent();