blob: 5dbb6977a88d57dfb1dc933af414d65e547c0c7c [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2007 The University of Manchester
* Modifications to the initial code base are copyright of their
* respective authors, or their employers as appropriate.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
package net.sf.taverna.t2.workbench.ui.credentialmanager;
import static java.awt.BorderLayout.CENTER;
import static java.awt.BorderLayout.NORTH;
import static java.awt.BorderLayout.SOUTH;
import static java.awt.Color.WHITE;
import static java.awt.Font.BOLD;
import static java.awt.Font.PLAIN;
import static java.awt.GridBagConstraints.LINE_START;
import static;
import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import java.awt.Dialog;
import java.awt.FlowLayout;
import java.awt.Font;
import java.awt.Frame;
import java.awt.GridBagConstraints;
import java.awt.GridBagLayout;
import java.awt.Insets;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.awt.event.WindowAdapter;
import java.awt.event.WindowEvent;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import javax.swing.JButton;
import javax.swing.JLabel;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import javax.swing.border.CompoundBorder;
import javax.swing.border.EmptyBorder;
import javax.swing.border.EtchedBorder;
import net.sf.taverna.t2.lang.ui.DialogTextArea;
import net.sf.taverna.t2.workbench.helper.NonBlockedHelpEnabledDialog;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
* Displays the details of a X.509 certificate and asks user if they want to
* trust it. This is normally invoked by the Taverna's TrustManager when trying
* to confirm the trust in the remote server during SSL handshake.
public class ConfirmTrustedCertificateDialog extends NonBlockedHelpEnabledDialog {
private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(ConfirmTrustedCertificateDialog.class);
/** The certificate to display */
private X509Certificate cert;
/** User's decision as whether to trust this service's certificate or not */
private boolean shouldTrust;
* Should the decision also be saved in Credential Manager? Actually - it is
* always saved now as it was really hard to implement trusting for one
* connection only - so we can either "trust" or "not" trust but not
* "trust once".
private boolean shouldSave = false;
private final DistinguishedNameParser dnParser;
public ConfirmTrustedCertificateDialog(Frame parent, String title,
boolean modal, X509Certificate crt, DistinguishedNameParser dnParser) {
super(parent, title, modal);
this.cert = crt;
this.dnParser = dnParser;
public ConfirmTrustedCertificateDialog(Dialog parent, String title,
boolean modal, X509Certificate crt, DistinguishedNameParser dnParser)
throws CMException {
super(parent, title, modal);
this.cert = crt;
this.dnParser = dnParser;
private void initComponents(){
// title panel
JPanel titlePanel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
JLabel titleLabel = new JLabel("View service's certificate");
titleLabel.setFont(titleLabel.getFont().deriveFont(BOLD, 13.5f));
titleLabel.setBorder(new EmptyBorder(10, 10, 0, 10));
DialogTextArea titleMessage = new DialogTextArea();
titleMessage.setMargin(new Insets(5, 20, 10, 10));
titlePanel.setBorder( new EmptyBorder(10, 10, 0, 10));
titlePanel.add(titleLabel, NORTH);
titlePanel.add(titleMessage, CENTER);
// Certificate details:
ParsedDistinguishedName subjectDN = dnParser.parseDN(cert
ParsedDistinguishedName issuerDN = dnParser.parseDN(cert
JPanel certificatePanel = createCertificateDetailsPanel(subjectDN, issuerDN);
titleMessage.setText("The service host " + subjectDN.getCN() + " requires HTTPS connection and has identified itself with the certificate below.\n" +
"Do you want to trust this service? (Refusing to trust means you will not be able to invoke services on this host from a workflow.)");
// OK button
JPanel buttonsPanel = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER));
// final JButton trustButton = new JButton("Trust once");
// trustButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
// public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
// trustPressed();
// }
// });
//final JButton trustAlwaysButton = new JButton("Trust always");
final JButton trustAlwaysButton = new JButton("Trust");
trustAlwaysButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
final JButton dontTrustButton = new JButton("Do not trust");
dontTrustButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
getContentPane().add(titlePanel, NORTH);
getContentPane().add(certificatePanel, CENTER);
getContentPane().add(buttonsPanel, SOUTH);
addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
public void windowClosing(WindowEvent evt) {
private JPanel createCertificateDetailsPanel(ParsedDistinguishedName subjectDN, ParsedDistinguishedName issuerDN) {
* Grid Bag Constraints templates for labels (column 1) and values
* (column 2) of certificate details
GridBagConstraints gbc_labels = new GridBagConstraints();
gbc_labels.gridx = 0;
gbc_labels.ipadx = 20;
gbc_labels.gridwidth = 1;
gbc_labels.gridheight = 1;
gbc_labels.insets = new Insets(2, 15, 2, 2);
gbc_labels.anchor = LINE_START;
GridBagConstraints gbc_values = new GridBagConstraints();
gbc_values.gridx = 1;
gbc_values.gridwidth = 1;
gbc_values.gridheight = 1;
gbc_values.insets = new Insets(2, 5, 2, 2);
gbc_values.anchor = LINE_START;
* Netscape Certificate Type non-critical extension (if any) defines the
* intended uses of the certificate - to make it look like Firefox's
* view certificate dialog
* From openssl's documentation: "The [above] extension is non standard,
* Netscape specific and largely obsolete. Their use in new applications
* is discouraged."
* TODO replace with "basicConstraints, keyUsage and extended key usage
* extensions which are now used instead."
// byte[] intendedUses = cert.getExtensionValue("2.16.840.1.113730.1.1"); // Netscape Certificate Type OID
// JLabel intendedUsesLabel = null;
// JTextField intendedUsesTextField = null;
// JPanel intendedUsesPanel = null;
// GridBagConstraints gbc_intendedUsesLabel = null;
// if (intendedUses != null) {
// intendedUsesLabel = new JLabel(
// "This certificate has been approved for the following uses:");
// intendedUsesLabel.setFont(new Font(null, Font.BOLD, 11));
// intendedUsesLabel.setBorder(new EmptyBorder(5, 5, 5, 5));
// intendedUsesTextField = new JTextField(45);
// intendedUsesTextField.setText(CMUtils.getIntendedCertificateUses(intendedUses));
// intendedUsesTextField.setEditable(false);
// intendedUsesTextField.setFont(new Font(null, Font.PLAIN, 11));
// intendedUsesPanel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
// intendedUsesPanel.add(intendedUsesLabel, BorderLayout.NORTH);
// intendedUsesPanel.add(intendedUsesTextField, BorderLayout.CENTER);
// JSeparator separator = new JSeparator(JSeparator.HORIZONTAL);
// intendedUsesPanel.add(separator, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
// gbc_intendedUsesLabel = (GridBagConstraints) gbc_labels.clone();
// gbc_intendedUsesLabel.gridy = 0;
// gbc_intendedUsesLabel.gridwidth = 2; // takes two columns
// gbc_intendedUsesLabel.insets = new Insets(5, 5, 5, 5);// has slightly bigger insets
// }
// Issued To
JLabel issuedToLabel = new JLabel("Issued To");
issuedToLabel.setFont(new Font(null, BOLD, 11));
GridBagConstraints gbc_issuedTo = (GridBagConstraints) gbc_labels
gbc_issuedTo.gridy = 1;
gbc_issuedTo.gridwidth = 2; // takes two columns
gbc_issuedTo.insets = new Insets(5, 5, 5, 5);// has slightly bigger insets
// Subject's Distinguished Name (DN)
// Extract the CN, O, OU and EMAILADDRESS fields
String subjectCN = subjectDN.getCN();
String subjectOrg = subjectDN.getO();
String subjectOU = subjectDN.getOU();
// String sEMAILADDRESS = CMUtils.getEmilAddress();
// Subject's Common Name (CN)
JLabel subjectCNLabel = new JLabel("Common Name (CN)");
subjectCNLabel.setFont(new Font(null, PLAIN, 11));
GridBagConstraints gbc_subjectCNLabel = (GridBagConstraints) gbc_labels.clone();
gbc_subjectCNLabel.gridy = 2;
JLabel subjectCNValue = new JLabel(subjectCN);
subjectCNValue.setFont(new Font(null, PLAIN, 11));
GridBagConstraints gbc_subjectCNValue = (GridBagConstraints) gbc_values
gbc_subjectCNValue.gridy = 2;
// Subject's Organisation (O)
JLabel subjectOrgLabel = new JLabel("Organisation (O)");
subjectOrgLabel.setFont(new Font(null, PLAIN, 11));
GridBagConstraints gbc_subjectOrgLabel = (GridBagConstraints) gbc_labels.clone();
gbc_subjectOrgLabel.gridy = 3;
JLabel subjectOrgValue = new JLabel(subjectOrg);
subjectOrgValue.setFont(new Font(null, PLAIN, 11));
GridBagConstraints gbc_subjectOrgValue = (GridBagConstraints) gbc_values
gbc_subjectOrgValue.gridy = 3;
// Subject's Organisation Unit (OU)
JLabel subjectOULabel = new JLabel("Organisation Unit (OU)");
subjectOULabel.setFont(new Font(null, PLAIN, 11));
GridBagConstraints gbc_subjectOULabel = (GridBagConstraints) gbc_labels.clone();
gbc_subjectOULabel.gridy = 4;
JLabel subjectOUValue = new JLabel(subjectOU);
subjectOUValue.setFont(new Font(null, PLAIN, 11));
GridBagConstraints gbc_subjectOUValue = (GridBagConstraints) gbc_values
gbc_subjectOUValue.gridy = 4;
// E-mail Address
// JLabel jlEmail = new JLabel("E-mail Address");
// jlEmail.setFont(new Font(null, Font.PLAIN, 11));
// GridBagConstraints gbc_jlEmail = (GridBagConstraints)
// gbcLabel.clone();
// gbc_jlEmail.gridy = 5;
// JLabel jlEmailValue = new JLabel(sEMAILADDRESS);
// jlEmailValue.setFont(new Font(null, Font.PLAIN, 11));
// GridBagConstraints gbc_jlEmailValue = (GridBagConstraints)
// gbcValue.clone();
// gbc_jlEmailValue.gridy = 5;
// Serial Number
JLabel snLabel = new JLabel("Serial Number");
snLabel.setFont(new Font(null, PLAIN, 11));
GridBagConstraints gbc_snLabel = (GridBagConstraints) gbc_labels.clone();
gbc_snLabel.gridy = 6;
JLabel snValue = new JLabel();
// Get the hexadecimal serial number
StringBuilder strBuff = new StringBuilder(new BigInteger(1, cert
// Place colons at every two hexadecimal characters
if (strBuff.length() > 2)
for (int iCnt = 2; iCnt < strBuff.length(); iCnt += 3)
strBuff.insert(iCnt, ':');
snValue.setFont(new Font(null, PLAIN, 11));
GridBagConstraints gbc_snValue = (GridBagConstraints) gbc_values
gbc_snValue.gridy = 6;
// Certificate version number
JLabel versionLabel = new JLabel("Version");
versionLabel.setFont(new Font(null, PLAIN, 11));
GridBagConstraints gbc_versionLabel = (GridBagConstraints) gbc_labels
gbc_versionLabel.gridy = 7;
JLabel versionValue = new JLabel(Integer.toString(cert.getVersion()));
versionValue.setFont(new Font(null, PLAIN, 11));
GridBagConstraints gbc_versionValue = (GridBagConstraints) gbc_values
gbc_versionValue.gridy = 7;
// Issued By
JLabel issuedByLabel = new JLabel("Issued By");
issuedByLabel.setFont(new Font(null, BOLD, 11));
GridBagConstraints gbc_issuedByLabel = (GridBagConstraints) gbc_labels
gbc_issuedByLabel.gridy = 8;
gbc_issuedByLabel.gridwidth = 2; // takes two columns
gbc_issuedByLabel.insets = new Insets(5, 5, 5, 5);// has slightly bigger insets
// Issuer's Distinguished Name (DN)
// Extract the CN, O and OU fields for the issuer
String issuerCN = issuerDN.getCN();
String issuerOrg = issuerDN.getO();
String issuerOU = issuerDN.getOU();
// Issuer's Common Name (CN)
JLabel issuerCNLabel = new JLabel("Common Name (CN)");
issuerCNLabel.setFont(new Font(null, PLAIN, 11));
GridBagConstraints gbc_issuerCNLabel = (GridBagConstraints) gbc_labels.clone();
gbc_issuerCNLabel.gridy = 9;
JLabel issuerCNValue = new JLabel(issuerCN);
issuerCNValue.setFont(new Font(null, PLAIN, 11));
GridBagConstraints gbc_issuerCNValue = (GridBagConstraints) gbc_values
gbc_issuerCNValue.gridy = 9;
// Issuer's Organisation (O)
JLabel issuerOrgLabel = new JLabel("Organisation (O)");
issuerOrgLabel.setFont(new Font(null, PLAIN, 11));
GridBagConstraints gbc_issuerOrgLabel = (GridBagConstraints) gbc_labels.clone();
gbc_issuerOrgLabel.gridy = 10;
JLabel issuerOrgValue = new JLabel(issuerOrg);
issuerOrgValue.setFont(new Font(null, PLAIN, 11));
GridBagConstraints gbc_issuerOrgValue = (GridBagConstraints) gbc_values
gbc_issuerOrgValue.gridy = 10;
// Issuer's Organisation Unit (OU)
JLabel issuerOULabel = new JLabel("Organisation Unit (OU)");
issuerOULabel.setFont(new Font(null, PLAIN, 11));
GridBagConstraints gbc_issuerOULabel = (GridBagConstraints) gbc_labels.clone();
gbc_issuerOULabel.gridy = 11;
JLabel issuerOUValue = new JLabel(issuerOU);
issuerOUValue.setFont(new Font(null, PLAIN, 11));
GridBagConstraints gbc_issuerOUValue = (GridBagConstraints) gbc_values
gbc_issuerOUValue.gridy = 11;
// Validity
JLabel validityLabel = new JLabel("Validity");
validityLabel.setFont(new Font(null, BOLD, 11));
GridBagConstraints gbc_validityLabel = (GridBagConstraints) gbc_labels
gbc_validityLabel.gridy = 12;
gbc_validityLabel.gridwidth = 2; // takes two columns
gbc_validityLabel.insets = new Insets(5, 5, 5, 5);// has slightly bigger insets
// Issued On
JLabel issuedOnLabel = new JLabel("Issued On");
issuedOnLabel.setFont(new Font(null, PLAIN, 11));
GridBagConstraints gbc_issuedOnLabel = (GridBagConstraints) gbc_labels
gbc_issuedOnLabel.gridy = 13;
JLabel issuedOnValue = new JLabel(cert.getNotBefore().toString());
issuedOnValue.setFont(new Font(null, PLAIN, 11));
GridBagConstraints gbc_issuedOnValue = (GridBagConstraints) gbc_values
gbc_issuedOnValue.gridy = 13;
// Expires On
JLabel expiresOnLabel = new JLabel("Expires On");
expiresOnLabel.setFont(new Font(null, PLAIN, 11));
GridBagConstraints gbc_expiresOnLabel = (GridBagConstraints) gbc_labels
gbc_expiresOnLabel.gridy = 14;
JLabel expiresOnValue = new JLabel(cert.getNotAfter().toString());
expiresOnValue.setFont(new Font(null, PLAIN, 11));
GridBagConstraints gbc_expiresOnValue = (GridBagConstraints) gbc_values
gbc_expiresOnValue.gridy = 14;
// Fingerprints
byte[] binaryCertificateEncoding = new byte[0];
try {
// each certificate has one binary encoding; for X.509 certs it is DER
binaryCertificateEncoding = cert.getEncoded();
} catch (CertificateEncodingException ex) {
logger.error("Could not get the encoded form of the certificate.", ex);
JLabel fingerprintsLabel = new JLabel("Fingerprints");
fingerprintsLabel.setFont(new Font(null, BOLD, 11));
GridBagConstraints gbc_fingerprintsLabel = (GridBagConstraints) gbc_labels
gbc_fingerprintsLabel.gridy = 15;
gbc_fingerprintsLabel.gridwidth = 2; // takes two columns
gbc_fingerprintsLabel.insets = new Insets(5, 5, 5, 5);// has slightly bigger insets
// SHA-1 Fingerprint
JLabel sha1FingerprintLabel = new JLabel("SHA1 Fingerprint");
sha1FingerprintLabel.setFont(new Font(null, PLAIN, 11));
GridBagConstraints gbc_sha1FingerprintLabel = (GridBagConstraints) gbc_labels
gbc_sha1FingerprintLabel.gridy = 16;
JLabel sha1FingerprintValue = new JLabel(
binaryCertificateEncoding, "SHA1"));
sha1FingerprintValue.setFont(new Font(null, PLAIN, 11));
GridBagConstraints gbc_sha1FingerprintValue = (GridBagConstraints) gbc_values
gbc_sha1FingerprintValue.gridy = 16;
// MD5 Fingerprint
JLabel md5FingerprintLabel = new JLabel("MD5 Fingerprint");
md5FingerprintLabel.setFont(new Font(null, PLAIN, 11));
GridBagConstraints gbc_md5FingerprinLabel = (GridBagConstraints) gbc_labels
gbc_md5FingerprinLabel.gridy = 17;
JLabel md5FingerprintValue = new JLabel(
binaryCertificateEncoding, "MD5"));
md5FingerprintValue.setFont(new Font(null, PLAIN, 11));
GridBagConstraints gbc_md5FingerprintValue = (GridBagConstraints) gbc_values
gbc_md5FingerprintValue.gridy = 17;
* Empty label to add a bit space at the bottom of the panel to make it
* look like Firefox's view certificate dialog
JLabel emptyLabel = new JLabel("");
GridBagConstraints gbc_emptyLabel = (GridBagConstraints) gbc_labels.clone();
gbc_emptyLabel.gridy = 18;
gbc_emptyLabel.gridwidth = 2; // takes two columns
gbc_emptyLabel.ipady = 40;
JPanel certificatePanel = new JPanel(new GridBagLayout());
certificatePanel.setBorder(new CompoundBorder(new EmptyBorder(15, 15, 15,
15), new EtchedBorder()));
// if (intendedUses != null)
// certificatePanel.add(intendedUsesPanel, gbc_intendedUsesLabel);
certificatePanel.add(issuedToLabel, gbc_issuedTo); // Issued To
certificatePanel.add(subjectCNLabel, gbc_subjectCNLabel);
certificatePanel.add(subjectCNValue, gbc_subjectCNValue);
certificatePanel.add(subjectOrgLabel, gbc_subjectOrgLabel);
certificatePanel.add(subjectOrgValue, gbc_subjectOrgValue);
certificatePanel.add(subjectOULabel, gbc_subjectOULabel);
certificatePanel.add(subjectOUValue, gbc_subjectOUValue);
// jpCertificate.add(jlEmail, gbc_jlEmail);
// jpCertificate.add(jlEmailValue, gbc_jlEmailValue);
certificatePanel.add(snLabel, gbc_snLabel);
certificatePanel.add(snValue, gbc_snValue);
certificatePanel.add(versionLabel, gbc_versionLabel);
certificatePanel.add(versionValue, gbc_versionValue);
certificatePanel.add(issuedByLabel, gbc_issuedByLabel); // Issued By
certificatePanel.add(issuerCNLabel, gbc_issuerCNLabel);
certificatePanel.add(issuerCNValue, gbc_issuerCNValue);
certificatePanel.add(issuerOrgLabel, gbc_issuerOrgLabel);
certificatePanel.add(issuerOrgValue, gbc_issuerOrgValue);
certificatePanel.add(issuerOULabel, gbc_issuerOULabel);
certificatePanel.add(issuerOUValue, gbc_issuerOUValue);
certificatePanel.add(validityLabel, gbc_validityLabel); // Validity
certificatePanel.add(issuedOnLabel, gbc_issuedOnLabel);
certificatePanel.add(issuedOnValue, gbc_issuedOnValue);
certificatePanel.add(expiresOnLabel, gbc_expiresOnLabel);
certificatePanel.add(expiresOnValue, gbc_expiresOnValue);
certificatePanel.add(fingerprintsLabel, gbc_fingerprintsLabel); // Fingerprints
certificatePanel.add(sha1FingerprintLabel, gbc_sha1FingerprintLabel);
certificatePanel.add(sha1FingerprintValue, gbc_sha1FingerprintValue);
certificatePanel.add(md5FingerprintLabel, gbc_md5FingerprinLabel);
certificatePanel.add(md5FingerprintValue, gbc_md5FingerprintValue);
// Empty label to get some vertical space on the frame
certificatePanel.add(emptyLabel, gbc_emptyLabel);
return certificatePanel;
// private void trustPressed() {
// shouldTrust = true;
// shouldSave = false;
// closeDialog();
// }
private void trustAlwaysPressed() {
shouldTrust = true;
shouldSave = true;
private void dontTrustPressed() {
shouldTrust = false;
shouldSave = false;
public void closeDialog() {
public boolean shouldTrust() {
return shouldTrust;
public boolean shouldSave() {
return shouldSave;