blob: 937304a56614810a412d97888ec77dca388560b9 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.apache.taverna.biocatalogue.model;
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.Comparator;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils;
* @author Sergejs Aleksejevs
public class Tag implements Serializable
private static final long serialVersionUID = 784872111173271581L;
private String tagURI; // URI to use on BioCatalogue to fetch all tagged items
private String tagNamespace; // namespace where this tag is defined
private String tagDisplayName; // only the actual tag (for display within the tag cloud)
private String fullTagName; // full tag name - including namespace
private int itemCount; // count of tagged items
* Constructs a Tag instance from primitive components.
* All values are set directly, no internal inference made.
* @param tagURI
* @param tagNamespace
* @param tagDisplayName
* @param fullTagName
* @param itemCount
public Tag(String tagURI, String tagNamespace, String tagDisplayName, String fullTagName, int itemCount)
this.tagURI = tagURI;
this.tagNamespace = tagNamespace;
this.tagDisplayName = tagDisplayName;
this.itemCount = itemCount;
* Constructs Tag instance from an XML representation of the Tag from BioCatalogue API.
* @param xmlTag
public Tag( xmlTag)
// these values come directly from the XML data obtained via the API
this.tagURI = xmlTag.getHref();
this.fullTagName = xmlTag.getName();
this.itemCount = xmlTag.getTotalItemsCount().intValue();
// NB! Namespace and the display name need to be inferred 'manually'.
// First - set the namespace; it's value is taken from the 'namespace'
// attribute of the tag URI.
this.tagNamespace = Util.extractURLParameter(this.tagURI, "namespace");
// Now set the display name; if full tag name is not a part of any ontology,
// display name will be identical to the full name.
if (this.fullTagName.startsWith("<") && this.fullTagName.endsWith(">")) {
int iStart = this.fullTagName.lastIndexOf('#') + 1;
this.tagDisplayName = this.fullTagName.substring(iStart, this.fullTagName.length() - 1);
else {
this.tagDisplayName = this.fullTagName;
// *** Various getters and setters ***
public void setTagURI(String tagURI) {
this.tagURI = tagURI;
public String getTagURI() {
return tagURI;
public void setTagNamespace(String tagNamespace) {
this.tagNamespace = tagNamespace;
public String getTagNamespace() {
return tagNamespace;
public void setTagDisplayName(String tagDisplayName) {
this.tagDisplayName = tagDisplayName;
public String getTagDisplayName() {
return tagDisplayName;
public void setFullTagName(String fullTagName) {
this.fullTagName = fullTagName;
* @return Unique and unambiguous name of this tag on BioCatalogue:<br/>
* <ul>
* <li>for tags with no namespaces, they it is just plain text names;</li>
* <li>for those with namespaces, it will have the following form:<br/>
* "<code>< ></code>" (without spaces, though), where
* the first part before the '#' symbol is the namespace and the second part
* is the actual tag within that namespace.</li></ul>
public String getFullTagName() {
return fullTagName;
public int getItemCount() {
return itemCount;
public void setItemCount(int itemCount) {
this.itemCount = itemCount;
// *** Tag Comparators ***
public static class ReversePopularityComparator implements Comparator<Tag>
public ReversePopularityComparator() {
public int compare(Tag t1, Tag t2)
if (t1.getItemCount() == t2.getItemCount()) {
// in case of the same popularity, compare by full tag names (which are unique)
return (t1.getFullTagName().compareTo(t2.getFullTagName()));
else {
// popularity isn't the same; arrange by popularity (more popular first)
return (t2.getItemCount() - t1.getItemCount());
public static class AlphanumericComparator implements Comparator<Tag>
public AlphanumericComparator() {
public int compare(Tag t1, Tag t2) {
// full tag names are unique on BioCatalogue
return (t1.getFullTagName().compareTo(t2.getFullTagName()));
public static class AlphabeticalIgnoreCaseComparator implements Comparator<Tag>
public AlphabeticalIgnoreCaseComparator() {
public int compare(Tag t1, Tag t2) {
// full tag names are unique on BioCatalogue
return (t1.getTagDisplayName().compareToIgnoreCase(t2.getTagDisplayName()));
* This makes sure that things like instanceOf() and remove() in List interface
* work properly - this way resources are treated to be the same if they store
* identical data, rather than they simply hold the same reference.
public boolean equals(Object other) {
// could only be equal to another Tag object, not anything else
if (! (other instanceof Tag)) return (false);
// 'other' object is a Tag; equality is based on the data stored
// in the current and 'other' Tag instances
Tag otherTag = (Tag)other;
return (this.itemCount == otherTag.itemCount && this.fullTagName.equals(otherTag.fullTagName));
public String toString()
return ("Tag (" + this.fullTagName + ", " + this.itemCount + ")");
* This method is used to generate the tooltip to be shown over the tag
* in the tagcloud. Shown text will contain the full tag name, namespace
* and frequency.
* @return HTML encoded string ready to be put into the tooltip.
public String getTagCloudTooltip()
StringBuilder tooltip = new StringBuilder("<html>");
tooltip.append("&nbsp;<b>" + (this.fullTagName.length() > this.tagDisplayName.length() ? "Full tag" : "Tag") + ": </b>" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(this.fullTagName));
if (this.tagNamespace != null && this.tagNamespace.length() > 0) {
tooltip.append("<br>&nbsp;<b>Namespace: </b>" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(this.tagNamespace));
tooltip.append("<br>&nbsp;<b>Frequency: </b>" + this.itemCount);
return tooltip.toString();