blob: 5d211672b7e052c4dca9fffad06a502874ebf8bf [file] [log] [blame]
Taverna 2.2.0 known issues
This document some of the known issues in Taverna 2.2.0. A full list
and further details can be found within myGrid's issue tracker Jira at
General issues
T2-890: Iteration strategy not always translated correctly from Taverna
1 workflows (most likely due to Taverna 1 having inconsistent iteration
T2-895: The dataviewer should be included with the release.
T2-1144: Plugin manager only supports HTTP-based sites
Workflow engine
T2-1423: Merges of depth 1 in front of depth 0 can give empty list
Data management
T2-1033: The database can become locked after an abrupt close of Taverna
T2-1264: Database not starting up could cause NullPointerException in
Provenance capturing
T2-982: If the database is already being used, for example by another
instance of Taverna, then attempts to use it do not fail gracefully.
T2-1062: Failed to start database 't2-database' error
T2-1211: Provenance does not capture details of retries
T2-1212: Provenance does not capture details about looping
T2-1342: Provenance fails if nested workflow's processor name matches
processor inside nested workflow
T2-697: Export of trusted certificates don't work
T2-933: Secured WSDLs should be indicated with padlock in diagram
Workbench issues
T2-294: Can't add alternative services to processor
T2-495: Removing links to a merge leaves stand-alone merge
T2-766: If/else style branching
T2-1053: If you have a lot of workflows (say over 50) open then the
workflows menu does not cope
T2-1302: Registration dialog is too big
T2-1328: Configure available when no selection
T2-1329: File-Open dialogue in Windows has button for creating a folder
T2-1402: Double-clicking Run icon runs workflow w/no inputs twice
Available services
T2-239: Can't save custom beanshell script as local worker
T2-621: Should include services from opened workflow
T2-762: Can't remove 'Local services'
T2-767: Can't save configured services (Beanshell, BioMart)
T2-1151: Empty/failing service providers can't be removed (Only by
'Remove all user-added')
T2-1235: Should cache descriptions, should work even starting offline
T2-1236, T2-1237: Ability to refresh service descriptions (while
developing a service)
Workflow diagram
T2-216: Text-cursor showed when hovering over services
T2-237: Control-click don't work on a mac
T2-238: Difficult to click link for removal
T2-505: Port display order not consistent
T2-508: Show/hide ports menu item does not update correctly on OS X
T2-839: Nested workflow with no inputs shown incorrectly in diagram
T2-991, T2-1044: Diagram too tiny for small workflows
T2-1001: Arrows to a merge can start from the wrong position when ports
are displayed
T2-1074: ConcurrentModificationException in GraphMonitor
T2-1120: Diagram does not indicate implicit iteration
T2-1385: Panning to make a connection does not always work correctly
Workflow explorer
T2-483: Need collapse/expand all
T2-736: Ability to do multiple-delete
Details tab
T2-350: Port details should show connections
T2-1290: Undo does not work for annotation
T2-641: Looping fails if tested output port not connected in workflow
T2-1119: Looping not indicated in diagram
List handling
T2-73: Taverna should indicate when list handling needs updating
T2-199: Move down/left/right buttons missing
T2-659, T2-813: Difficult to drag ports into dot/cross products
T2-660: Iteration strategy editor is non-intuitive
(Various other issues indicate the dialogue should be redone)
T2-969: Need ability to store a run as OPM (Open Provenance Model)
T2-1016: Ability to open workflow from previous run
T2-1140: Saving of large data not memory-efficient
T2-1213: Need workflow run progress report
T2-1215: Colours should be red/green indicating status (as in t1)
T2-1218: Can't see errors for services with no output ports
T2-1249: Should auto-select the first value in list
T2-1251: Workflow outputs not always shown if workflow executes fast
(redraw issue)
T2-1323: Deleting a workflow run should move to next entry
Output values (Renderers)
T2-1030: The SeqVista renderer appears even for non-SeqVista XML results
T2-1026: An OutOfMemoryError was thrown and needs to be double-checked.
T2-1207: Renderer area is too small for many outputs
T2-1245: For quite large values, (> 100 MB), selecting runs out of
memory without showing "Value is large" dialogue
T2-1420: HTML renderer can't show complex web pages
Beanshell scripts
T2-425: Beanshell editor ignores Alt-keystrokes in OS X
T2-512: Cut and paste should be documented
T2-421: Beanshell scripts not executed in a protective sandbox
T2-779: Beanshell configuration needs help/descriptions
T2-1122: Beanshell configuration dialogue behind main window after
switching application
BioMart services
T2-479: Selecting a BioMart filter can take some time
T2-1046: Empty configuration panel sometimes appears
BioMoby services
T2-671: Unnecessary console warning "Central class is
Nested workflows
T2-203: Can't undo (in parent workflow) changes to nested workflow
T2-791: Not always obvious that user is editing a nested workflow
T2-1043: Import workflow "select source" shown incorrectly
T2-1126: "Save as" in a nested workflow detaches it from parent
T2-1335: Configure action for nested workflow is incorrect/inconsistent
T2-1340: Nested workflow never completes if input port not connected
Local workers
T2-288: List Files by Extension includes too many files
T2-765, T2-764, T2-763: Various improvements needed for "Execute SQL"
T2-1099: Local list workers only support strings, should use references
Soaplab services
T2-337: Should also support Soaplab 2
WSDL services
T2-486: Can't use lists of lists as input
T2-587: Can't distinguish between several declared operations with same
T2-1061: Can't upload SOAP attachments (only receive)
T2-1105: Wrong/invalid element name from XML splitters for inner complex
T2-1106: Can't import cyclic XML schema includes
T2-1108: Does not support XML attributes (only elements) in XML
T2-1088, T2-1110: Incorrect handling of arrays in result
T2-1115: WSDL 1.2 and 2 not supported
T2-1160: XML splitters not updated when XML schema changes on server
T2-1224: Binary data invalid as input, need 'Encode as base64' local
worker first
T2-1229: Security dialogue should remember/guess security profile
T2-1230: Security dialogue don't indicate if username/password already
T2-1243: HTTP Digest-protected web services not supported
T2-1339: Need better error message on Illegal Keysize when JCE policy
not installed
T2-1471: XML output splitters return wrong elements on maxOccurs=0
Disabled services
T2-1405: Edit Property does not ask for confirmation on Window Close
myExperiment perspective
T2-1036: The perspective should filter out broken workflows. This
relies on myExperiment's capability being upgraded,
T2-1068: Does not display processors/services of Taverna 2 workflows
(only T1)
T2-1121: Upload seems to require title/description even when it will be
T2-634: The possible solutions for Taverna 1 workflows that depend on
fail-if-false should be documented.
Stian Soiland-Reyes, Alan R Williams, 2010-07-05