blob: 4ec46566b184c8800022b8bec6226cf0cb2ec31b [file] [log] [blame]
; Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
; contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
; this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
; The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
; (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
; the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
; limitations under the License.
(ns scufl2-info.workflow-bundle
(:use compojure.core)
(:use scufl2-info.util)
[compojure.handler :as handler]
[ring.middleware.json :as middleware]
[ring.util.response :as response]
[ring.util.codec :as codec]
[compojure.route :as route]
(defn wfbundle-uri [uuid]
(str "" (ensure-uuid uuid) "/"))
(defn workflow-uri [uuid workflow]
; Relative URI from wfbundle, as we set @base
(str "workflow/" (codec/url-encode workflow) "/"))
(defn processor-uri [uuid workflow processor]
(str (workflow-uri uuid workflow) "processor/" (codec/url-encode processor) "/"))
(defn processor-port-uri [uuid workflow processor inOrOut port]
(str (processor-uri uuid workflow processor) (name inOrOut) "/" (codec/url-encode port)))
(defn workflow-port-uri [uuid workflow inOrOut port]
(str (workflow-uri uuid workflow) (name inOrOut) "/" (codec/url-encode port)))
(defn iterationstrategy-uri [uuid workflow processor]
(str (processor-uri uuid workflow processor) "iterationstrategy/"))
(defn datalink-uri [uuid workflow from to]
(str (workflow-uri uuid workflow) "datalink?from=" from "&to=" to))
(defn wfbundle-json [uuid]
{ "@context" {
"@base" (wfbundle-uri uuid)
; "rdfs" ""
; "seeAlso" "rdfs:seeAlso"
"@vocab" ""
; Absolute URI here, because some people would be confused by "" or "."
"@id" (wfbundle-uri uuid)
"@type" :WorkflowBundle})
(defn workflow-json [uuid workflow]
(assoc (wfbundle-json uuid)
:workflow {
"@id" (workflow-uri uuid workflow)
"@type" :Workflow
:name workflow}))
(defn processor-json [uuid workflow processor]
(assoc-in (workflow-json uuid workflow)
[:workflow :processor]
{ "@id" (processor-uri uuid workflow processor)
"@type" :Processor
:name processor }))
(defn processor-port-json [uuid workflow processor inOrOut port]
(assoc-in (processor-json uuid workflow processor)
[:workflow :processor (case inOrOut
:in :inputProcessorPort
:out :outputProcessorPort)]
{ "@id" (processor-port-uri uuid workflow processor inOrOut port)
"@type" (case inOrOut
:in :InputProcessorPort
:out :OutputProcessorPort)
"name" port}))
(defn workflow-port-json [uuid workflow inOrOut port]
(assoc-in (workflow-json uuid workflow)
[:workflow (case inOrOut
:in :inputWorkflowPort
:out :outputWorkflowPort)]
{ "@id" (workflow-port-uri uuid workflow inOrOut port)
"@type" (case inOrOut
:in :InputWorkflowPort
:out :OutputWorkflowPort)
"name" port}))
(defn iteration-stack-json [uuid workflow processor]
(assoc-in (processor-json uuid workflow processor)
[:workflow :processor :iterationStrategyStack]
{ "@id" (iterationstrategy-uri uuid workflow processor)
"@type" :IterationStrategyStack }))
(defn datalink-json [uuid workflow from to]
(assoc-in (workflow-json uuid workflow)
[:workflow :datalink]
{ "@id" (datalink-uri uuid workflow from to)
"@type" :DataLink
; TODO: support merge
:receiveFrom { "@id" (str (workflow-uri uuid workflow) from)
"@type" (if (.startsWith from "in/") :InputWorkflowPort :OutputProcessorPort)
:sendTo { "@id" (str (workflow-uri uuid workflow) to)
"@type" (if (.startsWith to "out/") :OutputWorkflowPort :InputProcessorPort)
; TODO: Should we also expand from and to here to show ports and
; processors, or expect the client to simply follow the links?
(def wfbundle-context (context "/workflowBundle" []
(GET "/" [] "
<h1>scufl2-info wfbundles</h1>
This is the <a href=''>scufl2-info</a> web service.
This service generates <a href=''>JSON-LD</a> Linked Data descriptions for
<a href=''>SCUFL2</a> <code>workflowBundle/</code>resources,
following the same URI syntax as below the base
<li> <a href='2f0e94ef-b5c4-455d-aeab-1e9611f46b8b/'>workflow bundle</a></li>
<li> <a href='2f0e94ef-b5c4-455d-aeab-1e9611f46b8b/workflow/HelloWorld/'>workflow</a></li>
<li> <a href='2f0e94ef-b5c4-455d-aeab-1e9611f46b8b/workflow/HelloWorld/in/input1'>workflow input port</a></li>
<li> <a href='2f0e94ef-b5c4-455d-aeab-1e9611f46b8b/workflow/HelloWorld/processor/hello/'>processor</a></li>
<li> <a href='2f0e94ef-b5c4-455d-aeab-1e9611f46b8b/workflow/HelloWorld/processor/hello/out/output1'>processor output port</a></li>
<li> <a href='2f0e94ef-b5c4-455d-aeab-1e9611f46b8b/workflow/HelloWorld/datalink?from=processor/hello/out/output1&to=out/result'>datalink</a></li>
Questions? Contact
(context "/:uuid" [uuid]
(GET "/"
[uuid] {:body (wfbundle-json uuid) } )
(GET "/workflow/:workflow/"
[workflow] {:body (workflow-json uuid workflow)})
(GET "/workflow/:workflow/in/:port"
[workflow processor port] {:body (workflow-port-json uuid workflow :in port)})
(GET "/workflow/:workflow/out/:port"
[workflow processor port] {:body (workflow-port-json uuid workflow :out port)})
(GET "/workflow/:workflow/processor/:processor/"
[workflow processor] {:body (processor-json uuid workflow processor)})
(GET "/workflow/:workflow/processor/:processor/in/:port"
[workflow processor port] {:body (processor-port-json uuid workflow processor :in port)})
(GET "/workflow/:workflow/processor/:processor/out/:port"
[workflow processor port] {:body (processor-port-json uuid workflow processor :out port)})
(GET "/workflow/:workflow/processor/:processor/iterationstrategy/"
[workflow processor] {:body (iteration-stack-json uuid workflow processor)})
(GET "/workflow/:workflow/datalink"
[workflow from to]
(if (or (nil? from) (nil? to))
{:status 404
:body "Not Found.\ndatalink requires query parameters 'from' and 'to'" }
{:body (datalink-json uuid workflow from to)})))))