blob: 1391857962844e495be7e807f26dbeb74eab3705 [file] [log] [blame]
## Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
## contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
## this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
## The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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# Tcl package providing access to Taverna 2 Server release 1.
# This code also works as an executable script. Use it like this:
# tclsh taverna2server.tcl http://host/taverna-server workflow.t2flow \
# input1Name input1.file input2Name input2.file ...
# Dependencies:
# Tcl 8.5
# TclOO 0.6.2
# tdom 0.8.2
# base64 2.4.1
# _or_
# Tcl 8.6
# tdom 0.8.2
if {[package vsatisfies [package require Tcl 8.5] 8.6]} {
# Skip requiring features that are built in to 8.6
} else {
package require TclOO 0.6.2
package require base64 2.4.1
package require http
package require tdom 0.8.2
namespace eval ::taverna2server {
namespace path ::oo
variable LogWADL 0
variable SNS ""
variable RNS ""
namespace export service
class create RestSupportCore {
variable base wadls acceptedmimetypestack
constructor baseURL {
set base $baseURL
my LogWADL $baseURL
method ExtractError {tok} {
return [http::code $tok],[http::data $tok]
method OnRedirect {tok location} {
upvar 1 url url
set url $location
set where $location
my LogWADL $where
if {[string equal -length [string length $base/] $location $base/]} {
set where [string range $where [string length $base/] end]
return -level 2 [split $where /]
return -level 2 $where
method LogWADL url {
variable ::taverna2server::LogWADL
if {!$LogWADL} {
return;# do nothing
set tok [http::geturl $url?_wadl]
set w [http::data $tok]
http::cleanup $tok
if {![info exist wadls($w)]} {
set wadls($w) 1
puts stderr $w
method PushAcceptedMimeTypes args {
lappend acceptedmimetypestack [http::config -accept]
http::config -accept [join $args ", "]
method PopAcceptedMimeTypes {} {
set old [lindex $acceptedmimetypestack end]
set acceptedmimetypestack [lrange $acceptedmimetypestack 0 end-1]
http::config -accept $old
method DoRequest {method url {type ""} {value ""}} {
for {set reqs 0} {$reqs < 5} {incr reqs} {
if {[info exists tok]} {
http::cleanup $tok
set tok [http::geturl $url -method $method -type $type \
-query $value]
if {[http::ncode $tok] > 399} {
set msg [my ExtractError $tok]
http::cleanup $tok
return -code error $msg
} elseif {[http::ncode $tok]>299 || [http::ncode $tok]==201} {
set location {}
if {[catch {
set location [dict get [http::meta $tok] Location]
}]} {
http::cleanup $tok
error "missing a location header!"
my OnRedirect $tok $location
} else {
set s [http::data $tok]
http::cleanup $tok
return $s
error "too many redirections!"
method GET args {
return [my DoRequest GET $base/[join $args /]]
method POST {args} {
set type [lindex $args end-1]
set value [lindex $args end]
set path [join [lrange $args 0 end-2] /]
return [my DoRequest POST $base/$path $type $value]
method PUT {args} {
set type [lindex $args end-1]
set value [lindex $args end]
set path [join [lrange $args 0 end-2] /]
return [my DoRequest PUT $base/$path $type $value]
method DELETE args {
return [my DoRequest DELETE $base/[join $args /]]
class create service {
superclass RestSupportCore
self {
variable service
method address= serviceURL {
set service $serviceURL
method address {{suffix {}}} {
if {$suffix ne ""} {
return $service/$suffix
} else {
return $service
method SimpleGet path {
set tok [http::geturl [my address rest/$path]]
set result [http::data $tok]
http::cleanup $tok
return $result
forward runLimit my SimpleGet policy/runLimit
forward permittedWorkflows my SimpleGet policy/permittedWorkflows
forward permittedListeners my SimpleGet policy/permittedListeners
method runs {} {
variable ::taverna2server::RNS
dom parse [my SimpleGet runs] doc
set result {}
foreach run [doc selectNodes -namespaces [list t2sr $RNS] \
"/t2sr:runs/t2sr:run"] {
lappend result [$run @xlink:href]
return $result
method withFile {filename as varName do script} {
# Verify the sugar
if {$as ne "as" || $do ne "do"} {
return -code error "syntax error"
upvar 1 $varName var
set var [[self] new -file $filename]
catch {
uplevel 1 $script
} msg opt
$var destroy
return -options $opt $msg
variable SNS RNS created
constructor {op arg} {
set created 0
my eval {namespace upvar ::taverna2server SNS SNS RNS RNS}
if {$op eq "-file"} {
set f [open $arg]
set t2flow [read $f]
close $f
} elseif {$op eq "-id"} {
next [[self class] address rest/runs/$arg]
} else {
return -code error "unknown operation: must be -file or -id"
dom parse $t2flow workflow
set contents [[$workflow documentElement] asList]
dom createDocumentNS $SNS workflow wrapped
[$wrapped documentElement] appendFromList $contents
set tok [http::geturl [[self class] address rest/runs] \
-type application/xml -query [$wrapped asXML]]
if {[http::ncode $tok] > 399} {
set msg [my ExtractError $tok]
http::cleanup $tok
return -code error $msg
} elseif {[http::ncode $tok] < 300 && [http::ncode $tok] != 201} {
http::cleanup $tok
return -code error "unexpected OK"
next [dict get [http::meta $tok] Location]
set created 1
http::cleanup $tok
destructor {
if {$created && [catch {my DELETE} msg]} {
puts stderr "WARNING: $msg"
method status {{status ""}} {
if {$status eq ""} {
return [my GET status]
} else {
return [my PUT status text/plain $status]
method executeSynchronously {} {
if {[my status] eq "Initialized"} {
my status Operating
while {[my status] eq "Operating"} {
after 1000
method expiry {{expiry ""}} {
if {$expiry eq ""} {
set t [my GET expiry]
} else {
set t [my PUT expiry text/plain $expiry]
clock scan $t -format %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z
method createTime {} {
clock scan [my GET createTime] -format %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z
method startTime {} {
set t [my GET startTime]
if {$t eq ""} return
clock scan $t -format %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z
method finishTime {} {
set t [my GET finishTime]
if {$t eq ""} return
clock scan $t -format %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z
method property {listener property {value ""}} {
if {[llength [info level 0]] == 4} {
my GET listeners $listener properties $property
} else {
my PUT listeners $listener properties $property text/plain $value
method input {port file|value literal} {
switch ${file|value} {
file - value {
# OK
default {
return -code error "unknown input type"
dom createDocumentNS $RNS runInput valuedoc
set v [$valuedoc createElementNS $RNS ${file|value}]
$v appendChild [$valuedoc createTextNode $literal]
[$valuedoc documentElement] appendChild $v
my PUT input input $port application/xml [$valuedoc asXML]
method inputs file {
my PUT input baclava text/plain $file
method outputs file {
my PUT output text/plain $file
method ls {{base ""}} {
my PushAcceptedMimeTypes application/xml
set code [catch {
my GET wd $base
} result opt]
my PopAcceptedMimeTypes
if {$code} {
return -options $opt $result
set items {}
dom parse $result doc
set nsmap [list ts2 $SNS t2sr $RNS]
foreach dir [$doc selectNodes -namespaces $nsmap \
"t2sr:directoryContents/t2s:dir"] {
lappend items [$dir @name]/
foreach file [$doc selectNodes -namespaces $nsmap \
"t2sr:directoryContents/t2s:file"] {
lappend items [$file @name]
return $items
method get file {
my PushAcceptedMimeTypes application/octet-stream
set out [my GET wd $file]
my PopAcceptedMimeTypes
return $out
# Helper for file operations
method FileOp {op name {content ""}} {
dom createDocumentNS $RNS $op doc
set element [$doc documentElement]
$element setAttributeNS "" xmlns:t2sr $RNS
$element setAttributeNS $RNS t2sr:name $name
if {[llength [info level 0]] == 5} {
if {[info tclversion] eq "8.5"} {
$element appendChild [$doc createTextNode \
[base64::encode $content]]
} else {
$element appendChild [$doc createTextNode \
[binary encode base64 $content]]
return [$doc asXML]
method put {fileName contents} {
set path [file split $fileName]
#### <t2sr:upload t2sr:name="..."> base64data </t2sr:upload>
set message [my FileOp upload [lindex $path end] $contents]
return [join [lrange [my POST wd {*}[lrange $path 0 end-1] \
application/xml $message] 1 end] "/"]
method mkdir {dirName} {
set path [file split $dirName]
#### <t2sr:mkdir t2sr:name="..."/>
set message [my FileOp mkdir [lindex $path end]]
return [join [lrange [my POST wd {*}[lrange $path 0 end-1] \
application/xml $message] 1 end] "/"]
package provide taverna2server 1.0
# Demonstration code
if {[info script] ne $::argv0} {
namespace eval sample-code {
proc ReadBinaryFile filename {
set f [open $filename]
fconfigure $f -translation binary
set data [read $f]
close $f
return $data
proc WriteBinaryFile {filename data} {
set f [open $filename w]
fconfigure $f -translation binary
puts -nonewline $f $data
close $f
namespace import taverna2server::service
service address= [lindex $argv 0]
service withFile [lindex $argv 1] as run do {
$run mkdir in
foreach {name filename} [lrange $argv 2 end] {
# Upload the file to a synthetic name
$run input $name file [$run put in/f[incr i] \
[ReadBinaryFile $filename]]
$run executeSynchronously
puts STDOUT:\t[$run property io stdout]
puts STDERR:\t[$run property io stderr]
puts EXIT:\t[$run property io exitcode]
foreach filename [$run ls out] {
puts FILE:\t$filename
# Ignore subdirectories
if {[string match */ $filename]} continue
# Download the file
WriteBinaryfile [file tail $filename] [$run get out/$filename]
# Local Variables:
# mode: tcl
# indent-tabs-mode: nil
# End: