blob: 787d07ebc2f157b9d36c028db25504a905b4397c [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2010-2011 The University of Manchester
* See the file "LICENSE" for license terms.
package org.taverna.server.master;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static org.joda.time.format.ISODateTimeFormat.dateTime;
import static org.joda.time.format.ISODateTimeFormat.dateTimeParser;
import static org.taverna.server.master.TavernaServer.log;
import static org.taverna.server.master.common.Status.Initialized;
import static org.taverna.server.master.common.Status.Operating;
import static org.taverna.server.master.utils.RestUtils.opt;
import java.util.Date;
import javax.xml.bind.JAXBException;
import org.joda.time.DateTime;
import org.ogf.usage.JobUsageRecord;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Required;
import org.taverna.server.master.api.RunBean;
import org.taverna.server.master.common.Status;
import org.taverna.server.master.common.Workflow;
import org.taverna.server.master.exceptions.BadStateChangeException;
import org.taverna.server.master.exceptions.FilesystemAccessException;
import org.taverna.server.master.exceptions.NoDirectoryEntryException;
import org.taverna.server.master.exceptions.NoListenerException;
import org.taverna.server.master.exceptions.NoUpdateException;
import org.taverna.server.master.exceptions.NotOwnerException;
import org.taverna.server.master.exceptions.OverloadedException;
import org.taverna.server.master.exceptions.UnknownRunException;
import org.taverna.server.master.interfaces.TavernaRun;
import org.taverna.server.master.interfaces.TavernaSecurityContext;
import org.taverna.server.master.utils.FilenameUtils;
import org.taverna.server.master.utils.InvocationCounter.CallCounted;
import org.taverna.server.port_description.OutputDescription;
* RESTful interface to a single workflow run.
* @author Donal Fellows
abstract class RunREST implements TavernaServerRunREST, RunBean {
private String runName;
private TavernaRun run;
private TavernaServerSupport support;
private ContentsDescriptorBuilder cdBuilder;
private FilenameUtils fileUtils;
public void setSupport(TavernaServerSupport support) { = support;
public void setCdBuilder(ContentsDescriptorBuilder cdBuilder) {
this.cdBuilder = cdBuilder;
public void setFileUtils(FilenameUtils converter) {
this.fileUtils = converter;
public void setRunName(String runName) {
this.runName = runName;
public void setRun(TavernaRun run) { = run;
public RunDescription getDescription(UriInfo ui) {
return new RunDescription(run, ui);
public Response destroy() throws NoUpdateException {
try {
support.unregisterRun(runName, run);
} catch (UnknownRunException e) {
log.fatal("can't happen", e);
return noContent().build();
public TavernaServerListenersREST getListeners() {
return makeListenersInterface().connect(run);
public TavernaServerSecurityREST getSecurity() throws NotOwnerException {
TavernaSecurityContext secContext = run.getSecurityContext();
if (!support.getPrincipal().equals(secContext.getOwner()))
throw new NotOwnerException();
// context.getBean("", run, secContext);
return makeSecurityInterface().connect(secContext, run);
public String getExpiryTime() {
return dateTime().print(new DateTime(run.getExpiry()));
public String getCreateTime() {
return dateTime().print(new DateTime(run.getCreationTimestamp()));
public String getFinishTime() {
Date f = run.getFinishTimestamp();
return f == null ? "" : dateTime().print(new DateTime(f));
public String getStartTime() {
Date f = run.getStartTimestamp();
return f == null ? "" : dateTime().print(new DateTime(f));
public String getStatus() {
return run.getStatus().toString();
public Workflow getWorkflow() {
return run.getWorkflow();
public DirectoryREST getWorkingDirectory() {
return makeDirectoryInterface().connect(run);
public String setExpiryTime(String expiry) throws NoUpdateException,
IllegalArgumentException {
DateTime wanted = dateTimeParser().parseDateTime(expiry.trim());
Date achieved = support.updateExpiry(run, wanted.toDate());
return dateTime().print(new DateTime(achieved));
public Response setStatus(String status) throws NoUpdateException {
Status newStatus = Status.valueOf(status.trim());
if (newStatus == Operating && run.getStatus() == Initialized) {
if (!support.getAllowStartWorkflowRuns())
throw new OverloadedException();
String issue = run.setStatus(newStatus);
if (issue == null)
issue = "starting run...";
return status(202).entity(issue).type("text/plain").build();
run.setStatus(newStatus); // Ignore the result
return ok(run.getStatus().toString()).type("text/plain").build();
public TavernaServerInputREST getInputs(UriInfo ui) {
return makeInputInterface().connect(run, ui);
public String getOutputFile() {
String o = run.getOutputBaclavaFile();
return o == null ? "" : o;
public String setOutputFile(String filename) throws NoUpdateException,
FilesystemAccessException, BadStateChangeException {
if (filename != null && filename.length() == 0)
filename = null;
String o = run.getOutputBaclavaFile();
return o == null ? "" : o;
public OutputDescription getOutputDescription(UriInfo ui)
throws BadStateChangeException, FilesystemAccessException,
NoDirectoryEntryException {
if (run.getStatus() == Initialized)
throw new BadStateChangeException(
"may not get output description in initial state");
return cdBuilder.makeOutputDescriptor(run, ui);
public InteractionFeedREST getInteractionFeed() {
return makeInteractionFeed().connect(run);
* Construct a RESTful interface to a run's filestore.
* @return The handle to the interface, as decorated by Spring.
protected abstract DirectoryREST makeDirectoryInterface();
* Construct a RESTful interface to a run's input descriptors.
* @return The handle to the interface, as decorated by Spring.
protected abstract InputREST makeInputInterface();
* Construct a RESTful interface to a run's listeners.
* @return The handle to the interface, as decorated by Spring.
protected abstract ListenersREST makeListenersInterface();
* Construct a RESTful interface to a run's security.
* @return The handle to the interface, as decorated by Spring.
protected abstract RunSecurityREST makeSecurityInterface();
* Construct a RESTful interface to a run's interaction feed.
* @return The handle to the interaface, as decorated by Spring.
protected abstract InteractionFeed makeInteractionFeed();
public Response runOptions() {
return opt();
public Response workflowOptions() {
return opt();
public Response expiryOptions() {
return opt("PUT");
public Response createTimeOptions() {
return opt();
public Response startTimeOptions() {
return opt();
public Response finishTimeOptions() {
return opt();
public Response statusOptions() {
return opt("PUT");
public Response outputOptions() {
return opt("PUT");
public String getName() {
return run.getName();
public String setName(String name) throws NoUpdateException {
return run.getName();
public Response nameOptions() {
return opt("PUT");
public String getStdout() throws NoListenerException {
return support.getProperty(run, "io", "stdout");
public Response stdoutOptions() {
return opt();
public String getStderr() throws NoListenerException {
return support.getProperty(run, "io", "stderr");
public Response stderrOptions() {
return opt();
public Response getUsage() throws NoListenerException, JAXBException {
String ur = support.getProperty(run, "io", "usageRecord");
if (ur.isEmpty())
return noContent().build();
return ok(JobUsageRecord.unmarshal(ur), APPLICATION_XML).build();
public Response usageOptions() {
return opt();
public Response getLogContents() {
try {
return Response.ok(fileUtils.getFile(run, "logs/detail.log"),
} catch (FilesystemAccessException e) {
return Response.noContent().build();
} catch (NoDirectoryEntryException e) {
return Response.noContent().build();
public Response logOptions() {
return opt();