blob: 31d193b8d674a437c91f9379c94f3bb2ca338f71 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.apache.taverna.gis;
import java.util.List;
import net.opengis.wps.x100.InputDescriptionType;
import net.opengis.wps.x100.OutputDescriptionType;
import org.apache.taverna.workflowmodel.processor.activity.config.ActivityPortsDefinitionBean;
* Gis activity configuration bean.
public class GisActivityConfigurationBean extends ActivityPortsDefinitionBean implements Serializable {
* TODO: Remove this comment. Should the jackson ojbect be managed in this class?
* The configuration specifies the variable options and configurations for
* an activity that has been added to a workflow. For instance for a WSDL
* activity, the configuration contains the URL for the WSDL together with
* the method name. String constant configurations contain the string that
* is to be returned, while Beanshell script configurations contain both the
* scripts and the input/output ports (by subclassing
* ActivityPortsDefinitionBean).
* Configuration beans are serialised as XML (currently by using XMLBeans)
* when Taverna is saving the workflow definitions. Therefore the
* configuration beans need to follow the JavaBeans style and only have
* fields of 'simple' types such as Strings, integers, etc. Other beans can
* be referenced as well, as long as they are part of the same plugin.
private URI ogcServiceUri;
private String processIdentifier;
public URI getOgcServiceUri() {
return ogcServiceUri;
public void setOgcServiceUri(URI ogcServiceUri) {
this.ogcServiceUri = ogcServiceUri;
public String getProcessIdentifier() {
return processIdentifier;
public void setProcessIdentifier(String processIdentifier) {
this.processIdentifier = processIdentifier;