blob: 6fe09b35975a0efb3f4647e117f47b5f3810f0b6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
* Parses a Distinguished Name and stores the parts for retreival.
* @author Alex Nenadic
* @author Stian Soiland-Reyes
* @author Christian Brenninkmeijer
public class ParsedDistinguishedNameImpl implements ParsedDistinguishedName{
private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(ParsedDistinguishedNameImpl.class);
private String emailAddress; // not from RFC 2253, yet some certificates
// contain this field
private String CN;
private String L;
private String ST;
private String C;
private String O;
private String OU;
// /**
// * Gets the intended certificate uses, i.e. Netscape Certificate Type
// * extension (2.16.840.1.113730.1.1) as a string.
// */
// // From openssl's documentation: "The [above] extension is non standard,
// Netscape
// // specific and largely obsolete. Their use in new applications is
// discouraged."
// // TODO replace with "basicConstraints, keyUsage and extended key usage
// extensions
// // which are now used instead."
// public static String getIntendedCertificateUses(byte[] value) {
// // Netscape Certificate Types (2.16.840.1.113730.1.1) denoting the
// // intended uses of a certificate
// int[] INTENDED_USES = new int[] { NetscapeCertType.sslClient,
// NetscapeCertType.sslServer, NetscapeCertType.smime,
// NetscapeCertType.objectSigning, NetscapeCertType.reserved,
// NetscapeCertType.sslCA, NetscapeCertType.smimeCA,
// NetscapeCertType.objectSigningCA, };
// // Netscape Certificate Type strings (2.16.840.1.113730.1.1)
// HashMap<String, String> INTENDED_USES_STRINGS = new HashMap<String,
// String>();
// INTENDED_USES_STRINGS.put("128", "SSL Client");
// INTENDED_USES_STRINGS.put("64", "SSL Server");
// INTENDED_USES_STRINGS.put("16", "Object Signing");
// INTENDED_USES_STRINGS.put("8", "Reserved");
// INTENDED_USES_STRINGS.put("1", "Object Signing CA");
// // Get DER octet string from extension value
// ASN1OctetString derOctetString = new DEROctetString(value);
// byte[] octets = derOctetString.getOctets();
// // Get DER bit string
// DERBitString derBitString = new DERBitString(octets);
// int val = new NetscapeCertType(derBitString).intValue();
// StringBuffer strBuff = new StringBuffer();
// for (int i = 0, len = INTENDED_USES.length; i < len; i++) {
// int use = INTENDED_USES[i];
// if ((val & use) == use) {
// strBuff.append(INTENDED_USES_STRINGS.get(String.valueOf(use))
// + ", \n");
// }
// }
// // remove the last ", \n" from the end of the buffer
// String str = strBuff.toString();
// str = str.substring(0, str.length() - 3);
// return str;
// }
// FROM RFC 2253:
// CN commonName
// L localityName
// ST stateOrProvinceName
// O organizationName
// OU organizationalUnitName
// C countryName
// STREET streetAddress
// DC domainComponent
// UID userid
* Parses a DN string and fills in fields with DN parts. Heavily based on
* class from omii-security-utils
* library.
public ParsedDistinguishedNameImpl(String DNstr) {
// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Parse the DN String and put into variables. First, tokenise using a
// "," character as a delimiter
// UNLESS escaped with a "\" character. Put the tokens into an
// ArrayList. These should be name value pairs
// separated by "=". Tokenise these using a StringTokenizer class, test
// for the name, and if one of the
// recognised names, copy into the correct variable. The reason
// StringTokenizer is not used for the major
// token list is that the StringTokenizer class does not handle escaped
// delimiters so an escaped delimiter
// in the code would be treated as a valid one.
int i = 0;
char majorListDelimiter = ',';
char majorListEscapeChar = '\\';
// String minorListDelimiter = "=";
String DNchars = DNstr;
int startIndex = 0;
int endIndex = 0;
boolean ignoreThisChar = false;
boolean inQuotes = false;
ArrayList<String> majorTokenList = new ArrayList<String>();
for (i = 0; i < DNchars.length(); i++) {
if (ignoreThisChar == true) {
ignoreThisChar = false;
} else if ((inQuotes == false) && (DNchars.charAt(i) == '\"')) {
inQuotes = true;
} else if ((inQuotes == true) && (DNchars.charAt(i) == '\"')) {
inQuotes = false;
} else if (inQuotes == true) {
} else if (DNchars.charAt(i) == majorListEscapeChar) {
ignoreThisChar = true;
} else if ((DNchars.charAt(i) == majorListDelimiter)
&& (ignoreThisChar == false)) {
endIndex = i;
majorTokenList.add(DNchars.substring(startIndex, endIndex));
startIndex = i + 1;
// Add last token - after the last delimiter
endIndex = DNchars.length();
majorTokenList.add(DNchars.substring(startIndex, endIndex));
for (String currentToken : majorTokenList) {
currentToken = currentToken.trim();
// split on first equals only, as value can contain an equals char
String[] minorTokenList = currentToken.split("=", 2);
if (minorTokenList.length == 2) {
// there had better be a key and a value only
String DNTokenName = minorTokenList[0].toUpperCase();
String DNTokenValue = minorTokenList[1];
if (DNTokenName.equals("CN")
|| DNTokenName.equals("COMMONNAME")) {
CN = DNTokenValue;
} else if (DNTokenName.equals("EMAIL")
|| DNTokenName.equals("EMAILADDRESS")) {
emailAddress = DNTokenValue;
} else if (DNTokenName.equals("OU")
OU = DNTokenValue;
} else if (DNTokenName.equals("O")
|| DNTokenName.equals("ORGANIZATIONNAME")) {
O = DNTokenValue;
} else if (DNTokenName.equals("L")
|| DNTokenName.equals("LOCALITYNAME")) {
L = DNTokenValue;
} else if (DNTokenName.equals("ST")
|| DNTokenName.equals("STATEORPROVINCENAME")) {
ST = DNTokenValue;
} else if (DNTokenName.equals("C")
|| DNTokenName.equals("COUNTRYNAME")) {
C = DNTokenValue;
// else we have a key with no value, so skip processing the key
if (CN == null)
CN = "none";
if (emailAddress == null)
emailAddress = "none";
if (OU == null)
OU = "none";
if (O == null)
O = "none";
if (L == null)
L = "none";
if (ST == null)
ST = "none";
if (C == null)
C = "none";
public String getCN() {
return CN;
public String getEmailAddress() {
return emailAddress;
public String getOU() {
return OU;
public String getO() {
return O;
public String getL() {
return L;
public String getST() {
return ST;
public String getC() {
return C;