blob: 715f002ea36b3ea53c59f9bb102316d7ebdad175 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE hibernate-mapping PUBLIC
"-//Hibernate/Hibernate Mapping DTD 3.0//EN"
<!-- Hibernate mapping for ReferenceSetImpl -->
<class name="net.sf.taverna.t2.reference.impl.ReferenceSetImpl"
abstract="false" lazy="false">
<id name="internalId" column="id" type="string"
unsaved-value="null" />
<!-- Composite key constructed from the namespace and local -->
<!-- parts of the T2Reference implementation type, used as -->
<!-- the foreign key in the one to many relationship with -->
<!-- extensions of AbstractExternalReference -->
<component name="typedId"
<property name="namespacePart" />
<property name="localPart" />
<property name="containsErrors" />
<property name="depth" />
<property name="referenceType" />
<set name="externalReferences" cascade="all" lazy="false">
<key column="id" />
class="net.sf.taverna.t2.reference.AbstractExternalReference" />