blob: 378f20d638e3fb0d19c86e9633ccc09018892dc9 [file] [log] [blame]
<p>Interfaces for the Taverna 2 reference manager. This replaces the
(badly named) DataManager and is, in effect, a version 2 of that system.
While these APIs are implementation neutral the intent is heavily
towards the use of an object relational mapping (ORM) tool such as
Hibernate backed by a relational database to hold the various
collection, external reference and error documents managed by the
reference manager.</p>
<p>For those familiar with the previous DataManager code the table
below shows the old class names and the equivalent (where appropriate)
in the new code:
<td>{@link net.sf.taverna.t2.reference.ReferenceSet}</td>
<td>{@link net.sf.taverna.t2.reference.ExternalReferenceSPI}</td>
<td>{@link net.sf.taverna.t2.reference.T2Reference}</td>
<td colspan="2">...</td>
<p>One fundamental change is a move to runtime exceptions rather
than checked exceptions. This follows the pattern used by Spring and
Hibernate. The rationale is the same as in those systems - in general
checked exceptions are not handled properly by client code. The loss of
compiler level functionality from moving to runtime exceptions is
countered by much higher readability of code which in itself leads to
more robust and reliable systems.</p>
<p>A second change is the availability of asynchronous versions of
all the critical APIs. Reference construction or translation in
particular can be a costly process taking substantial time to complete.
Synchronous versions of the get methods still exist but in general the
simple callback based asynchronous ones are recommended over them for
most applications.</p>