blob: f8ab9e082796883bf0eb4542041ae11da4eefbfb [file] [log] [blame]
package net.sf.taverna.t2.provenance.lineageservice.utils;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.xml.bind.JAXBException;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.tupeloproject.kernel.Context;
import org.tupeloproject.kernel.OperatorException;
import org.tupeloproject.kernel.UnionContext;
import org.tupeloproject.kernel.impl.MemoryContext;
import org.tupeloproject.kernel.impl.ResourceContext;
import org.tupeloproject.provenance.ProvenanceAccount;
import org.tupeloproject.provenance.ProvenanceArtifact;
import org.tupeloproject.provenance.ProvenanceGeneratedArc;
import org.tupeloproject.provenance.ProvenanceProcess;
import org.tupeloproject.provenance.ProvenanceRole;
import org.tupeloproject.provenance.ProvenanceUsedArc;
import org.tupeloproject.provenance.impl.ProvenanceContextFacade;
import org.tupeloproject.rdf.Literal;
import org.tupeloproject.rdf.Resource;
import org.tupeloproject.rdf.Triple;
import org.tupeloproject.rdf.xml.RdfXmlWriter;
import org.openprovenance.model.Artifact;
import org.openprovenance.model.OPMGraph;
import org.openprovenance.model.OPMToDot;
import org.openprovenance.model.Process;
import org.openprovenance.rdf.OPMRdf2Xml;
* @author paolo
public class OPMManager {
private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(OPMManager.class);
public static final String OPM_TAVERNA_NAMESPACE = "";
private static final String OPM_RDF_GRAPH_FILE = "src/test/resources/provenance-testing/OPM/OPMGraph.rdf";
private static final String OPM_XML_GRAPH_FILE = "src/test/resources/provenance-testing/OPM/OPMGraph.xml";
private static final String OPM_DOT_FILE = "src/test/resources/provenance-testing/OPM/";
private static final String DOT_CONFIG_FILE = "src/test/resources/provenance-testing/OPM/defaultConfig.xml";
private static final String VALUE_PROP = "value";
private static final String OPM_PDF_FILE = null;
ProvenanceContextFacade graph = null;
Context context = null;
ProvenanceAccount currentAccount = null;
ProvenanceArtifact currentArtifact = null;
ProvenanceRole currentRole = null;
ProvenanceProcess currentProcess = null;
public OPMManager() {
// init Tupelo RDF provenance graph
MemoryContext mc = new MemoryContext();
ResourceContext rc = new ResourceContext("","/provenanceExample/");
context = new UnionContext();
graph = new ProvenanceContextFacade(mc);
* default implementation of this method returns null -- has no idea how to extract simple values from incoming artifact values
* @return
public List<DataValueExtractor> getDataValueExtractor() { return null; }
* create new account to hold the causality graph
* and give it a Resource name
* @param accountName
public void createAccount(String accountName) {
currentAccount = graph.newAccount("OPM-"+
accountName, Resource.uriRef(OPM_TAVERNA_NAMESPACE+accountName));
* @param aName
* @param aValue actual value can be used optionally as part of a separate triple. Whether this is used or not
* depends on the settings, see {@link OPMManager.addValueTriple}.
* This also sets the currentArtifact to the newly created artifact
public void addArtifact(String aName, String aValue) {
String artID=aName;
// make sure artifact name is a good URI
try {
URI artURI = new URI(aName);
if (artURI.getAuthority() == null) {
} catch (URISyntaxException e1) {
Resource r = Resource.uriRef(artID);
currentArtifact = graph.newArtifact(artID, r);
if (aValue != null) {
// System.out.println("OPMManager::addArtifact: aValue is NOT NULL");
// if we have a valid DataValueExtractor, use it here
List<DataValueExtractor> dveList;
String extractedValue = aValue; // default is same value
if ((dveList = getDataValueExtractor()) != null) {
// try all available extractors... UGLY but data comes with NO TYPE at all!
for (DataValueExtractor dve: dveList) {
try {
// System.out.println("OPMManager::addArtifact: trying extractor "+dve.getClass().getName());
extractedValue = dve.extractString(aValue);
// System.out.println("OPMManager::addArtifact: - extracted value = "+extractedValue);
break; // extractor worked
} catch (Exception e) {
// no panic, reset value and try another extractor
// System.out.println("OPMManager::addArtifact: extractor failed");
extractedValue = aValue;
// System.out.println("OPMManager::addArtifact: using value "+extractedValue);
try {
Literal lValue = Resource.literal(extractedValue);
context.addTriple(r, Resource.uriRef(OPM_TAVERNA_NAMESPACE+VALUE_PROP), lValue);
} catch (OperatorException e) {
logger.warn("OPM iteration triple creation exception: "+e.getMessage());
} else {
// System.out.println("OPMManager::addArtifact: aValue for ["+aName+"] is NULL");
* no actual value is recorded
* @param aName
public void addArtifact(String aName) {
Resource r = Resource.uriRef(aName);
currentArtifact = graph.newArtifact(aName, r);
public void createRole(String aRole) {
Resource r = Resource.uriRef(OPM_TAVERNA_NAMESPACE+aRole);
currentRole = graph.newRole(aRole, r);
public void addProcess(String proc, String iterationVector, String URIfriendlyIterationVector) {
String processID;
// PM added 5/09 -- a process name may already be a URI -- this happens for example when we export back OPM
// after importing a workflow from our own OPM... in this case, do not pre-pend a new URI scheme
try {
URI procURI = new URI(proc);
if (procURI.getAuthority() == null) {
} else {
processID = proc;
} catch (URISyntaxException e1) {
if (URIfriendlyIterationVector.length()>0) {
processID = processID+"?it="+URIfriendlyIterationVector;
Resource processResource = Resource.uriRef(processID);
currentProcess = graph.newProcess(processID, processResource);
graph.assertProcess(currentProcess );
// add a triple to specify the iteration vector for this occurrence of Process, if it is available
if (URIfriendlyIterationVector.length() > 0) {
// Resource inputProcessSubject = ((RdfProvenanceProcess) process).getSubject();
try {
context.addTriple(processResource, Resource.uriRef(OPM_TAVERNA_NAMESPACE+"iteration"), iterationVector);
} catch (OperatorException e) {
logger.warn("OPM iteration triple creation exception: "+e.getMessage());
public void assertGeneratedBy(ProvenanceArtifact artifact,
ProvenanceProcess process,
ProvenanceRole role,
ProvenanceAccount account,
boolean noDuplicates) {
boolean found = false;
if (noDuplicates) {
Collection<ProvenanceGeneratedArc> generatedBy = graph.getGeneratedBy(artifact);
for (ProvenanceGeneratedArc arc:generatedBy) {
ProvenanceProcess pp = arc.getProcess();
if (pp.getName().equals(process.getName())) { found = true; break; }
if (!noDuplicates || (noDuplicates && !found) )
graph.assertGeneratedBy(artifact, process, role, account);
public void assertUsed(ProvenanceArtifact artifact,
ProvenanceProcess process,
ProvenanceRole role,
ProvenanceAccount account,
boolean noDuplicates) {
boolean found = false;
if (noDuplicates) {
Collection<ProvenanceUsedArc> used = graph.getUsed(process);
for (ProvenanceUsedArc arc:used) {
ProvenanceArtifact pa = arc.getArtifact();
if (pa.getName().equals(artifact.getName())) { found = true; break; }
if (!noDuplicates || (noDuplicates && !found) )
graph.assertUsed(process, artifact, role, account);
public ProvenanceContextFacade getGraph() {
return graph;
* @return the account
public ProvenanceAccount getAccount() {
return currentAccount;
* @param account the account to set
public void setAccount(ProvenanceAccount account) {
this.currentAccount = account;
* @return the currentRole
public ProvenanceRole getCurrentRole() {
return currentRole;
* @param currentRole the currentRole to set
public void setCurrentRole(ProvenanceRole currentRole) {
this.currentRole = currentRole;
* @return the currentArtifact
public ProvenanceArtifact getCurrentArtifact() {
return currentArtifact;
* @param currentArtifact the currentArtifact to set
public void setCurrentArtifact(ProvenanceArtifact currentArtifact) {
this.currentArtifact = currentArtifact;
* @return the currentAccount
public ProvenanceAccount getCurrentAccount() {
return currentAccount;
* @param currentAccount the currentAccount to set
public void setCurrentAccount(ProvenanceAccount currentAccount) {
this.currentAccount = currentAccount;
* @return the currentProcess
public ProvenanceProcess getCurrentProcess() {
return currentProcess;
* @param currentProcess the currentProcess to set
public void setCurrentProcess(ProvenanceProcess currentProcess) {
this.currentProcess = currentProcess;
public void writeGraph() {
// print out OPM graph for diagnostics
try {
Set<Triple> allTriples = context.getTriples();
RdfXmlWriter writer = new RdfXmlWriter();
writer.write(allTriples, new FileWriter(OPM_RDF_GRAPH_FILE));"OPM graph written to "+OPM_RDF_GRAPH_FILE);
} catch (OperatorException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
} catch (IOException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
* simply invokes the org.openprovenance for converting an RDF OPM graph to an XML OPM graph
* @return a hard-coded filename for the converted XML OPM graph
* @throws OperatorException
* @throws IOException
* @throws JAXBException
public String Rdf2Xml() throws OperatorException, IOException, JAXBException {
OPMRdf2Xml converter = new OPMRdf2Xml();
* creates a dot file from the current OPMGraph. <br/>
* @return
* @throws IOException
* @throws OperatorException
public String Rdf2Dot() throws OperatorException, IOException {
OPMRdf2Xml converter = new OPMRdf2Xml();
OPMGraph graph = converter.convert(OPM_RDF_GRAPH_FILE);
List<Process> processes = graph.getProcesses().getProcess();
for (Process p:processes) { p.setId("\""+p.getId()+"\""); }
List<Artifact> artifacts = graph.getArtifacts().getArtifact();
for (Artifact a:artifacts) { a.setId("\""+a.getId()+"\""); }
OPMToDot aOPMToDot = new OPMToDot();
aOPMToDot.convert(graph, new File(OPM_DOT_FILE));
return OPM_DOT_FILE;
* @param graph the graph to set
public void setGraph(ProvenanceContextFacade graph) {
this.graph = graph;