blob: 2f9b9e76ad951800a52c5b524c185b27dff1d130 [file] [log] [blame]
package net.sf.taverna.t2.provenance.lineageservice.utils;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.UUID;
import javax.xml.bind.JAXBException;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.openprovenance.model.Account;
import org.openprovenance.model.AccountId;
import org.openprovenance.model.Accounts;
import org.openprovenance.model.Artifact;
import org.openprovenance.model.ArtifactId;
import org.openprovenance.model.Artifacts;
import org.openprovenance.model.CausalDependencies;
import org.openprovenance.model.OPMDeserialiser;
import org.openprovenance.model.OPMGraph;
import org.openprovenance.model.ProcessId;
import org.openprovenance.model.Role;
import org.openprovenance.model.Used;
import org.openprovenance.model.WasControlledBy;
import org.openprovenance.model.WasDerivedFrom;
import org.openprovenance.model.WasGeneratedBy;
import org.openprovenance.model.WasTriggeredBy;
import org.tupeloproject.rdf.Resource;
import net.sf.taverna.t2.provenance.lineageservice.EventProcessor;
import net.sf.taverna.t2.provenance.lineageservice.ProvenanceWriter;
* @author paolo
* imports foreign XML-serialized OPM graphs into the native Taverna provenance DB, so they can be queried using
* {@link net.sf.taverna.t2.provenance.lineageservice.utils.ProvenanceAnalysis}
public class OPMImporter {
private static final String PROC_NAME = "P";
private static final String OPM_DEF_ACCOUNT = "OPMDefaultAccount";
ProvenanceWriter pw;
OPMGraph graph;
private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(OPMImporter.class);
// Maps Account names to Taverna workflows
Map<String, String> accountToWorkflow = new HashMap<String, String>();
Map<String, String> workflowToInstance = new HashMap<String, String>();
// maps wfName --> (wfName --> List(Var))
private Map<String, Map<String, List<Var>>> usedVarsByAccount = new HashMap<String, Map<String, List<Var>>>();
private Map<String, Map<String, List<Var>>> wgbVarsByAccount = new HashMap<String, Map<String, List<Var>>>();
// maps accountname --> (artifact -> List(Process))
private Map<String, Map<String,List<String>>> wgbArtifactsByAccount = new HashMap<String, Map<String,List<String>>>();
// maps accountname --> (artifact -> List(Process))
private Map<String, Map<String,List<String>>> usedArtifactsByAccount = new HashMap<String, Map<String,List<String>>>();
int procNameCounter;
private String masterAccount = OPM_DEF_ACCOUNT;
public OPMImporter(ProvenanceWriter pw) { = pw;
* orphan artifacts are those that are in the graph but are never used neither generated. this
* indicates some problem with the graph structure
* @return
public List<String> getOrphanArtifacts() {
List<String> allwgb = new ArrayList<String>();
List<String> allUsed = new ArrayList<String>();
List<String> orphans = new ArrayList<String>();
Artifacts allArtifacts = graph.getArtifacts();
for ( Map.Entry<String, Map<String,List<String>>>entry: wgbArtifactsByAccount.entrySet()) {
for ( Map.Entry<String, Map<String,List<String>>>entry: usedArtifactsByAccount.entrySet()) {
List<Artifact> artifacts = allArtifacts.getArtifact();
for (Artifact a:artifacts) {
if (!allwgb.contains(a.getId()) && !allUsed.contains(a.getId())) {
return orphans;
public void importGraph(String XMLOPMGraphFilename) throws JAXBException, SQLException {
try {"OPM XML filename: "+XMLOPMGraphFilename);
// deserialize an XML OPM graph from file
OPMDeserialiser deser = new OPMDeserialiser();
graph = deser.deserialiseOPMGraph(new File(XMLOPMGraphFilename));
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.fatal("exception while deserializing -- unable to continue");
logger.debug("XML graph deserialized");
// generates one pair <wfName, wfInstance> for each account in the graph
List<Account> allAccounts = null;
try {
Accounts accounts = graph.getAccounts();
// use this global account alongside any other that may be defined in the graph
if (accounts == null) {
logger.warn("this graph contains no accounts -- using only the default");
} else {
for (Account acc:accounts.getAccount()) {
// writes both workflow and instance into the DB, updates accountToWorkflow
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.warn("exception while getting accounts for this graph");
// associates processes and ports to workflows and varbindings to corresponding wfInstances
List<Object> allDeps;
// what have we got?
// retrieve all OPM relations from the graph
CausalDependencies cd = graph.getCausalDependencies();
allDeps = cd.getUsedOrWasGeneratedByOrWasTriggeredBy();
// make sure these are processed in the right order: used, wgby, THEN wdf because this latter is derived from the first 2!
// so collect them into sets and process them separately
Set<WasGeneratedBy> wgbSet = new HashSet<WasGeneratedBy>();
Set<Used> usedSet = new HashSet<Used>();
Set<WasDerivedFrom> wdfSet = new HashSet<WasDerivedFrom>();
Set<WasControlledBy> wcbSet = new HashSet<WasControlledBy>();
Set<WasTriggeredBy> wtbSet = new HashSet<WasTriggeredBy>();
for (Object dep:allDeps) {"dependency of type: "+dep.getClass().getName());
if (dep instanceof org.openprovenance.model.WasGeneratedBy) {
wgbSet.add((WasGeneratedBy) dep);
} else if (dep instanceof org.openprovenance.model.Used) {
usedSet.add((Used) dep);
} else if (dep instanceof org.openprovenance.model.WasDerivedFrom) {
wdfSet.add((WasDerivedFrom) dep);
} else if (dep instanceof org.openprovenance.model.WasControlledBy) {
wcbSet.add((WasControlledBy) dep);
} else if (dep instanceof org.openprovenance.model.WasTriggeredBy) {
wtbSet.add((WasTriggeredBy) dep);
// process these in the correct order
for (WasGeneratedBy dep: wgbSet) processWGBy(dep);
for (Used dep:usedSet) processUsed(dep);
for (WasDerivedFrom dep: wdfSet) processWDF(dep);
// we actually ignore the others...
// *********
// complete the induced graph by building arcs using the Artfact -> [Var] maps
// *********
List<String> accountNames = new ArrayList<String>();
if (allAccounts != null)
for (Account acc:allAccounts) { accountNames.add(acc.getId()); }
for (String acc:accountNames) {
String wfName = accountToWorkflow.get(acc);
Map<String, List<Var>> usedVars = usedVarsByAccount.get(wfName);
Map<String, List<Var>> wgbVars = wgbVarsByAccount.get(wfName);
// install an Arc from each wgb var to each used var when the artifact is the same
for (Map.Entry<String, List<Var>> entry:wgbVars.entrySet()) {
// all Vars for this artifact get connected to all corresponding Vars in used
List<Var> sourceVars = entry.getValue();
List<Var> targetVars = usedVars.get(entry.getKey());
if (sourceVars == null || targetVars == null) continue;
// create an arc from each sourceVar to each targetVar
// note that we expect a single targetVar, but this is not guaranteed
for (Var sourceVar:sourceVars) {
for (Var targetVar:targetVars) {
pw.addArc(sourceVar, targetVar, wfName);
private void generateWFFromAccount(String accName) throws SQLException {
String wfName = accName+"-"+UUID.randomUUID().toString();
String wfInstance = accName+"-"+UUID.randomUUID().toString();
pw.addWFInstanceId(wfName, wfInstance);
accountToWorkflow.put(accName, wfName);
workflowToInstance.put(wfName, wfInstance);"generated wfName "+wfName+" and instance "+wfInstance+" for account "+accName);
private Var processProcessArtifactDep(String procName, String value, String varName,
String wfName, String wfInstance, boolean artifactIsInput) {
// generate Process
try {
pw.addProcessor(procName, wfName);
logger.debug("added processor "+procName+" to workflow "+wfName);
} catch (SQLException e) { // no panic -- just catch duplicates
// generate Var
Var outputVar = new Var();
outputVar.setInput(artifactIsInput); // wgby is an output var
List<Var> vars = new ArrayList<Var>(); // only one Var in the list
try {
pw.addVariables(vars, wfName);
logger.debug("added var "+varName+" to workflow "+wfName);
} catch (SQLException e) { // no panic -- just catch duplicates
// generate VarBindings (wfInstance, procName, varname, value)
VarBinding vb = new VarBinding();
try {
logger.debug("added var binding with value "+value+" to workflow instance "+wfInstance);
} catch (SQLException e) { // no panic -- just catch duplicates
return outputVar;
* generic processing of a process-artifact dependency
* @param procID
* @param artId
* @param role
* @param wfName
* @param wfInstance
* @param artifactIsInput
private Var processProcessArtifactDep(ProcessId procID, ArtifactId artId, Role role,
String wfName, String wfInstance, boolean artifactIsInput) {
String procName = ((org.openprovenance.model.Process) procID.getId()).getId();
String varName = role.getValue();
String value = ((Artifact) artId.getId()).getId();
return processProcessArtifactDep(procName, value, varName, wfName, wfInstance, artifactIsInput);
* used(A,R,P,acc): generates a process for P, a Var for (P,R) an <em>input</em> VarBinding for (P,R,A)
* <br/> this is very similar to {@link #processWGBy(WasGeneratedBy)}
* @param dep
private void processUsed(Used dep) {
// Acc determines the scope -- this dep may belong to > 1 account, deal with all of them
List<AccountId> accountIDs = dep.getAccount();
ProcessId procID = dep.getEffect();
ArtifactId artId = dep.getCause();
Role role = dep.getRole();
List<String> accNames = new ArrayList<String>();
for (AccountId accId:accountIDs) {
accNames.add(((Account) accId.getId()).getId());
for (String accName: accNames) {
String wfName = accountToWorkflow.get(accName);
String wfInstance = workflowToInstance.get(wfName);
Var v = processProcessArtifactDep(procID, artId, role, wfName, wfInstance, true); // true -> input var
// save the mapping from artifact to var for this account
Map<String, List<Var>> usedVars = usedVarsByAccount.get(wfName);
if (usedVars == null) {
usedVars = new HashMap<String, List<Var>>();
usedVarsByAccount.put(wfName, usedVars);
List<Var> vars = usedVars.get(((Artifact) artId.getId()).getId());
if (vars == null) {
vars = new ArrayList<Var>();
usedVars.put(((Artifact) artId.getId()).getId(), vars);
// record the fact that (procID used artId) within this account
Map<String, List<String>> usedArtifacts = usedArtifactsByAccount.get(accName);
if (usedArtifacts == null) {
usedArtifacts = new HashMap<String, List<String>>();
usedArtifactsByAccount.put(accName, usedArtifacts);
String artifactName = ((Artifact) artId.getId()).getId();
List<String> processes = usedArtifacts.get(artifactName);
if (processes == null) {
processes = new ArrayList<String>();
usedArtifacts.put(artifactName, processes);
processes.add(((org.openprovenance.model.Process) procID.getId()).getId());
* wgb(A,R,P,Acc): generates a Process for P, a Var for (P,R), an <em>output</em> VarBinding for (P,R,A)
* This is all relative to the workflow corresponding to account Acc. <br/>
* this method also records all
* @param dep
* @throws SQLException
private void processWGBy(WasGeneratedBy dep) {
// Acc determines the scope -- this dep may belong to > 1 account, deal with all of them
List<AccountId> accountIDs = dep.getAccount();
ProcessId procID = dep.getCause();
ArtifactId artId = dep.getEffect();
Role role = dep.getRole();
List<String> accNames = new ArrayList<String>();
for (AccountId accId:accountIDs) {
accNames.add(((Account) accId.getId()).getId());
for (String accName:accNames) {
String wfName = accountToWorkflow.get(accName);
String wfInstance = workflowToInstance.get(wfName);
Var v = processProcessArtifactDep(procID, artId, role, wfName, wfInstance, false); // false -> output var
Map<String, List<Var>> wgbVars = wgbVarsByAccount.get(wfName);
if (wgbVars == null) {
wgbVars = new HashMap<String, List<Var>>();
wgbVarsByAccount.put(wfName, wgbVars);
List<Var> vars = wgbVars.get(((Artifact) artId.getId()).getId());
if (vars == null) {
vars = new ArrayList<Var>();
wgbVars.put(((Artifact) artId.getId()).getId(), vars);
// record the fact that (artId wgby procID) within this account
Map<String, List<String>> wgbArtifacts = wgbArtifactsByAccount.get(accName);
if (wgbArtifacts == null) {
wgbArtifacts = new HashMap<String, List<String>>();
wgbArtifactsByAccount.put(accName, wgbArtifacts);
String artifactName = ((Artifact) artId.getId()).getId();
List<String> processes = wgbArtifacts.get(artifactName);
if (processes == null) {
processes = new ArrayList<String>();
wgbArtifacts.put(artifactName, processes);
processes.add(((org.openprovenance.model.Process) procID.getId()).getId());
* this is a dep between two artifacts A1 and A2.
* In Taverna we need to postulate the existence of a Process to mediate this dependency.
* <br/> However, we only need to account for this dep if it cannot be inferred from a combination of used and wgby that
* involve A1 and A2: if there exists P s.t. A1 wgby P and P used A2, then this dep. is redundant in the DB and we can safely ignore it.
* <br/> note that this analysis is conducted regardless of the accounts in which the wgby and used properties appear, as one account could
* be used deliberately to
* This will unclutter the DB.
* @param dep
private void processWDF(WasDerivedFrom dep) {
List<AccountId> accountIDs = dep.getAccount();
ArtifactId fromArtId = dep.getCause();
ArtifactId toArtId = dep.getEffect();
List<String> accNames = new ArrayList<String>();
for (AccountId accId:accountIDs) {
accNames.add(((Account) accId.getId()).getId());
for (String accName:accNames) {
int varCounter = 0;
String wfName = accountToWorkflow.get(accName);
String wfInstance = workflowToInstance.get(wfName);
List<String> generatingProcesses=null, usingProcesses=null;
// look for any triple fromArtId wasGeneratedBy P within this account
Map<String, List<String>> wgbArtifacts = wgbArtifactsByAccount.get(accName);
if (wgbArtifacts != null) {
String toArtifactName = ((Artifact) toArtId.getId()).getId();
generatingProcesses = wgbArtifacts.get(toArtifactName);
if (generatingProcesses != null) {
logger.debug("artifact "+toArtifactName+" wgby one or more processes...");
// look for any triple (P used toArtId) within this account
// get map for this account
Map<String, List<String>> usedArtifacts = usedArtifactsByAccount.get(accName);
if (usedArtifacts != null) {
String fromArtifactName = ((Artifact) fromArtId.getId()).getId();
usingProcesses = usedArtifacts.get(fromArtifactName);
if (usingProcesses != null) {
logger.debug("artifact "+fromArtifactName+" was used by one or more processes...");
boolean found = false;
if (generatingProcesses != null && usingProcesses != null) {
for (String gp:generatingProcesses) {
if (usingProcesses.contains(gp)) {
logger.debug("intersection between process sets not empty, this WDF is redundant");
found = true;
// only postulate a new process if the native one has not been found
if (found) return;
String procName = PROC_NAME+"_"+procNameCounter++;
try {
pw.addProcessor(procName, wfName);"created non-native added processor "+procName+" to workflow "+wfName);
} catch (SQLException e) { // no panic -- just catch duplicates
// create a role for fromArtId from the procName
String inputVarName = procName+"_"+varCounter++;
String inputValue = ((Artifact) fromArtId.getId()).getId();
// add to DB
processProcessArtifactDep(procName, inputValue, inputVarName, wfName, wfInstance, true);
// create a role for toArtId
String outputVarName = procName+"_"+varCounter++;
String outputValue = ((Artifact) toArtId.getId()).getId();
// add to DB
processProcessArtifactDep(procName, outputValue, outputVarName, wfName, wfInstance, false);
* there is no counterpart in Taverna provenance for this dependency. This is translated into
* a control link but this is not part of the provenance model
* @param dep
private void processWTBy(WasTriggeredBy dep) {
* there is no counterpart in Taverna for this dependency, as it involves agents which we don't support
* @param dep
private void processWCBy(WasControlledBy dep) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub