blob: 81d158d9202813b7b4bc293edecaeb0942848bb4 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2007 The University of Manchester
* Modifications to the initial code base are copyright of their
* respective authors, or their employers as appropriate.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
package net.sf.taverna.t2.workflowmodel.impl;
import java.beans.XMLDecoder;
import java.beans.XMLEncoder;
import java.util.List;
import net.sf.taverna.raven.Raven;
import net.sf.taverna.raven.repository.Artifact;
import net.sf.taverna.raven.repository.ArtifactNotFoundException;
import net.sf.taverna.raven.repository.ArtifactStateException;
import net.sf.taverna.raven.repository.BasicArtifact;
import net.sf.taverna.raven.repository.Repository;
import net.sf.taverna.raven.repository.impl.LocalArtifactClassLoader;
import net.sf.taverna.t2.annotation.Annotated;
import net.sf.taverna.t2.workflowmodel.ConfigurationException;
import net.sf.taverna.t2.workflowmodel.Dataflow;
import net.sf.taverna.t2.workflowmodel.EditException;
import net.sf.taverna.t2.workflowmodel.InputPort;
import net.sf.taverna.t2.workflowmodel.OutputPort;
import net.sf.taverna.t2.workflowmodel.Processor;
import net.sf.taverna.t2.workflowmodel.ProcessorInputPort;
import net.sf.taverna.t2.workflowmodel.ProcessorOutputPort;
import net.sf.taverna.t2.workflowmodel.processor.activity.Activity;
import net.sf.taverna.t2.workflowmodel.processor.activity.ActivityConfigurationException;
import net.sf.taverna.t2.workflowmodel.processor.dispatch.DispatchLayer;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.jdom.Element;
import org.jdom.JDOMException;
import org.jdom.input.SAXBuilder;
import org.jdom.output.Format;
import org.jdom.output.XMLOutputter;
* Contains static methods concerned with legacy Processor construction and XML
* handling for the various configurable types such as Activity and
* DispatchLayer.
* <p>
* Not to be confused with the probably more helpful
* {@link net.sf.taverna.t2.workflowmodel.utils.Tools}.
* @author Tom Oinn
* @author Stuart Owen
public class Tools {
private static Logger logger = Logger
// XML element names
private static final String LAYER = "layer";
private static final String ACTIVITY = "activity";
private static final String JAVA = "java";
private static final String OUTPUT_MAP = "outputMap";
private static final String TO = "to";
private static final String FROM = "from";
private static final String MAP = "map";
private static final String INPUT_MAP = "inputMap";
private static final String CLASS = "class";
private static final String VERSION = "version";
private static final String ARTIFACT = "artifact";
private static final String GROUP = "group";
private static final String RAVEN = "raven";
private static final String ANNOTATIONS = "annotations";
private static final String ANNOTATION = "annotation";
* Build a JDOM &lt;activity&gt; Element corresponding to the given
* {@link Activity} implementation. Relies on the {@link XMLEncoder} based
* serialisation of the configuration bean to store configuration data.
* @param activity
* {@link Activity} to serialise
* @return JDOM &lt;activity&gt; Element
* @throws JDOMException
* @throws IOException
public static Element activityAsXML(Activity<?> activity)
throws JDOMException, IOException {
Element activityElem = new Element(ACTIVITY);
ClassLoader cl = activity.getClass().getClassLoader();
if (cl instanceof LocalArtifactClassLoader) {
.addContent(ravenElement((LocalArtifactClassLoader) cl));
Element classNameElement = new Element(CLASS);
// Write out the mappings (processor input -> activity input, activity
// output -> processor output)
Element ipElement = new Element(INPUT_MAP);
for (String processorInputName : activity.getInputPortMapping()
.keySet()) {
Element mapElement = new Element(MAP);
mapElement.setAttribute(FROM, processorInputName);
mapElement.setAttribute(TO, activity.getInputPortMapping().get(
Element opElement = new Element(OUTPUT_MAP);
for (String activityOutputName : activity.getOutputPortMapping()
.keySet()) {
Element mapElement = new Element(MAP);
mapElement.setAttribute(FROM, activityOutputName);
mapElement.setAttribute(TO, activity.getOutputPortMapping().get(
// Get element for configuration
Object o = activity.getConfiguration();
Element configElement = beanAsElement(o);
return activityElem;
* Iterates over all the processors in the dataflow, returning the first processor found to contain the given activity.
* @param dataflow
* @param activity
* @return the processor to which the activity is attached, or null if it cannot be found
public Processor findProcessorForActivity(Dataflow dataflow, Activity<?> activity) {
for (Processor p : dataflow.getProcessors()) {
for (Activity<?> a : p.getActivityList()) {
if (a==activity) return p;
return null;
* Add the annotations contained in the specified &lt;annotations&gt;
* element to the specified instance of a MutableAnnotated object.
* @param annotations
* {@link Element} to extract 'annotation' elements from
* @param annotated
* {@link MutableAnnotated} to be annotated
public static void annotateObject(Element annotations, Annotated annotated) {
// TODO - implement for new annotation chain framework
for (Element e : (List<Element>) annotations.getChildren(ANNOTATION)) {
ClassLoader cl = Tools.class.getClassLoader();
Element ravenElement = e.getChild(RAVEN);
if (ravenElement != null) {
try {
cl = getRavenLoader(ravenElement);
} catch (Exception ex) {
// TODO - handle this properly, either by logging correctly
// or by going back to the repository and attempting to
// fetch the offending missing artifacts
Object annotationBean = createBean(e.getChild(JAVA), cl);
if (annotationBean instanceof WorkflowAnnotation) {
WorkflowAnnotation newAnnotation = (WorkflowAnnotation) annotationBean;
try {
} catch (EditException e1) {
} else {
System.out.println("Found non annotation bean inside an"
+ " annotation element, something's not right here");
* Get the &lt;java&gt; element from the {@link XMLEncoder} for the given
* bean as a JDOM {@link Element}.
* @see net.sf.taverna.t2.util.beanable.jaxb.BeanSerialiser
* @param obj
* Object to serialise
* @return &lt;java&gt; element for serialised bean
* @throws JDOMException
* @throws IOException
public static Element beanAsElement(Object obj) throws JDOMException,
IOException {
ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
XMLEncoder xenc = new XMLEncoder(bos);
byte[] bytes = bos.toByteArray();
ByteArrayInputStream bis = new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes);
Element configElement = new SAXBuilder().build(bis).getRootElement();
return configElement;
* Build an Activity instance from the specified &lt;activity&gt; JDOM
* Element using reflection to assemble the configuration bean and configure
* the new Activity object. If the &lt;activity&gt; has a &lt;raven&gt;
* child element the metadata in that element will be used to locate an
* appropriate ArtifactClassLoader, if absent the ClassLoader used will be
* the one used to load this utility class.
* @param element
* &lt;activity&gt; JDOM from where to build the Activity
* @return Built {@link Activity} instance
* @throws ClassNotFoundException
* @throws InstantiationException
* @throws IllegalAccessException
* @throws ActivityConfigurationException
public static Activity buildActivity(Element element)
throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException,
IllegalAccessException, ActivityConfigurationException {
Element ravenElement = element.getChild(RAVEN);
ClassLoader cl = Tools.class.getClassLoader();
if (ravenElement != null) {
try {
cl = getRavenLoader(ravenElement);
} catch (Exception ex) {
logger.error("Exception loading raven classloader "
+ "for Activity instance", ex);
String className = element.getChild(CLASS).getTextTrim();
Class<? extends Activity> c = (Class<? extends Activity>) cl
Activity<Object> activity = c.newInstance();
Element ipElement = element.getChild(INPUT_MAP);
for (Element mapElement : (List<Element>) (ipElement.getChildren(MAP))) {
String processorInputName = mapElement.getAttributeValue(FROM);
String activityInputName = mapElement.getAttributeValue(TO);
Element opElement = element.getChild(OUTPUT_MAP);
for (Element mapElement : (List<Element>) (opElement.getChildren(MAP))) {
String activityOutputName = mapElement.getAttributeValue(FROM);
String processorOutputName = mapElement.getAttributeValue(TO);
// Handle the configuration of the activity
Element configElement = element.getChild(JAVA);
Object configObject = createBean(configElement, cl);
return activity;
* Build a {@link DispatchLayer} object from the specified JDOM
* &lt;layer&gt; {@link Element}.
* @param element
* &lt;layer&gt; {@link Element}
* @return A {@link DispatchLayer} built from the element
* @throws ClassNotFoundException
* @throws IllegalAccessException
* @throws InstantiationException
public static DispatchLayer buildDispatchLayer(Element element)
throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException,
IllegalAccessException {
Element ravenElement = element.getChild(RAVEN);
ClassLoader cl = Tools.class.getClassLoader();
if (ravenElement != null) {
try {
cl = getRavenLoader(ravenElement);
} catch (Exception ex) {
logger.error("Exception loading raven classloader "
+ "for Activity instance", ex);
// TODO - handle this properly, either by logging correctly or
// by going back to the repository and attempting to fetch the
// offending missing artifacts
String className = element.getChild(CLASS).getTextTrim();
Class<? extends DispatchLayer> c = (Class<? extends DispatchLayer>) cl
DispatchLayer<Object> layer = c.newInstance();
// Handle the configuration of the dispatch layer
Element configElement = element.getChild(JAVA);
Object configObject = createBean(configElement, cl);
try {
} catch (ConfigurationException e) {
logger.error("", e);
// TODO - handle this properly
return layer;
* Construct a new {@link Processor} with a single {@link Activity} and
* overall processor inputs and outputs mapped to the activity inputs and
* outputs. This is intended to be equivalent to the processor creation in
* Taverna1 where the concepts of Processor and Activity were somewhat
* confused; it also inserts retry, parallelise and failover layers
* configured as a Taverna1 process would be.
* <p>
* Modifies the given activity object, adding the mappings for input and
* output port names (these will all be fooport->fooport but they're still
* needed)
* @param activity
* the {@link Activity} to use to build the new processor around
* @return An initialised {@link ProcessorImpl}
public static ProcessorImpl buildFromActivity(Activity<?> activity)
throws EditException {
EditsImpl edits = new EditsImpl();
ProcessorImpl processor = (ProcessorImpl)edits.createProcessor("");
new DefaultDispatchStackEdit(processor).doEdit();
// Add the Activity to the processor
// Create processor inputs and outputs corresponding to activity inputs
// and outputs and set the mappings in the Activity object.
for (InputPort ip : activity.getInputPorts()) {
ProcessorInputPort pip = edits.createProcessorInputPort(processor,ip.getName(), ip.getDepth());
new AddProcessorInputPortEdit(processor, pip).doEdit();
activity.getInputPortMapping().put(ip.getName(), ip.getName());
for (OutputPort op : activity.getOutputPorts()) {
ProcessorOutputPort pop=edits.createProcessorOutputPort(processor,op.getName(), op
.getDepth(), op.getGranularDepth());
new AddProcessorOutputPortEdit(processor, pop).doEdit();
activity.getOutputPortMapping().put(op.getName(), op.getName());
return processor;
* Use the XMLDecoder to build an arbitrary java bean from the &lt;java&gt;
* JDOM Element object. Uses the supplied {@link ClassLoader} to accommodate
* systems such as {@link Raven}.
* @param element
* &lt;java&gt; JDOM {@link Element} from where to build the bean
* @param classLoader
* {@link ClassLoader} from where to find the bean's classes
* @return The deserialised bean
public static Object createBean(Element element, ClassLoader classLoader) {
String beanXML = new XMLOutputter(Format.getRawFormat())
XMLDecoder decoder = new XMLDecoder(new ByteArrayInputStream(beanXML
.getBytes()), null, null, classLoader);
Object bean = decoder.readObject();
return bean;
* Make a JDOM &lt;layer&gt; {@link Element} serialising the given
* {@link DispatchLayer}.
* @param layer
* layer to serialise
* @return &lt:layer&gt: {@link Element} describing the
* {@link DispatchLayer}
public static Element dispatchLayerAsXML(DispatchLayer<?> layer)
throws JDOMException, IOException {
Element layerElem = new Element(LAYER);
ClassLoader cl = layer.getClass().getClassLoader();
if (cl instanceof LocalArtifactClassLoader) {
layerElem.addContent(ravenElement((LocalArtifactClassLoader) cl));
Element classNameElement = new Element(CLASS);
// Get element for configuration
Object o = layer.getConfiguration();
Element configElement = beanAsElement(o);
return layerElem;
* Return the &lt;annotation&gt; element for a specified {@link Annotated}
* entity.
* @see net.sf.taverna.t2.util.beanable.jaxb.BeanSerialiser
* @param annotated
* the workflow entity to serialise annotations for
* @return a JDOM {@link Element} object containing the annotations
public static Element getAnnotationsElement(Annotated<?> annotated) {
Element result = new Element(ANNOTATIONS);
// TODO - implement for new annotation chain framework
* for (WorkflowAnnotation annotation : annotated.getAnnotations()) {
* Element annotationElement = new Element(ANNOTATION); // If this was
* loaded by raven then store the artifact details if
* (annotation.getClass().getClassLoader() instanceof
* LocalArtifactClassLoader) { LocalArtifactClassLoader lacl =
* (LocalArtifactClassLoader) annotation .getClass().getClassLoader();
* annotationElement.addContent(ravenElement(lacl)); } try {
* annotationElement.addContent(beanAsElement(annotation)); } catch
* (JDOMException e) { // Auto-generated catch block but should never
* see this e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { //
* Auto-generated catch block but should never see this
* e.printStackTrace(); } result.addContent(annotationElement); }
return result;
* Get the {@link ClassLoader} for loading classes from the artifact
* specified by the &lt;raven&gt; element.
* <p>
* If this class wasn't loaded by Raven then this ignores the element
* entirely and defaults to using the same classloader as
* {@link Tools this class} was loaded by. This is probably not what you
* want but it's a sensible enough fallback position
* @param ravenElement
* &lt;raven&gt; element describing artifact
* @return Resolved {@link LocalArtifactClassLoader} or current
* {@link ClassLoader}
* @throws ArtifactNotFoundException
* If the element (directly or indirectly) specified an unknown
* artifact
* @throws ArtifactStateException
* If something went wrong when fetching artifact
public static ClassLoader getRavenLoader(Element ravenElement)
throws ArtifactNotFoundException, ArtifactStateException {
// Try to get the current Repository object, if there isn't one we can't
// do this here
Repository repository = null;
try {
LocalArtifactClassLoader lacl = (LocalArtifactClassLoader) (Tools.class
repository = lacl.getRepository();
} catch (ClassCastException cce) {
return Tools.class.getClassLoader();
// TODO - should probably warn that this is happening as it's likely
// to be because of an error in API usage. There are times it won't
// be though so leave it for now.
String groupId = ravenElement.getChildTextTrim(GROUP);
String artifactId = ravenElement.getChildTextTrim(ARTIFACT);
String version = ravenElement.getChildTextTrim(VERSION);
Artifact artifact = new BasicArtifact(groupId, artifactId, version);
return repository.getLoader(artifact, null);
* Insert the element produce by {@link #getAnnotationsElement(Annotated)}
* into the specified {@link Element}. If the annotation set is empty this
* does nothing - this is to prevent copy and paste code of the style 'if
* there are annotations add...'
* @param element
* {@link Element} where to inject annotations
* @param annotated
* {@link Annotated} from where to find annotations
public static void injectAnnotations(Element element, Annotated<?> annotated) {
if (!annotated.getAnnotations().isEmpty()) {
* Populate annotations of a {@link MutableAnnotated} from an
* {@link Element} containing a child 'annotations'. If the annotations
* element is not present this method does nothing.
* @see #injectAnnotations(Element, Annotated)
* @param parent
* Element from where to find the 'annotations' child
* @param annotated
* {@link MutableAnnotated} to be annotated
public static void populateAnnotationsFromParent(Element parent,
Annotated<?> annotated) {
Element annotationsElement = parent.getChild(ANNOTATIONS);
if (annotationsElement != null) {
annotateObject(annotationsElement, annotated);
* Create the &lt;raven&gt; element for a given local artifact classloader.
* @param classLoader
* The {@link LocalArtifactClassLoader} for the artifact
* @return Populated &lt;raven&gt; element
public static Element ravenElement(LocalArtifactClassLoader classLoader) {
Element element = new Element(RAVEN);
Artifact artifact = classLoader.getArtifact();
// Group
Element groupIdElement = new Element(GROUP);
// Artifact ID
Element artifactIdElement = new Element(ARTIFACT);
// Version
Element versionElement = new Element(VERSION);
// Return assembled raven element
return element;
* @see net.sf.taverna.t2.workflowmodel.utils.Tools#uniqueProcessorName(String, Dataflow)
public static String uniqueProcessorName(String preferredName,
Dataflow dataflow) {
return net.sf.taverna.t2.workflowmodel.utils.Tools.uniqueProcessorName(preferredName, dataflow);
* Protected constructor, use static methods only.
protected Tools() {