blob: 4f73e2539fd4be5f19a594d7d12fd709cf195194 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2007 The University of Manchester
* Modifications to the initial code base are copyright of their
* respective authors, or their employers as appropriate.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
package net.sf.taverna.t2.reference.impl;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import net.sf.taverna.t2.reference.ContextualizedT2Reference;
import net.sf.taverna.t2.reference.ErrorDocument;
import net.sf.taverna.t2.reference.ErrorDocumentServiceException;
import net.sf.taverna.t2.reference.ExternalReferenceSPI;
import net.sf.taverna.t2.reference.Identified;
import net.sf.taverna.t2.reference.IdentifiedList;
import net.sf.taverna.t2.reference.ListServiceException;
import net.sf.taverna.t2.reference.ReferenceContext;
import net.sf.taverna.t2.reference.ReferenceService;
import net.sf.taverna.t2.reference.ReferenceServiceException;
import net.sf.taverna.t2.reference.ReferenceSet;
import net.sf.taverna.t2.reference.ReferenceSetServiceException;
import net.sf.taverna.t2.reference.StreamToValueConverterSPI;
import net.sf.taverna.t2.reference.T2Reference;
import net.sf.taverna.t2.reference.T2ReferenceType;
import net.sf.taverna.t2.reference.ValueCarryingExternalReference;
import net.sf.taverna.t2.reference.ValueToReferenceConversionException;
import net.sf.taverna.t2.reference.ValueToReferenceConverterSPI;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
* Implementation of ReferenceService, inject with ReferenceSetService,
* ErrorDocumentService and ListService to enable.
* @author Tom Oinn
* @author Alan R Williams
* @author Stuart Owen
* @author Stian Soiland-Reyes
public class ReferenceServiceImpl extends AbstractReferenceServiceImpl
implements ReferenceService {
private final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(ReferenceServiceImpl.class);
* The top level registration method is used to register either as yet
* unregistered ErrorDocuments and ReferenceSets (if these are passed in and
* already have an identifier this call does nothing) and arbitrarily nested
* Lists of the same. In addition any ExternalReferenceSPI instances found
* will be wrapped in a single item ReferenceSet and registered, and any
* Throwables will be wrapped in an ErrorDocument and registered. Lists will
* be converted to IdentifiedList<T2Reference> and registered if all
* children can be (or were already) appropriately named.
* <p>
* This method is only valid on parameters of the following type :
* <ol>
* <li>{@link ReferenceSet} - registered if not already registered,
* otherwise returns existing T2Reference</li>
* <li>{@link ErrorDocument} - same behaviour as ReferenceSet</li>
* <li>{@link ExternalReferenceSPI} - wrapped in ReferenceSet, registered
* and ID returned</li>
* <li>Throwable - wrapped in ErrorDocument with no message, registered and
* ID returned</li>
* <li>List - all children are first registered, if this succeeds the list
* is itself registered as an IdentifiedList of T2Reference and its
* reference returned.</li>
* </ol>
* The exception to this is if the useConvertorSPI parameter is set to true
* - in this case any objects which do not match the above allowed list will
* be run through any available ValueToReferenceConvertorSPI instances in
* turn until one succeeds or all fail, which may result in the creation of
* ExternalReferenceSPI instances. As these can be registered such objects
* will not cause an exception to be thrown.
* @param o
* the object to register with the reference system, must comply
* with and will be interpreted as shown in the type list above.
* @param targetDepth
* the depth of the top level object supplied. This is needed
* when registering empty collections and error documents,
* whether as top level types or as members of a collection
* within the top level type. If registering a collection this is
* the collection depth, so a List of ReferenceSchemeSPI would be
* depth 1. Failing to specify this correctly will result in
* serious problems downstream so be careful! We can't catch all
* potential problems in this method (although some errors will
* be trapped).
* @param useConverterSPI
* whether to attempt to use the ValueToReferenceConvertorSPI
* registry (if defined and available) to map arbitrary objects
* to ExternalReferenceSPI instances on the fly. The registry of
* converters is generally injected into the implementation of
* this service.
* @param context
* ReferenceContext to use if required by component services,
* this is most likely to be used by the object to reference
* converters if engaged.
* <p>
* If the context is null a new empty reference context is
* inserted.
* @return a T2Reference to the registered object
* @throws ReferenceServiceException
* if the object type (or, for collections, the recursive type
* of its contents) is not in the allowed list or if a problem
* occurs during registration. Also thrown if attempting to use
* the converter SPI without an attached registry.
public T2Reference register(Object o, int targetDepth,
boolean useConverterSPI, ReferenceContext context)
throws ReferenceServiceException {
if (context == null) {
context = new EmptyReferenceContext();
if (useConverterSPI) {
return getNameForObject(o, targetDepth, useConverterSPI, context);
private T2Reference getNameForObject(Object o, int currentDepth,
boolean useConverterSPI, ReferenceContext context)
throws ReferenceServiceException {
if (currentDepth < 0) {
throw new ReferenceServiceException("Cannot register at depth " + currentDepth + ": " + o);
// First check whether this is an Identified, and if so whether it
// already has an ID. If this is the case then return it, we assume that
// anything which has an identifier already allocated must have been
// registered (this is implicit in the contract for the various
// sub-services
if (o instanceof Identified) {
Identified i = (Identified) o;
if (i.getId() != null) {
return i.getId();
// Then check whether the item *is* a T2Reference, in which case we can
// just return it (useful for when registering lists of existing
// references)
if (o instanceof T2Reference) {
return (T2Reference) o;
if (o.getClass().isArray()) {
Class<?> elementType = o.getClass().getComponentType();
if (elementType.getCanonicalName().equals("char")) {
char[] cArray = (char[]) o;
List<Character> cList = new ArrayList<Character>();
for (char c : cArray) {
cList.add(new Character(c));
o = cList;
} else if (elementType.getCanonicalName().equals("short")) {
short[] cArray = (short[]) o;
List<Short> cList = new ArrayList<Short>();
for (short c : cArray) {
cList.add(new Short(c));
o = cList;
} else if (elementType.getCanonicalName().equals("int")) {
int[] cArray = (int[]) o;
List<Integer> cList = new ArrayList<Integer>();
for (int c : cArray) {
cList.add(new Integer(c));
o = cList;
} else if (elementType.getCanonicalName().equals("long")) {
long[] cArray = (long[]) o;
List<Long> cList = new ArrayList<Long>();
for (long c : cArray) {
cList.add(new Long(c));
o = cList;
} else if (elementType.getCanonicalName().equals("float")) {
float[] cArray = (float[]) o;
List<Float> cList = new ArrayList<Float>();
for (float c : cArray) {
cList.add(new Float(c));
o = cList;
} else if (elementType.getCanonicalName().equals("double")) {
double[] cArray = (double[]) o;
List<Double> cList = new ArrayList<Double>();
for (double c : cArray) {
cList.add(new Double(c));
o = cList;
} else if (elementType.getCanonicalName().equals("boolean")) {
boolean[] cArray = (boolean[]) o;
List<Boolean> cList = new ArrayList<Boolean>();
for (boolean c : cArray) {
cList.add(new Boolean(c));
o = cList;
} else if (!elementType.getCanonicalName().equals("byte")){
// Covert arrays of objects
Object[] cArray = (Object[]) o;
List<Object> cList = new ArrayList<Object>();
for (Object c : cArray) {
o = cList;
// If a Collection but not a List
if ((o instanceof Collection) && !(o instanceof List)) {
List<Object> cList = new ArrayList<Object>();
o = cList;
// Next check lists.
if (o instanceof List) {
if (currentDepth < 1) {
throw new ReferenceServiceException("Cannot register list at depth " + currentDepth);
List<?> l = (List<?>) o;
// If the list is empty then register a new empty list of the
// appropriate depth and return it
if (l.isEmpty()) {
try {
IdentifiedList<T2Reference> newList = listService
return newList.getId();
} catch (ListServiceException lse) {
throw new ReferenceServiceException(lse);
// Otherwise construct a new list of T2Reference and register it,
// calling the getNameForObject method on all children of the list
// to construct the list of references
else {
List<T2Reference> references = new ArrayList<T2Reference>();
for (Object item : l) {
// Recursively call this method with a depth one lower than
// the current depth
references.add(getNameForObject(item, currentDepth - 1,
useConverterSPI, context));
try {
IdentifiedList<T2Reference> newList = listService
return newList.getId();
} catch (ListServiceException lse) {
throw new ReferenceServiceException(lse);
} else {
// Neither a list nor an already identified object, first thing is
// to engage the converters if enabled. Only engage if we don't
// already have a Throwable or an ExternalReferenceSPI instance
if (useConverterSPI && (o instanceof Throwable == false)
&& (o instanceof ExternalReferenceSPI == false)) {
if (currentDepth != 0) {
throw new ReferenceServiceException(
"Cannot register object " + o + " at depth "
+ currentDepth);
for (ValueToReferenceConverterSPI converter : converterRegistry) {
if (converter.canConvert(o, context)) {
try {
ExternalReferenceSPI ers = converter.convert(o,
o = ers;
} catch (ValueToReferenceConversionException vtrce) {
// Fail, but that doesn't matter at the moment as
// there may be more converters to try. TODO - log
// this!
// If the object is neither a Throwable nor an ExternalReferenceSPI
// instance at this point we should fail the registration process,
// this means either that the conversion process wasn't enabled or
// that it failed to map the object type correctly.
if ((o instanceof Throwable == false)
&& (o instanceof ExternalReferenceSPI == false)) {
throw new ReferenceServiceException(
"Failed to register object " + o + ", found a type '"
+ o.getClass().getCanonicalName()
+ "' which cannot currently be registered with the reference manager");
// Have either a Throwable or an ExternalReferenceSPI
else {
if (o instanceof Throwable) {
// Wrap in an ErrorDocument and return the ID
try {
ErrorDocument doc = errorDocumentService.registerError(
(Throwable) o, currentDepth);
return doc.getId();
} catch (ErrorDocumentServiceException edse) {
throw new ReferenceServiceException(edse);
} else if (o instanceof ExternalReferenceSPI) {
if (currentDepth != 0) {
throw new ReferenceServiceException("Cannot register external references at depth " + currentDepth);
try {
Set<ExternalReferenceSPI> references = new HashSet<ExternalReferenceSPI>();
references.add((ExternalReferenceSPI) o);
ReferenceSet rs = referenceSetService
return rs.getId();
} catch (ReferenceSetServiceException rsse) {
throw new ReferenceServiceException(rsse);
throw new ReferenceServiceException(
"Should never see this, reference registration"
+ " logic has fallen off the end of the"
+ " world, check the code!");
* Perform recursive identifier resolution, building a collection structure
* of Identified objects, any collection elements being IdentifiedLists of
* Identified subclasses. If the id has depth 0 this will just return the
* Identified to which that id refers.
* @param id
* the T2Reference to resolve
* @param ensureTypes
* a set of ExternalReferenceSPI classes, this is used to augment
* any resolved ReferenceSet instances to ensure that each one
* has at least one of the specified types. If augmentation is
* not required this can be set to null.
* @param context
* the ReferenceContext to use to resolve this and any
* recursively resolved identifiers
* <p>
* If the context is null a new EmptyReferenceContext is inserted
* in its place.
* @return fully resolved Identified subclass - this is either a (recursive)
* IdentifiedList of Identified, a ReferenceSet or an ErrorDocument
* @throws ReferenceServiceException
* if any problems occur during resolution
public Identified resolveIdentifier(T2Reference id,
Set<Class<ExternalReferenceSPI>> ensureTypes,
ReferenceContext context) throws ReferenceServiceException {
if (context == null) {
context = new EmptyReferenceContext();
switch (id.getReferenceType()) {
case ReferenceSet:
try {
ReferenceSet rs;
if (ensureTypes == null) {
rs = referenceSetService.getReferenceSet(id);
} else {
rs = referenceSetService.getReferenceSetWithAugmentation(
id, ensureTypes, context);
return rs;
} catch (ReferenceSetServiceException rsse) {
throw new ReferenceServiceException(rsse);
case ErrorDocument:
try {
ErrorDocument ed = errorDocumentService.getError(id);
return ed;
} catch (ErrorDocumentServiceException edse) {
throw new ReferenceServiceException(edse);
case IdentifiedList:
try {
IdentifiedList<T2Reference> idList = listService.getList(id);
// Construct a new list, and populate with the result of
// resolving each ID in turn
IdentifiedArrayList<Identified> newList = new IdentifiedArrayList<Identified>();
for (T2Reference item : idList) {
newList.add(resolveIdentifier(item, ensureTypes, context));
return newList;
} catch (ListServiceException lse) {
throw new ReferenceServiceException(lse);
throw new ReferenceServiceException("Unsupported ID type : "
+ id.getReferenceType());
public Object renderIdentifier(T2Reference id, Class<?> leafClass,
ReferenceContext context) throws ReferenceServiceException {
// Check we have the services installed
// Insert an empty context if context was null
if (context == null) {
context = new EmptyReferenceContext();
// Reject if the source reference contains errors
if (id.containsErrors()) {
throw new ReferenceServiceException(
"Can't render an identifier which contains errors to a POJO");
// Attempt to find an appropriate StreamToValueConverterSPI instance to
// build the specified class
StreamToValueConverterSPI<?> converter = null;
if (valueBuilderRegistry != null) {
for (StreamToValueConverterSPI<?> stvc : valueBuilderRegistry) {
Class<?> builtClass = stvc.getPojoClass();
if (leafClass.isAssignableFrom(builtClass)) {
converter = stvc;
if (converter == null) {
log.warn("No stream->value converters found for type '"
+ leafClass.getCanonicalName() + "'");
// Render the identifier
return renderIdentifierInner(id, leafClass, context, converter);
private Object renderIdentifierInner(T2Reference id, Class<?> leafClass,
ReferenceContext context, StreamToValueConverterSPI<?> converter)
throws ReferenceServiceException {
switch (id.getReferenceType()) {
case IdentifiedList:
try {
IdentifiedList<T2Reference> idList = listService.getList(id);
List<Object> result = new ArrayList<Object>();
for (T2Reference child : idList) {
result.add(renderIdentifierInner(child, leafClass, context,
return result;
} catch (ListServiceException lse) {
throw new ReferenceServiceException(lse);
case ReferenceSet:
try {
ReferenceSet rs = referenceSetService.getReferenceSet(id);
// Check that there are references in the set
if (rs.getExternalReferences().isEmpty()) {
throw new ReferenceServiceException(
"Can't render an empty reference set to a POJO");
// If we can't directly map to an appropriate value keep track
// of the cheapest reference from which to try to build the pojo
// from a stream
ExternalReferenceSPI cheapestReference = null;
float cheapestReferenceCost = 10.0f;
for (ExternalReferenceSPI ers : rs.getExternalReferences()) {
if (ers instanceof ValueCarryingExternalReference<?>) {
ValueCarryingExternalReference<?> vcer = (ValueCarryingExternalReference<?>) ers;
if (leafClass.isAssignableFrom(vcer.getValueType())) {
return vcer.getValue();
// Got here so this wasn't an appropriate value type
if (cheapestReference == null
|| ers.getResolutionCost() < cheapestReferenceCost) {
cheapestReference = ers;
cheapestReferenceCost = ers.getResolutionCost();
if (converter != null) {
return converter.renderFrom(cheapestReference
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new ReferenceServiceException(e);
throw new ReferenceServiceException(
"No converter found, and reference set didn't contain"
+ " an appropriate value carrying reference, cannot render to POJO");
throw new ReferenceServiceException("Unsupported ID type : "
+ id.getReferenceType());
* Initiates a traversal of the specified t2reference, traversing to
* whatever level of depth is required such that all identifiers returned
* within the iterator have the specified depth. The context (i.e. the index
* path from the originally specified reference to each reference within the
* iteration) is included through use of the ContextualizedT2Reference
* wrapper class
* @param source
* the T2Reference from which to traverse. In general this is the
* root of a collection structure.
* @param desiredDepth
* the desired depth of all returned T2References, must be less
* than or equal to that of the source reference.
* @throws ReferenceServiceException
* if unable to create the iterator for some reason. Note that
* implementations are free to lazily perform the iteration so
* this method may succeed but the iterator produced can fail
* when used. If the iterator fails it will do so by throwing
* one of the underlying sub-service exceptions.
public Iterator<ContextualizedT2Reference> traverseFrom(T2Reference source,
int desiredDepth) throws ReferenceServiceException {
if (desiredDepth < 0) {
throw new ReferenceServiceException(
"Cannot traverse to a negative depth");
List<ContextualizedT2Reference> workingSet = new ArrayList<ContextualizedT2Reference>();
workingSet.add(new ContextualizedT2ReferenceImpl(source, new int[0]));
int currentDepth = source.getDepth();
while (currentDepth > desiredDepth) {
List<ContextualizedT2Reference> newSet = new ArrayList<ContextualizedT2Reference>();
for (ContextualizedT2Reference ci : workingSet) {
T2ReferenceImpl ref = (T2ReferenceImpl) ci.getReference();
switch (ref.getReferenceType()) {
case IdentifiedList:
try {
List<T2Reference> children = getListService().getList(
int position = 0;
for (T2Reference child : children) {
newSet.add(new ContextualizedT2ReferenceImpl(child,
addIndex(ci.getIndex(), position++)));
} catch (ListServiceException lse) {
throw new ReferenceServiceException(lse);
case ReferenceSet:
throw new ReferenceServiceException(
"Should never be trying to drill inside a data document identifier");
case ErrorDocument:
newSet.add(new ContextualizedT2ReferenceImpl(ref
.getDeeperErrorReference(), addIndex(ci.getIndex(),
throw new ReferenceServiceException(
"Fallen off end of case statement, unknown reference type!");
workingSet = newSet;
return workingSet.iterator();
* Append to an int[]
* @param current
* current int[]
* @param head
* new int item to append to the current array
* @return new array of int with the head added
private static int[] addIndex(int[] current, int head) {
int[] result = new int[current.length + 1];
System.arraycopy(current, 0, result, 0, current.length);
result[current.length] = head;
return result;
* Parse the reference contained in the string and return a
* {@link T2Reference} with the correct properties
public T2Reference referenceFromString(String reference) {
T2ReferenceImpl newRef = new T2ReferenceImpl();
Map<String, String> parseRef = parseRef(reference);
String type = parseRef.get("type");
if (type.equals("ref")) {
} else if (type.equals("list")) {
} else if (type.equals("error")) {
} else {
return null;
// should throw an error
return newRef;
* Parse the reference and return a map with localPart, namespace, depth,
* contains errors and the type
* @param ref
* @return
private Map<String, String> parseRef(String ref) {
String[] split = ref.split("\\?");
// get the bit before and after the final '/' ie. the local part and the
// depth, there might not be a split1[1] since it might not be a list
String[] split2 = split[1].split("/");
// get the t2:abc:// and the namespace
String[] split3 = split[0].split("//");
// get the t2 bit and the reference type bit
String[] split4 = split3[0].split(":");
Map<String, String> refPartsMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
refPartsMap.put("type", split4[1]);
refPartsMap.put("namespace", split3[1]);
refPartsMap.put("localPart", split2[0]);
if (refPartsMap.get("type").equals("list")) {
refPartsMap.put("error", split2[1]);
refPartsMap.put("depth", split2[2]);
if (refPartsMap.get("type").equals("error")) {
refPartsMap.put("depth", split2[1]);
return refPartsMap;
public boolean delete(List<T2Reference> references)
throws ReferenceServiceException {
boolean result=true;
for (T2Reference reference : references) {
return result;
public boolean delete(T2Reference reference)
throws ReferenceServiceException {
boolean result=false;
switch (reference.getReferenceType()) {
case IdentifiedList:
case ReferenceSet:
case ErrorDocument:
throw new ReferenceServiceException(
"Unknown reference type!");
return result;