blob: 309e2b2b21ac84f43ebf2a140a3540e7f9243792 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.apache.taverna.provenance;
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.taverna.invocation.InvocationContext;
import org.apache.taverna.provenance.api.Query;
import org.apache.taverna.provenance.api.QueryAnswer;
import org.apache.taverna.provenance.connector.AbstractProvenanceConnector;
import org.apache.taverna.provenance.lineageservice.Dependencies;
import org.apache.taverna.provenance.lineageservice.LineageQueryResultRecord;
import org.apache.taverna.provenance.lineageservice.ProvenanceAnalysis;
import org.apache.taverna.provenance.lineageservice.ProvenanceQuery;
import org.apache.taverna.provenance.lineageservice.utils.Collection;
import org.apache.taverna.provenance.lineageservice.utils.DataLink;
import org.apache.taverna.provenance.lineageservice.utils.DataflowInvocation;
import org.apache.taverna.provenance.lineageservice.utils.Port;
import org.apache.taverna.provenance.lineageservice.utils.PortBinding;
import org.apache.taverna.provenance.lineageservice.utils.ProcessorEnactment;
import org.apache.taverna.provenance.lineageservice.utils.ProvenanceProcessor;
import org.apache.taverna.provenance.lineageservice.utils.Workflow;
import org.apache.taverna.provenance.lineageservice.utils.WorkflowRun;
import org.apache.taverna.provenance.lineageservice.utils.WorkflowTree;
import org.apache.taverna.reference.T2Reference;
* This API is the single access point into the Taverna provenance database. Its
* main functionality is to let clients query the content of the DB, either
* using dedicated methods that retrieve specific entity values from the DB, or
* through a more general XML-based query language. Examples of XML provenance
* queries can be found in the external package
* {@link net.sf.taverna.t2.provenance.apic.client.resources}. Class
* {@link net.sf.taverna.t2.provenance.api.client.ProvenanceAPISampleClient}
* provides an example of API client that third parties would use to interact
* with this API.
* <p/>
* The XML schema for the XML query language is {@code pquery.xsd} in
* {@link net.sf.taverna.t2.provenance.apic.client.resources}
* @author Paolo Missier
* @author Stuart Owen
public interface Provenance {
* Initialises a default Reference Service for storing data and their associated references.
* This creates a reference service using the named JNDI Data Source 'jdbc/taverna'.<br/>
* the new Reference Service is associated to the {@link AbstractProvenanceConnector}, enabling data references to be resolved
InvocationContext initDefaultReferenceService();
* Initialises the Reference Service for a given hibernate context definition.
* This mapping file must be available in the root of the classpath.
* @see #initDefaultReferenceService()
* @param hibernateContext
InvocationContext initReferenceService(String hibernateContext);
void init();
void init(InvocationContext context);
* Executes a provenance query. Please see separate doc. for the XML query language schema.
* @throws SQLException
QueryAnswer executeQuery(Query pq) throws SQLException;
* Returns individal records from the provenance DB in response to a query
* that specifies specific elements within values associated with a
* processor port, in the context of a specific run of a workflow. <br/>
* This is used in the workbench to retrieve the "intermediate results" at
* various points during workflow execution, as opposed to a set of
* dependencies in response to a full-fledged provenance query.
* @param workflowRunId
* lineage scope -- a specific instance
* @param processorName
* for a specific processor [required]
* @param a
* specific (input or output) variable [optional]
* @param iteration
* and a specific iteration [optional]
* @return a list of @ LineageQueryResultRecord} , encapsulated in a
* {@link Dependencies} object
* @throws SQLException
Dependencies fetchPortData(String workflowRunId, String workflowId,
String processorName, String portName, String iteration);
* @param record a record representing a single value -- possibly within a list hierarchy
* @return the URI for topmost containing collection when the input record is within a list hierarchy, or null otherwise
String getContainingCollection(LineageQueryResultRecord record);
* @param workflowId
* defines the scope of the query - if null then the query runs
* on all available workflows
* @param conditions
* additional conditions to be defined. This is a placeholder as
* conditions are currently ignored
* @return a list of workflowRunId, each representing one run of the input
* workflowID
List<WorkflowRun> listRuns(String workflowId, Map<String, String> conditions);
boolean isTopLevelDataflow(String workflowId);
boolean isTopLevelDataflow(String workflowId, String workflowRunId);
String getLatestRunID() throws SQLException;
* Removes all records that pertain to a specific run (but not the static
* specification of the workflow run)
* @param runID
* the internal ID of a run. This can be obtained using
* {@link #listRuns(String, Map)}
* @return the set of data references that pertain to the deleted run. This
* can be used by the Data Manager to ensure that no dangling
* references are left in the main Taverna data repositorry
Set<String> removeRun(String runID);
* removes all records pertaining to the static structure of a workflow.
* @param workflowId
* the ID (not the external name) of the workflow whose static
* structure is to be deleted from the DB
void removeWorkflow(String workflowId);
* returns a set of workflowIDs for a given runID. The set is a singleton if
* the workflow has no nesting, but in general the list contains one
* workflowID for each nested workflow involved in the run
* @param runID
* the internal ID for a specific workflow run
* @return a list of workflow IDs, one for each nested workflow involved in
* the input run
List<String> getWorkflowID(String runID);
* @param runID
* the internal ID for a specific workflow run
* @return the ID of the top-level workflow that executed during the input
* run
String getTopLevelWorkflowID(String runID);
List<Workflow> getWorkflowsForRun(String runID);
* @return a list of {@link WorkflowRun} beans, each representing the
* complete description of a workflow run (note that this is not
* just the ID of the run)
List<WorkflowRun> getAllWorkflowIDs();
* @param workflowID
* @return a Map: workflowID -> [ @ link ProvenanceProcessor} ] Each entry
* in the list pertains to one composing sub-workflow (if no nesting
* then this contains only one workflow, namely the top level one)
Map<String, List<ProvenanceProcessor>> getProcessorsInWorkflow(
String workflowID);
List<Collection> getCollectionsForRun(String wfInstanceID);
List<PortBinding> getPortBindings(Map<String, String> constraints)
throws SQLException;
* lists all ports for a workflow
* @param workflowID
* @return a list of {@link Port} beans, each representing an input or
* output port for the workflow
List<Port> getPortsForDataflow(String workflowID);
* lists all ports for a workflow
* @param workflowID
* @return a list of {@link Port} beans, each representing an input or
* output port for the workflow or a processor in the workflow
List<Port> getAllPortsInDataflow(String workflowID);
* list all ports for a specific processor within a workflow
* @param workflowID
* @param processorName
* @return a list of {@link Port} beans, each representing an input or
* output port for the input processor
List<Port> getPortsForProcessor(String workflowID, String processorName);
// PM added 5/2010
String getWorkflowNameByWorkflowID(String workflowID);
WorkflowTree getWorkflowNestingStructure(String workflowID)
throws SQLException;
* include valus of output ports in the query result? input port values are
* always included<br>
* default is FALSE
void toggleIncludeProcessorOutputs(boolean active);
boolean isIncludeProcessorOutputs();
* @return an instance of {@link InvocationContext} that can be used by a
* client to deref a Taverna data reference
InvocationContext getInvocationContext();
* should an OPM graph be generated in response to a query?<br>
* default is TRUE
void toggleOPMGeneration(boolean active);
* @return true if OPM is set to be generated in response to a query
boolean isOPMGenerationActive();
* should actual artifact values be attached to OPM artifact nodes?<br>
* default is FALSE<br/>
* @param active
void toggleAttachOPMArtifactValues(boolean active);
* @return true if the OPM graph artifacts are annotated with actual values
boolean isAttachOPMArtifactValues();
* @deprecated as workflow 'names' are not globally unique, this method
* should not be used!
* @param workflowName
* @return
String getWorkflowIDForExternalName(String workflowName);
List<ProvenanceProcessor> getProcessorsForWorkflowID(String workflowID);
* @return the singleton {@link AbstractProvenanceConnector} used by the API
* to operate on the DB. Currently we support MySQL
* {@link MySQLProvenanceConnector} and Derby
* {@link DerbyProvenanceConnector} connectors. The set of supported
* connectors is extensible. The available connectors are discovered
* automatically by the API upon startup, and it includes all the
* connectors that are mentioned in the &lt;dependencies> section of
* pom.xml for Maven module
* {@code net.sf.taverna.t2.core.provenanceconnector}
AbstractProvenanceConnector getProvenanceConnector();
* @return
ProvenanceAnalysis getAnalysis();
* @return the pq
ProvenanceQuery getQuery();
List<ProcessorEnactment> getProcessorEnactments(String workflowRunId,
String... processorPath);
ProcessorEnactment getProcessorEnactmentByProcessId(String workflowRunId,
String processIdentifier, String iteration);
ProcessorEnactment getProcessorEnactment(String processorEnactmentId);
ProvenanceProcessor getProvenanceProcessor(String workflowId,
String processorNameRef);
ProvenanceProcessor getProvenanceProcessor(String processorId);
Map<Port, T2Reference> getDataBindings(String dataBindingId);
DataflowInvocation getDataflowInvocation(String workflowRunId);
DataflowInvocation getDataflowInvocation(
ProcessorEnactment processorEnactment);
List<DataflowInvocation> getDataflowInvocations(String workflowRunId);
List<DataLink> getDataLinks(String workflowId);