tree: 352984bae06020af48d189c6232e2eadfada03f0 [path history] [tgz]
  1. docker/
  2. helm/

StreamPark on Docker and Kubernetes Quick Start

Docker Quick Start


Docker 1.13.1+
Docker Compose 1.28.0+

Using docker-compose to Start Server

After installed docker-compose, it is recommended to modify some configurations for better experience. We highly recommended modify docker-compose's memory up to 4 GB.

Mac:Click Docker Desktop -> Preferences -> Resources -> Memory modified it
Windows Docker Desktop:
Hyper-V mode: Click Docker Desktop -> Settings -> Resources -> Memory modified it
WSL 2 mode: see WSL 2 utility VM for more detail.

After complete the configuration, we can get the StreamPark file from download page form its source package, and make sure you get the right version. After download the package, you can run the commands as below.

1.Environment build via mvn

mvn clean install -Dscala.version=2.12.5 -Dscala.binary.version=2.12 -DskipTests

2.Execution Docker compose build command

cd deploy/docker
docker-compose up -d

3.Set up flink home on the StreamPark web ui


4.Setting up remote session clusters

5.Complete the above steps and execute the flink task submit

QuickStart in Kubernetes


Helm version 3.1.0+
Kubernetes version 1.12+

Install StreamPark

Installing the Chart

To install the chart with the release name streamx:

cd helm
helm install streampark streampark/ 

Uninstalling the Chart

To uninstall/delete the streampark deployment:

helm uninstall streampark

The command removes all the Kubernetes components associated with the chart and deletes the release.

Build Private Image

1.Execution of scripts

cd ./plugins
bash ./buildPrivateImage

2.Enter the appropriate parameters

Enter private warehouse address
Enter username password
Enter the name of the mirror that matches the private repository requirements