blob: e9f0b66869b4a1a747586af8fb099011f9c832c9 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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import org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.{Matrix, Vector, Vectors}
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.udf
import org.apache.spark.sql.{DataFrame, Row, SparkSession}
import{FloatPointPrecisionUtility, FloatPointPrecisionUtility64}
import scala.collection.immutable.Map
* Apache Spot routines to format Spark LDA input and output for scoring.
class SpotLDAHelper(private final val sparkSession: SparkSession,
final val docWordCount: RDD[SpotLDAInput],
private final val documentDictionary: DataFrame,
private final val wordDictionary: Map[String, Int],
private final val precisionUtility: FloatPointPrecisionUtility = FloatPointPrecisionUtility64)
extends Serializable {
* Format document word count as RDD[(Long, Vector)] - input data for LDA algorithm
* @return RDD[(Long, Vector)]
val formattedCorpus: RDD[(Long, Vector)] = {
import sparkSession.implicits._
val getWordId = {
udf((word: String) => wordDictionary(word))
val docWordCountDF = docWordCount
.map({ case SpotLDAInput(doc, word, count) => (doc, word, count) })
.toDF(DocumentName, WordName, WordNameWordCount)
// Convert SpotSparkLDAInput into desired format for Spark LDA: (doc, word, count) -> word count per doc, where RDD
// is indexed by DocID
val wordCountsPerDocDF = docWordCountDF
.join(documentDictionary, docWordCountDF(DocumentName) === documentDictionary(DocumentName))
.withColumn(WordNumber, getWordId(docWordCountDF(WordName)))
val wordCountsPerDoc: RDD[(Long, Iterable[(Int, Double)])]
= wordCountsPerDocDF
.select(DocumentNumber, WordNumber, WordNameWordCount)
.map({ case Row(documentId: Long, wordId: Int, wordCount: Int) => (documentId.toLong, (wordId, wordCount.toDouble)) })
// Sum of distinct words in each doc (words will be repeated between different docs), used for sparse vec size
val numUniqueWords = wordDictionary.size
val ldaInput: RDD[(Long, Vector)] = wordCountsPerDoc
.mapValues(vs => Vectors.sparse(numUniqueWords, vs.toSeq))
* Format LDA output topicDistribution for spot-ml scoring
* @param documentDistributions LDA model topicDistributions
* @return DataFrame
def formatDocumentDistribution(documentDistributions: RDD[(Long, Vector)]): DataFrame = {
import sparkSession.implicits._
val topicDistributionToArray = udf((topicDistribution: Vector) => topicDistribution.toArray)
val documentToTopicDistributionDF = documentDistributions.toDF(DocumentNumber, TopicProbabilityMix)
val documentToTopicDistributionArray = documentToTopicDistributionDF
.join(documentDictionary, documentToTopicDistributionDF(DocumentNumber) === documentDictionary(DocumentNumber))
.select(DocumentName, TopicProbabilityMix)
.withColumn(TopicProbabilityMixArray, topicDistributionToArray(documentToTopicDistributionDF(TopicProbabilityMix)))
.selectExpr(s"$DocumentName AS $DocumentName", s"$TopicProbabilityMixArray AS $TopicProbabilityMix")
precisionUtility.castColumn(documentToTopicDistributionArray, TopicProbabilityMix)
* Format LDA output topicMatrix for spot-ml scoring
* @param topicsMatrix LDA model topicMatrix
* @return Map[String, Array[Double]]
def formatTopicDistributions(topicsMatrix: Matrix): Map[String, Array[Double]] = {
// Incoming word top matrix is in column-major order and the columns are unnormalized
val m = topicsMatrix.numRows
val n = topicsMatrix.numCols
val reverseWordDictionary =
val columnSums: Array[Double] = Range(0, n).map(j => Range(0, m).map(i => topicsMatrix(i, j)).sum).toArray
val wordProbabilities: Seq[Array[Double]] = topicsMatrix.transpose.toArray.grouped(n).toSeq
.map(unNormalizedProbabilities =>{ case (u, j) => u / columnSums(j) }))
.map({ case (topicProbabilities, wordInd) => (reverseWordDictionary(wordInd), topicProbabilities) }).toMap
object SpotLDAHelper {
* Factory method for SpotLDAHelper new instance.
* @param docWordCount Document word count.
* @param precisionUtility
* @param sparkSession
* @return
def apply(docWordCount: RDD[SpotLDAInput],
precisionUtility: FloatPointPrecisionUtility,
sparkSession: SparkSession): SpotLDAHelper = {
import sparkSession.implicits._
val docWordCountCache = docWordCount.cache()
// Forcing an action to cache results.
// Create word Map Word,Index for further usage
val wordDictionary: Map[String, Int] = {
val words = docWordCountCache
.map({ case SpotLDAInput(_, word, _) => word })
val documentDictionary: DataFrame = docWordCountCache
.map({ case SpotLDAInput(doc, _, _) => doc })
.toDF(DocumentName, DocumentNumber)
new SpotLDAHelper(sparkSession, docWordCount, documentDictionary, wordDictionary, precisionUtility)
* Spot LDA input case class
* @param doc Document name.
* @param word Word.
* @param count Times the word appears for the document.
case class SpotLDAInput(doc: String, word: String, count: Int) extends Serializable