blob: 5fb9fb3d3cf0e03a4cfb1e52cd4010893b316556 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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import org.apache.log4j.{Level, LogManager}
import org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.{Matrices, Vector, Vectors}
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType
import org.apache.spark.sql.{DataFrame, Row}
import{FloatPointPrecisionUtility32, FloatPointPrecisionUtility64}
import org.scalatest.Matchers
import scala.collection.immutable.Map
class SpotLDAWrapperTest extends TestingSparkContextFlatSpec with Matchers {
"SparkLDA" should "handle an extremely unbalanced two word doc with EM optimizer" in {
val logger = LogManager.getLogger("SuspiciousConnectsAnalysis")
val ldaAlpha = 1.02
val ldaBeta = 1.001
val ldaMaxIterations = 20
val optimizer = "em"
val catFancy = SpotLDAInput("pets", "cat", 1)
val dogWorld = SpotLDAInput("pets", "dog", 999)
val data = sparkContext.parallelize(Seq(catFancy, dogWorld))
val out = SpotLDAWrapper.runLDA(sparkContext, sqlContext, data, 2, logger, Some(0xdeadbeef), ldaAlpha, ldaBeta,
optimizer ,ldaMaxIterations, FloatPointPrecisionUtility64)
val topicMixDF = out.docToTopicMix
val topicMix =
topicMixDF.filter(topicMixDF(DocumentName) === "pets").select(TopicProbabilityMix).first().toSeq(0)
val catTopics = out.wordResults("cat")
val dogTopics = out.wordResults("dog")
Math.abs(topicMix(0) * catTopics(0) + topicMix(1) * catTopics(1)) should be < 0.01
Math.abs(0.999 - (topicMix(0) * dogTopics(0) + topicMix(1) * dogTopics(1))) should be < 0.01
it should "handle distinct docs on distinct words with EM optimizer" in {
val logger = LogManager.getLogger("SuspiciousConnectsAnalysis")
val ldaAlpha = 1.2
val ldaBeta = 1.001
val ldaMaxIterations = 20
val optimizer = "em"
val catFancy = SpotLDAInput("cat fancy", "cat", 1)
val dogWorld = SpotLDAInput("dog world", "dog", 1)
val data = sparkContext.parallelize(Seq(catFancy, dogWorld))
val out = SpotLDAWrapper.runLDA(sparkContext, sqlContext, data, 2, logger, Some(0xdeadbeef), ldaAlpha, ldaBeta,
optimizer ,ldaMaxIterations, FloatPointPrecisionUtility64)
val topicMixDF = out.docToTopicMix
val dogTopicMix: Array[Double] =
topicMixDF.filter(topicMixDF(DocumentName) === "dog world").select(TopicProbabilityMix).first()
val catTopicMix: Array[Double] =
topicMixDF.filter(topicMixDF(DocumentName) === "cat fancy").select(TopicProbabilityMix).first()
val catTopics = out.wordResults("cat")
val dogTopics = out.wordResults("dog")
Math.abs(1 - (catTopicMix(0) * catTopics(0) + catTopicMix(1) * catTopics(1))) should be < 0.01
Math.abs(1 - (dogTopicMix(0) * dogTopics(0) + dogTopicMix(1) * dogTopics(1))) should be < 0.01
it should "handle an extremely unbalanced two word doc with Online optimizer" in {
val logger = LogManager.getLogger("SuspiciousConnectsAnalysis")
val ldaAlpha = 0.0009
val ldaBeta = 0.00001
val ldaMaxIterations = 400
val optimizer = "online"
val catFancy = SpotLDAInput("pets", "cat", 1)
val dogWorld = SpotLDAInput("pets", "dog", 999)
val data = sparkContext.parallelize(Seq(catFancy, dogWorld))
val out = SpotLDAWrapper.runLDA(sparkContext, sqlContext, data, 2, logger, Some(0xdeadbeef), ldaAlpha, ldaBeta,
optimizer, ldaMaxIterations, FloatPointPrecisionUtility64)
val topicMixDF = out.docToTopicMix
val topicMix =
topicMixDF.filter(topicMixDF(DocumentName) === "pets").select(TopicProbabilityMix).first().toSeq(0)
val catTopics = out.wordResults("cat")
val dogTopics = out.wordResults("dog")
Math.abs(topicMix(0) * catTopics(0) + topicMix(1) * catTopics(1)) should be < 0.01
Math.abs(0.999 - (topicMix(0) * dogTopics(0) + topicMix(1) * dogTopics(1))) should be < 0.01
it should "handle distinct docs on distinct words with Online optimizer" in {
val logger = LogManager.getLogger("SuspiciousConnectsAnalysis")
val ldaAlpha = 0.0009
val ldaBeta = 0.00001
val ldaMaxIterations = 400
val optimizer = "online"
val catFancy = SpotLDAInput("cat fancy", "cat", 1)
val dogWorld = SpotLDAInput("dog world", "dog", 1)
val data = sparkContext.parallelize(Seq(catFancy, dogWorld))
val out = SpotLDAWrapper.runLDA(sparkContext, sqlContext, data, 2, logger, Some(0xdeadbeef), ldaAlpha, ldaBeta,
optimizer, ldaMaxIterations, FloatPointPrecisionUtility64)
val topicMixDF = out.docToTopicMix
val dogTopicMix: Array[Double] =
topicMixDF.filter(topicMixDF(DocumentName) === "dog world").select(TopicProbabilityMix).first()
val catTopicMix: Array[Double] =
topicMixDF.filter(topicMixDF(DocumentName) === "cat fancy").select(TopicProbabilityMix).first()
val catTopics = out.wordResults("cat")
val dogTopics = out.wordResults("dog")
Math.abs(1 - (catTopicMix(0) * catTopics(0) + catTopicMix(1) * catTopics(1))) should be < 0.01
Math.abs(1 - (dogTopicMix(0) * dogTopics(0) + dogTopicMix(1) * dogTopics(1))) should be < 0.01
it should "handle an extremely unbalanced two word doc with doc probabilities as Float" in {
val logger = LogManager.getLogger("SuspiciousConnectsAnalysis")
val ldaAlpha = 1.02
val ldaBeta = 1.001
val ldaMaxIterations = 20
val optimizer = "em"
val catFancy = SpotLDAInput("pets", "cat", 1)
val dogWorld = SpotLDAInput("pets", "dog", 999)
val data = sparkContext.parallelize(Seq(catFancy, dogWorld))
val out = SpotLDAWrapper.runLDA(sparkContext, sqlContext, data, 2, logger, Some(0xdeadbeef), ldaAlpha, ldaBeta,
optimizer, ldaMaxIterations, FloatPointPrecisionUtility32)
val topicMixDF = out.docToTopicMix
val topicMix =
topicMixDF.filter(topicMixDF(DocumentName) === "pets").select(TopicProbabilityMix).first().toSeq(0)
val catTopics = out.wordResults("cat")
val dogTopics = out.wordResults("dog")
Math.abs(topicMix(0).toDouble * catTopics(0) + topicMix(1).toDouble * catTopics(1)) should be < 0.01
Math.abs(0.999 - (topicMix(0).toDouble * dogTopics(0) + topicMix(1).toDouble * dogTopics(1))) should be < 0.01
it should "handle distinct docs on distinct words with doc probabilities as Float" in {
val logger = LogManager.getLogger("SuspiciousConnectsAnalysis")
val ldaAlpha = 1.02
val ldaBeta = 1.001
val ldaMaxIterations = 20
val optimizer = "em"
val catFancy = SpotLDAInput("cat fancy", "cat", 1)
val dogWorld = SpotLDAInput("dog world", "dog", 1)
val data = sparkContext.parallelize(Seq(catFancy, dogWorld))
val out = SpotLDAWrapper.runLDA(sparkContext, sqlContext, data, 2, logger, Some(0xdeadbeef), ldaAlpha, ldaBeta,
optimizer, ldaMaxIterations, FloatPointPrecisionUtility32)
val topicMixDF = out.docToTopicMix
val dogTopicMix: Array[Float] =
topicMixDF.filter(topicMixDF(DocumentName) === "dog world").select(TopicProbabilityMix).first().toSeq(0)
val catTopicMix: Array[Float] =
topicMixDF.filter(topicMixDF(DocumentName) === "cat fancy").select(TopicProbabilityMix).first().toSeq(0)
val catTopics = out.wordResults("cat")
val dogTopics = out.wordResults("dog")
Math.abs(1 - (catTopicMix(0) * catTopics(0) + catTopicMix(1) * catTopics(1))) should be < 0.01
Math.abs(1 - (dogTopicMix(0) * dogTopics(0) + dogTopicMix(1) * dogTopics(1))) should be < 0.01
"formatSparkLDAInput" should "return input in RDD[(Long, Vector)] (collected as Array for testing) format. The index " +
"is the docID, values are the vectors of word occurrences in that doc" in {
val documentWordData = sparkContext.parallelize(Seq(SpotLDAInput("", "333333_7.0_0.0_1.0", 8),
SpotLDAInput("", "1111111_6.0_3.0_5.0", 4),
SpotLDAInput("", "-1_43_7.0_2.0_6.0", 2),
SpotLDAInput("", "-1_80_6.0_1.0_1.0", 5)))
val wordDictionary = Map("333333_7.0_0.0_1.0" -> 0, "1111111_6.0_3.0_5.0" -> 1, "-1_43_7.0_2.0_6.0" -> 2,
"-1_80_6.0_1.0_1.0" -> 3)
val documentDictionary: DataFrame = sqlContext.createDataFrame(documentWordData
.map({ case SpotLDAInput(doc, word, count) => doc })
.distinct{ case (d, c) => Row(d, c) }), StructType(List(DocumentNameField, DocumentNumberField)))
val sparkLDAInput: RDD[(Long, Vector)] = SpotLDAWrapper.formatSparkLDAInput(documentWordData,
documentDictionary, wordDictionary, sqlContext)
val sparkLDAInArr: Array[(Long, Vector)] = sparkLDAInput.collect()
sparkLDAInArr shouldBe Array((0, Vectors.sparse(4, Array(0, 3), Array(8.0, 5.0))), (2, Vectors.sparse(4, Array
(2), Array(2.0))), (1, Vectors.sparse(4, Array(1), Array(4.0))))
"formatSparkLDADocTopicOutput" should "return RDD[(String,Array(Double))] after converting doc results from vector " +
"using PrecisionUtilityDouble: convert docID back to string, convert vector of probabilities to array" in {
val documentWordData = sparkContext.parallelize(Seq(SpotLDAInput("", "333333_7.0_0.0_1.0", 8),
SpotLDAInput("", "1111111_6.0_3.0_5.0", 4),
SpotLDAInput("", "-1_43_7.0_2.0_6.0", 2),
SpotLDAInput("", "-1_80_6.0_1.0_1.0", 5)))
val documentDictionary: DataFrame = sqlContext.createDataFrame(documentWordData
.map({ case SpotLDAInput(doc, word, count) => doc })
.distinct{ case (d, c) => Row(d, c) }), StructType(List(DocumentNameField, DocumentNumberField)))
val docTopicDist: RDD[(Long, Vector)] = sparkContext.parallelize(
Array((0.toLong, Vectors.dense(0.15, 0.3, 0.5, 0.05)),
(1.toLong, Vectors.dense(0.25, 0.15, 0.4, 0.2)),
(2.toLong, Vectors.dense(0.4, 0.1, 0.3, 0.2))))
val sparkDocRes: DataFrame = formatSparkLDADocTopicOutput(docTopicDist, documentDictionary, sqlContext,
val documents = => documentName.toString.replaceAll("\\[", "")
.replaceAll("\\]", "")).collect()
val documentProbabilities =[Seq[Double]]
documents(0) should be("")
documents(1) should be("")
documents(2) should be("")
documentProbabilities(0) shouldBe a[java.lang.Double]
it should "return RDD[(String,Array(Float))] after converting doc results from vector " +
"using PrecisionUtilityFloat: convert docID back to string, convert vector of probabilities to array" in {
val documentWordData = sparkContext.parallelize(Seq(SpotLDAInput("", "333333_7.0_0.0_1.0", 8),
SpotLDAInput("", "1111111_6.0_3.0_5.0", 4),
SpotLDAInput("", "-1_43_7.0_2.0_6.0", 2),
SpotLDAInput("", "-1_80_6.0_1.0_1.0", 5)))
val documentDictionary: DataFrame = sqlContext.createDataFrame(documentWordData
.map({ case SpotLDAInput(doc, word, count) => doc })
.distinct{ case (d, c) => Row(d, c) }), StructType(List(DocumentNameField, DocumentNumberField)))
val docTopicDist: RDD[(Long, Vector)] = sparkContext.parallelize(
Array((0.toLong, Vectors.dense(0.15, 0.3, 0.5, 0.05)),
(1.toLong, Vectors.dense(0.25, 0.15, 0.4, 0.2)),
(2.toLong, Vectors.dense(0.4, 0.1, 0.3, 0.2))))
val sparkDocRes: DataFrame = formatSparkLDADocTopicOutput(docTopicDist, documentDictionary, sqlContext,
val documents = => documentName.toString.replaceAll("\\[", "")
.replaceAll("\\]", "")).collect()
val documentProbabilities =[Seq[Float]]
documents(0) should be("")
documents(1) should be("")
documents(2) should be("")
documentProbabilities(0) shouldBe a[java.lang.Float]
"formatSparkLDAWordOutput" should "return Map[Int,String] after converting word matrix to sequence, wordIDs back " +
"to strings, and sequence of probabilities to array" in {
val testMat = Matrices.dense(4, 4, Array(0.5, 0.2, 0.05, 0.25, 0.25, 0.1, 0.15, 0.5, 0.1, 0.4, 0.25, 0.25, 0.7, 0.2, 0.02, 0.08))
val wordDictionary = Map("-1_23.0_7.0_7.0_4.0" -> 3, "23.0_7.0_7.0_4.0" -> 0, "333333.0_7.0_7.0_4.0" -> 2, "80.0_7.0_7.0_4.0" -> 1)
val revWordMap: Map[Int, String] =
val sparkWordRes = formatSparkLDAWordOutput(testMat, revWordMap)
sparkWordRes should contain key ("23.0_7.0_7.0_4.0")
sparkWordRes should contain key ("80.0_7.0_7.0_4.0")
sparkWordRes should contain key ("333333.0_7.0_7.0_4.0")
sparkWordRes should contain key ("-1_23.0_7.0_7.0_4.0")