blob: dab505b62296ac7162ce8c855ab3ddd89eedbe86 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.apache.samoa.tasks;
* #%L
* %%
* Copyright (C) 2014 - 2015 Apache Software Foundation
* %%
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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* #L%
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Date;
import org.apache.samoa.evaluation.BasicClassificationPerformanceEvaluator;
import org.apache.samoa.evaluation.BasicRegressionPerformanceEvaluator;
import org.apache.samoa.evaluation.ClassificationPerformanceEvaluator;
import org.apache.samoa.evaluation.EvaluatorProcessor;
import org.apache.samoa.evaluation.PerformanceEvaluator;
import org.apache.samoa.evaluation.RegressionPerformanceEvaluator;
import org.apache.samoa.learners.ClassificationLearner;
import org.apache.samoa.learners.Learner;
import org.apache.samoa.learners.RegressionLearner;
import org.apache.samoa.learners.classifiers.trees.VerticalHoeffdingTree;
import org.apache.samoa.streams.InstanceStream;
import org.apache.samoa.streams.PrequentialSourceProcessor;
import org.apache.samoa.streams.generators.RandomTreeGenerator;
import org.apache.samoa.topology.ComponentFactory;
import org.apache.samoa.topology.Stream;
import org.apache.samoa.topology.Topology;
import org.apache.samoa.topology.TopologyBuilder;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import com.github.javacliparser.ClassOption;
import com.github.javacliparser.Configurable;
import com.github.javacliparser.FileOption;
import com.github.javacliparser.IntOption;
import com.github.javacliparser.StringOption;
* Prequential Evaluation task is a scheme in evaluating performance of online classifiers which uses each instance for
* testing online classifiers model and then it further uses the same instance for training the model(Test-then-train)
* @author Arinto Murdopo
public class PrequentialEvaluation implements Task, Configurable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -8246537378371580550L;
private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PrequentialEvaluation.class);
public ClassOption learnerOption = new ClassOption("learner", 'l', "Classifier to train.", Learner.class,
public ClassOption streamTrainOption = new ClassOption("trainStream", 's', "Stream to learn from.",
public ClassOption evaluatorOption = new ClassOption("evaluator", 'e',
"Classification performance evaluation method.",
PerformanceEvaluator.class, BasicClassificationPerformanceEvaluator.class.getName());
public IntOption instanceLimitOption = new IntOption("instanceLimit", 'i',
"Maximum number of instances to test/train on (-1 = no limit).", 1000000, -1,
public IntOption timeLimitOption = new IntOption("timeLimit", 't',
"Maximum number of seconds to test/train for (-1 = no limit).", -1, -1,
public IntOption sampleFrequencyOption = new IntOption("sampleFrequency", 'f',
"How many instances between samples of the learning performance.", 100000,
0, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
// The frequency of saving model output e.g. predicted class and votes made for individual classes to a file
// The name of the actual file to which model output will be saved is defined through resultFileOption
public IntOption labelSampleFrequencyOption = new IntOption("labelSampleFrequency", 'h',
"How many instances between samples of predicted labels and votes.", 1,
0, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
public StringOption evaluationNameOption = new StringOption("evaluationName", 'n', "Identifier of the evaluation",
+ new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddHHmmss").format(new Date()));
public FileOption dumpFileOption = new FileOption("dumpFile", 'd', "File to append intermediate csv results to",
null, "csv", true);
// The name of the CSV file in which model output (and in the case of classification also votes for individual classes)
// will be saved
public FileOption resultFileOption = new FileOption("resultFile", 'g', "File to append intermediate model output to",
null, "csv", true);
// Default=0: no delay/waiting
public IntOption sourceDelayOption = new IntOption("sourceDelay", 'w',
"How many microseconds between injections of two instances.", 0, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
// Batch size to delay the incoming stream: delay of x milliseconds after each
// batch
public IntOption batchDelayOption = new IntOption("delayBatchSize", 'b',
"The delay batch size: delay of x milliseconds after each batch ", 1, 1, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
protected PrequentialSourceProcessor preqSource;
// private PrequentialSourceTopologyStarter preqStarter;
// private EntranceProcessingItem sourcePi;
protected Stream sourcePiOutputStream;
private Learner classifier;
private EvaluatorProcessor evaluator;
// private ProcessingItem evaluatorPi;
// private Stream evaluatorPiInputStream;
protected Topology prequentialTopology;
protected TopologyBuilder builder;
public void getDescription(StringBuilder sb, int indent) {
sb.append("Prequential evaluation");
public void init() {
// TODO remove the if statement
// theoretically, dynamic binding will work here!
// test later!
// for now, the if statement is used by Storm
if (builder == null) {
builder = new TopologyBuilder();
logger.debug("Successfully instantiating TopologyBuilder");
logger.debug("Successfully initializing SAMOA topology with name {}", evaluationNameOption.getValue());
// instantiate PrequentialSourceProcessor and its output stream
// (sourcePiOutputStream)
preqSource = new PrequentialSourceProcessor();
preqSource.setStreamSource((InstanceStream) this.streamTrainOption.getValue());
logger.debug("Successfully instantiating PrequentialSourceProcessor");
// preqStarter = new PrequentialSourceTopologyStarter(preqSource,
// instanceLimitOption.getValue());
// sourcePi = builder.createEntrancePi(preqSource, preqStarter);
// sourcePiOutputStream = builder.createStream(sourcePi);
sourcePiOutputStream = builder.createStream(preqSource);
// preqStarter.setInputStream(sourcePiOutputStream);
// instantiate classifier and connect it to sourcePiOutputStream
classifier = this.learnerOption.getValue();
classifier.init(builder, preqSource.getDataset(), 1);
builder.connectInputShuffleStream(sourcePiOutputStream, classifier.getInputProcessor());
logger.debug("Successfully instantiating Classifier");
PerformanceEvaluator evaluatorOptionValue = this.evaluatorOption.getValue();
if (!PrequentialEvaluation.isLearnerAndEvaluatorCompatible(classifier, evaluatorOptionValue)) {
evaluatorOptionValue = getDefaultPerformanceEvaluatorForLearner(classifier);
evaluator = new EvaluatorProcessor.Builder(evaluatorOptionValue)
// evaluatorPi = builder.createPi(evaluator);
// evaluatorPi.connectInputShuffleStream(evaluatorPiInputStream);
for (Stream evaluatorPiInputStream : classifier.getResultStreams()) {
builder.connectInputShuffleStream(evaluatorPiInputStream, evaluator);
logger.debug("Successfully instantiating EvaluatorProcessor");
prequentialTopology =;
logger.debug("Successfully building the topology");
public void setFactory(ComponentFactory factory) {
// TODO unify this code with init()
// for now, it's used by S4 App
// dynamic binding theoretically will solve this problem
builder = new TopologyBuilder(factory);
logger.debug("Successfully instantiating TopologyBuilder");
logger.debug("Successfully initializing SAMOA topology with name {}", evaluationNameOption.getValue());
public Topology getTopology() {
return prequentialTopology;
// @Override
// public TopologyStarter getTopologyStarter() {
// return this.preqStarter;
// }
protected static boolean isLearnerAndEvaluatorCompatible(Learner learner, PerformanceEvaluator evaluator) {
return (learner instanceof RegressionLearner && evaluator instanceof RegressionPerformanceEvaluator) ||
(learner instanceof ClassificationLearner && evaluator instanceof ClassificationPerformanceEvaluator);
protected static PerformanceEvaluator getDefaultPerformanceEvaluatorForLearner(Learner learner) {
if (learner instanceof RegressionLearner) {
return new BasicRegressionPerformanceEvaluator();
// Default to BasicClassificationPerformanceEvaluator for all other cases
return new BasicClassificationPerformanceEvaluator();