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* Copyright (C) 2011 RWTH Aachen University, Germany
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import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
* []
* CMM: Ground truth analysis
* Reference: Kremer et al.,
* "An Effective Evaluation Measure for Clustering on Evolving Data Streams",
* KDD, 2011
* @author Timm jansen Data Management and Data Exploration Group, RWTH Aachen
* University
* TODO: - try to avoid calcualting the radius multiple times - avoid the full
* distance map? - knn functionality in clusters - noise error
public class CMM_GTAnalysis {
* the given ground truth clustering
private Clustering gtClustering;
* list of given points within the horizon
private ArrayList<CMMPoint> cmmpoints;
* the newly calculate ground truth clustering
private ArrayList<GTCluster> gt0Clusters;
* IDs of noise points
private ArrayList<Integer> noise;
* total number of points
private int numPoints;
* number of clusters of the original ground truth
private int numGTClusters;
* number of classes of the original ground truth, in case of a micro
* clustering ground truth this differs from numGTClusters
private int numGTClasses;
* number of classes after we are done with the analysis
private int numGT0Classes;
* number of dimensions
private int numDims;
* mapping between true cluster ID/class label of the original ground truth
* and the internal cluster ID/working class label.
* different original cluster IDs might map to the same new cluster ID due to
* merging of two clusters
private HashMap<Integer, Integer> mapTrueLabelToWorkLabel;
* log of how clusters have been merged (for debugging)
private int[] mergeMap;
* number of non-noise points that will create an error due to the underlying
* clustering model (e.g. point being covered by two clusters representing
* different classes)
private int noiseErrorByModel;
* number of noise points that will create an error due to the underlying
* clustering model (e.g. noise point being covered by a cluster)
private int pointErrorByModel;
* CMM debug mode
private boolean debug = false;
/******* CMM parameter ***********/
* defines how many nearest neighbors will be used
private int knnNeighbourhood = 2;
* the threshold which defines when ground truth clusters will be merged. set
* to 1 to disable merging
private double tauConnection = 0.5;
* experimental (default: disabled) separate k for points to cluster and
* cluster to cluster
private double clusterConnectionMaxPoints = knnNeighbourhood;
* experimental (default: disabled) use exponential connectivity function to
* model different behavior: closer points will have a stronger connection
* compared to the linear function. Use ConnRefXValue and ConnX to better
* parameterize lambda, which controls the decay of the connectivity
private boolean useExpConnectivity = false;
private double lambdaConnRefXValue = 0.01;
private double lambdaConnX = 4;
private double lamdaConn;
* Wrapper class for data points to store CMM relevant attributes
protected class CMMPoint extends DataPoint {
* Reference to original point
protected DataPoint p = null;
* point ID
protected int pID = 0;
* true class label
protected int trueClass = -1;
* the connectivity of the point to its cluster
protected double connectivity = 1.0;
* knn distnace within own cluster
protected double knnInCluster = 0.0;
* knn indices (for debugging only)
protected ArrayList<Integer> knnIndices;
public CMMPoint(DataPoint point, int id) {
// make a copy, but keep reference
super(point, point.getTimestamp());
p = point;
pID = id;
trueClass = (int) point.classValue();
* Retruns the current working label of the cluster the point belongs to.
* The label can change due to merging of clusters.
* @return the current working class label
protected int workclass() {
if (trueClass == -1)
return -1;
return mapTrueLabelToWorkLabel.get(trueClass);
* Main class to model the new clusters that will be the output of the cluster
* analysis
protected class GTCluster {
/** points that are per definition in the cluster */
private ArrayList<Integer> points = new ArrayList<Integer>();
* a new GT cluster consists of one or more "old" GT clusters.
* Connected/overlapping clusters cannot be merged directly because of the
* underlying cluster model. E.g. for merging two spherical clusters the new
* cluster sphere can cover a lot more space then two separate smaller
* spheres. To keep the original coverage we need to keep the orignal
* clusters and merge them on an abstract level.
private ArrayList<Integer> clusterRepresentations = new ArrayList<Integer>();
/** current work class (changes when merging) */
private int workclass;
/** original work class */
private final int orgWorkClass;
/** original class label */
private final int label;
/** clusters that have been merged into this cluster (debugging) */
private ArrayList<Integer> mergedWorkLabels = null;
/** average knn distance of all points in the cluster */
private double knnMeanAvg = 0;
/** average deviation of knn distance of all points */
private double knnDevAvg = 0;
/** connectivity of the cluster to all other clusters */
private ArrayList<Double> connections = new ArrayList<Double>();
private GTCluster(int workclass, int label, int gtClusteringID) {
this.orgWorkClass = workclass;
this.workclass = workclass;
this.label = label;
* The original class label the cluster represents
* @return original class label
protected int getLabel() {
return label;
* Calculate the probability of the point being covered through the cluster
* @param point
* to calculate the probability for
* @return probability of the point being covered through the cluster
protected double getInclusionProbability(CMMPoint point) {
double prob = Double.MIN_VALUE;
// check all cluster representatives for coverage
for (int c = 0; c < clusterRepresentations.size(); c++) {
double tmp_prob = gtClustering.get(clusterRepresentations.get(c)).getInclusionProbability(point);
if (tmp_prob > prob)
prob = tmp_prob;
return prob;
* calculate knn distances of points within own cluster + average knn
* distance and average knn distance deviation of all points
private void calculateKnn() {
for (int p0 : points) {
CMMPoint cmdp = cmmpoints.get(p0);
if (!cmdp.isNoise()) {
AutoExpandVector<Double> knnDist = new AutoExpandVector<Double>();
AutoExpandVector<Integer> knnPointIndex = new AutoExpandVector<Integer>();
// calculate nearest neighbours
getKnnInCluster(cmdp, knnNeighbourhood, points, knnDist, knnPointIndex);
// TODO: What to do if we have less then k neighbours?
double avgKnn = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < knnDist.size(); i++) {
avgKnn += knnDist.get(i);
if (knnDist.size() != 0)
avgKnn /= knnDist.size();
cmdp.knnInCluster = avgKnn;
cmdp.knnIndices = knnPointIndex;
cmdp.p.setMeasureValue("knnAvg", cmdp.knnInCluster);
knnMeanAvg += avgKnn;
knnDevAvg += Math.pow(avgKnn, 2);
knnMeanAvg = knnMeanAvg / (double) points.size();
knnDevAvg = knnDevAvg / (double) points.size();
double variance = knnDevAvg - Math.pow(knnMeanAvg, 2.0);
// Due to numerical errors, small negative values can occur.
if (variance <= 0.0)
variance = 1e-50;
knnDevAvg = Math.sqrt(variance);
* Calculate the connection of a cluster to this cluster
* @param otherCid
* cluster id of the other cluster
* @param initial
* flag for initial run
private void calculateClusterConnection(int otherCid, boolean initial) {
double avgConnection = 0;
if (workclass == otherCid) {
avgConnection = 1;
else {
AutoExpandVector<Double> kmax = new AutoExpandVector<Double>();
AutoExpandVector<Integer> kmaxIndexes = new AutoExpandVector<Integer>();
for (int p : points) {
CMMPoint cmdp = cmmpoints.get(p);
double con_p_Cj = getConnectionValue(cmmpoints.get(p), otherCid);
double connection = cmdp.connectivity * con_p_Cj;
if (initial) {
cmdp.p.setMeasureValue("Connection to C" + otherCid, con_p_Cj);
// connection
if (kmax.size() < clusterConnectionMaxPoints || connection > kmax.get(kmax.size() - 1)) {
int index = 0;
while (index < kmax.size() && connection < kmax.get(index)) {
kmax.add(index, connection);
kmaxIndexes.add(index, p);
if (kmax.size() > clusterConnectionMaxPoints) {
kmax.remove(kmax.size() - 1);
kmaxIndexes.add(kmaxIndexes.size() - 1);
// connection
for (int k = 0; k < kmax.size(); k++) {
avgConnection += kmax.get(k);
avgConnection /= kmax.size();
if (otherCid < connections.size()) {
connections.set(otherCid, avgConnection);
else if (connections.size() == otherCid) {
System.out.println("Something is going really wrong with the connection listing!" + knnNeighbourhood + " "
+ tauConnection);
* Merge a cluster into this cluster
* @param mergeID
* the ID of the cluster to be merged
private void mergeCluster(int mergeID) {
if (mergeID < gt0Clusters.size()) {
// track merging (debugging)
for (int i = 0; i < numGTClasses; i++) {
if (mergeMap[i] == mergeID)
mergeMap[i] = workclass;
if (mergeMap[i] > mergeID)
GTCluster gtcMerge = gt0Clusters.get(mergeID);
if (debug)
System.out.println("Merging C" + gtcMerge.workclass + " into C" + workclass +
" with Con " + connections.get(mergeID) + " / " + gtcMerge.connections.get(workclass));
// update mapTrueLabelToWorkLabel
mapTrueLabelToWorkLabel.put(gtcMerge.label, workclass);
Iterator iterator = mapTrueLabelToWorkLabel.keySet().iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
Integer key = (Integer);
// update pointer of already merged cluster
int value = mapTrueLabelToWorkLabel.get(key);
if (value == mergeID)
mapTrueLabelToWorkLabel.put(key, workclass);
if (value > mergeID)
mapTrueLabelToWorkLabel.put(key, value - 1);
// merge points from B into A
if (mergedWorkLabels == null) {
mergedWorkLabels = new ArrayList<Integer>();
if (gtcMerge.mergedWorkLabels != null)
// update workclass labels
for (int c = mergeID; c < gt0Clusters.size(); c++) {
gt0Clusters.get(c).workclass = c;
// update knn distances
for (int c = 0; c < gt0Clusters.size(); c++) {
// recalculate connection from other clusters to the new merged one
gt0Clusters.get(c).calculateClusterConnection(workclass, false);
// and from new merged one to other clusters
gt0Clusters.get(workclass).calculateClusterConnection(c, false);
else {
System.out.println("Merge indices are not valid");
* @param trueClustering
* the ground truth clustering
* @param points
* data points
* @param enableClassMerge
* allow class merging (should be set to true on default)
public CMM_GTAnalysis(Clustering trueClustering, ArrayList<DataPoint> points, boolean enableClassMerge) {
if (debug)
System.out.println("GT Analysis Debug Output");
noiseErrorByModel = 0;
pointErrorByModel = 0;
if (!enableClassMerge) {
tauConnection = 1.0;
lamdaConn = -Math.log(lambdaConnRefXValue) / Math.log(2) / lambdaConnX;
this.gtClustering = trueClustering;
numPoints = points.size();
numDims = points.get(0).numAttributes() - 1;
numGTClusters = gtClustering.size();
// init mappings between work and true labels
mapTrueLabelToWorkLabel = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();
// set up base of new clustering
gt0Clusters = new ArrayList<GTCluster>();
int numWorkClasses = 0;
// create label to worklabel mapping as real labels can be just a set of
// unordered integers
for (int i = 0; i < numGTClusters; i++) {
int label = (int) gtClustering.get(i).getGroundTruth();
if (!mapTrueLabelToWorkLabel.containsKey(label)) {
gt0Clusters.add(new GTCluster(numWorkClasses, label, i));
mapTrueLabelToWorkLabel.put(label, numWorkClasses);
else {
numGTClasses = numWorkClasses;
mergeMap = new int[numGTClasses];
for (int i = 0; i < numGTClasses; i++) {
mergeMap[i] = i;
// create cmd point wrapper instances
cmmpoints = new ArrayList<CMMPoint>();
for (int p = 0; p < points.size(); p++) {
CMMPoint cmdp = new CMMPoint(points.get(p), p);
// split points up into their GTClusters and Noise (according to class
// labels)
noise = new ArrayList<Integer>();
for (int p = 0; p < numPoints; p++) {
if (cmmpoints.get(p).isNoise()) {
else {
// calculate initial knnMean and knnDev
for (GTCluster gtc : gt0Clusters) {
// calculate cluster connections
// calculate point connections with own clusters
if (debug)
System.out.println("GT Analysis Debug End");
* Calculate the connection of a point to a cluster
* @param cmmp
* the point to calculate the connection for
* @param clusterID
* the corresponding cluster
* @return the connection value
// TODO: Cache the connection value for a point to the different clusters???
protected double getConnectionValue(CMMPoint cmmp, int clusterID) {
AutoExpandVector<Double> knnDist = new AutoExpandVector<Double>();
AutoExpandVector<Integer> knnPointIndex = new AutoExpandVector<Integer>();
// calculate the knn distance of the point to the cluster
getKnnInCluster(cmmp, knnNeighbourhood, gt0Clusters.get(clusterID).points, knnDist, knnPointIndex);
// TODO: What to do if we have less then k neighbors?
double avgDist = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < knnDist.size(); i++) {
avgDist += knnDist.get(i);
// what to do if we only have a single point???
if (knnDist.size() != 0)
avgDist /= knnDist.size();
return 0;
// get the upper knn distance of the cluster
double upperKnn = gt0Clusters.get(clusterID).knnMeanAvg + gt0Clusters.get(clusterID).knnDevAvg;
* calculate the connectivity based on knn distance of the point within the
* cluster and the upper knn distance of the cluster
if (avgDist < upperKnn) {
return 1;
else {
// value that should be reached at upperKnn distance
// Choose connection formula
double conn;
if (useExpConnectivity)
conn = Math.pow(2, -lamdaConn * (avgDist - upperKnn) / upperKnn);
conn = upperKnn / avgDist;
if (Double.isNaN(conn))
System.out.println("Connectivity NaN at " + cmmp.p.getTimestamp());
return conn;
* @param cmmp
* point to calculate knn distance for
* @param k
* number of nearest neighbors to look for
* @param pointIDs
* list of point IDs to check
* @param knnDist
* sorted list of smallest knn distances (can already be filled to
* make updates possible)
* @param knnPointIndex
* list of corresponding knn indices
private void getKnnInCluster(CMMPoint cmmp, int k,
ArrayList<Integer> pointIDs,
AutoExpandVector<Double> knnDist,
AutoExpandVector<Integer> knnPointIndex) {
// iterate over every point in the choosen cluster, cal distance and insert
// into list
for (int p1 = 0; p1 < pointIDs.size(); p1++) {
int pid = pointIDs.get(p1);
if (cmmp.pID == pid)
double dist = distance(cmmp, cmmpoints.get(pid));
if (knnDist.size() < k || dist < knnDist.get(knnDist.size() - 1)) {
int index = 0;
while (index < knnDist.size() && dist > knnDist.get(index)) {
knnDist.add(index, dist);
knnPointIndex.add(index, pid);
if (knnDist.size() > k) {
knnDist.remove(knnDist.size() - 1);
knnPointIndex.remove(knnPointIndex.size() - 1);
* calculate initial connectivities
private void calculateGTPointQualities() {
for (int p = 0; p < numPoints; p++) {
CMMPoint cmdp = cmmpoints.get(p);
if (!cmdp.isNoise()) {
cmdp.connectivity = getConnectionValue(cmdp, cmdp.workclass());
cmdp.p.setMeasureValue("Connectivity", cmdp.connectivity);
* Calculate connections between clusters and merge clusters accordingly as
* long as connections exceed threshold
private void calculateGTClusterConnections() {
for (int c0 = 0; c0 < gt0Clusters.size(); c0++) {
for (int c1 = 0; c1 < gt0Clusters.size(); c1++) {
gt0Clusters.get(c0).calculateClusterConnection(c1, true);
boolean changedConnection = true;
while (changedConnection) {
if (debug) {
System.out.println("Cluster Connection");
for (int c = 0; c < gt0Clusters.size(); c++) {
System.out.print("C" + gt0Clusters.get(c).label + " --> ");
for (int c1 = 0; c1 < gt0Clusters.get(c).connections.size(); c1++) {
System.out.print(" C" + gt0Clusters.get(c1).label + ": " + gt0Clusters.get(c).connections.get(c1));
double max = 0;
int maxIndexI = -1;
int maxIndexJ = -1;
changedConnection = false;
for (int c0 = 0; c0 < gt0Clusters.size(); c0++) {
for (int c1 = c0 + 1; c1 < gt0Clusters.size(); c1++) {
if (c0 == c1)
double min = Math.min(gt0Clusters.get(c0).connections.get(c1), gt0Clusters.get(c1).connections.get(c0));
if (min > max) {
max = min;
maxIndexI = c0;
maxIndexJ = c1;
if (maxIndexI != -1 && max > tauConnection) {
if (debug)
System.out.println("Merging " + maxIndexI + " and " + maxIndexJ + " because of connection " + max);
changedConnection = true;
numGT0Classes = gt0Clusters.size();
* Calculates how well the original clusters are separable. Small values
* indicate bad separability, values close to 1 indicate good separability
* @return index of seperability
public double getClassSeparability() {
// int totalConn = numGTClasses*(numGTClasses-1)/2;
// int mergedConn = 0;
// for(GTCluster gt : gt0Clusters){
// int merged = gt.clusterRepresentations.size();
// if(merged > 1)
// mergedConn+=merged * (merged-1)/2;
// }
// if(totalConn == 0)
// return 0;
// else
// return 1-mergedConn/(double)totalConn;
return numGT0Classes / (double) numGTClasses;
* Calculates how well noise is separable from the given clusters Small values
* indicate bad separability, values close to 1 indicate good separability
* @return index of noise separability
public double getNoiseSeparability() {
if (noise.isEmpty())
return 1;
double connectivity = 0;
for (int p : noise) {
CMMPoint npoint = cmmpoints.get(p);
double maxConnection = 0;
// TODO: some kind of pruning possible. what about weighting?
for (int c = 0; c < gt0Clusters.size(); c++) {
double connection = getConnectionValue(npoint, c);
if (connection > maxConnection)
maxConnection = connection;
connectivity += maxConnection;
npoint.p.setMeasureValue("MaxConnection", maxConnection);
return 1 - (connectivity / noise.size());
* Calculates the relative number of errors being caused by the underlying
* cluster model
* @return quality of the model
public double getModelQuality() {
for (int p = 0; p < numPoints; p++) {
CMMPoint cmdp = cmmpoints.get(p);
for (int hc = 0; hc < numGTClusters; hc++) {
if (gtClustering.get(hc).getGroundTruth() != cmdp.trueClass) {
if (gtClustering.get(hc).getInclusionProbability(cmdp) >= 1) {
if (!cmdp.isNoise())
if (debug)
System.out.println("Error by model: noise " + noiseErrorByModel + " point " + pointErrorByModel);
return 1 - ((pointErrorByModel + noiseErrorByModel) / (double) numPoints);
* Get CMM internal point
* @param index
* of the point
* @return cmm point
protected CMMPoint getPoint(int index) {
return cmmpoints.get(index);
* Return cluster
* @param index
* of the cluster to return
* @return cluster
protected GTCluster getGT0Cluster(int index) {
return gt0Clusters.get(index);
* Number of classes/clusters of the new clustering
* @return number of new clusters
protected int getNumberOfGT0Classes() {
return numGT0Classes;
* Calculates Euclidian distance
* @param inst1
* point as double array
* @param inst2
* point as double array
* @return euclidian distance
private double distance(Instance inst1, Instance inst2) {
return distance(inst1, inst2.toDoubleArray());
* Calculates Euclidian distance
* @param inst1
* point as an instance
* @param inst2
* point as double array
* @return euclidian distance
private double distance(Instance inst1, double[] inst2) {
double distance = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < numDims; i++) {
double d = inst1.value(i) - inst2[i];
distance += d * d;
return Math.sqrt(distance);
* String with main CMM parameters
* @return main CMM parameter
public String getParameterString() {
String para = "";
para += "k=" + knnNeighbourhood + ";";
if (useExpConnectivity) {
para += "lambdaConnX=" + lambdaConnX + ";";
para += "lambdaConn=" + lamdaConn + ";";
para += "lambdaConnRef=" + lambdaConnRefXValue + ";";
para += "m=" + clusterConnectionMaxPoints + ";";
para += "tauConn=" + tauConnection + ";";
return para;