blob: 7d91aa98baf4629dd352cf33e6d0bf26ee16406a [file] [log] [blame]
//package test.controllers
////import com.kakao.s2graph.core.models._
//import controllers.EdgeController
//import play.api.libs.json._
//import play.api.test.Helpers._
//import play.api.test.{FakeApplication, FakeRequest}
//class QueryCacheSpec extends SpecCommon {
// init()
// "cache test" should {
// def queryWithTTL(id: Int, cacheTTL: Long) = Json.parse( s"""
// { "srcVertices": [
// { "serviceName": "${testServiceName}",
// "columnName": "${testColumnName}",
// "id": ${id}
// }],
// "steps": [[ {
// "label": "${testLabelName}",
// "direction": "out",
// "offset": 0,
// "limit": 10,
// "cacheTTL": ${cacheTTL},
// "scoring": {"weight": 1} }]]
// }""")
// def getEdges(queryJson: JsValue): JsValue = {
// var ret = route(FakeRequest(POST, "/graphs/getEdges").withJsonBody(queryJson)).get
// contentAsJson(ret)
// }
// // init
// running(FakeApplication()) {
// // insert bulk and wait ..
// val bulkEdges: String = Seq(
// Seq("1", "insert", "e", "0", "2", "s2graph_label_test", "{}").mkString("\t"),
// Seq("1", "insert", "e", "1", "2", "s2graph_label_test", "{}").mkString("\t")
// ).mkString("\n")
// val jsResult = contentAsJson(EdgeController.mutateAndPublish(bulkEdges, withWait = true))
// Thread.sleep(asyncFlushInterval)
// }
// "tc1: query with {id: 0, ttl: 1000}" in {
// running(FakeApplication()) {
// var jsRslt = getEdges(queryWithTTL(0, 1000))
// var cacheRemain = (jsRslt \\ "cacheRemain").head
//[Int] must greaterThan(500)
// // get edges from cache after wait 500ms
// Thread.sleep(500)
// val ret = route(FakeRequest(POST, "/graphs/getEdges").withJsonBody(queryWithTTL(0, 1000))).get
// jsRslt = contentAsJson(ret)
// cacheRemain = (jsRslt \\ "cacheRemain").head
//[Int] must lessThan(500)
// }
// }
// "tc2: query with {id: 1, ttl: 3000}" in {
// running(FakeApplication()) {
// var jsRslt = getEdges(queryWithTTL(1, 3000))
// var cacheRemain = (jsRslt \\ "cacheRemain").head
// // before update: is_blocked is false
// (jsRslt \\ "is_blocked").head must equalTo(JsBoolean(false))
// val bulkEdges = Seq(
// Seq("2", "update", "e", "0", "2", "s2graph_label_test", "{\"is_blocked\": true}").mkString("\t"),
// Seq("2", "update", "e", "1", "2", "s2graph_label_test", "{\"is_blocked\": true}").mkString("\t")
// ).mkString("\n")
// // update edges with {is_blocked: true}
// jsRslt = contentAsJson(EdgeController.mutateAndPublish(bulkEdges, withWait = true))
// Thread.sleep(asyncFlushInterval)
// // prop 'is_blocked' still false, cause queryResult on cache
// jsRslt = getEdges(queryWithTTL(1, 3000))
// (jsRslt \\ "is_blocked").head must equalTo(JsBoolean(false))
// // after wait 3000ms prop 'is_blocked' is updated to true, cache cleared
// Thread.sleep(3000)
// jsRslt = getEdges(queryWithTTL(1, 3000))
// (jsRslt \\ "is_blocked").head must equalTo(JsBoolean(true))
// }
// }
// }