blob: 70644d68216825e6d677caf82cef999f4ffa8ae1 [file] [log] [blame]
package benchmark
import com.kakao.s2graph.core.mysqls.Label
import com.kakao.s2graph.core.{Graph, Management}
import controllers._
import play.api.libs.json.{JsValue, Json}
import play.api.test.{FakeApplication, FakeRequest, PlaySpecification}
import scala.concurrent.Await
import scala.concurrent.duration._
* Created by hsleep( on 2015. 11. 6..
class PostProcessBenchmarkSpec extends SpecCommon with BenchmarkCommon with PlaySpecification {
import Helper._
override def init() = {
running(FakeApplication()) {
println("[init start]: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>")
// 1. createService
val result = AdminController.createServiceInner(Json.parse(createService))
println(s">> Service created : $createService, $result")
val labelNames = Map(
testLabelNameWeak -> testLabelNameWeakCreate
for {
(labelName, create) <- labelNames
} {
Label.findByName(labelName, useCache = false) match {
case None =>
case Some(label) =>
println(s">> Label already exist: $create, $label")
// create edges
val bulkEdges: String = (0 until 500).map { i =>
edge"${System.currentTimeMillis()} insert e 0 $i $testLabelNameWeak"($(weight=i))
val jsResult = contentAsJson(EdgeController.mutateAndPublish(bulkEdges, withWait = true))
println("[init end]: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>")
def getEdges(queryJson: JsValue): JsValue = {
val ret = route(FakeRequest(POST, "/graphs/getEdges").withJsonBody(queryJson)).get
val s2: Graph =
// "test performance of getEdges orderBy" >> {
// running(FakeApplication()) {
// val strJs =
// s"""
// |{
// | "orderBy": [
// | {"score": "DESC"},
// | {"timestamp": "DESC"}
// | ],
// | "srcVertices": [
// | {
// | "serviceName": "$testServiceName",
// | "columnName": "$testColumnName",
// | "ids": [0]
// | }
// | ],
// | "steps": [
// | {
// | "step": [
// | {
// | "cacheTTL": 60000,
// | "label": "$testLabelNameWeak",
// | "offset": 0,
// | "limit": -1,
// | "direction": "out",
// | "scoring": [
// | {"weight": 1}
// | ]
// | }
// | ]
// | }
// | ]
// |}
// """.stripMargin
// object Parser extends RequestParser
// val js = Json.parse(strJs)
// val q = Parser.toQuery(js)
// val queryResultLs = Await.result(s2.getEdges(q), 1 seconds)
// val resultJs = PostProcess.toSimpleVertexArrJson(queryResultLs)
// (resultJs \ "size").as[Int] must_== 500
// (0 to 5) foreach { _ =>
// duration("toSimpleVertexArrJson new orderBy") {
// (0 to 1000) foreach { _ =>
// PostProcess.toSimpleVertexArrJson(queryResultLs, Nil)
// }
// }
// }
// (resultJs \ "size").as[Int] must_== 500
// }
// }
"test performance of getEdges" >> {
running(FakeApplication()) {
val strJs =
| "srcVertices": [
| {
| "serviceName": "$testServiceName",
| "columnName": "$testColumnName",
| "ids": [0]
| }
| ],
| "steps": [
| {
| "step": [
| {
| "cacheTTL": 60000,
| "label": "$testLabelNameWeak",
| "offset": 0,
| "limit": -1,
| "direction": "out",
| "scoring": [
| {"weight": 1}
| ]
| }
| ]
| }
| ]
object Parser extends RequestParser
val js = Json.parse(strJs)
val q = Parser.toQuery(js)
val queryResultLs = Await.result(s2.getEdges(q), 1 seconds)
val resultJs = PostProcess.toSimpleVertexArrJson(queryResultLs, Nil)
(0 to 5) foreach { _ =>
duration("toSimpleVertexArrJson new") {
(0 to 1000) foreach { _ =>
PostProcess.toSimpleVertexArrJson(queryResultLs, Nil)
(resultJs \ "size").as[Int] must_== 500
// "test performance of getEdges withScore=false" >> {
// running(FakeApplication()) {
// val strJs =
// s"""
// |{
// | "withScore": false,
// | "srcVertices": [
// | {
// | "serviceName": "$testServiceName",
// | "columnName": "$testColumnName",
// | "ids": [0]
// | }
// | ],
// | "steps": [
// | {
// | "step": [
// | {
// | "cacheTTL": 60000,
// | "label": "$testLabelNameWeak",
// | "offset": 0,
// | "limit": -1,
// | "direction": "out",
// | "scoring": [
// | {"weight": 1}
// | ]
// | }
// | ]
// | }
// | ]
// |}
// """.stripMargin
// object Parser extends RequestParser
// val js = Json.parse(strJs)
// val q = Parser.toQuery(js)
// val queryResultLs = Await.result(s2.getEdges(q), 1 seconds)
// val resultJs = PostProcess.toSimpleVertexArrJson(queryResultLs)
// (resultJs \ "size").as[Int] must_== 500
// (0 to 5) foreach { _ =>
// duration("toSimpleVertexArrJson withScore=false org") {
// (0 to 1000) foreach { _ =>
// PostProcess.toSimpleVertexArrJsonOrg(queryResultLs, Nil)
// }
// }
// duration("toSimpleVertexArrJson withScore=false new") {
// (0 to 1000) foreach { _ =>
// PostProcess.toSimpleVertexArrJson(queryResultLs, Nil)
// }
// }
// }
// (resultJs \ "size").as[Int] must_== 500
// }
// }