blob: ea43a76d982f8369985cbaadc5673317f4c173fd [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.s2graph.core
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes
import org.apache.s2graph.core.schema.{LabelIndex, LabelMeta}
import org.apache.s2graph.core.types.{HBaseType, InnerVal, InnerValLikeWithTs, LabelWithDirection}
trait TestCommon {
val ts = System.currentTimeMillis()
val testServiceId = 1
val testColumnId = 1
val testLabelId = 1
val testDir = GraphUtil.directions("out")
val testOp = GraphUtil.operations("insert")
val testLabelOrderSeq = LabelIndex.DefaultSeq
val testLabelWithDir = LabelWithDirection(testLabelId, testDir)
val labelMeta = LabelMeta
def equalsTo(x: Array[Byte], y: Array[Byte]) = Bytes.compareTo(x, y) == 0
def largerThan(x: Array[Byte], y: Array[Byte]) = Bytes.compareTo(x, y) > 0
def lessThan(x: Array[Byte], y: Array[Byte]) = Bytes.compareTo(x, y) < 0
def lessThanEqual(x: Array[Byte], y: Array[Byte]) = Bytes.compareTo(x, y) <= 0
/** */
import HBaseType._
private val tsValSmall = InnerVal.withLong(ts, DEFAULT_VERSION)
private val tsValLarge = InnerVal.withLong(ts + 1, DEFAULT_VERSION)
private val boolValSmall = InnerVal.withBoolean(false, DEFAULT_VERSION)
private val boolValLarge = InnerVal.withBoolean(true, DEFAULT_VERSION)
private val doubleValSmall = InnerVal.withDouble(-0.1, DEFAULT_VERSION)
private val doubleValLarge = InnerVal.withDouble(0.1, DEFAULT_VERSION)
private val toSeq = LabelMeta.toSeq.toInt
private val toVal = InnerVal.withLong(Long.MinValue, DEFAULT_VERSION)
private val tsValSmallV2 = InnerVal.withLong(ts, VERSION2)
private val tsValLargeV2 = InnerVal.withLong(ts + 1, VERSION2)
private val boolValSmallV2 = InnerVal.withBoolean(false, VERSION2)
private val boolValLargeV2 = InnerVal.withBoolean(true, VERSION2)
private val doubleValSmallV2 = InnerVal.withDouble(-0.1, VERSION2)
private val doubleValLargeV2 = InnerVal.withDouble(0.1, VERSION2)
private val toValV2 = InnerVal.withLong(Long.MinValue, VERSION2)
val intVals = (Int.MinValue until Int.MinValue + 10) ++ (-129 to -126) ++ (-1 to 1) ++ (126 to 129) ++
(Int.MaxValue - 10 until Int.MaxValue)
val intInnerVals = { v => InnerVal.withNumber(BigDecimal(v), DEFAULT_VERSION) }
val intInnerValsV2 = { v => InnerVal.withNumber(BigDecimal(v), VERSION2) }
val stringVals = List("abc", "abd", "ac", "aca", "b")
val stringInnerVals = { s => InnerVal.withStr(s, DEFAULT_VERSION)}
val stringInnerValsV2 = { s => InnerVal.withStr(s, VERSION2)}
val numVals = (Long.MinValue until Long.MinValue + 10).map(BigDecimal(_)) ++
(Int.MinValue until Int.MinValue + 10).map(BigDecimal(_)) ++
(Int.MaxValue - 10 until Int.MaxValue).map(BigDecimal(_)) ++
(Long.MaxValue - 10 until Long.MaxValue).map(BigDecimal(_))
val numInnerVals = { n => InnerVal.withLong(n.toLong, DEFAULT_VERSION)}
val numInnerValsV2 = { n => InnerVal.withNumber(n, VERSION2)}
val doubleStep = Double.MaxValue / 5
val doubleVals = (Double.MinValue until 0 by doubleStep).map(BigDecimal(_)) ++
(-9999.9 until -9994.1 by 1.1).map(BigDecimal(_)) ++
(-128.0 until 128.0 by 1.2).map(BigDecimal(_)) ++
(129.0 until 142.0 by 1.1).map(BigDecimal(_)) ++
(doubleStep until Double.MaxValue by doubleStep).map(BigDecimal(_))
val doubleInnerVals = { d => InnerVal.withDouble(d.toDouble, DEFAULT_VERSION)}
val doubleInnerValsV2 = { d => InnerVal.withDouble(d.toDouble, VERSION2)}
/** version 1 string order is broken */
val idxPropsLs = Seq(
Seq((0 -> tsValSmall), (1 -> boolValSmall), (2 -> InnerVal.withStr("ac", DEFAULT_VERSION)),(toSeq -> toVal)),
Seq((0 -> tsValSmall), (1 -> boolValSmall), (2 -> InnerVal.withStr("ab", DEFAULT_VERSION)), (toSeq -> toVal)),
Seq((0 -> tsValSmall), (1 -> boolValSmall), (2-> InnerVal.withStr("b", DEFAULT_VERSION)), (toSeq -> toVal)),
Seq((0 -> tsValSmall), (1 -> boolValLarge), (2 -> InnerVal.withStr("b", DEFAULT_VERSION)), (toSeq -> toVal)),
Seq((0 -> tsValLarge), (1 -> boolValSmall), (2 -> InnerVal.withStr("a", DEFAULT_VERSION)), (toSeq -> toVal))
).map(seq => => t._1.toByte -> t._2 ))
val idxPropsLsV2 = Seq(
Seq((0 -> tsValSmallV2), (1 -> boolValSmallV2), (2 -> InnerVal.withStr("a", VERSION2)), (3 -> doubleValSmallV2), (toSeq -> toValV2)),
Seq((0 -> tsValSmallV2), (1 -> boolValSmallV2), (2 -> InnerVal.withStr("a", VERSION2)), (3 -> doubleValLargeV2), (toSeq -> toValV2)),
Seq((0 -> tsValSmallV2), (1 -> boolValSmallV2), (2 -> InnerVal.withStr("ab", VERSION2)), (3 -> doubleValLargeV2), (toSeq -> toValV2)),
Seq((0 -> tsValSmallV2), (1 -> boolValSmallV2), (2-> InnerVal.withStr("b", VERSION2)), (3 ->doubleValLargeV2), (toSeq -> toValV2)),
Seq((0 -> tsValSmallV2), (1 -> boolValLargeV2), (2 -> InnerVal.withStr("a", VERSION2)), (3 ->doubleValLargeV2), (toSeq -> toValV2)),
Seq((0 -> tsValLargeV2), (1 -> boolValSmallV2), (2 -> InnerVal.withStr("a", VERSION2)), (3 ->doubleValLargeV2), (toSeq -> toValV2))
).map(seq => => t._1.toByte -> t._2 ) )
val idxPropsWithTsLs = { idxProps => { case (k, v) => k -> InnerValLikeWithTs(v, ts) }
val idxPropsWithTsLsV2 = { idxProps => { case (k, v) => k -> InnerValLikeWithTs(v, ts) }
// def testOrder(idxPropsLs: Seq[Seq[(Byte, InnerValLike)]],
// innerVals: Iterable[InnerValLike], skipHashBytes: Boolean = false)
// (createFunc: (Seq[(Byte, InnerValLike)], InnerValLike) => HBaseSerializable,
// fromBytesFunc: Array[Byte] => HBaseSerializable) = {
// /** check if increasing target vertex id is ordered properly with same indexProps */
// val rets = for {
// idxProps <- idxPropsLs
// } yield {
// val head = createFunc(idxProps, innerVals.head)
// val start = head
// var prev = head
// val rets = for {
// innerVal <- innerVals.tail
// } yield {
// val current = createFunc(idxProps, innerVal)
// val bytes = current.bytes
// val decoded = fromBytesFunc(bytes)
// println(s"current: $current")
// println(s"decoded: $decoded")
// val prevBytes = if (skipHashBytes) prev.bytes.drop(GraphUtil.bytesForMurMurHash) else prev.bytes
// val currentBytes = if (skipHashBytes) bytes.drop(GraphUtil.bytesForMurMurHash) else bytes
// val (isSame, orderPreserved) = (current, decoded) match {
// case (c: v2.EdgeQualifier, d: v2.EdgeQualifier) if ( =>
// /** _to is used in indexProps */
// ( == && c.op == d.op, Bytes.compareTo(currentBytes, prevBytes) <= 0)
// case _ =>
// (current == decoded, lessThan(currentBytes, prevBytes))
// }
// println(s"$current ${bytes.toList}")
// println(s"$prev ${prev.bytes.toList}")
// println(s"SerDe[$isSame], Order[$orderPreserved]")
// prev = current
// isSame && orderPreserved
// }
// rets.forall(x => x)
// }
// rets.forall(x => x)
// }
// def testOrderReverse(idxPropsLs: Seq[Seq[(Byte, InnerValLike)]], innerVals: Iterable[InnerValLike],
// skipHashBytes: Boolean = false)
// (createFunc: (Seq[(Byte, InnerValLike)], InnerValLike) => HBaseSerializable,
// fromBytesFunc: Array[Byte] => HBaseSerializable) = {
// /** check if increasing target vertex id is ordered properly with same indexProps */
// val rets = for {
// innerVal <- innerVals
// } yield {
// val head = createFunc(idxPropsLs.head, innerVal)
// val start = head
// var prev = head
// val rets = for {
// idxProps <- idxPropsLs.tail
// } yield {
// val current = createFunc(idxProps, innerVal)
// val bytes = current.bytes
// val decoded = fromBytesFunc(bytes)
// println(s"current: $current")
// println(s"decoded: $decoded")
// val prevBytes = if (skipHashBytes) prev.bytes.drop(GraphUtil.bytesForMurMurHash) else prev.bytes
// val currentBytes = if (skipHashBytes) bytes.drop(GraphUtil.bytesForMurMurHash) else bytes
// val (isSame, orderPreserved) = (current, decoded) match {
// case (c: v2.EdgeQualifier, d: v2.EdgeQualifier) if ( =>
// /** _to is used in indexProps */
// ( == && c.op == d.op, Bytes.compareTo(currentBytes, prevBytes) <= 0)
// case _ =>
// (current == decoded, lessThan(currentBytes, prevBytes))
// }
// println(s"$current ${bytes.toList}")
// println(s"$prev ${prev.bytes.toList}")
// println(s"SerDe[$isSame], Order[$orderPreserved]")
// prev = current
// isSame && orderPreserved
// }
// rets.forall(x => x)
// }
// rets.forall(x => x)
// }
// def putToKeyValues(put: PutRequest) = {
// val ts = put.timestamp()
// for ((q, v) <- put.qualifiers().zip(put.values)) yield {
// new KeyValue(put.key(),, q, ts, v)
// }
// }