blob: 772fcd8222b763c8df3bbeed6ab3e3c93526a64d [file] [log] [blame]
// * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// * distributed with this work for additional information
// * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
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// *
// *
// * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// * specific language governing permissions and limitations
// * under the License.
// */
//package org.apache.s2graph.core
//import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes
//import org.apache.s2graph.core.types.{InnerVal, InnerValLike, HBaseSerializable, LabelWithDirection}
//import org.scalatest.{FunSuite, Matchers}
//class QueryParamTest extends FunSuite with Matchers with TestCommon {
//// val version = HBaseType.VERSION2
//// val testEdge = Management.toEdge(ts, "insert", "1", "10", labelNameV2, "out", Json.obj("is_blocked" -> true, "phone_number" -> "xxxx", "age" -> 20).toString)
//// test("EdgeTransformer toInnerValOpt") {
//// /** only labelNameV2 has string type output */
//// val jsVal = Json.arr(Json.arr("_to"), Json.arr("phone_number.$", "phone_number"), Json.arr("age.$", "age"))
//// val transformer = EdgeTransformer(queryParamV2, jsVal)
//// val convertedLs = transformer.transform(testEdge, None)
//// convertedLs(0).tgtVertex.innerId.toString == "10" shouldBe true
//// convertedLs(1).tgtVertex.innerId.toString == "phone_number.xxxx" shouldBe true
//// convertedLs(2).tgtVertex.innerId.toString == "age.20" shouldBe true
//// true
//// }
// val dummyRequests = {
// for {
// id <- 0 until 1000
// } yield {
// Bytes.toBytes(id)
// }
// }
// test("QueryParam toCacheKey bytes") {
// val startedAt = System.nanoTime()
// val queryParam = S2QueryParam(LabelWithDirection(1, 0))
// for {
// i <- dummyRequests.indices
// x = queryParam.toCacheKey(dummyRequests(i))
// } {
// for {
// j <- dummyRequests.indices if i != j
// y = queryParam.toCacheKey(dummyRequests(j))
// } {
// x should not equal y
// }
// }
// { case (x, y) =>
// val xHash = queryParam.toCacheKey(x)
// val yHash = queryParam.toCacheKey(y)
//// println(xHash, yHash)
// xHash should be(yHash)
// }
// val duration = System.nanoTime() - startedAt
// println(s">> bytes: $duration")
// }
// test("QueryParam toCacheKey with variable params") {
// val startedAt = System.nanoTime()
// val queryParam = S2QueryParam(LabelWithDirection(1, 0))
// { case (x, y) =>
// x shouldBe y
// queryParam.limit(0, 10)
// var xHash = queryParam.toCacheKey(x)
// xHash shouldBe queryParam.toCacheKey(y)
// queryParam.limit(1, 10)
// var yHash = queryParam.toCacheKey(y)
// queryParam.toCacheKey(x) shouldBe yHash
//// println(xHash, yHash)
// xHash should not be yHash
// queryParam.limit(0, 10)
// xHash = queryParam.toCacheKey(x)
// queryParam.limit(0, 11)
// yHash = queryParam.toCacheKey(y)
// xHash should not be yHash
// }
// val duration = System.nanoTime() - startedAt
// println(s">> diff: $duration")
// }
// test("QueryParam interval min/max bytes padding test") {
// import HBaseSerializable._
// val queryParam = QueryParam.Empty
// def compare(_from: Seq[InnerValLike], _to: Seq[InnerValLike], _value: Seq[InnerValLike]): Boolean = {
// val len = _from.length.toByte
// val from = _from.zipWithIndex map { case (innerVal: InnerValLike, idx: Int) => idx.toByte -> innerVal }
// val to = _to.zipWithIndex map { case (innerVal: InnerValLike, idx: Int) => idx.toByte -> innerVal }
// val value = _value.zipWithIndex map { case (innerVal: InnerValLike, idx: Int) => idx.toByte -> innerVal }
// val (fromBytes, toBytes) = queryParam.paddingInterval(len, from, to)
// val valueBytes = propsToBytes(value)
// val validFrom = Bytes.compareTo(fromBytes, valueBytes) <= 0
// val validTo = Bytes.compareTo(toBytes, valueBytes) >= 0
// val res = validFrom && validTo
// // if (!res) logger.error(s"from: $validFrom, to: $validTo, from: ${_from} to: ${_to} value: ${_value}")
// res
// }
// val v = "v3"
// compare(
// Seq(InnerVal.withLong(0L, v)),
// Seq(InnerVal.withLong(0L, v)),
// Seq(InnerVal.withLong(0L, v))) shouldBe true
// compare(
// Seq(InnerVal.withLong(0L, v)),
// Seq(InnerVal.withLong(0L, v)),
// Seq(InnerVal.withLong(1L, v))) shouldBe false
// compare(
// Seq(InnerVal.withLong(1L, v)),
// Seq(InnerVal.withLong(1L, v)),
// Seq(InnerVal.withLong(0L, v))) shouldBe false
// compare(
// Seq(InnerVal.withLong(0L, v)),
// Seq(InnerVal.withLong(1L, v)),
// Seq(InnerVal.withLong(2L, v))) shouldBe false
// val testNum = 100000
// val tests = for {
// n <- 0 to testNum
// min = scala.util.Random.nextInt(Int.MaxValue / 2) + 1
// max = min + scala.util.Random.nextInt(min)
// value = min + scala.util.Random.nextInt(max - min + 1)
// } yield compare(
// Seq(InnerVal.withLong(min, v)),
// Seq(InnerVal.withLong(max, v)),
// Seq(InnerVal.withLong(value, v)))
// tests.forall(identity) shouldBe true
// }