blob: 2b476664ec2cb7b98a50c542ecc96d1c2c8e3ea9 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.s2graph.core.Integrate
import org.apache.s2graph.core.parsers.Where
import org.apache.s2graph.core.utils.logger
import org.apache.s2graph.core._
import org.scalatest.BeforeAndAfterEach
import play.api.libs.json._
class QueryTest extends IntegrateCommon with BeforeAndAfterEach {
import TestUtil._
val insert = "insert"
val e = "e"
val weight = "weight"
val is_hidden = "is_hidden"
def querySingle(id: Int, offset: Int = 0, limit: Int = 100) = Json.parse(
{ "srcVertices": [
{ "serviceName": "$testServiceName",
"columnName": "$testColumnName",
"id": $id
"steps": [
[ {
"label": "$testLabelName",
"direction": "out",
"offset": $offset,
"limit": $limit
def queryGlobalLimit(id: Int, limit: Int): JsValue = Json.obj(
"limit" -> limit,
"srcVertices" -> Json.arr(
Json.obj("serviceName" -> testServiceName, "columnName" -> testColumnName, "id" -> id)
"steps" -> Json.arr(
"step" -> Json.arr(
"label" -> testLabelName
def getQuery(id: Int, where: String): Query =
vertices = Seq(graph.toVertex(testServiceName, testColumnName, id)),
steps = Vector(
Step(Seq(QueryParam(testLabelName, where = Where(where))))
def queryIntervalWithParent(id: Int, index: String, prop: String, value: String) =
vertices = Seq(graph.toVertex(testServiceName, testColumnName, id)),
steps = Vector(
Step(Seq(QueryParam(testLabelName, indexName = index))),
Step(Seq(QueryParam(testLabelName, indexName = index,
intervalOpt = Option(Seq(prop -> JsString(value)), Seq(prop -> JsString(value)))))
def queryIntervalWithParentRange(id: Int, index: String,
prop: String, value: String,
toProp: String, toValue: String) =
vertices = Seq(graph.toVertex(testServiceName, testColumnName, id)),
steps = Vector(
Step(Seq(QueryParam(testLabelName, indexName = index))),
Step(Seq(QueryParam(testLabelName, indexName = index,
intervalOpt = Option(Seq(prop -> JsString(value)), Seq(toProp -> JsString(toValue)))))
def queryWithInterval(id: Int, index: String, prop: String, fromVal: Int, toVal: Int) =
vertices = Seq(graph.toVertex(testServiceName, testColumnName, id)),
steps = Vector(
Step(Seq(QueryParam(testLabelName, indexName = index,
intervalOpt = Option(Seq(prop -> JsNumber(fromVal)), Seq(prop -> JsNumber(toVal))))))
def queryExclude(id: Int) =
vertices = Seq(graph.toVertex(testServiceName, testColumnName, id)),
steps = Vector(
QueryParam(testLabelName, limit = 2),
QueryParam(testLabelName, direction = "in", limit = 2, exclude = true)
def queryGroupBy(id: Int, props: Seq[String]) =
vertices = Seq(graph.toVertex(testServiceName, testColumnName, id)),
steps = Vector(
queryOption = QueryOption(groupBy = GroupBy(props, 100))
test("query with defaultValue") {
// ref: edges from initTestData()
// no default value
var edges = getEdgesSync(getQuery(0, "_to = 1"))
(edges \\ "is_hidden")[Boolean] should be(true)
// default value(weight, is_hidden)
edges = getEdgesSync(getQuery(-1, "_to = 1000"))
(edges \\ "is_hidden")[Boolean] should be(false)
(edges \\ "weight")[Long] should be(0)
// default value(is_hidden)
edges = getEdgesSync(getQuery(10, "_to = 20"))
(edges \\ "is_hidden")[Boolean] should be(false)
test("degree with `Where clause") {
val edges = getEdgesSync(getQuery(2, "_from != 2"))
(edges \ "degrees").as[Seq[JsValue]].nonEmpty should be(true)
ignore("interval parent") {
val baseId = 1024
toEdge(20, insert, e, baseId, baseId + 1, testLabelName, Json.obj(weight -> 30, is_hidden -> true)),
toEdge(10, insert, e, baseId + 1, baseId + 10, testLabelName, Json.obj(weight -> 30, is_hidden -> true)),
toEdge(20, insert, e, baseId + 1, baseId + 20, testLabelName, Json.obj(weight -> 30, is_hidden -> true)),
toEdge(30, insert, e, baseId + 1, baseId + 30, testLabelName, Json.obj(weight -> 30, is_hidden -> true))
val edges = getEdgesSync(queryIntervalWithParent(baseId, index2, "_timestamp", "_parent._timestamp"))
(edges \ "size").get.toString should be("1")
val to = (edges \\ "to")[Long]
to should be (baseId + 20)
ignore("interval parent with range") {
val baseId = 9876
val minute: Long = 60 * 1000L
val hour = 60 * minute
toEdge(1, insert, e, baseId, baseId + 1, testLabelName, Json.obj(weight -> 30, is_hidden -> true)),
toEdge(1 + hour * 2, insert, e, baseId + 1, baseId + 10, testLabelName, Json.obj(weight -> 30, is_hidden -> true)),
toEdge(1 + hour * 3, insert, e, baseId + 1, baseId + 20, testLabelName, Json.obj(weight -> 30, is_hidden -> true)),
toEdge(1 + hour * 4, insert, e, baseId + 1, baseId + 30, testLabelName, Json.obj(weight -> 30, is_hidden -> true))
val edges = getEdgesSync(queryIntervalWithParentRange(baseId, index2,
"_timestamp", "${_parent._timestamp}",
"_timestamp", "${_parent._timestamp + 3 hour}"))
(edges \ "size").get.toString should be("2")
val edges2 = getEdgesSync(queryIntervalWithParentRange(baseId, index2,
"_timestamp", "${_parent._timestamp}",
"_timestamp", "${_parent._timestamp + 2 hour}"))
(edges2 \ "size").get.toString should be("1")
val edges3 = getEdgesSync(queryIntervalWithParentRange(baseId, index2,
"_timestamp", "${_parent._timestamp + 130 minute}",
"_timestamp", "${_parent._timestamp + 4 hour}"))
(edges3 \ "size").get.toString should be("2")
test("interval") {
var edges = getEdgesSync(queryWithInterval(0, index2, "_timestamp", 1000, 1001)) // test interval on timestamp index
(edges \ "size").get.toString should be("1")
edges = getEdgesSync(queryWithInterval(0, index2, "_timestamp", 1000, 2000)) // test interval on timestamp index
(edges \ "size").get.toString should be("2")
edges = getEdgesSync(queryWithInterval(2, index1, "weight", 10, 11)) // test interval on weight index
(edges \ "size").get.toString should be("1")
edges = getEdgesSync(queryWithInterval(2, index1, "weight", 10, 20)) // test interval on weight index
(edges \ "size").get.toString should be("2")
test("get edge with where condition") {
var result = getEdgesSync(getQuery(0, "is_hidden=false and _from in (-1, 0)"))
(result \ "results").as[List[JsValue]].size should be(1)
result = getEdgesSync(getQuery(0, "is_hidden=true and _to in (1)"))
(result \ "results").as[List[JsValue]].size should be(1)
result = getEdgesSync(getQuery(0, "_from=0"))
(result \ "results").as[List[JsValue]].size should be(2)
result = getEdgesSync(getQuery(2, "_from=2 or weight in (-1)"))
(result \ "results").as[List[JsValue]].size should be(2)
result = getEdgesSync(getQuery(2, "_from=2 and weight in (10, 20)"))
(result \ "results").as[List[JsValue]].size should be(2)
test("get edge exclude") {
val result = getEdgesSync(queryExclude(0))
(result \ "results").as[List[JsValue]].size should be(1)
test("get edge groupBy property") {
val result = getEdgesSync(queryGroupBy(0, Seq("weight")))
(result \ "size").as[Int] should be(2)
val weights = (result \ "results" \\ "groupBy").map { js =>
(js \ "weight").as[Int]
weights should contain(30)
weights should contain(40)
weights should not contain (10)
test("edge transform") {
def queryTransform(id: Int, transforms: String) = Json.parse(
{ "srcVertices": [
{ "serviceName": "${testServiceName}",
"columnName": "${testColumnName}",
"id": ${id}
"steps": [
[ {
"label": "${testLabelName}",
"direction": "out",
"offset": 0,
"transform": $transforms
var result = getEdgesSync(queryTransform(0, "[[\"_to\"]]"))
(result \ "results").as[List[JsValue]].size should be(2)
result = getEdgesSync(queryTransform(0, "[[\"weight\"]]"))
(result \ "results" \\ "to").map(_.toString).sorted should be((result \ "results" \\ "weight").map(_.toString).sorted)
result = getEdgesSync(queryTransform(0, "[[\"_from\"]]"))
(result \ "results" \\ "to").map(_.toString).sorted should be((result \ "results" \\ "from").map(_.toString).sorted)
test("index") {
def queryIndex(ids: Seq[Int], indexName: String) = {
val $from = Json.arr(
Json.obj("serviceName" -> testServiceName,
"columnName" -> testColumnName,
"ids" -> ids))
val $step = Json.arr(Json.obj("label" -> testLabelName, "index" -> indexName))
val $steps = Json.arr(Json.obj("step" -> $step))
val js = Json.obj("withScore" -> false, "srcVertices" -> $from, "steps" -> $steps)
// weight order
var result = getEdgesSync(queryIndex(Seq(0), "idx_1"))
((result \ "results").as[List[JsValue]].head \\ "weight").head should be(JsNumber(40))
// timestamp order
result = getEdgesSync(queryIndex(Seq(0), "idx_2"))
((result \ "results").as[List[JsValue]].head \\ "weight").head should be(JsNumber(30))
// "checkEdges" in {
// running(FakeApplication()) {
// val json = Json.parse( s"""
// [{"from": 0, "to": 1, "label": "$testLabelName"},
// {"from": 0, "to": 2, "label": "$testLabelName"}]
// """)
// def checkEdges(queryJson: JsValue): JsValue = {
// val ret = route(FakeRequest(POST, "/graphs/checkEdges").withJsonBody(queryJson)).get
// contentAsJson(ret)
// }
// val res = checkEdges(json)
// val typeRes = res.isInstanceOf[JsArray]
// typeRes must equalTo(true)
// val fst =[Seq[JsValue]].head \ "to"
//[Int] must equalTo(1)
// val snd =[Seq[JsValue]].last \ "to"
//[Int] must equalTo(2)
// }
// }
test("duration") {
def queryDuration(ids: Seq[Int], from: Int, to: Int) = {
val $from = Json.arr(
Json.obj("serviceName" -> testServiceName,
"columnName" -> testColumnName,
"ids" -> ids))
val $step = Json.arr(Json.obj(
"label" -> testLabelName, "direction" -> "out", "offset" -> 0, "limit" -> 100,
"duration" -> Json.obj("from" -> from, "to" -> to)))
val $steps = Json.arr(Json.obj("step" -> $step))
Json.obj("srcVertices" -> $from, "steps" -> $steps)
// get all
var result = getEdgesSync(queryDuration(Seq(0, 2), from = 0, to = 5000))
(result \ "results").as[List[JsValue]].size should be(4)
// inclusive, exclusive
result = getEdgesSync(queryDuration(Seq(0, 2), from = 1000, to = 4000))
(result \ "results").as[List[JsValue]].size should be(3)
result = getEdgesSync(queryDuration(Seq(0, 2), from = 1000, to = 2000))
(result \ "results").as[List[JsValue]].size should be(1)
val bulkEdges = Seq(
toEdge(1001, insert, e, 0, 1, testLabelName, Json.obj(weight -> 10, is_hidden -> true)),
toEdge(2002, insert, e, 0, 2, testLabelName, Json.obj(weight -> 20, is_hidden -> false)),
toEdge(3003, insert, e, 2, 0, testLabelName, Json.obj(weight -> 30)),
toEdge(4004, insert, e, 2, 1, testLabelName, Json.obj(weight -> 40))
insertEdgesSync(bulkEdges: _*)
// duration test after udpate
// get all
result = getEdgesSync(queryDuration(Seq(0, 2), from = 0, to = 5000))
(result \ "results").as[List[JsValue]].size should be(4)
// inclusive, exclusive
result = getEdgesSync(queryDuration(Seq(0, 2), from = 1000, to = 4000))
(result \ "results").as[List[JsValue]].size should be(3)
result = getEdgesSync(queryDuration(Seq(0, 2), from = 1000, to = 2000))
(result \ "results").as[List[JsValue]].size should be(1)
test("return tree") {
def queryParentsWithoutSelect(id: Long) = Json.parse(
"returnTree": true,
"srcVertices": [
{ "serviceName": "$testServiceName",
"columnName": "$testColumnName",
"id": $id
"steps": [
[ {
"label": "$testLabelName",
"direction": "out",
"offset": 0,
"limit": 2
"label": "$testLabelName",
"direction": "in",
"offset": 0,
"limit": 1000
def queryParents(id: Long) = Json.parse(
"select": ["weight"],
"returnTree": true,
"srcVertices": [
{ "serviceName": "$testServiceName",
"columnName": "$testColumnName",
"id": $id
"steps": [
[ {
"label": "$testLabelName",
"direction": "out",
"offset": 0,
"limit": 2
"label": "$testLabelName",
"direction": "in",
"offset": 0,
"limit": 1000
val src = 100
val tgt = 200
insertEdgesSync(toEdge(1001, "insert", "e", src, tgt, testLabelName))
// test parent With select fields
var result = TestUtil.getEdgesSync(queryParents(src))
var parents = (result \ "results").as[Seq[JsValue]]
var ret = parents.forall { edge =>
val parentEdges = (edge \ "parents").as[Seq[JsValue]]
val assertSize = parentEdges.size == 1
val parentProps = (parentEdges.head \ "props").as[JsObject]
val parentWeight = (parentProps \ "weight").as[Long]
val parentIsHidden = (parentProps \ "is_hidden").asOpt[Boolean]
val assertProp = parentWeight == 0 && parentIsHidden.isEmpty // select only "weight"
assertSize && assertProp
ret should be(true)
// test parent With select fields: check default Prop
result = TestUtil.getEdgesSync(queryParentsWithoutSelect(src))
parents = (result \ "results").as[Seq[JsValue]]
ret = parents.forall { edge =>
val parentEdges = (edge \ "parents").as[Seq[JsValue]]
val assertSize = parentEdges.size == 1
val parentProps = (parentEdges.head \ "props").as[JsObject]
val parentWeight = (parentProps \ "weight").as[Int]
val parentIsHidden = (parentProps \ "is_hidden").as[Boolean]
val parentIsBlocked = (parentProps \ "is_blocked").as[Boolean]
val parentTime = (parentProps \ "time").as[Long]
val assertProp =
parentWeight == 0 && parentIsHidden == false && parentIsBlocked == false && parentTime == 0
assertSize && assertProp
ret should be(true)
test("pagination and _to") {
def querySingleWithTo(id: Int, offset: Int = 0, limit: Int = 100, to: Int) = Json.parse(
{ "srcVertices": [
{ "serviceName": "${testServiceName}",
"columnName": "${testColumnName}",
"id": ${id}
"steps": [
[ {
"label": "${testLabelName}",
"direction": "out",
"offset": $offset,
"limit": $limit,
"_to": $to
val src = System.currentTimeMillis().toInt
val bulkEdges = Seq(
toEdge(1001, insert, e, src, 1, testLabelName, Json.obj(weight -> 10, is_hidden -> true)),
toEdge(2002, insert, e, src, 2, testLabelName, Json.obj(weight -> 20, is_hidden -> false)),
toEdge(3003, insert, e, src, 3, testLabelName, Json.obj(weight -> 30)),
toEdge(4004, insert, e, src, 4, testLabelName, Json.obj(weight -> 40))
insertEdgesSync(bulkEdges: _*)
var result = getEdgesSync(querySingle(src, offset = 0, limit = 2))
var edges = (result \ "results").as[List[JsValue]]
edges.size should be(2)
(edges(0) \ "to").as[Long] should be(4)
(edges(1) \ "to").as[Long] should be(3)
result = getEdgesSync(querySingle(src, offset = 1, limit = 2))
edges = (result \ "results").as[List[JsValue]]
edges.size should be(2)
(edges(0) \ "to").as[Long] should be(3)
(edges(1) \ "to").as[Long] should be(2)
result = getEdgesSync(querySingleWithTo(src, offset = 0, limit = -1, to = 1))
edges = (result \ "results").as[List[JsValue]]
edges.size should be(1)
test("order by") {
def queryScore(id: Int, scoring: Map[String, Int]): JsValue = Json.obj(
"srcVertices" -> Json.arr(
"serviceName" -> testServiceName,
"columnName" -> testColumnName,
"id" -> id
"steps" -> Json.arr(
"step" -> Json.arr(
"label" -> testLabelName,
"scoring" -> scoring
def queryOrderBy(id: Int, scoring: Map[String, Int], props: Seq[Map[String, String]]): JsValue = Json.obj(
"orderBy" -> props,
"srcVertices" -> Json.arr(
Json.obj("serviceName" -> testServiceName, "columnName" -> testColumnName, "id" -> id)
"steps" -> Json.arr(
"step" -> Json.arr(
"label" -> testLabelName,
"scoring" -> scoring
val bulkEdges = Seq(
toEdge(1001, insert, e, 0, 1, testLabelName, Json.obj(weight -> 10, is_hidden -> true)),
toEdge(2002, insert, e, 0, 2, testLabelName, Json.obj(weight -> 20, is_hidden -> false)),
toEdge(3003, insert, e, 2, 0, testLabelName, Json.obj(weight -> 30)),
toEdge(4004, insert, e, 2, 1, testLabelName, Json.obj(weight -> 40))
insertEdgesSync(bulkEdges: _*)
// get edges
val edges = getEdgesSync(queryScore(0, Map("weight" -> 1)))
val orderByScore = getEdgesSync(queryOrderBy(0, Map("weight" -> 1), Seq(Map("score" -> "DESC", "timestamp" -> "DESC"))))
val ascOrderByScore = getEdgesSync(queryOrderBy(0, Map("weight" -> 1), Seq(Map("score" -> "ASC", "timestamp" -> "DESC"))))
val edgesTo = edges \ "results" \\ "to"
val orderByTo = orderByScore \ "results" \\ "to"
val ascOrderByTo = ascOrderByScore \ "results" \\ "to"
edgesTo should be(Seq(JsNumber(2), JsNumber(1)))
edgesTo should be(orderByTo)
ascOrderByTo should be(Seq(JsNumber(1), JsNumber(2)))
edgesTo.reverse should be(ascOrderByTo)
test("query with sampling") {
def queryWithSampling(id: Int, sample: Int) = Json.parse(
{ "srcVertices": [
{ "serviceName": "$testServiceName",
"columnName": "$testColumnName",
"id": $id
"steps": [
"step": [{
"label": "$testLabelName",
"direction": "out",
"offset": 0,
"limit": 100,
"sample": $sample
def twoStepQueryWithSampling(id: Int, sample: Int) = Json.parse(
{ "srcVertices": [
{ "serviceName": "$testServiceName",
"columnName": "$testColumnName",
"id": $id
"steps": [
"step": [{
"label": "$testLabelName",
"direction": "out",
"offset": 0,
"limit": 100,
"sample": $sample
"step": [{
"label": "$testLabelName",
"direction": "out",
"offset": 0,
"limit": 100,
"sample": $sample
def twoQueryWithSampling(id: Int, sample: Int) = Json.parse(
{ "srcVertices": [
{ "serviceName": "$testServiceName",
"columnName": "$testColumnName",
"id": $id
"steps": [
"step": [{
"label": "$testLabelName",
"direction": "out",
"offset": 0,
"limit": 50,
"sample": $sample
"label": "$testLabelName2",
"direction": "out",
"offset": 0,
"limit": 50
val sampleSize = 2
val ts = "1442985659166"
val testId = 22
val bulkEdges = Seq(
toEdge(ts, insert, e, testId, 122, testLabelName),
toEdge(ts, insert, e, testId, 222, testLabelName),
toEdge(ts, insert, e, testId, 322, testLabelName),
toEdge(ts, insert, e, testId, 922, testLabelName2),
toEdge(ts, insert, e, testId, 222, testLabelName2),
toEdge(ts, insert, e, testId, 322, testLabelName2),
toEdge(ts, insert, e, 122, 1122, testLabelName),
toEdge(ts, insert, e, 122, 1222, testLabelName),
toEdge(ts, insert, e, 122, 1322, testLabelName),
toEdge(ts, insert, e, 222, 2122, testLabelName),
toEdge(ts, insert, e, 222, 2222, testLabelName),
toEdge(ts, insert, e, 222, 2322, testLabelName),
toEdge(ts, insert, e, 322, 3122, testLabelName),
toEdge(ts, insert, e, 322, 3222, testLabelName),
toEdge(ts, insert, e, 322, 3322, testLabelName)
insertEdgesSync(bulkEdges: _*)
val result1 = getEdgesSync(queryWithSampling(testId, sampleSize))
(result1 \ "results").as[List[JsValue]].size should be(math.min(sampleSize, bulkEdges.size))
val result2 = getEdgesSync(twoStepQueryWithSampling(testId, sampleSize))
(result2 \ "results").as[List[JsValue]].size should be(math.min(sampleSize * sampleSize, bulkEdges.size * bulkEdges.size))
val result3 = getEdgesSync(twoQueryWithSampling(testId, sampleSize))
(result3 \ "results").as[List[JsValue]].size should be(sampleSize + 3) // edges in testLabelName2 = 3
test("test query with filterOut query") {
def queryWithFilterOut(id1: String, id2: String) = Json.parse(
| "limit": 10,
| "filterOut": {
| "srcVertices": [{
| "serviceName": "$testServiceName",
| "columnName": "$testColumnName",
| "id": $id1
| }],
| "steps": [{
| "step": [{
| "label": "$testLabelName",
| "direction": "out",
| "offset": 0,
| "limit": 10
| }]
| }]
| },
| "srcVertices": [{
| "serviceName": "$testServiceName",
| "columnName": "$testColumnName",
| "id": $id2
| }],
| "steps": [{
| "step": [{
| "label": "$testLabelName",
| "direction": "out",
| "offset": 0,
| "limit": 5
| }]
| }]
val testId1 = "-23"
val testId2 = "-25"
val bulkEdges = Seq(
toEdge(1, insert, e, testId1, 111, testLabelName, Json.obj(weight -> 10)),
toEdge(2, insert, e, testId1, 222, testLabelName, Json.obj(weight -> 10)),
toEdge(3, insert, e, testId1, 333, testLabelName, Json.obj(weight -> 10)),
toEdge(4, insert, e, testId2, 111, testLabelName, Json.obj(weight -> 1)),
toEdge(5, insert, e, testId2, 333, testLabelName, Json.obj(weight -> 1)),
toEdge(6, insert, e, testId2, 555, testLabelName, Json.obj(weight -> 1))
insertEdgesSync(bulkEdges: _*)
val rs = getEdgesSync(queryWithFilterOut(testId1, testId2))
val results = (rs \ "results").as[List[JsValue]]
results.size should be(1)
(results(0) \ "to").get.toString should be("555")
/** note that this merge two different label result into one */
test("weighted union") {
def queryWithWeightedUnion(id1: String, id2: String) = Json.parse(
| "limit": 10,
| "weights": [
| 10,
| 1
| ],
| "groupBy": ["weight"],
| "queries": [
| {
| "srcVertices": [
| {
| "serviceName": "$testServiceName",
| "columnName": "$testColumnName",
| "id": $id1
| }
| ],
| "steps": [
| {
| "step": [
| {
| "label": "$testLabelName",
| "direction": "out",
| "offset": 0,
| "limit": 5
| }
| ]
| }
| ]
| },
| {
| "srcVertices": [
| {
| "serviceName": "$testServiceName",
| "columnName": "$testColumnName",
| "id": $id2
| }
| ],
| "steps": [
| {
| "step": [
| {
| "label": "$testLabelName2",
| "direction": "out",
| "offset": 0,
| "limit": 5
| }
| ]
| }
| ]
| }
| ]
val testId1 = "1"
val testId2 = "2"
val bulkEdges = Seq(
toEdge(1, insert, e, testId1, 111, testLabelName, Json.obj(weight -> 10)),
toEdge(2, insert, e, testId1, 222, testLabelName, Json.obj(weight -> 10)),
toEdge(3, insert, e, testId1, 333, testLabelName, Json.obj(weight -> 10)),
toEdge(4, insert, e, testId2, 444, testLabelName2, Json.obj(weight -> 1)),
toEdge(5, insert, e, testId2, 555, testLabelName2, Json.obj(weight -> 1)),
toEdge(6, insert, e, testId2, 666, testLabelName2, Json.obj(weight -> 1))
insertEdgesSync(bulkEdges: _*)
val rs = getEdgesSync(queryWithWeightedUnion(testId1, testId2))
val results = (rs \ "results").as[List[JsValue]]
results.size should be(2)
(results(0) \ "scoreSum").as[Float] should be(30.0)
(results(0) \ "agg").as[List[JsValue]].size should be(3)
(results(1) \ "scoreSum").as[Float] should be(3.0)
(results(1) \ "agg").as[List[JsValue]].size should be(3)
test("weighted union with options") {
def queryWithWeightedUnionWithOptions(id1: String, id2: String) = Json.parse(
| "limit": 10,
| "weights": [
| 10,
| 1
| ],
| "groupBy": ["to"],
| "select": ["to", "weight"],
| "filterOut": {
| "srcVertices": [
| {
| "serviceName": "$testServiceName",
| "columnName": "$testColumnName",
| "id": $id1
| }
| ],
| "steps": [
| {
| "step": [
| {
| "label": "$testLabelName",
| "direction": "out",
| "offset": 0,
| "limit": 10
| }
| ]
| }
| ]
| },
| "queries": [
| {
| "srcVertices": [
| {
| "serviceName": "$testServiceName",
| "columnName": "$testColumnName",
| "id": $id1
| }
| ],
| "steps": [
| {
| "step": [
| {
| "label": "$testLabelName",
| "direction": "out",
| "offset": 0,
| "limit": 5
| }
| ]
| }
| ]
| },
| {
| "srcVertices": [
| {
| "serviceName": "$testServiceName",
| "columnName": "$testColumnName",
| "id": $id2
| }
| ],
| "steps": [
| {
| "step": [
| {
| "label": "$testLabelName",
| "direction": "out",
| "offset": 0,
| "limit": 5
| }
| ]
| }
| ]
| }
| ]
val testId1 = "-192848"
val testId2 = "-193849"
val bulkEdges = Seq(
toEdge(1, insert, e, testId1, 111, testLabelName, Json.obj(weight -> 10)),
toEdge(2, insert, e, testId1, 222, testLabelName, Json.obj(weight -> 10)),
toEdge(3, insert, e, testId1, 333, testLabelName, Json.obj(weight -> 10)),
toEdge(4, insert, e, testId2, 111, testLabelName, Json.obj(weight -> 1)),
toEdge(5, insert, e, testId2, 333, testLabelName, Json.obj(weight -> 1)),
toEdge(6, insert, e, testId2, 555, testLabelName, Json.obj(weight -> 1))
insertEdgesSync(bulkEdges: _*)
val rs = getEdgesSync(queryWithWeightedUnionWithOptions(testId1, testId2))
val results = (rs \ "results").as[List[JsValue]]
results.size should be(1)
test("scoreThreshold") {
def queryWithScoreThreshold(id: String, scoreThreshold: Int) = Json.parse(
| "limit": 10,
| "scoreThreshold": $scoreThreshold,
| "groupBy": ["to"],
| "srcVertices": [
| {
| "serviceName": "$testServiceName",
| "columnName": "$testColumnName",
| "id": $id
| }
| ],
| "steps": [
| {
| "step": [
| {
| "label": "$testLabelName",
| "direction": "out",
| "offset": 0,
| "limit": 10
| }
| ]
| },
| {
| "step": [
| {
| "label": "$testLabelName",
| "direction": "out",
| "offset": 0,
| "limit": 10
| }
| ]
| }
| ]
val testId = "-23903"
val bulkEdges = Seq(
toEdge(1, insert, e, testId, 101, testLabelName, Json.obj(weight -> 10)),
toEdge(1, insert, e, testId, 102, testLabelName, Json.obj(weight -> 10)),
toEdge(1, insert, e, testId, 103, testLabelName, Json.obj(weight -> 10)),
toEdge(1, insert, e, 101, 102, testLabelName, Json.obj(weight -> 10)),
toEdge(1, insert, e, 101, 103, testLabelName, Json.obj(weight -> 10)),
toEdge(1, insert, e, 101, 104, testLabelName, Json.obj(weight -> 10)),
toEdge(1, insert, e, 102, 103, testLabelName, Json.obj(weight -> 10)),
toEdge(1, insert, e, 102, 104, testLabelName, Json.obj(weight -> 10)),
toEdge(1, insert, e, 103, 105, testLabelName, Json.obj(weight -> 10))
// expected: 104 -> 2, 103 -> 2, 102 -> 1,, 105 -> 1
insertEdgesSync(bulkEdges: _*)
var rs = getEdgesSync(queryWithScoreThreshold(testId, 2))
var results = (rs \ "results").as[List[JsValue]]
results.size should be(2)
rs = getEdgesSync(queryWithScoreThreshold(testId, 1))
results = (rs \ "results").as[List[JsValue]]
results.size should be(4)
// called by each test, each
override def beforeEach = initTestData()
// called by start test, once
override def initTestData(): Unit = {
toEdge(1000, insert, e, 0, 1, testLabelName, Json.obj(weight -> 40, is_hidden -> true)),
toEdge(2000, insert, e, 0, 2, testLabelName, Json.obj(weight -> 30, is_hidden -> false)),
toEdge(3000, insert, e, 2, 0, testLabelName, Json.obj(weight -> 20)),
toEdge(4000, insert, e, 2, 1, testLabelName, Json.obj(weight -> 10)),
toEdge(3000, insert, e, 10, 20, testLabelName, Json.obj(weight -> 20)),
toEdge(4000, insert, e, 20, 20, testLabelName, Json.obj(weight -> 10)),
toEdge(1, insert, e, -1, 1000, testLabelName),
toEdge(1, insert, e, -1, 2000, testLabelName),
toEdge(1, insert, e, -1, 3000, testLabelName),
toEdge(1, insert, e, 1000, 10000, testLabelName),
toEdge(1, insert, e, 1000, 11000, testLabelName),
toEdge(1, insert, e, 2000, 11000, testLabelName),
toEdge(1, insert, e, 2000, 12000, testLabelName),
toEdge(1, insert, e, 3000, 12000, testLabelName),
toEdge(1, insert, e, 3000, 13000, testLabelName),
toEdge(1, insert, e, 10000, 100000, testLabelName),
toEdge(2, insert, e, 11000, 200000, testLabelName),
toEdge(3, insert, e, 12000, 300000, testLabelName)