blob: 59db07eae6d2ee5aba10aa511a590f596301caf3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes
import org.apache.s2graph.core._
import org.apache.s2graph.core.mysqls.{Label, LabelMeta, ServiceColumn}
import org.apache.s2graph.core.types._
class IndexEdgeDeserializable(graph: S2Graph,
bytesToLongFunc: (Array[Byte], Int) => Long = bytesToLong) extends Deserializable[S2Edge] {
import StorageDeserializable._
type QualifierRaw = (Array[(LabelMeta, InnerValLike)], VertexId, Byte, Boolean, Int)
type ValueRaw = (Array[(LabelMeta, InnerValLike)], Int)
override def fromKeyValues[T: CanSKeyValue](_kvs: Seq[T],
cacheElementOpt: Option[S2Edge]): Option[S2Edge] = {
try {
assert(_kvs.size == 1)
// val kvs = { kv => implicitly[CanSKeyValue[T]].toSKeyValue(kv) }
val kv = implicitly[CanSKeyValue[T]].toSKeyValue(_kvs.head)
val version = kv.timestamp
var pos = 0
val (srcVertexId, srcIdLen) = SourceVertexId.fromBytes(kv.row, pos, kv.row.length, HBaseType.DEFAULT_VERSION)
pos += srcIdLen
val labelWithDir = LabelWithDirection(Bytes.toInt(kv.row, pos, 4))
pos += 4
val (labelIdxSeq, isInverted) = bytesToLabelIndexSeqWithIsInverted(kv.row, pos)
pos += 1
if (isInverted) None
else {
val label = Label.findById(labelWithDir.labelId)
val schemaVer = label.schemaVersion
val srcVertex = graph.newVertex(srcVertexId, version)
val edge = graph.newEdge(srcVertex, null,
label, labelWithDir.dir, GraphUtil.defaultOpByte, version, S2Edge.EmptyState)
var tsVal = version
if (kv.qualifier.isEmpty) {
val degreeVal = bytesToLongFunc(kv.value, 0)
val tgtVertexId = VertexId(ServiceColumn.Default, InnerVal.withStr("0", schemaVer))
edge.propertyInner(, version, version)
edge.propertyInner(, degreeVal, version)
edge.tgtVertex = graph.newVertex(tgtVertexId, version)
edge.op = GraphUtil.defaultOpByte
edge.tsInnerValOpt = Option(InnerVal.withLong(tsVal, schemaVer))
} else {
pos = 0
val (idxPropsRaw, endAt) = bytesToProps(kv.qualifier, pos, schemaVer)
pos = endAt
val (tgtVertexIdRaw, tgtVertexIdLen) = if (endAt == kv.qualifier.length) {
(HBaseType.defaultTgtVertexId, 0)
} else {
TargetVertexId.fromBytes(kv.qualifier, endAt, kv.qualifier.length, schemaVer)
pos += tgtVertexIdLen
val op =
if (kv.qualifier.length == pos) GraphUtil.defaultOpByte
else kv.qualifier(kv.qualifier.length-1)
val index = label.indicesMap.getOrElse(labelIdxSeq, throw new RuntimeException(s"invalid index seq: ${}, ${labelIdxSeq}"))
/* process indexProps */
val size = idxPropsRaw.length
(0 until size).foreach { ith =>
val meta = index.sortKeyTypesArray(ith)
val (k, v) = idxPropsRaw(ith)
if (k == LabelMeta.timestamp) tsVal = v.value.asInstanceOf[BigDecimal].longValue()
if (k == {
edge.propertyInner(, v.value, version)
} else {
edge.propertyInner(, v.value, version)
/* process props */
if (op == GraphUtil.operations("incrementCount")) {
// val countVal = Bytes.toLong(kv.value)
val countVal = bytesToLongFunc(kv.value, 0)
edge.propertyInner(, countVal, version)
} else {
val (props, endAt) = bytesToKeyValues(kv.value, 0, kv.value.length, schemaVer, label)
props.foreach { case (k, v) =>
if (k == LabelMeta.timestamp) tsVal = v.value.asInstanceOf[BigDecimal].longValue()
edge.propertyInner(, v.value, version)
/* process tgtVertexId */
val tgtVertexId =
if (edge.checkProperty( {
val vId =[S2Property[_]].innerValWithTs
TargetVertexId(ServiceColumn.Default, vId.innerVal)
} else tgtVertexIdRaw
edge.propertyInner(, tsVal, version)
edge.tgtVertex = graph.newVertex(tgtVertexId, version)
edge.op = op
edge.tsInnerValOpt = Option(InnerVal.withLong(tsVal, schemaVer))
} catch {
case e: Exception => None