blob: 460c627dae9e52130fe1d292387bb351375753c2 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import org.apache.s2graph.core.GraphExceptions.{BadQueryException, LabelNotExistException}
import org.apache.s2graph.core.JSONParser._
import org.apache.s2graph.core._
import org.apache.s2graph.core.mysqls.{Bucket, Experiment, Service}
import org.apache.s2graph.core.utils.logger
import play.api.libs.json._
import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future}
import scala.util.Try
import scala.util.control.NonFatal
object RestHandler {
trait CanLookup[A] {
def lookup(m: A, key: String): Option[String]
object CanLookup {
implicit val oneTupleLookup = new CanLookup[(String, String)] {
override def lookup(m: (String, String), key: String) =
if (m._1 == key) Option(m._2) else None
implicit val hashMapLookup = new CanLookup[Map[String, String]] {
override def lookup(m: Map[String, String], key: String): Option[String] = m.get(key)
case class HandlerResult(body: Future[JsValue], headers: (String, String)*)
* Public API, only return Future.successful or Future.failed
* Don't throw exception
class RestHandler(graph: S2GraphLike)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext) {
import RestHandler._
val requestParser = new RequestParser(graph)
val querySampleRate: Double = graph.config.getDouble("query.log.sample.rate")
* Public APIS
def doPost[A](uri: String, body: String, headers: A)(implicit ev: CanLookup[A]): HandlerResult = {
val impKeyOpt = ev.lookup(headers, Experiment.ImpressionKey)
val impIdOpt = ev.lookup(headers, Experiment.ImpressionId)
try {
val jsQuery = Json.parse(body)
uri match {
case "/graphs/getEdges" => HandlerResult(getEdgesAsync(jsQuery, impIdOpt)(PostProcess.toJson(Option(jsQuery))))
case "/graphs/checkEdges" => checkEdges(jsQuery)
case "/graphs/getVertices" => HandlerResult(getVertices(jsQuery))
case "/graphs/experiments" => experiments(jsQuery)
case uri if uri.startsWith("/graphs/experiment") =>
val Array(accessToken, experimentName, uuid) = uri.split("/").takeRight(3)
experiment(jsQuery, accessToken, experimentName, uuid, impKeyOpt)
case _ => throw new RuntimeException("route is not found")
} catch {
case e: Exception => HandlerResult(Future.failed(e))
// TODO: Refactor to doGet
def checkEdges(jsValue: JsValue): HandlerResult = {
try {
val edges = requestParser.toCheckEdgeParam(jsValue)
HandlerResult(graph.checkEdges(edges).map { case stepResult =>
val jsArray = for {
s2EdgeWithScore <- stepResult.edgeWithScores
// json <- PostProcess.s2EdgeToJsValue(QueryOption(), s2EdgeWithScore)
json = PostProcess.s2EdgeToJsValue(QueryOption(), s2EdgeWithScore)
} yield json
} catch {
case e: Exception =>
logger.error(s"RestHandler#checkEdges error: $e")
* Private APIS
private def experiments(jsQuery: JsValue): HandlerResult = {
val params: Seq[RequestParser.ExperimentParam] = requestParser.parseExperiment(jsQuery)
val results = params map { case (body, token, experimentName, uuid, impKeyOpt) =>
val handlerResult = experiment(body, token, experimentName, uuid, impKeyOpt)
val future = handlerResult.body.recover {
case e: Exception => PostProcess.emptyResults ++ Json.obj("error" -> Json.obj("reason" -> e.getMessage))
val result = Future.sequence(results).map(JsArray)
HandlerResult(body = result)
def experiment(contentsBody: JsValue, accessToken: String, experimentName: String, uuid: String, impKeyOpt: => Option[String] = None): HandlerResult = {
try {
val bucketOpt = for {
service <- Service.findByAccessToken(accessToken)
experiment <- Experiment.findBy(, experimentName)
bucket <- experiment.findBucket(uuid, impKeyOpt)
} yield bucket
val bucket = bucketOpt.getOrElse(throw new RuntimeException(s"bucket is not found. $accessToken, $experimentName, $uuid, $impKeyOpt"))
if (bucket.isGraphQuery) {
val ret = buildRequestInner(contentsBody, bucket, uuid)
"type" -> "experiment",
"time" -> System.currentTimeMillis(),
"body" -> contentsBody,
"uri" -> Seq("graphs", "experiment", accessToken, experimentName, uuid).mkString("/"),
"accessToken" -> accessToken,
"experimentName" -> experimentName,
"uuid" -> uuid,
"impressionId" -> bucket.impressionId
HandlerResult(ret.body, Experiment.ImpressionKey -> bucket.impressionId)
else throw new RuntimeException("not supported yet")
} catch {
case e: Exception => HandlerResult(Future.failed(e))
private def buildRequestInner(contentsBody: JsValue, bucket: Bucket, uuid: String): HandlerResult = {
if (bucket.isEmpty) HandlerResult(Future.successful(PostProcess.emptyResults))
else {
val body = buildRequestBody(Option(contentsBody), bucket, uuid)
val url = new URL(bucket.apiPath)
val path = url.getPath
// dummy log for sampling
val experimentLog = s"POST $path took -1 ms 200 -1 $body"
doPost(path, body, Experiment.ImpressionId -> bucket.impressionId)
def getEdgesAsync(jsonQuery: JsValue, impIdOpt: Option[String] = None)
(post: (S2GraphLike, QueryOption, StepResult) => JsValue): Future[JsValue] = {
def query(obj: JsValue): Future[JsValue] = {
(obj \ "queries").asOpt[JsValue] match {
case None =>
val s2Query = requestParser.toQuery(obj, impIdOpt)
graph.getEdges(s2Query).map(post(graph, s2Query.queryOption, _))
case _ =>
val multiQuery = requestParser.toMultiQuery(obj, impIdOpt)
graph.getEdgesMultiQuery(multiQuery).map(post(graph, multiQuery.queryOption, _))
"type" -> "getEdges",
"time" -> System.currentTimeMillis(),
"body" -> jsonQuery,
"uri" -> "graphs/getEdges"
val unionQuery = (jsonQuery \ "union").asOpt[JsObject]
unionQuery match {
case None => jsonQuery match {
case obj@JsObject(_) => query(obj)
case JsArray(arr) =>
val res = => query([JsObject]))
case _ => throw BadQueryException("Cannot support")
case Some(jsUnion) =>
val (keys, queries) = jsUnion.value.unzip
val futures =
Future.sequence(futures).map(res => JsObject(
private def getVertices(jsValue: JsValue) = {
val jsonQuery = jsValue
val vertices =[List[JsValue]].flatMap { js =>
val serviceName = (js \ "serviceName").as[String]
val columnName = (js \ "columnName").as[String]
for {
idJson <- (js \ "ids").asOpt[List[JsValue]].getOrElse(List.empty[JsValue])
id <- jsValueToAny(idJson)
} yield {
graph.toVertex(serviceName, columnName, id)
graph.getVertices(vertices) map { vertices => PostProcess.verticesToJson(vertices) }
private def buildRequestBody(requestKeyJsonOpt: Option[JsValue], bucket: Bucket, uuid: String): String = {
var body = bucket.requestBody.replace("#uuid", uuid)
for {
requestKeyJson <- requestKeyJsonOpt
jsObj <- requestKeyJson.asOpt[JsObject]
(key, value) <- jsObj.fieldSet
} {
val escaped = Json.stringify(value)
val replacement = value match {
case _: JsString => escaped.slice(1, escaped.length - 1)
case _ => escaped
body = body.replace(key, replacement)
def calcSize(js: JsValue): Int =
(js \\ "size") map { sizeJs => sizeJs.asOpt[Int].getOrElse(0) } sum
def logQuery(queryJson: => JsObject): Unit = {
if (scala.util.Random.nextDouble() < querySampleRate) {