blob: 37ddf06c5068bf87b210be505e209f9785d021cd [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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* under the License.
package org.apache.s2graph.core
import org.apache.s2graph.core.mysqls.{Label, LabelMeta}
import org.apache.s2graph.core.types.{InnerVal, InnerValLikeWithTs, VertexId}
import org.apache.s2graph.core.utils.logger
import scala.collection.mutable.{ArrayBuffer, ListBuffer}
import scala.collection.{Seq, mutable}
object QueryResult {
def fromVertices(graph: S2GraphLike, vertices: Seq[S2VertexLike], queryParams: Seq[QueryParam]): StepResult = {
val edgeWithScores = vertices.flatMap { vertex => { queryParam =>
val label = queryParam.label
val currentTs = System.currentTimeMillis()
val propsWithTs = Map(LabelMeta.timestamp ->
InnerValLikeWithTs(InnerVal.withLong(currentTs, label.schemaVersion), currentTs))
val edge = graph.elementBuilder.newEdge(vertex, vertex, label, queryParam.labelWithDir.dir, propsWithTs = propsWithTs)
val edgeWithScore = EdgeWithScore(edge, S2Graph.DefaultScore, queryParam.label)
StepResult(edgeWithScores = edgeWithScores, grouped = Nil, degreeEdges = Nil, false)
def fromVertices(graph: S2GraphLike,
query: Query): StepResult = {
if (query.steps.isEmpty || query.steps.head.queryParams.isEmpty) {
} else {
fromVertices(graph, query.vertices, query.steps.head.queryParams)
// val queryParam = query.steps.head.queryParams.head
// val label = queryParam.label
// val currentTs = System.currentTimeMillis()
// val propsWithTs = Map(LabelMeta.timestamp ->
// InnerValLikeWithTs(InnerVal.withLong(currentTs, label.schemaVersion), currentTs))
// val edgeWithScores = for {
// vertex <- query.vertices
// } yield {
// val edge = graph.newEdge(vertex, vertex, label, queryParam.labelWithDir.dir, propsWithTs = propsWithTs)
// val edgeWithScore = EdgeWithScore(edge, S2Graph.DefaultScore, queryParam.label)
// edgeWithScore
// }
// StepResult(edgeWithScores = edgeWithScores, grouped = Nil, degreeEdges = Nil, false)
case class QueryRequest(query: Query,
stepIdx: Int,
vertex: S2VertexLike,
queryParam: QueryParam,
prevStepScore: Double = 1.0,
labelWeight: Double = 1.0) {
val nextStepOpt =
if (stepIdx < query.steps.size - 1) Option(query.steps(stepIdx + 1))
else None
trait WithScore[T] {
def score(me: T): Double
def withNewScore(me: T, newScore: Double): T
object WithScore {
implicit val impEdgeWithScore = new WithScore[EdgeWithScore] {
override def score(me: EdgeWithScore): Double = me.score
override def withNewScore(me: EdgeWithScore, newScore: Double): EdgeWithScore = me.copy(score = newScore)
case class EdgeWithScore(edge: S2EdgeLike,
score: Double,
label: Label,
orderByValues: (Any, Any, Any, Any) = StepResult.EmptyOrderByValues,
groupByValues: Seq[Option[Any]] = Nil,
stepGroupByValues: Seq[Option[Any]] = Nil,
filterOutValues: Seq[Option[Any]] = Nil,
accumulatedScores: Map[String, Double] = Map.empty) {
def toValue(keyName: String): Option[Any] = keyName match {
case "score" => Option(score)
case _ => edge.propertyValue(keyName).map(_.innerVal.value)
def toValues(keyNames: Seq[String]): Seq[Option[Any]] = for {
keyName <- keyNames
} yield toValue(keyName)
/** result */
case class StepResult(edgeWithScores: Seq[EdgeWithScore],
grouped: Seq[(StepResult.GroupByKey, (Double, StepResult.Values))],
degreeEdges: Seq[EdgeWithScore],
isFailure: Boolean = false,
accumulatedCursors: Seq[Seq[Array[Byte]]] = Nil,
cursors: Seq[Array[Byte]] = Nil,
failCount: Int = 0) {
// val isInnerEmpty = innerResults.isEmpty
val isEmpty = edgeWithScores.isEmpty
object StepResult {
type Values = Seq[EdgeWithScore]
type GroupByKey = Seq[Option[Any]]
val EmptyOrderByValues = (None, None, None, None)
val Empty = StepResult(Nil, Nil, Nil)
val Failure = StepResult(Nil, Nil, Nil, true, failCount = 1)
def mergeOrdered(left: StepResult.Values,
right: StepResult.Values,
queryOption: QueryOption): (Double, StepResult.Values) = {
val merged = (left ++ right)
val scoreSum = merged.foldLeft(0.0) { case (prev, current) => prev + current.score }
if (scoreSum < queryOption.scoreThreshold) (0.0, Nil)
else {
val ordered = orderBy(queryOption, merged)
val filtered = ordered.take(queryOption.groupBy.limit)
val newScoreSum = filtered.foldLeft(0.0) { case (prev, current) => prev + current.score }
(newScoreSum, filtered)
def filterOutStepGroupBy(edgesWithScores: Seq[EdgeWithScore],
groupBy: GroupBy): Seq[EdgeWithScore] =
if (groupBy == GroupBy.Empty) edgesWithScores
else {
groupBy.minShouldMatch match {
case None => edgesWithScores
case Some(minShouldMatch) =>
val MinShouldMatchParam(propKey, count, terms) = minShouldMatch
val grouped = edgesWithScores.groupBy { edgeWithScore =>
}.filter { case (key, edges) =>
val filtered = edges.toStream.filter{ e =>
e.toValue(propKey) match {
case None => false
case Some(v) => terms.contains(v)
filtered.lengthCompare(count) >= 0
def orderBy(queryOption: QueryOption, notOrdered: Values): Values = {
import OrderingUtil._
if (queryOption.withScore) {
val ascendingVals = if (queryOption.ascendingVals.isEmpty) QueryOption.DefaultAscendingVals else queryOption.ascendingVals
} else {
def updateScoreOnOrderByValues(scoreFieldIndex: Int,
orderByValues: (Any, Any, Any, Any),
newScore: Double): (Any, Any, Any, Any) = {
scoreFieldIndex match {
case 0 => (newScore, orderByValues._2, orderByValues._3, orderByValues._4)
case 1 => (orderByValues._1, newScore, orderByValues._3, orderByValues._4)
case 2 => (orderByValues._1, orderByValues._2, newScore, orderByValues._4)
case 3 => (orderByValues._1, orderByValues._2, orderByValues._3, newScore)
case _ => orderByValues
def toTuple4(values: Seq[Option[Any]]): (Any, Any, Any, Any) = {
values.length match {
case 1 => (values(0).getOrElse(None), None, None, None)
case 2 => (values(0).getOrElse(None), values(1).getOrElse(None), None, None)
case 3 => (values(0).getOrElse(None), values(1).getOrElse(None), values(2).getOrElse(None), None)
case _ => (values(0).getOrElse(None), values(1).getOrElse(None), values(2).getOrElse(None), values(3).getOrElse(None))
* merge multiple StepResult into one StepResult.
* @param globalQueryOption
* @param multiStepResults
* @param weights
* @param filterOutStepResult
* @return
def merges(globalQueryOption: QueryOption,
multiStepResults: Seq[StepResult],
weights: Seq[Double] = Nil,
filterOutStepResult: StepResult): StepResult = {
val degrees = multiStepResults.flatMap(_.degreeEdges)
val ls = new mutable.ListBuffer[EdgeWithScore]()
val agg= new mutable.HashMap[GroupByKey, ListBuffer[EdgeWithScore]]()
val sums = new mutable.HashMap[GroupByKey, Double]()
val filterOutSet = filterOutStepResult.edgeWithScores.foldLeft(Set.empty[Seq[Option[Any]]]) { case (prev, t) =>
prev + t.filterOutValues
for {
(weight, eachStepResult) <-
(ordered, grouped) = (eachStepResult.edgeWithScores, eachStepResult.grouped)
} {
ordered.foreach { t =>
val filterOutKey = t.filterOutValues
if (!filterOutSet.contains(filterOutKey)) {
val newScore = t.score * weight
val newT = t.copy(score = newScore)
// val newOrderByValues = updateScoreOnOrderByValues(globalQueryOption.scoreFieldIdx, t.orderByValues, newScore)
val newOrderByValues =
if (globalQueryOption.orderByKeys.isEmpty) (newScore, t.edge.getTsInnerValValue(), None, None)
else toTuple4(newT.toValues(globalQueryOption.orderByKeys))
val newGroupByValues = newT.toValues(globalQueryOption.groupBy.keys)
ls += t.copy(score = newScore, orderByValues = newOrderByValues, groupByValues = newGroupByValues)
// process each query's stepResult's grouped
for {
(groupByKey, (scoreSum, values)) <- grouped
} {
val buffer = agg.getOrElseUpdate(groupByKey, ListBuffer.empty[EdgeWithScore])
var scoreSum = 0.0
var isEmpty = true
values.foreach { t =>
val filterOutKey = t.filterOutValues
if (!filterOutSet.contains(filterOutKey)) {
isEmpty = false
val newScore = t.score * weight
val newT = t.copy(score = newScore)
// val newOrderByValues = updateScoreOnOrderByValues(globalQueryOption.scoreFieldIdx, t.orderByValues, newScore)
val newOrderByValues =
if (globalQueryOption.orderByKeys.isEmpty) (newScore, t.edge.getTsInnerValValue(), None, None)
else toTuple4(newT.toValues(globalQueryOption.orderByKeys))
val newGroupByValues = newT.toValues(globalQueryOption.groupBy.keys)
buffer += t.copy(score = newScore, orderByValues = newOrderByValues, groupByValues = newGroupByValues)
scoreSum += newScore
if (!isEmpty) sums += (groupByKey -> scoreSum)
// process global groupBy
val (ordered, grouped) = if (globalQueryOption.groupBy.keys.nonEmpty) {
for {
edgeWithScore <- ls
groupByKey = edgeWithScore.groupByValues
} {
val buffer = agg.getOrElseUpdate(groupByKey, ListBuffer.empty[EdgeWithScore])
buffer += edgeWithScore
val newScore = sums.getOrElse(groupByKey, 0.0) + edgeWithScore.score
sums += (groupByKey -> newScore)
val grouped = for {
(groupByKey, scoreSum) <- sums.toSeq.sortBy(_._2 * -1)
aggregated = agg(groupByKey) if aggregated.nonEmpty
sorted = orderBy(globalQueryOption, aggregated)
} yield (groupByKey, (scoreSum, sorted))
(Nil, grouped)
} else {
val ordered = orderBy(globalQueryOption, ls)
(ordered, Nil)
StepResult(edgeWithScores = ordered, grouped = grouped, degrees, failCount =
//TODO: Optimize this.
def filterOut(graph: S2GraphLike,
queryOption: QueryOption,
baseStepResult: StepResult,
filterOutStepResult: StepResult): StepResult = {
val filterOutSet = filterOutStepResult.edgeWithScores.foldLeft(Set.empty[Seq[Option[Any]]]) { case (prev, t) =>
prev + t.filterOutValues
val filteredResults = baseStepResult.edgeWithScores.filter { t =>
val filterOutKey = t.filterOutValues
val grouped = for {
(key, (scoreSum, values)) <- baseStepResult.grouped
(out, in) = values.partition(v => filterOutSet.contains(v.filterOutValues))
newScoreSum = scoreSum - out.foldLeft(0.0) { case (prev, current) => prev + current.score } if in.nonEmpty
} yield (key, (newScoreSum, in))
StepResult(edgeWithScores = filteredResults, grouped = grouped, baseStepResult.degreeEdges, cursors = baseStepResult.cursors, failCount = baseStepResult.failCount + filterOutStepResult.failCount)