blob: 61190458f598d36bad607da2dcf68c99beb0a089 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.s2graph.core
import java.util
import org.apache.s2graph.core.GraphExceptions.{InvalidHTableException, LabelAlreadyExistException, LabelNameTooLongException, LabelNotExistException}
import org.apache.s2graph.core.Management.JsonModel.{Index, Prop}
import org.apache.s2graph.core.mysqls._
import org.apache.s2graph.core.types.HBaseType._
import org.apache.s2graph.core.types._
import org.apache.s2graph.core.JSONParser._
import play.api.libs.json._
import scala.util.Try
* This is designed to be bridge between rest to s2core.
* s2core never use this for finding models.
object Management {
import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
def newProp(name: String, defaultValue: String, datatType: String): Prop = {
new Prop(name, defaultValue, datatType)
def newIndex(name: String, propNames: java.util.List[String], options: String): Index = {
new Index(name, propNames, options = Option(options))
object JsonModel {
case class Prop(name: String, defaultValue: String, datatType: String)
object Prop extends ((String, String, String) => Prop)
case class Index(name: String, propNames: Seq[String], direction: Option[Int] = None, options: Option[String] = None)
import HBaseType._
val DefaultCompressionAlgorithm = "gz"
def findService(serviceName: String) = {
Service.findByName(serviceName, useCache = false)
def deleteService(serviceName: String) = {
Service.findByName(serviceName).foreach { service =>
// service.deleteAll()
def updateHTable(labelName: String, newHTableName: String): Try[Int] = Try {
val targetLabel = Label.findByName(labelName).getOrElse(throw new LabelNotExistException(s"Target label $labelName does not exist."))
if (targetLabel.hTableName == newHTableName) throw new InvalidHTableException(s"New HTable name is already in use for target label.")
Label.updateHTableName(targetLabel.label, newHTableName)
def createServiceColumn(serviceName: String,
columnName: String,
columnType: String,
props: Seq[Prop],
schemaVersion: String = DEFAULT_VERSION) = {
Model withTx { implicit session =>
val serviceOpt = Service.findByName(serviceName, useCache = false)
serviceOpt match {
case None => throw new RuntimeException(s"create service $serviceName has not been created.")
case Some(service) =>
val serviceColumn = ServiceColumn.findOrInsert(, columnName, Some(columnType), schemaVersion, useCache = false)
for {
Prop(propName, defaultValue, dataType) <- props
} yield {
ColumnMeta.findOrInsert(, propName, dataType, useCache = false)
def deleteColumn(serviceName: String, columnName: String, schemaVersion: String = DEFAULT_VERSION) = {
Model withTx { implicit session =>
val service = Service.findByName(serviceName, useCache = false).getOrElse(throw new RuntimeException("Service not Found"))
val serviceColumns = ServiceColumn.find(, columnName, useCache = false)
val columnNames = { serviceColumn =>
columnNames.getOrElse(throw new RuntimeException("column not found"))
def findLabel(labelName: String, useCache: Boolean = false): Option[Label] = {
Label.findByName(labelName, useCache = useCache)
def deleteLabel(labelName: String) = {
Model withTx { implicit session =>
Label.findByName(labelName, useCache = false).foreach { label =>
def markDeletedLabel(labelName: String) = {
Model withTx { implicit session =>
Label.findByName(labelName, useCache = false).foreach { label =>
// rename & delete_at column filled with current time
def addIndex(labelStr: String, indices: Seq[Index]): Try[Label] = {
Model withTx { implicit session =>
val label = Label.findByName(labelStr).getOrElse(throw LabelNotExistException(s"$labelStr not found"))
val labelMetaMap = label.metaPropsInvMap
indices.foreach { index =>
val metaSeq = { name => labelMetaMap(name).seq }
LabelIndex.findOrInsert(,, metaSeq.toList, "none", index.direction, index.options)
def addProp(labelStr: String, prop: Prop) = {
Model withTx { implicit session =>
val labelOpt = Label.findByName(labelStr)
val label = labelOpt.getOrElse(throw LabelNotExistException(s"$labelStr not found"))
LabelMeta.findOrInsert(,, prop.defaultValue, prop.datatType)
def addProps(labelStr: String, props: Seq[Prop]) = {
Model withTx { implicit session =>
val labelOpt = Label.findByName(labelStr)
val label = labelOpt.getOrElse(throw LabelNotExistException(s"$labelStr not found")) {
case Prop(propName, defaultValue, dataType) =>
LabelMeta.findOrInsert(, propName, defaultValue, dataType)
def addVertexProp(serviceName: String,
columnName: String,
propsName: String,
propsType: String,
schemaVersion: String = DEFAULT_VERSION): ColumnMeta = {
val result = for {
service <- Service.findByName(serviceName, useCache = false)
serviceColumn <- ServiceColumn.find(, columnName)
} yield {
ColumnMeta.findOrInsert(, propsName, propsType)
throw new RuntimeException(s"add property on vertex failed")
def getServiceLabel(label: String): Option[Label] = {
Label.findByName(label, useCache = true)
def toLabelWithDirectionAndOp(label: Label, direction: String): Option[LabelWithDirection] = {
for {
labelId <-
dir = GraphUtil.toDirection(direction)
} yield LabelWithDirection(labelId, dir)
def tryOption[A, R](key: A, f: A => Option[R]) = {
f(key) match {
case None => throw new GraphExceptions.InternalException(s"$key is not found in DB. create $key first.")
case Some(r) => r
def toProps(column: ServiceColumn, js: JsObject): Seq[(Int, InnerValLike)] = {
val props = for {
(k, v) <- js.fields
meta <- column.metasInvMap.get(k)
} yield {
val innerVal = jsValueToInnerVal(v, meta.dataType, column.schemaVersion).getOrElse(
throw new RuntimeException(s"$k is not defined. create schema for vertex."))
(meta.seq.toInt, innerVal)
def toProps(label: Label, js: Seq[(String, JsValue)]): Seq[(LabelMeta, InnerValLike)] = {
val props = for {
(k, v) <- js
meta <- label.metaPropsInvMap.get(k)
innerVal <- jsValueToInnerVal(v, meta.dataType, label.schemaVersion)
} yield (meta, innerVal)
* update label name.
def updateLabelName(oldLabelName: String, newLabelName: String) = {
Model withTx { implicit session =>
for {
old <- Label.findByName(oldLabelName, useCache = false)
} {
Label.findByName(newLabelName, useCache = false) match {
case None =>
Label.updateName(oldLabelName, newLabelName)
case Some(_) =>
throw new RuntimeException(s"$newLabelName already exist")
* swap label names.
def swapLabelNames(leftLabel: String, rightLabel: String) = {
Model withTx { implicit session =>
val tempLabel = "_" + leftLabel + "_"
Label.updateName(leftLabel, tempLabel)
Label.updateName(rightLabel, leftLabel)
Label.updateName(tempLabel, rightLabel)
class Management(graph: S2Graph) {
import Management._
import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
def createStorageTable(zkAddr: String,
tableName: String,
cfs: List[String],
regionMultiplier: Int,
ttl: Option[Int],
compressionAlgorithm: String = DefaultCompressionAlgorithm,
replicationScopeOpt: Option[Int] = None,
totalRegionCount: Option[Int] = None): Unit = {
graph.defaultStorage.createTable(zkAddr, tableName, cfs, regionMultiplier, ttl, compressionAlgorithm, replicationScopeOpt, totalRegionCount)
/** HBase specific code */
def createService(serviceName: String,
cluster: String,
hTableName: String,
preSplitSize: Int,
hTableTTL: Int,
compressionAlgorithm: String): Service = {
createService(serviceName, cluster, hTableName, preSplitSize,
Option(hTableTTL).filter(_ > -1), compressionAlgorithm).get
def createService(serviceName: String,
cluster: String, hTableName: String,
preSplitSize: Int, hTableTTL: Option[Int],
compressionAlgorithm: String = DefaultCompressionAlgorithm): Try[Service] = {
Model withTx { implicit session =>
val service = Service.findOrInsert(serviceName, cluster, hTableName, preSplitSize, hTableTTL.orElse(Some(Integer.MAX_VALUE)), compressionAlgorithm, useCache = false)
/** create hbase table for service */
graph.getStorage(service).createTable(service.cluster, service.hTableName, List("e", "v"), service.preSplitSize, service.hTableTTL, compressionAlgorithm)
def createServiceColumn(serviceName: String,
columnName: String,
columnType: String,
props: java.util.List[Prop],
schemaVersion: String = DEFAULT_VERSION): ServiceColumn = {
val serviceColumnTry = Model withTx { implicit session =>
val serviceOpt = Service.findByName(serviceName, useCache = false)
serviceOpt match {
case None => throw new RuntimeException(s"create service $serviceName has not been created.")
case Some(service) =>
val serviceColumn = ServiceColumn.findOrInsert(, columnName, Some(columnType), schemaVersion, useCache = false)
for {
Prop(propName, defaultValue, dataType) <- props
} yield {
ColumnMeta.findOrInsert(, propName, dataType, useCache = false)
def createLabel(labelName: String,
srcColumn: ServiceColumn,
tgtColumn: ServiceColumn,
isDirected: Boolean,
serviceName: String,
indices: java.util.List[Index],
props: java.util.List[Prop],
consistencyLevel: String,
hTableName: String,
hTableTTL: Int,
schemaVersion: String,
compressionAlgorithm: String,
options: String): Label = {
import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
srcColumn.service.serviceName, srcColumn.columnName, srcColumn.columnType,
tgtColumn.service.serviceName, tgtColumn.columnName, tgtColumn.columnType,
isDirected, serviceName, indices, props, consistencyLevel,
Option(hTableName), Option(hTableTTL).filter(_ > -1),
schemaVersion, false, compressionAlgorithm, Option(options)
/** HBase specific code */
def createLabel(label: String,
srcServiceName: String,
srcColumnName: String,
srcColumnType: String,
tgtServiceName: String,
tgtColumnName: String,
tgtColumnType: String,
isDirected: Boolean = true,
serviceName: String,
indices: Seq[Index],
props: Seq[Prop],
consistencyLevel: String = "weak",
hTableName: Option[String] = None,
hTableTTL: Option[Int] = None,
schemaVersion: String = DEFAULT_VERSION,
isAsync: Boolean = false,
compressionAlgorithm: String = "gz",
options: Option[String] = None): Try[Label] = {
if (label.length > LABEL_NAME_MAX_LENGTH ) throw new LabelNameTooLongException(s"Label name ${label} too long.( max length : ${LABEL_NAME_MAX_LENGTH}} )")
if (hTableName.isEmpty && hTableTTL.isDefined) throw new RuntimeException("if want to specify ttl, give hbaseTableName also")
val labelOpt = Label.findByName(label, useCache = false)
Model withTx { implicit session =>
if (labelOpt.isDefined) throw new LabelAlreadyExistException(s"Label name ${label} already exist.")
/** create all models */
val newLabel = Label.insertAll(label,
srcServiceName, srcColumnName, srcColumnType,
tgtServiceName, tgtColumnName, tgtColumnType,
isDirected, serviceName, indices, props, consistencyLevel,
hTableName, hTableTTL, schemaVersion, isAsync, compressionAlgorithm, options)
/** create hbase table */
val storage = graph.getStorage(newLabel)
val service = newLabel.service
storage.createTable(service.cluster, newLabel.hbaseTableName, List("e", "v"), service.preSplitSize, newLabel.hTableTTL, newLabel.compressionAlgorithm)
* label
* copy label when if oldLabel exist and newLabel do not exist.
* copy label: only used by bulk load job. not sure if we need to parameterize hbase cluster.
def copyLabel(oldLabelName: String, newLabelName: String, hTableName: Option[String]): Try[Label] = {
val old = Label.findByName(oldLabelName, useCache = false).getOrElse(throw new LabelNotExistException(s"Old label $oldLabelName not exists."))
val allProps = old.metas(useCache = false).map { labelMeta => Prop(, labelMeta.defaultValue, labelMeta.dataType) }
val allIndices = old.indices(useCache = false).map { index => Index(, index.propNames, index.dir, index.options) }
createLabel(newLabelName, old.srcService.serviceName, old.srcColumnName, old.srcColumnType,
old.tgtService.serviceName, old.tgtColumnName, old.tgtColumnType,
old.isDirected, old.serviceName,
allIndices, allProps,
old.consistencyLevel, hTableName, old.hTableTTL, old.schemaVersion, old.isAsync, old.compressionAlgorithm, old.options)
def buildGlobalVertexIndex(name: String, propNames: java.util.List[String]): GlobalIndex =
buildGlobalIndex(GlobalIndex.VertexType, name, propNames)
def buildGlobalVertexIndex(name: String, propNames: Seq[String]): GlobalIndex =
buildGlobalIndex(GlobalIndex.VertexType, name, propNames)
def buildGlobalEdgeIndex(name: String, propNames: java.util.List[String]): GlobalIndex =
buildGlobalIndex(GlobalIndex.EdgeType, name, propNames)
def buildGlobalEdgeIndex(name: String, propNames: Seq[String]): GlobalIndex =
buildGlobalIndex(GlobalIndex.EdgeType, name, propNames)
def buildGlobalIndex(elementType: String, name: String, propNames: Seq[String]): GlobalIndex = {
GlobalIndex.findBy(elementType, name, false) match {
case None =>
GlobalIndex.insert(elementType, name, propNames)
GlobalIndex.findBy(elementType, name, false).get
case Some(oldIndex) => oldIndex
def getCurrentStorageInfo(labelName: String): Try[Map[String, String]] = for {
label <- Try(Label.findByName(labelName, useCache = false).get)
} yield {
val storage = graph.getStorage(label)
def truncateStorage(labelName: String): Unit = {
Try(Label.findByName(labelName, useCache = false)).map { labelOpt => { label =>
val storage = graph.getStorage(label)
val zkAddr = label.service.cluster
storage.truncateTable(zkAddr, label.hbaseTableName)
def deleteStorage(labelName: String): Unit = {
Try(Label.findByName(labelName, useCache = false)).map { labelOpt => { label =>
val storage = graph.getStorage(label)
val zkAddr = label.service.cluster
storage.deleteTable(zkAddr, label.hbaseTableName)